        /// <summary>
        /// Calls GetContacts(int) to generate a list of randomly constructed Contact objects and groups
        /// them into an ObservableCollection of GroupInfoList objects for binding in the ZoomedInView and
        /// ZoomedOutView of the SemanticZoom control.  This function is not called in this demo, but is provided
        /// as an example.  It will only generate GroupInfoList objects with Contact members and will not make any Empty
        /// GroupInfoList objects.  Call this if you don't want to have Empty GroupInfoList members (maybe...remember that the Contact
        /// objects are generated randomly so there might be a Contact for every Key/letter), and then your ZoomedOutView
        /// will only have GroupInfoList objects representing those Keys (letters) with Contacts in them.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfContacts"></param>
        /// <returns>An ObservableCollection of GroupInfoList objects containing Contact objects.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection <GroupInfoList> GetContactsGrouped(int numberOfContacts)
            ObservableCollection <GroupInfoList> groups = new ObservableCollection <GroupInfoList>();

            // This Linq expression calls GetContacts for a bunch of randomly-generated Contact objects,
            // groups them by the first letter of the LastName of each Contact, orders them alphabetically, and makes an
            // anonymous type object containing the GroupName (key) and the list of items (Contacts).
            var query = from item in GetContacts(numberOfContacts)
                        group item by item.LastName[0] into g
                        orderby g.Key
                        select new { GroupName = g.Key, Items = g };

            // This iterates through the query results and makes a GroupInfoList object for each
            // group of Contacts represented by a letter.
            foreach (var g in query)
                GroupInfoList info = new GroupInfoList();

                // set the Key property of the GroupInfoList to the GroupName of the anonymous type object
                // generated in the Linq query above
                info.Key = g.GroupName.ToString();

                // iterate through all the Contact items in the Linq query and add them
                // to the GroupInfoList object derived from List<T>
                foreach (var item in g.Items)

                // add this GroupInfoList to the ObservableCollection<GroupInfoList> that we will return

        /// <summary>
        /// Like GetContactsGrouped, this generates an ObservableCollection of GroupInfoLists, but does it a bit
        /// differently. For Contact groups that have no Contact data members, this will generate an empty GroupInfoList
        /// object representing the letter (or number), and allow you to display a ZoomedOutView just like the Contacts list
        /// on Windows Phone, where empty groups with no Contacts are grayed out and not selectable.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="numberOfContacts"></param>
        /// <returns>An ObservableCollection of GroupInfoList objects containing Contact objects.</returns>
        public static ObservableCollection <GroupInfoList> GetContactsGroupedAllAlpha(int numberOfContacts)
            ObservableCollection <GroupInfoList> groups = new ObservableCollection <GroupInfoList>();

            // get an ObservableCollection of Contact objects (it could also be a List<Contact>).
            var generatedContacts = GetContacts(numberOfContacts);

            // the letters/numbers representing our GroupInfoList Keys
            var letters = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789".ToList();

            // This Linq expression creates an IEnumerable collection of anonymous types containing the letter/number
            // Key of the group, and its associated Contact objects by iterating through the List of letters/numbers
            // and getting the Contact objects where the LastName property starts with that letter/number, ordering them
            // by LastName.
            var groupByAlpha = from letter in letters
                               select new
                Key = letter.ToString(),

                query = from item in generatedContacts
                        where item.LastName.StartsWith(letter.ToString(), StringComparison.CurrentCultureIgnoreCase)
                        orderby item.LastName
                        select item

            // Now, we create the GroupInfoList objects and add them to our returned ObservableCollection.

            // iterate through the IEnumerable 'groupByAlpha' created above
            foreach (var g in groupByAlpha)
                // make a new GroupInfoList object
                GroupInfoList info = new GroupInfoList();

                // assign its key (letter/number)
                info.Key = g.Key;

                // iterate through all the Contact objects for that Key and add them to the GroupInfoList.  If the
                // Key has no Contacts, then none will be added and that GroupInfoList will be empty.
                foreach (var item in g.query)

                // add the GroupInfoList to the ObservableCollection to be returned
