 /// <summary>
 /// adds a new HoatNIC to the arraylist
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="nic">interface as HostNIC</param>
 public void AddInterface(HostNIC nic)
     IOController.Log(this, "Added Interface at " + (this.interfaces.Count - 1) + ":\n" + nic.ToString() + "\n", IOController.Flag.status);
     if (InterfaceAddedEvt != null)
         InterfaceAddedEvt(this.interfaces, new PropertyChangedEventArgs("InterfaceAdded"));
 // region for interface selection
 #region interface selection
 //################################################################### interface selection
 /// <summary>
 /// selects the inface with the given index
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="i">index of the interface</param>
 public void SelectInterface(int i)
     if (i < Interfaces.Count)
         IOController.Log(this, "SelectInterface called index:" + i, IOController.Flag.debug);
         HostNIC nic = (HostNIC)Interfaces[i];
         this.HostIP                 = nic.IPAddress;
         this.HostSubnetMask         = nic.SubnetMask;
         this.HostSubnet             = nic.SubnetIdentifier;
         this.HostHasStaticIp        = nic.StaticIPAddress;
         this.HostGateway            = nic.Gateway;
         this.SelectedInterfaceIndex = i;
         this.SelectedInterfaceID    = nic.Id;
         IOController.Log(this, "SelectInterface ID" + nic.Id, IOController.Flag.debug);
         this.OverviewSelectedInterfaceName = nic.Name;
         IOController.Log(this, nic.ToString(), IOController.Flag.status);
         IOController.Log(this, "SelectInterface IndexOutOfRange index:" + i, IOController.Flag.error);
        /// <summary>
        /// retrieves information about the host computer such as network interfaces, IP addresses etc. and stores the information in settings
        /// </summary>
        public void GetHostInfo()
            NetworkInterface[] nics       = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
            IPGlobalProperties properties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
            NetCalcTool        nct        = settings.HostNetCalcTool;

            // loop through all network interfaces
            foreach (NetworkInterface adapter in nics)
                //check if interface is loopback
                if (adapter.NetworkInterfaceType == NetworkInterfaceType.Loopback)
                    //skip if loopback
                //check if adapter is up
                if (adapter.OperationalStatus != OperationalStatus.Up)
                    //if not up skip this interface
                //create new HostNIC
                HostNIC nic = new HostNIC();
                //get name, id, hardware address, interface type
                nic.Name       = adapter.Name;
                nic.Id         = adapter.Id;
                nic.MacAddress = adapter.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString();
                nic.Type       = adapter.NetworkInterfaceType.ToString();
                //get ipv4 status
                nic.Ipv4Enabled = adapter.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4);
                if (adapter.Supports(NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv4))
                    nic.StaticIPAddress = !adapter.GetIPProperties().GetIPv4Properties().IsDhcpEnabled;
                    // get gateway addresses and set first if present
                    GatewayIPAddressInformationCollection gateways = adapter.GetIPProperties().GatewayAddresses;
                    if (gateways.Count > 0)
                        nic.Gateway = gateways[0].Address.ToString();
                    // get unicast addresses
                    foreach (UnicastIPAddressInformation unicastIPAddressInformation in adapter.GetIPProperties().UnicastAddresses)
                        // check if ipv4 address
                        if (unicastIPAddressInformation.Address.AddressFamily == AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
                            // set ip adress
                            nic.IPAddress = unicastIPAddressInformation.Address.ToString();
                            // get subnet mask
                            String snetMask;
                                // IPv4Mask not implemented in mono at current state
                                snetMask = unicastIPAddressInformation.IPv4Mask.ToString();
                            catch (NotImplementedException e)
                                IOController.Log(this, "failed to get subnetmask with unicastIPAddressInformation.IPv4Mask, using workaround", Flag.status);
                                // workaround to get subnetmask in unix environment with mono using the custom SubnetMask class
                                snetMask = "";
                                snetMask = SubnetMask.GetIPv4Mask(adapter.Name);
                            nic.SubnetMask = snetMask;
                    //try to get the dns addresses of adapter
                        IPAddressCollection dnsAddresses = adapter.GetIPProperties().DnsAddresses;
                        if (dnsAddresses.Count >= 1)
                            nic.PrimaryDNS = dnsAddresses[0].ToString();
                        if (dnsAddresses.Count >= 2)
                            nic.SecondaryDNS = dnsAddresses[0].ToString();
                    catch (Exception e)
                        IOController.Log(this, "failed to get DNS server addresses " + e, Flag.error);
                    //calculate network id
                        nct.calculate(nic.IPAddress, nic.SubnetMask);
                        nic.SubnetIdentifier = nct.NetworkId;
                    catch (Exception e)
                        IOController.Log(this, "failed calculate network address " + e, Flag.error);
                //add NIC to settings