 protected Vector2 adjustPos(ref Box mover, MapObject platform, Axis axis)
     if (platform.Polygon != null)
     return Vector2.Zero;
      //return adjustPos(ref mover, platform.Polygon);
     return adjustPos(ref mover, platform.Bounds, axis);
文件: Level.cs 项目: Jemeyr/Halloween
 void LoadObject(MapObject mapObject)
     Vector2 objectPos = new Vector2(mapObject.Bounds.X, mapObject.Bounds.Y);
     switch (mapObject.Type.ToLower())
         case "box":
         case "start":
             Player.currentPawn.pos = objectPos;
         case "spawner":
             var pawnType = string.Empty;
             if (mapObject.Properties.ContainsKey("pawntype"))
                 pawnType = mapObject.Properties["pawntype"].Value;
             var spawntime = 0f;
             if (mapObject.Properties.ContainsKey("spawntime"))
                 spawntime = mapObject.Properties["spawntime"].AsSingle.Value;
             int maxAmount = 0;
             if (mapObject.Properties.ContainsKey("max"))
                 maxAmount = mapObject.Properties["max"].AsInt32.Value;
             switch (pawnType)
                 case "kid":
                     spawners.Add(new KidSpawner() { pos = objectPos, spawnTime = spawntime, max = maxAmount});
 private void DrawTileObject(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapObject mapObject, ref Rectangle region, float layerDepth, ref Color color)
         Map.Translate(mapObject.Bounds, region),
        /// <summary>
        /// Method to draw a MapObject
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spriteBatch">XNA SpriteBatch instance; SpriteBatch.Begin() must be called before using this method</param>
        /// <param name="mapObject">Specific MapObject to draw</param>
        /// <param name="region">Region of the map in pixels to draw</param>
        /// <param name="layerDepth">LayerDepth value to pass to SpriteBatch</param>
        /// <param name="color">Color of the object</param>
        public void DrawMapObject(SpriteBatch spriteBatch, MapObject mapObject, ref Rectangle region, Single layerDepth, Color color)
            Color fillColor = color;
            fillColor.A /= 4;

            if (mapObject.Polyline != null) {
                mapObject.Polyline.Draw(spriteBatch, region, Map._whiteTexture, Map._lineThickness, color, layerDepth);
            else if (mapObject.Polygon != null) {
                mapObject.Polygon.DrawFilled(spriteBatch, region, Map._whiteTexture, Map._lineThickness, color, fillColor, layerDepth);
            else if (mapObject.TileID.HasValue) {
                DrawTileObject(spriteBatch, mapObject, ref region, layerDepth, ref color);
            else {
                DrawRectangle(spriteBatch, ref mapObject.Bounds, ref region, layerDepth, ref color, ref fillColor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks the appropriate characteristics for the given object collision.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityName">The name of the entity that has collided with an object.</param>
        /// <param name="entity">The entity that has colided with an object.</param>
        /// <param name="obj">The object which the entity has collided with.</param>
        /// <param name="gameReference">An inconvenience, necessary for level loading etc...</param>
        private void checkObjects(string entityName, Entity entity, MapObject obj, Pantheon gameReference)
            if (entity.Characteristics.Contains("Friendly"))
                if (obj.Name == entityName)
                    if (!obj.Bounds.Contains(entity.BoundingBox))
                        entity.Location = entity.PrevLocation;

            if (entity.Characteristics.Contains("Enemy"))
                if (obj.Name == entityName)
                    if (!obj.Bounds.Contains(entity.BoundingBox))
                        entity.Location = entity.PrevLocation;

            // Check for level markers if appropriate
            if (entity.Characteristics.Contains("Player"))
                if (obj.Name.Substring(0, 3).Equals("end") && obj.Bounds.Intersects(entity.BoundingBox))
                    levelPlaying = !gameReference.CutsceneManager.CutsceneEnded;
                    nextLevel = "Maps/" + obj.Name.Substring(3);
                    if (!gameReference.CutsceneManager.CutscenePlaying)
                        //if (!levelPlaying) { break; }
        public override Map Process(XDocument input, ContentProcessorContext context)
            CultureInfo culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;

            Map map = new Map();

            map.LoadTextures = LoadTextures;
            List <Tile> mapTiles = new List <Tile>();
            Dictionary <UInt32, Int32> gid2id = new Dictionary <UInt32, Int32>();

            gid2id.Add(0, -1);

