 Section CreateInstrumentSection()
     return(new Section("Instrument Experience")
         (actual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Actual Time", "Time spent flying by instrumentation only.", Flight.InstrumentActual)),
         (hood = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Hood Time", "Time spent flying under a hood.", Flight.InstrumentHood)),
         (simulator = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Simulator Time", "Time spent practicing in a simulator.", Flight.InstrumentSimulator)),
         (approaches = new NumericEntryElement("Approaches", "The number of approaches made.", Flight.InstrumentApproaches, 1, 99)),
        RootElement CreateInstrumentTimeDetailsElement()
            simulator = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Simulator Time", "Time spent practicing in a simulator.", Flight.InstrumentSimulator);
            actual    = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Actual Time", "Time spent flying by instrumentation only.", Flight.InstrumentActual);
            hood      = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Hood Time", "Time spent flying under a hood.", Flight.InstrumentHood);

            return(new RootElement("Instrument Time")
                new Section("Instrument Time")
                    actual, hood, simulator
 Section CreateExperienceSection()
     return(new Section("Flight Experience")
         (total = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Flight Time", "Total flight time, as measured on the Hobbs Meter.", Flight.FlightTime)),
         (cfi = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("C.F.I.", "Time spent sweating only on the right side of your face.", Flight.CertifiedFlightInstructor)),
         (pic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("P.I.C.", "Time spent as Pilot in Command.", Flight.PilotInCommand)),
         (sic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("S.I.C.", "Time spent as Second in Command.", Flight.SecondInCommand)),
         (dual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Dual Received", "Time spent in training with an instructor.", Flight.DualReceived)),
         (xc = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Cross-Country", "Time spent flying cross-country.", Flight.CrossCountry)),
         (night = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Night Flying", "Time spent flying after dark.", Flight.Night)),
         (landDay = new NumericEntryElement("Day Landings", "Number of landings made during daylight hours.", Flight.DayLandings, 1, 99)),
         (landNight = new NumericEntryElement("Night Landings", "Number of landings made after dark.", Flight.NightLandings, 1, 99))
        RootElement CreateFlightTimeDetailsElement()
            total = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Flight Time", "Total flight time, as measured on the Hobbs Meter.", Flight.FlightTime);
            cfi   = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("C.F.I.", "Time spent sweating only on the right side of your face.", Flight.CertifiedFlightInstructor);
            dual  = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Dual Received", "Time spent in training with an instructor.", Flight.DualReceived);
            if (IsStudentPilot)
                pic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Solo", "Time spent flying solo.", Flight.PilotInCommand);
                pic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("P.I.C.", "Time spent flying as Pilot in Command.", Flight.PilotInCommand);
            sic   = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("S.I.C.", "Time spent flying as Second in Command.", Flight.SecondInCommand);
            night = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Night Flying", "Time spent flying after dark.", Flight.Night);
            xc    = new HobbsMeterEntryElement("Cross-Country", "Time spent flying cross-country.", Flight.CrossCountry);

            // When the user enters the total flight time, default XC, PIC, CFI, and/or DualReceived times as appropriate.
            total.EditingCompleted += OnFlightTimeEntered;

            // Disable auto-setting of the breakdown times if any of them are manually set.
            dual.EditingCompleted += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            cfi.EditingCompleted  += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            pic.EditingCompleted  += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            sic.EditingCompleted  += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            xc.EditingCompleted   += DisableAutoFlightTimes;

            var section = new Section("Flight Time");

            if (IsFlightInstructor || Flight.CertifiedFlightInstructor > 0)
            if (certification >= PilotCertification.Private || Flight.SecondInCommand > 0)

