 public void Delete()
     mStartNode = null;
     mEndNode = null;
     mPolyOwners = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="start"></param>
 /// <param name="end"></param>
 public Edge(MeshNode start, MeshNode end)
     if (start == end || start.mVector.Equals(end.mVector))
         Debug.WriteLine("Something is wrong with that edge!");
     mStartNode = start;
     mEndNode = end;
     mPolyOwners = new List<Polygon>();
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a start and an end point, returns a path of points
        /// to follow (going through the path stack from beginning to end). These points
        /// form the shortest path for the unit to the target, respecting the
        /// registered obstructions of the pathfinder.
        /// If no path could be found, null is returned.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="start">start point</param>
        /// <param name="end">the goal / end point</param>
        /// <param name="unitType">the unit type for which the path should be calculated (one of </param>
        /// <returns>a path, e.g. a stack of ordered points to follow, or null if no path found</returns>
        public Path CalculatePath(Vector2 start, Vector2 end, Type unitType)
            Debug.Assert(mMesh != null, "There is no navigation mesh! Load a map and then call PathFinder.GetInstance().LoadMeshFromObstructions().");
            BindPointIntoMeshBounds(ref start);
            BindPointIntoMeshBounds(ref end);

            int meshIndex = DecideMeshIndex(unitType);
            // Check if we're done from the start:
            if (DirectConnection(start, end, meshIndex))
                // we're done just from the start!
                // no path cleanup needed here
                Stack<Vector2> stack = new Stack<Vector2>();
                return new Path(stack);
            // Determine start mesh node and first neighbours:
            MeshNode startMeshNode;
            List<MeshNode> firstNeighbours;
            Polygon startPolygon = mMesh[meshIndex].FindPolygon(start);
            bool startPassable;
            if (startPolygon == null)
            {   // start point is impassable -> Create a virtual mesh node there
                startPassable = false;
                startMeshNode = new MeshNode(start);
                // Get the nearest free points as first neighbours:
                firstNeighbours = GetNearestFreeNodes(start, unitType);
            {   // start point is passable, maybe even an existing mesh node?
                startPassable = true;
                MeshNode alreadyExistingStartNode = startPolygon.FindNode(start);
                if (alreadyExistingStartNode == null)
                    // the point is not already a meshNode -> create a virtual one
                    startMeshNode = new MeshNode(start);
                    startMeshNode = alreadyExistingStartNode;
                firstNeighbours = GetNeighbours2(startMeshNode);
            // Determine list of end nodes:
            List<MeshNode> endNodes = new List<MeshNode>();
            Polygon endPolygon = mMesh[meshIndex].FindPolygon(end);
            bool endPassable;
            if (endPolygon == null)
            {   // end point lies in impassable area -> take nearest meshnodes
                // as end nodes
                endPassable = false;
                endNodes = GetNearestFreeNodes(end, unitType);
            {   // end point passable -> all nodes of that polygon are end nodes
                endPassable = true;
            // Ready to do the path calculation:
            return CalculatePath2(end,
                startMeshNode, firstNeighbours, endPolygon, endNodes, startPassable, endPassable);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines the neighbours for our AStar algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        private List<MeshNode> GetNeighbours2(MeshNode node)
            GlobalValues globalValues = GlobalValues.GetInstance();
            List<MeshNode> neighbours = new List<MeshNode>();
            int interval = globalValues.mPathfinderIntermediateGranularity * globalValues.MeshScale;

               foreach (Polygon polygon in node.mPolyOwners)
                   foreach (Edge edge in polygon.GetEdges())
                       Edge contrahent = edge.GetContrahent();

                       if (!neighbours.Contains(edge.mStartNode))

                       if (contrahent != null
                           && !(
                                && node.mPolyOwners.Contains(contrahent.mPolyOwners[0])
                           List<Polygon> owners = new List<Polygon>();