            String mapDirectory = input.Document.Root.Element("File").Attribute("path").Value;

            Decimal Version = Convert.ToDecimal(input.Document.Root.Attribute("version").Value);

            if (Version != 1.0M)
                throw new NotSupportedException("XTiled only supports TMX maps version 1.0");

            switch (input.Document.Root.Attribute("orientation").Value)
            case "orthogonal":
                map.Orientation = MapOrientation.Orthogonal;

            case "isometric":
                map.Orientation = MapOrientation.Isometric;

            case "staggered":
                map.Orientation = MapOrientation.Staggered;

                throw new NotSupportedException("XTiled supports only orthogonal, isometric or staggered isometric maps");

            map.Width      = Convert.ToInt32(input.Document.Root.Attribute("width").Value);
            map.Height     = Convert.ToInt32(input.Document.Root.Attribute("height").Value);
            map.TileWidth  = Convert.ToInt32(input.Document.Root.Attribute("tilewidth").Value);
            map.TileHeight = Convert.ToInt32(input.Document.Root.Attribute("tileheight").Value);
            map.Bounds     = new Rectangle(0, 0, map.Width * map.TileWidth, map.Height * map.TileHeight);
            if (map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Staggered)
                map.Bounds.Width += map.TileWidth / 2;
                map.Bounds.Height = (map.Height + 1) * (map.TileHeight / 2);

            map.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
            if (input.Document.Root.Element("properties") != null)
                foreach (var pElem in input.Document.Root.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                    map.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

            List <Tileset> tilesets = new List <Tileset>();

            foreach (var elem in input.Document.Root.Elements("tileset"))
                Tileset  t        = new Tileset();
                XElement tElem    = elem;
                UInt32   FirstGID = Convert.ToUInt32(tElem.Attribute("firstgid").Value);

                if (elem.Attribute("source") != null)
                    XDocument tsx = XDocument.Load(elem.Attribute("source").Value);
                    tElem = tsx.Root;

                t.Name       = tElem.Attribute("name") == null ? null : tElem.Attribute("name").Value;
                t.TileWidth  = tElem.Attribute("tilewidth") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(tElem.Attribute("tilewidth").Value);
                t.TileHeight = tElem.Attribute("tileheight") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(tElem.Attribute("tileheight").Value);
                t.Spacing    = tElem.Attribute("spacing") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(tElem.Attribute("spacing").Value);
                t.Margin     = tElem.Attribute("margin") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(tElem.Attribute("margin").Value);

                if (tElem.Element("tileoffset") != null)
                    t.TileOffsetX = Convert.ToInt32(tElem.Element("tileoffset").Attribute("x").Value);
                    t.TileOffsetY = Convert.ToInt32(tElem.Element("tileoffset").Attribute("y").Value);
                    t.TileOffsetX = 0;
                    t.TileOffsetY = 0;

                if (tElem.Element("image") != null)
                    XElement imgElem = tElem.Element("image");
                    t.ImageFileName         = Path.Combine(mapDirectory, imgElem.Attribute("source").Value);
                    t.ImageWidth            = imgElem.Attribute("width") == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(imgElem.Attribute("width").Value);
                    t.ImageHeight           = imgElem.Attribute("height") == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(imgElem.Attribute("height").Value);
                    t.ImageTransparentColor = null;
                    if (imgElem.Attribute("trans") != null)
                        System.Drawing.Color sdc = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + imgElem.Attribute("trans").Value.TrimStart('#'));
                        t.ImageTransparentColor = new Color(sdc.R, sdc.G, sdc.B);

                    if (t.ImageWidth == -1 || t.ImageHeight == -1)
                        try {
                            System.Drawing.Image sdi = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(t.ImageFileName);
                            t.ImageHeight = sdi.Height;
                            t.ImageWidth  = sdi.Width;
                        catch (Exception ex) {
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Image size not set for {0} and error loading file.", t.ImageFileName), ex);

                    if (LoadTextures)
                        String assetName = Path.Combine(
                            Path.GetDirectoryName(context.OutputFilename.Remove(0, context.OutputDirectory.Length)),