            return(new RootElement("Flight Time", 0, 0)
 Section CreateInstrumentSection()
     return new Section ("Instrument Experience") {
         (actual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Actual Time", "Time spent flying by instrumentation only.", Flight.InstrumentActual)),
         (hood = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Hood Time", "Time spent flying under a hood.", Flight.InstrumentHood)),
         (simulator = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Simulator Time", "Time spent practicing in a simulator.", Flight.InstrumentSimulator)),
         (approaches = new NumericEntryElement ("Approaches", "The number of approaches made.", Flight.InstrumentApproaches, 1, 99)),
         (actingSafety = new BooleanElement ("Acting Safety Pilot", false)),
         (safetyPilot = new LimitedEntryElement ("Safety Pilot", "The name of your safety pilot.", 40)),
 Section CreateExperienceSection()
     return new Section ("Flight Experience") {
         (total = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Flight Time", "Total flight time, as measured on the Hobbs Meter.", Flight.FlightTime)),
         (cfi = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("C.F.I.", "Time spent sweating only on the right side of your face.", Flight.CertifiedFlightInstructor)),
         (pic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("P.I.C.", "Time spent as Pilot in Command.", Flight.PilotInCommand)),
         (sic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("S.I.C.", "Time spent as Second in Command.", Flight.SecondInCommand)),
         (dual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Dual Received", "Time spent in training with an instructor.", Flight.DualReceived)),
         (night = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Night Flying", "Time spent flying after dark.", Flight.Night)),
         (landDay = new NumericEntryElement ("Day Landings", "Number of landings made during daylight hours.", Flight.DayLandings, 1, 99)),
         (landNight = new NumericEntryElement ("Night Landings", "Number of landings made after dark.", Flight.NightLandings, 1, 99))
 Section CreateInstrumentSection()
     return new Section ("Instrument Experience") {
         (actual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Actual Time", "Time spent flying by instrumentation only.", Flight.InstrumentActual)),
         (hood = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Hood Time", "Time spent flying under a hood.", Flight.InstrumentHood)),
         (simulator = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Simulator Time", "Time spent practicing in a simulator.", Flight.InstrumentSimulator)),
         (approaches = new NumericEntryElement ("Approaches", "The number of approaches made.", Flight.InstrumentApproaches, 1, 99)),
        RootElement CreateInstrumentTimeDetailsElement()
            simulator = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Simulator Time", "Time spent practicing in a simulator.", Flight.InstrumentSimulator);
            actual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Actual Time", "Time spent flying by instrumentation only.", Flight.InstrumentActual);
            hood = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Hood Time", "Time spent flying under a hood.", Flight.InstrumentHood);

            return new RootElement ("Instrument Time") {
                new Section ("Instrument Time") {
                    actual, hood, simulator
        RootElement CreateFlightTimeDetailsElement()
            total = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Flight Time", "Total flight time, as measured on the Hobbs Meter.", Flight.FlightTime);
            cfi = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("C.F.I.", "Time spent sweating only on the right side of your face.", Flight.CertifiedFlightInstructor);
            dual = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Dual Received", "Time spent in training with an instructor.", Flight.DualReceived);
            if (IsStudentPilot)
                pic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Solo", "Time spent flying solo.", Flight.PilotInCommand);
                pic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("P.I.C.", "Time spent flying as Pilot in Command.", Flight.PilotInCommand);
            sic = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("S.I.C.", "Time spent flying as Second in Command.", Flight.SecondInCommand);
            night = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Night Flying", "Time spent flying after dark.", Flight.Night);
            xc = new HobbsMeterEntryElement ("Cross-Country", "Time spent flying cross-country.", Flight.CrossCountry);

            // When the user enters the total flight time, default XC, PIC, CFI, and/or DualReceived times as appropriate.
            total.EditingCompleted += OnFlightTimeEntered;

            // Disable auto-setting of the breakdown times if any of them are manually set.
            dual.EditingCompleted += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            cfi.EditingCompleted += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            pic.EditingCompleted += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            sic.EditingCompleted += DisableAutoFlightTimes;
            xc.EditingCompleted += DisableAutoFlightTimes;

            var section = new Section ("Flight Time");
            section.Add (total);
            if (IsFlightInstructor || Flight.CertifiedFlightInstructor > 0)
                section.Add (cfi);
            section.Add (dual);
            section.Add (pic);
            if (certification >= PilotCertification.Private || Flight.SecondInCommand > 0)
                section.Add (sic);
            section.Add (night);
            section.Add (xc);

            return new RootElement ("Flight Time", 0, 0) { section };