                           double edgeLength = edge.GetLength();
                           for (int i = interval; i < edgeLength; i += interval)
                               Vector2 pointOnEdge = edge.GetSectionPoint(i);
                               MeshNode nodeOnEdge = new MeshNode(pointOnEdge);
                               nodeOnEdge.mPolyOwners = owners;
                       // commented out because this should be collected by the
                       // next edge startnode above
                       /*if (!neighbours.Contains(edge.mEndNode))
            return neighbours;
        /// <summary>
        /// This does the actual work for CalculatePath(). CalculatePath() did just
        /// determine all the parameters for it.
        /// </summary>
        private Path CalculatePath2(Vector2 end, MeshNode startMeshNode, List<MeshNode> firstNeighbours, Polygon endPolygon, List<MeshNode> endNodes, bool startPassable, bool endPassable)
            Debug.Assert(mMesh != null, "There is no navigation mesh! Load a map and then call PathFinder.GetInstance().LoadMeshFromObstructions().");
            // uses A* algorithm
            // !! remember to distinguish between latest costs (costs up to that point)
            // !! and heuristic costs (estimated path costs over that point to target)
            // I use AStarNode instead of MeshNode / Vector2 because I have to save
            // additional information, like predecessor and latest costs.
            // WorkingQueue should be in ascending order
            // of heuristic value. I use my own comparer to allow multiple
            // equal keys (since we may have nodes with the same heuristic value).
            MinHeap<AStarNode> workingQueue = new MinHeap<AStarNode>();
            // workingQueue doesn't support a quick check if some coords are
            // already contained, so we handle that with a corresp. structure:
            PointSet<float> workingCoords = new PointSet<float>();
            PointSet<float> exploredCoords = new PointSet<float>();

            // TODO: Evaluate First Loop iteration separately
            double startCostsToEnd = HelperMethods.EuklidDistance(startMeshNode.mVector, end);
            AStarNode current = new AStarNode(0, startCostsToEnd, startMeshNode, null);
            if (EndConditionMet(current, endPassable, endPolygon, endNodes))
                return HandleEnding(current, end, startPassable, endPassable, endPolygon);
            exploredCoords.Add(startMeshNode.mVector.X, startMeshNode.mVector.Y);
            HandleNeighbours(current, firstNeighbours, workingQueue, workingCoords, exploredCoords, end);
            // TODO: First iteration evaluation finished

            while (workingQueue.Count > 0)
                //Debug.WriteLine("No. of nodes in the workingQueue: "+workingQueue.Count);
                current = GetNextNodeFromWorkingQueue(workingQueue, workingCoords);

                //Debug.WriteLine("Now examining "+current.mNode.mVector.X+","+current.mNode.mVector.Y);
                if (EndConditionMet(current, endPassable, endPolygon, endNodes))
                    return HandleEnding(current, end, startPassable, endPassable, endPolygon);

                // The shortest path to current has been found,
                // so we won't have to touch it ever again!
                exploredCoords.Add(current.mNode.mVector.X, current.mNode.mVector.Y);
                //Debug.WriteLine("Explored " + current.mNode.mVector.X + "," + current.mNode.mVector.Y);

                // Add all unexplored unblocked neighbours to workingQueue:
                List<MeshNode> neighbours = GetNeighbours2(current.mNode);
                HandleNeighbours(current, neighbours, workingQueue, workingCoords, exploredCoords, end);