                        OpaqueDataDictionary data = new OpaqueDataDictionary();
                        data.Add("GenerateMipmaps", false);
                        data.Add("ResizeToPowerOfTwo", false);
                        data.Add("PremultiplyAlpha", PremultiplyAlpha);
                        data.Add("TextureFormat", TextureFormat);
                        data.Add("ColorKeyEnabled", t.ImageTransparentColor.HasValue);
                        data.Add("ColorKeyColor", t.ImageTransparentColor ?? Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Magenta);
                        context.BuildAsset <TextureContent, TextureContent>(new ExternalReference <TextureContent>(t.ImageFileName),
                                                                            "TextureProcessor", data, "TextureImporter", assetName);

                UInt32 gid = FirstGID;
                for (int y = t.Margin; y < t.ImageHeight - t.Margin; y += t.TileHeight + t.Spacing)
                    if (y + t.TileHeight > t.ImageHeight - t.Margin)

                    for (int x = t.Margin; x < t.ImageWidth - t.Margin; x += t.TileWidth + t.Spacing)
                        if (x + t.TileWidth > t.ImageWidth - t.Margin)

                        Tile tile = new Tile();
                        tile.Source     = new Rectangle(x, y, t.TileWidth, t.TileHeight);
                        tile.Origin     = new Vector2(t.TileWidth / 2, t.TileHeight / 2);
                        tile.TilesetID  = tilesets.Count;
                        tile.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();

                        gid2id[gid] = mapTiles.Count - 1;

                List <Tile> tiles = new List <Tile>();
                foreach (var tileElem in tElem.Elements("tile"))
                    UInt32 id   = Convert.ToUInt32(tileElem.Attribute("id").Value);
                    Tile   tile = mapTiles[gid2id[id + FirstGID]];
                    if (tileElem.Element("properties") != null)
                        foreach (var pElem in tileElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                            tile.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));
                t.Tiles = tiles.ToArray();

                t.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
                if (tElem.Element("properties") != null)
                    foreach (var pElem in tElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                        t.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

            map.Tilesets = tilesets.ToArray();

            TileLayerList layers = new TileLayerList();

            foreach (var lElem in input.Document.Root.Elements("layer"))
                TileLayer l = new TileLayer();
                l.Name    = lElem.Attribute("name") == null ? null : lElem.Attribute("name").Value;
                l.Opacity = lElem.Attribute("opacity") == null ? 1.0f : Convert.ToSingle(lElem.Attribute("opacity").Value);
                l.Visible = lElem.Attribute("visible") == null ? true : lElem.Attribute("visible").Equals("1");

                l.OpacityColor   = Color.White;
                l.OpacityColor.A = Convert.ToByte(255.0f * l.Opacity);

                l.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
                if (lElem.Element("properties") != null)
                    foreach (var pElem in lElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                        l.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

                TileData[][] tiles = new TileData[(map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Orthogonal || map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Staggered) ? map.Width : map.Height + map.Width - 1][];
                for (int i = 0; i < tiles.Length; i++)
                    tiles[i] = new TileData[(map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Orthogonal || map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Staggered) ? map.Height : map.Height + map.Width - 1];

                if (lElem.Element("data") != null)
                    List <UInt32> gids = new List <UInt32>();
                    if (lElem.Element("data").Attribute("encoding") != null || lElem.Element("data").Attribute("compression") != null)
                        // parse csv formatted data
                        if (lElem.Element("data").Attribute("encoding") != null && lElem.Element("data").Attribute("encoding").Value.Equals("csv"))
                            foreach (var gid in lElem.Element("data").Value.Split(",\n\r".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                        else if (lElem.Element("data").Attribute("encoding") != null && lElem.Element("data").Attribute("encoding").Value.Equals("base64"))
                            Byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(lElem.Element("data").Value);

                            if (lElem.Element("data").Attribute("compression") == null)
                                // uncompressed data
                                for (int i = 0; i < data.Length; i += sizeof(UInt32))
                                    gids.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(data, i));
                            else if (lElem.Element("data").Attribute("compression").Value.Equals("gzip"))
                                // gzip data
                                GZipStream gz     = new GZipStream(new MemoryStream(data), CompressionMode.Decompress);
                                Byte[]     buffer = new Byte[sizeof(UInt32)];
                                while (gz.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) == buffer.Length)
                                    gids.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0));
                            else if (lElem.Element("data").Attribute("compression").Value.Equals("zlib"))
                                // zlib data - first two bytes zlib specific and not part of deflate
                                MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(data);
                                DeflateStream gz     = new DeflateStream(ms, CompressionMode.Decompress);
                                Byte[]        buffer = new Byte[sizeof(UInt32)];
                                while (gz.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) == buffer.Length)
                                    gids.Add(BitConverter.ToUInt32(buffer, 0));
                                throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Compression '{0}' not supported.  XTiled supports gzip or zlib", lElem.Element("data").Attribute("compression").Value));
                            throw new NotSupportedException(String.Format("Encoding '{0}' not supported.  XTiled supports csv or base64", lElem.Element("data").Attribute("encoding").Value));
                        // parse xml formatted data
                        foreach (var tElem in lElem.Element("data").Elements("tile"))

