        /// <summary>
        /// Validates and saves the existing user
        /// </summary>
        public static void Update(User user)
            if (user.IsNew)
                throw new SystemException("This method cannot be used to save new users");

            // Validate standard business object requirements
            ErrorList errors = ValidateUser(user);

            // Throw an error if the user fields are not all valid
            if (errors.Count > 0)
                throw new InvalidUserException(errors, user);

            // NB: Do not inline as PasswordChanged is reset in SaveUser()
            bool passwordChanged = user.ChangedProperties.ContainsKey(User.Columns.Password.ToString());

            // Save the user

            // Update the password history if the password was changed
            if (passwordChanged)
        public static void ChangePassword(User user, string existingPassword, string newPassword, string newPasswordConfirmation)
            // First make sure that the existing password the user has entered is valid
            if (!user.CheckPassword(existingPassword))
                throw new ChangePasswordException("Old password is incorrect");

            // Ensure that they entered a new password
            if (StringUtils.IsBlank(newPassword))
                throw new ChangePasswordException("New password cannot be blank");

            // Ensure that the new password and confirm new password match
            if (newPassword.Trim() != newPasswordConfirmation.Trim())
                throw new ChangePasswordException("New password does not match confirmed password");

            // Ensure that the user has not used the new password recently
            if (PasswordHistory.IsRecentPassword(user, newPassword))
                throw new ChangePasswordException("New password has been used recently and cannot be used again");

            // Validate the new password, ensuring it meets all password criteria
            ErrorList e = PasswordGenerator.ValidatePassword(newPassword);

            if (e.Count > 0)
                throw new ChangePasswordException(e[0].ToString());

            // Everything has password.  Set the new password and update the user's
            // password expiry date.  Then save the user back to the database.
            user.PasswordExpiryDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(PasswordExpiryDays);

            // Update the user's password history (this is so that we can stop the same
            // password from being used again in future).

            // Update the audit log
            AuditLogManager.LogUserAction(user, AuditUserAction.ChangePassword, "Changed password");