            // Working queue got empty, but we still didn't reach our target
            // -> No path found
            Debug.WriteLine("WARNING - Pathfinder: No path found!");
            return null;
 /// <summary>
 /// Helper method for this.CreateInstanceFromBlockmap():
 /// Creates a MeshNode with the given point coordinates if it doesn't already exist and returns it.
 /// If a node exists, its coordinates are registered in createdNodes and an instance is found in nodeCreated.
 /// So, if it exists, this method returns its instance from nodeCreated,
 /// while if not, the new instance is added to createdNodes and returned,
 /// and its coordinates are put into nodeCreated.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="point">the coordinates of the MeshNode which will be checked</param>
 /// <param name="scale">The meshscale that is applied to the returned MeshNode</param>
 /// <param name="nodeCreated">the list of already created node instances</param>
 /// <param name="createdNodes">the list of coordinates of already existing nodes</param>
 /// <param name="remainingPolygons">we need the surrounding existant polygons, because if a claimed node does
 ///  not exist and is created at the edge of an existing polygon, this edge has to be split up and the node
 ///  must be inserted into the polygon's outline.</param>
 /// <param name="coveredByPolygonBefore">is used to detect if the requested node lies
 ///  on an already existing polygon</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 private static MeshNode RetrieveOrCreateNode(Point point, int scale, PointSet<int> nodeCreated, List<MeshNode> createdNodes, List<Polygon> remainingPolygons, PointSet<int> coveredByPolygonBefore)
     MeshNode result;
     if (!nodeCreated.Contains(point.X, point.Y))
         // A new node will be created
         result = new MeshNode(scale * point.X, scale * point.Y);
         nodeCreated.Add(point.X, point.Y);
         if ((coveredByPolygonBefore.Contains(point.X, point.Y)
              || coveredByPolygonBefore.Contains(point.X - 1, point.Y - 1))
             && (coveredByPolygonBefore.Contains(point.X - 1, point.Y)
                 || coveredByPolygonBefore.Contains(point.X, point.Y - 1))
             // the new node must be made part of a remaining polygon!
             bool successSplit;
             foreach (Polygon polygon in remainingPolygons)
                 successSplit = polygon.TrySplit(result);
                 if (successSplit) break;
         // An existing node will be used
         result = FindNodeInList(createdNodes, scale * point.X, scale * point.Y);
     return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// For code testing purpose:
        /// Returns a new special-shaped mesh instance.
        /// </summary>
        public static NavigationMesh[] GetTestInstanceForCleanUp()
            NavigationMesh[] result = new NavigationMesh[3];
            for (int x = 0; x < 3; x++)
                MeshNode a = new MeshNode(0, 0);
                MeshNode b = new MeshNode(0, 10);
                MeshNode c = new MeshNode(5, 10);
                MeshNode d = new MeshNode(5, 0);
                MeshNode e = new MeshNode(0, 15);
                MeshNode f = new MeshNode(10, 15);
                MeshNode g = new MeshNode(10, 10);
                MeshNode h = new MeshNode(15, 15);
                MeshNode i = new MeshNode(15, 0);
                MeshNode j = new MeshNode(10, 0);
                Edge ab = new Edge(a, b);
                Edge bc = new Edge(b, c);
                Edge cd = new Edge(c, d);
                Edge da = new Edge(d, a);

                Edge be = new Edge(b, e); be.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge ef = new Edge(e, f); ef.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge fg = new Edge(f, g); fg.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge gc = new Edge(g, c); gc.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge cb = new Edge(c, b); cb.ImposeOwnership();

                Edge fh = new Edge(f, h); fh.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge hi = new Edge(h, i); hi.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge ij = new Edge(i, j); ij.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge jg = new Edge(j, g); jg.ImposeOwnership();
                Edge gf = new Edge(g, f); gf.ImposeOwnership();

                Polygon pA = new Polygon(new List<Edge> { ab, bc, cd, da });
                Polygon pB = new Polygon(new List<Edge> { be, ef, fg, gc, cb });
                Polygon pC = new Polygon(new List<Edge> { fh, hi, ij, jg, gf });

                result[x] = new NavigationMesh(15,15);
            return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// For code testing purposes:
        /// Creates a raster of polygons where each one is rectangle-shaped and adjacent to each other.
        /// Note that you have to pass x as countX for x columns of squares,
        /// the same applies in y direction. The returned mesh then accepts points in the range of
        /// (0,0)-(cellWidth*countX, cellHeight*countY).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cellWidth">the width of each polygon</param>
        /// <param name="cellHeight">the height of each polygon</param>
        /// <param name="countX">the number of polygons to create in horizontal direction</param>
        /// <param name="countY">the number of polygons to create in vertical direction</param>
        /// <param name="doUnite">if the polygons should be united where possible (reduces raster complexity)</param>
        /// <returns>the new mesh instance</returns>
        public static NavigationMesh[] GetTestInstance(int cellWidth, int cellHeight, int countX, int countY, bool doUnite)
            Debug.Assert(countX >= 1 && countY >= 1 && cellWidth > 0 && cellHeight > 0);
            NavigationMesh[] testMesh = new NavigationMesh[3];
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
                testMesh[i] = new NavigationMesh(countX * cellWidth, countY * cellHeight);