                    for (int i = 0; i < gids.Count; i++)
                        TileData td = new TileData();
                        td.SourceID = gid2id[ID];
                        if (td.SourceID >= 0)
                            Boolean FlippedHorizontally = Convert.ToBoolean(gids[i] & FLIPPED_HORIZONTALLY_FLAG);
                            Boolean FlippedVertically   = Convert.ToBoolean(gids[i] & FLIPPED_VERTICALLY_FLAG);
                            Boolean FlippedDiagonally   = Convert.ToBoolean(gids[i] & FLIPPED_DIAGONALLY_FLAG);

                            if (FlippedDiagonally)
                                td.Rotation = MathHelper.PiOver2;
                                // this works, not 100% why (we are rotating instead of diag flipping, so I guess that's a clue)
                                FlippedHorizontally = false;
                                td.Rotation = 0;

                            if (FlippedVertically && FlippedHorizontally)
                                td.Effects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally | SpriteEffects.FlipVertically;
                            else if (FlippedVertically)
                                td.Effects = SpriteEffects.FlipVertically;
                            else if (FlippedHorizontally)
                                td.Effects = SpriteEffects.FlipHorizontally;
                                td.Effects = SpriteEffects.None;

                            td.Target.Width  = mapTiles[td.SourceID].Source.Width;
                            td.Target.Height = mapTiles[td.SourceID].Source.Height;

                            if (map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Orthogonal)
                                Int32 x = i % map.Width;
                                Int32 y = i / map.Width;
                                td.Target.X  = x * map.TileWidth + Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[td.SourceID].Origin.X) + map.Tilesets[mapTiles[td.SourceID].TilesetID].TileOffsetX;
                                td.Target.Y  = y * map.TileHeight + Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[td.SourceID].Origin.Y) + map.Tilesets[mapTiles[td.SourceID].TilesetID].TileOffsetY;
                                td.Target.Y += map.TileHeight - td.Target.Height;

                                // adjust for off center origin in odd tiles sizes
                                if (FlippedDiagonally && td.Target.Width % 2 == 1)
                                    td.Target.X += 1;

                                tiles[x][y] = td;
                            else if (map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Isometric)
                                Int32 x = map.Height + i % map.Width - (1 * i / map.Width + 1);
                                Int32 y = i - i / map.Width * map.Width + i / map.Width;
                                td.Target.X  = x * map.TileWidth + Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[td.SourceID].Origin.X) + map.Tilesets[mapTiles[td.SourceID].TilesetID].TileOffsetX;
                                td.Target.Y  = y * map.TileHeight + Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[td.SourceID].Origin.Y) + map.Tilesets[mapTiles[td.SourceID].TilesetID].TileOffsetY;
                                td.Target.Y += map.TileHeight - td.Target.Height;
                                td.Target.X  = td.Target.X / 2 + map.TileWidth / 4;
                                td.Target.Y  = td.Target.Y / 2 + map.TileHeight / 4;

                                // adjust for off center origin in odd tiles sizes
                                if (FlippedDiagonally && td.Target.Width % 2 == 1)
                                    td.Target.X += 1;

                                tiles[x][y] = td;
                            else if (map.Orientation == MapOrientation.Staggered)
                                Int32 x = i % map.Width;
                                Int32 y = i / map.Width;

                                Int32 cx = x, cy = y;

                                td.Target.X  = x * map.TileWidth + Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[td.SourceID].Origin.X) + map.Tilesets[mapTiles[td.SourceID].TilesetID].TileOffsetX;
                                td.Target.Y  = (y / 2) * map.TileHeight + Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[td.SourceID].Origin.Y) + map.Tilesets[mapTiles[td.SourceID].TilesetID].TileOffsetY;
                                td.Target.Y += map.TileHeight - td.Target.Height;

                                if (y % 2 == 1)
                                    td.Target.X += (map.TileWidth / 2);
                                    td.Target.Y += (map.TileHeight / 2);