                MeshNode[,] nodes = new MeshNode[countX + 1, countY + 1];
                for (int x = 0; x <= countX; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y <= countY; y++)
                        nodes[x, y] = new MeshNode(x * cellWidth, y * cellHeight);
                for (int x = 0; x < countX; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < countY; y++)
                        List<Edge> edges = new List<Edge>
                                               new Edge(nodes[x, y], nodes[x + 1, y]),
                                               new Edge(nodes[x + 1, y], nodes[x + 1, y + 1]),
                                               new Edge(nodes[x + 1, y + 1], nodes[x, y + 1]),
                                               new Edge(nodes[x, y + 1], nodes[x, y])
                        foreach (Edge edge in edges)
                        Polygon polygon = new Polygon(edges);
                if (doUnite)
                    testMesh[i].WholeUnionRun(true, null);

            return testMesh;
        public static Polygon CreateRectInstance(Rectangle shape, List<MeshNode> nodesToUse, List<Polygon> polygons)
            MeshNode leftUpper = null;
            MeshNode rightUpper = null;
            MeshNode rightLower = null;
            MeshNode leftLower = null;

            foreach(MeshNode node in nodesToUse)
            // ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
                // I expect all node coordinates to be rounding-error-free
                if (node.mVector.X == shape.X && node.mVector.Y == shape.Y)
                    leftUpper = node;
                if (node.mVector.X == shape.X+shape.Width && node.mVector.Y == shape.Y)
                    rightUpper = node;
                if (node.mVector.X == shape.X+shape.Width && node.mVector.Y == shape.Y+shape.Height)
                    rightLower = node;
                if (node.mVector.X == shape.X && node.mVector.Y == shape.Y+shape.Height)
                    leftLower = node;
            // ReSharper restore CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
            if (leftUpper == null)
                leftUpper = new MeshNode(shape.X, shape.Y);
                foreach (Polygon polygon in polygons) polygon.TrySplit(leftUpper);
            if (rightUpper == null)
                rightUpper = new MeshNode(shape.X+shape.Width, shape.Y);
                foreach (Polygon polygon in polygons) polygon.TrySplit(rightUpper);
            if (rightLower == null)
                rightLower = new MeshNode(shape.X+shape.Width, shape.Y+shape.Height);
                foreach (Polygon polygon in polygons) polygon.TrySplit(rightLower);
            if (leftLower == null)
                leftLower = new MeshNode(shape.X, shape.Y+shape.Height);
                foreach (Polygon polygon in polygons) polygon.TrySplit(leftLower);
            Polygon result = new Polygon(new List<MeshNode> {leftUpper, rightUpper, rightLower, leftLower});
            foreach (MeshNode node in nodesToUse) result.TrySplit(node);
            return result;
 /// <summary>
 /// Tries to insert the given node into the polygon's outline and returns success.
 /// </summary>
 public bool TrySplit(MeshNode node)
     foreach (Edge edge in mEdges)
         if ((edge.mStartNode != node) && (edge.mEndNode != node) &&
              HelperMethods.PointOnLine(node.mVector, edge.mStartNode.mVector, edge.mEndNode.mVector, 0))
             int edgeIndex = mEdges.IndexOf(edge);
             List<Edge> newSplitEdges = edge.GetSplit(node);
             mEdges[edgeIndex] = newSplitEdges[1];
             mEdges.Insert(edgeIndex, newSplitEdges[0]);
             return true;
     return false;
 public List<Edge> GetSplit(MeshNode node)
     Debug.Assert(mStartNode != node && mEndNode != node);
     Debug.Assert(HelperMethods.PointOnLine(node.mVector, mStartNode.mVector, mEndNode.mVector, 0));
     Edge e1 = new Edge(mStartNode, node);
     Edge e2 = new Edge(node, mEndNode);
     return new List<Edge>{e1, e2};
 private void DrawNode(MeshNode node)
     Vector2 pos = ToScreenCoords(node.mVector);
     CodeTest.DrawLine(pos, new Vector2(pos.X + 1, pos.Y + 1), 2, mNodeColor);