                                // adjust for off center origin in odd tiles sizes
                                if (FlippedDiagonally && td.Target.Width % 2 == 1)
                                    td.Target.X += 1;

                                //if (y % 2 == 0)
                                tiles[x][y] = td;
                l.Tiles = tiles;

            map.TileLayers  = layers;
            map.SourceTiles = mapTiles.ToArray();

            ObjectLayerList oLayers = new ObjectLayerList();

            foreach (var olElem in input.Document.Root.Elements("objectgroup"))
                ObjectLayer ol = new ObjectLayer();
                ol.Name    = olElem.Attribute("name") == null ? null : olElem.Attribute("name").Value;
                ol.Opacity = olElem.Attribute("opacity") == null ? 1.0f : Convert.ToSingle(olElem.Attribute("opacity").Value);
                ol.Visible = olElem.Attribute("visible") == null ? true : olElem.Attribute("visible").Equals("1");

                ol.OpacityColor   = Color.White;
                ol.OpacityColor.A = Convert.ToByte(255.0f * ol.Opacity);

                ol.Color = null;
                if (olElem.Attribute("color") != null)
                    System.Drawing.Color sdc = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + olElem.Attribute("color").Value.TrimStart('#'));
                    ol.Color = new Color(sdc.R, sdc.G, sdc.B, ol.OpacityColor.A);

                ol.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
                if (olElem.Element("properties") != null)
                    foreach (var pElem in olElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                        ol.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

                List <MapObject> objects = new List <MapObject>();
                foreach (var oElem in olElem.Elements("object"))
                    MapObject o = new MapObject();
                    o.Name          = oElem.Attribute("name") == null ? null : oElem.Attribute("name").Value;
                    o.Type          = oElem.Attribute("type") == null ? null : oElem.Attribute("type").Value;
                    o.Bounds.X      = oElem.Attribute("x") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(oElem.Attribute("x").Value);
                    o.Bounds.Y      = oElem.Attribute("y") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(oElem.Attribute("y").Value);
                    o.Bounds.Width  = oElem.Attribute("width") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(oElem.Attribute("width").Value);
                    o.Bounds.Height = oElem.Attribute("height") == null ? 0 : Convert.ToInt32(oElem.Attribute("height").Value);
                    o.TileID        = oElem.Attribute("gid") == null ? null : (Int32?)gid2id[Convert.ToUInt32(oElem.Attribute("gid").Value)];
                    o.Visible       = oElem.Attribute("visible") == null ? true : oElem.Attribute("visible").Equals("1");

                    if (o.TileID.HasValue)
                        o.Bounds.X     += Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[o.TileID.Value].Origin.X); // +map.Tilesets[mapTiles[o.TileID.Value].TilesetID].TileOffsetX;
                        o.Bounds.Y     -= Convert.ToInt32(mapTiles[o.TileID.Value].Origin.Y); // +map.Tilesets[mapTiles[o.TileID.Value].TilesetID].TileOffsetY;
                        o.Bounds.Width  = map.SourceTiles[o.TileID.Value].Source.Width;
                        o.Bounds.Height = map.SourceTiles[o.TileID.Value].Source.Height;

                    o.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
                    if (oElem.Element("properties") != null)
                        foreach (var pElem in oElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                            o.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

                    o.Polygon = null;
                    if (oElem.Element("polygon") != null)
                        List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
                        foreach (var point in oElem.Element("polygon").Attribute("points").Value.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            String[] coord = point.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            points.Add(new Point(o.Bounds.X + Convert.ToInt32(coord[0]), o.Bounds.Y + Convert.ToInt32(coord[1])));
                        points.Add(points.First()); // connect the last point to the first and close the polygon
                        o.Polygon = Polygon.FromPoints(points);
                        o.Bounds  = o.Polygon.Bounds;

                    o.Polyline = null;
                    if (oElem.Element("polyline") != null)
                        List <Point> points = new List <Point>();
                        foreach (var point in oElem.Element("polyline").Attribute("points").Value.Split(" ".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries))
                            String[] coord = point.Split(",".ToCharArray(), StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                            points.Add(new Point(o.Bounds.X + Convert.ToInt32(coord[0]), o.Bounds.Y + Convert.ToInt32(coord[1])));

                        o.Polyline = Polyline.FromPoints(points);
                        o.Bounds   = o.Polyline.Bounds;

                ol.MapObjects = objects.ToArray();

            map.ObjectLayers = oLayers;

            ImageLayerList iLayers = new ImageLayerList();

            foreach (var ilElem in input.Document.Root.Elements("imagelayer"))
                ImageLayer il = new ImageLayer();
                il.Name    = ilElem.Attribute("name") == null ? null : ilElem.Attribute("name").Value;
                il.Opacity = ilElem.Attribute("opacity") == null ? 1.0f : Convert.ToSingle(ilElem.Attribute("opacity").Value);
                il.Visible = ilElem.Attribute("visible") == null ? true : ilElem.Attribute("visible").Equals("1");

                il.OpacityColor   = Color.White;
                il.OpacityColor.A = Convert.ToByte(255.0f * il.Opacity);

                il.Color = null;
                if (ilElem.Attribute("color") != null)
                    System.Drawing.Color sdc = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + ilElem.Attribute("color").Value.TrimStart('#'));
                    il.Color = new Color(sdc.R, sdc.G, sdc.B, il.OpacityColor.A);

                il.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
                if (ilElem.Element("properties") != null)
                    foreach (var pElem in ilElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                        il.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

                List <MapImage> images = new List <MapImage>();
                foreach (var iElem in ilElem.Elements("image"))
                    MapImage i = new MapImage();
                    i.ImageFileName         = Path.Combine(mapDirectory, iElem.Attribute("source").Value);
                    i.ImageWidth            = iElem.Attribute("width") == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(iElem.Attribute("width").Value);
                    i.ImageHeight           = iElem.Attribute("height") == null ? -1 : Convert.ToInt32(iElem.Attribute("height").Value);
                    i.ImageTransparentColor = null;
                    if (iElem.Attribute("trans") != null)
                        System.Drawing.Color sdc = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#" + iElem.Attribute("trans").Value.TrimStart('#'));
                        i.ImageTransparentColor = new Color(sdc.R, sdc.G, sdc.B);

                    if (i.ImageWidth == -1 || i.ImageHeight == -1)
                            System.Drawing.Image sdi = System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(i.ImageFileName);
                            i.ImageHeight = sdi.Height;
                            i.ImageWidth  = sdi.Width;
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            throw new Exception(String.Format("Image size not set for {0} and error loading file.", i.ImageFileName), ex);

                    i.Properties = new Dictionary <String, Property>();
                    if (iElem.Element("properties") != null)
                        foreach (var pElem in iElem.Element("properties").Elements("property"))
                            i.Properties.Add(pElem.Attribute("name").Value, Property.Create(pElem.Attribute("value").Value));

                    if (LoadTextures)
                        String assetName = Path.Combine(
                            Path.GetDirectoryName(context.OutputFilename.Remove(0, context.OutputDirectory.Length)),
                            "i" + iLayers.Count.ToString("00"), images.Count.ToString("00"));

                        OpaqueDataDictionary data = new OpaqueDataDictionary();
                        data.Add("GenerateMipmaps", false);
                        data.Add("ResizeToPowerOfTwo", false);
                        data.Add("PremultiplyAlpha", PremultiplyAlpha);
                        data.Add("TextureFormat", TextureFormat);
                        data.Add("ColorKeyEnabled", i.ImageTransparentColor.HasValue);
                        data.Add("ColorKeyColor", i.ImageTransparentColor ?? Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Color.Magenta);
                        context.BuildAsset <TextureContent, TextureContent>(new ExternalReference <TextureContent>(i.ImageFileName),
                                                                            "TextureProcessor", data, "TextureImporter", assetName);

                il.MapImages = images.ToArray();

            map.ImageLayers = iLayers;

            Int32            layerId = 0, objectId = 0, imageId = 0;
            List <LayerInfo> info = new List <LayerInfo>();

            foreach (var elem in input.Document.Root.Elements())
                if (elem.Name.LocalName.Equals("layer"))
                    info.Add(new LayerInfo()
                        ID = layerId++, LayerType = LayerType.TileLayer
                else if (elem.Name.LocalName.Equals("objectgroup"))
                    info.Add(new LayerInfo()
                        ID = objectId++, LayerType = LayerType.ObjectLayer
                else if (elem.Name.LocalName.Equals("imagelayer"))
                    info.Add(new LayerInfo()
                        ID = imageId++, LayerType = LayerType.ImageLayer
            map.LayerOrder = info.ToArray();

            Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = culture;