private int ReadDictionary(string input, int index) { index++; Content = new Dictionary<string, PrimitiveJSONObject>(); while (true) { string key; if (input[index] == '\"') { PrimitiveJSONObject sub = new PrimitiveJSONObject(); index = sub.Read(input, index); key = sub.Value; } else if (input[index] == '}') { return ++index; } else { throw new Exception("Bad JSON format."); } if (input[index] == ':') { index++; } else { throw new Exception("Bad JSON format."); } if (input[index] == '{' || input[index] == '[' || input[index] == '\"') { PrimitiveJSONObject sub = new PrimitiveJSONObject(); index = sub.Read(input, index); Content[key] = sub; if (input[index] == ',') { index++; } } else { int index2 = input.IndexOf(',', index); Content[key] = new PrimitiveJSONObject("\"" + input.Substring(index, index2 - index) + "\"", 0); index = index2 + 1; } } }
private void GetInfoFieldID() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); //client.BaseAddress = new Uri(""); //client.PostAsync("", ""); Task<HttpResponseMessage> task = client.GetAsync(""); task.Wait(); HttpResponseMessage message = task.Result; Task<string> task2 = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); string test = task2.Result; field_id = new Dictionary<string, string>(); PrimitiveJSONObject pjo = new PrimitiveJSONObject(test, 0); PrimitiveJSONObject[] array = pjo.Content["field_list"].Array; foreach (PrimitiveJSONObject obj in array) { field_id[obj.Content["field_name"].Value] = obj.Content["field_input_id"].Value; } starTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); starTypes["ClassO"] = "Class O Star"; starTypes["ClassB"] = "Class B Star"; starTypes["ClassA"] = "Class A Star"; starTypes["ClassF"] = "Class F Star"; starTypes["ClassG"] = "Class G Star"; starTypes["ClassK"] = "Class K Star"; starTypes["ClassM"] = "Class M Star"; starTypes["ClassL"] = "Class L Star"; starTypes["ClassT"] = "Class T Star"; starTypes["ClassY"] = "Class Y Star"; starTypes["ClassTT"] = "T Tauri Type Star"; starTypes["ClassS"] = "Class S Star"; starTypes["ClassGK"] = "Orange Giant"; starTypes["ClassGF"] = "Yellow-White Supergiant"; starTypes["ClassGA"] = "Blue-White Supergiant"; starTypes["ClassGM"] = "Red Giant"; starTypes["ClassMS"] = "MS Class Star"; starTypes["ClassC"]="Carbon Star"; starTypes["ClassCN"] = "C-N Class Star"; starTypes["ClassSGM"] = "Red Supergiant"; starTypes["ClassH"] = "AE\\/BE Class Star"; starTypes["ClassW"] = "Wolf-Rayet Star"; starTypes["ClassDA"] = "White Dwarf - DA Class"; starTypes["ClassDB"] = "White Dwarf - DB Class"; starTypes["ClassDAB"] = "White Dwarf - DAB Class"; starTypes["ClassDC"] = "White Dwarf - DC Class"; starTypes["ClassDCV"] = "White Dwarf - DCV Class"; starTypes["ClassN"]="Neutron Star"; starTypes["ClassBH"]="Black Hole"; starTypes["ClassSB"]="Supermassive Black Hole"; giantTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); giantTypes["Giant1"] = "Class I Gas Giant"; giantTypes["Giant2"] = "Class II Gas Giant"; giantTypes["Giant3"] = "Class III Gas Giant"; giantTypes["Giant4"] = "Class IV Gas Giant"; giantTypes["Giant5"] = "Class V Gas Giant"; giantTypes["GiantH"] = "Helium-rich"; giantTypes["GiantAL"] = "Gas giant with ammonia-based life"; giantTypes["GiantWL"] = "Gas giant with water-based life"; giantTypes["GiantW"] = "Water Giant"; planetTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); planetTypes["PlanetI"] = "Icy planet"; planetTypes["PlanetR"] = "Rocky planet"; planetTypes["PlanetRI"] = "Rocky ice planet"; planetTypes["PlanetM"] = "High metal content planet"; planetTypes["PlanetMR"] = "Metal rich planet"; planetTypes["PlanetW"] = "Water world"; planetTypes["PlanetT"] = "Earth-like world"; planetTypes["PlanetA"] = "Ammonia world"; atmosphereTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); atmosphereTypes["AMMONIA"] = "Ammonia"; atmosphereTypes["AMMONIA AND OXYGEN"] = "Ammonia and Oxygen"; atmosphereTypes["ARGON"] = "Argon"; atmosphereTypes["ARGON-RICH"] = "Argon-Rich"; atmosphereTypes["CARBON DIOXIDE"] = "Carbon Dioxide"; atmosphereTypes["CARBON DIOXIDE-RICH"] = "Carbon Dioxide-Rich"; atmosphereTypes["HELIUM"] = "Helium"; atmosphereTypes["METHANE"] = "Methane"; atmosphereTypes["METHANE-RICH"] = "Methane-Rich"; atmosphereTypes["NEON"] = "Neon"; atmosphereTypes["NEON-RICH"] = "Neon-Rich"; atmosphereTypes["NITROGEN"] = "Nitrogen"; atmosphereTypes["NITROGEN-RICH"] = "Nitrogen-Rich"; atmosphereTypes["NO ATMOSPHERE"] = "No Atmosphere"; atmosphereTypes["SILICATE VAPOUR"] = "Silicate Vapour"; atmosphereTypes["SUITABLE FOR WATER BASED LIFE"] = "Suitable For Water-Based Life"; atmosphereTypes["SULPHUR DIOXIDE"] = "Sulphur Dioxide"; atmosphereTypes["WATER"] = "Water"; atmosphereTypes["WATER-RIC"] = "Water-Rich"; volcanismTypes = new Dictionary<string, string>(); volcanismTypes["CARBON DIOXIDE GEYSERS"] = "Carbon Dioxide Geysers"; volcanismTypes["IRON MAGMA"] = "Iron Magma"; volcanismTypes["METHANE MAGMA"] = "Methane Magma"; volcanismTypes["NITROGEN MAGMA"] = "Nitrogen Magma"; volcanismTypes["NO VOLCANISM"] = "No Volcanism"; volcanismTypes["SILICATE MAGMA"] = "Silicate Magma"; volcanismTypes["SILICATE VAPOUR GEYSERS"] = "Silicate Vapour Geysers"; volcanismTypes["WATER GEYSERS"] = "Water Geysers"; volcanismTypes["WATER MAGMA"] = "Water Magma"; compositionElements = new Dictionary<string, string>(); compositionElements["ICE"] = "ice"; compositionElements["ROCK"] = "rock"; compositionElements["METAL"] = "metal"; atmosphereElements = new Dictionary<string, string>(); atmosphereElements["CARBON DIOXIDE"] = "carbon_dioxide"; atmosphereElements["WATER"] = "water"; atmosphereElements["NITROGEN"] = "nitrogen"; atmosphereElements["HYDROGEN"] = "hydrogen"; atmosphereElements["HELIUM"] = "helium"; atmosphereElements["SULPHUR DIOXIDE"] = "sulphur_dioxide"; atmosphereElements["ARGON"] = "argon"; atmosphereElements["OXYGEN"] = "oxygen"; atmosphereElements["AMMONIA"] = "ammonia"; atmosphereElements["NEON"] = "neon"; atmosphereElements["SILICATES"] = "silicates"; atmosphereElements["IRON"] = "iron"; compositionOrder = new List<string>(new string[] { "ICE", "ROCK", "METAL" }); atmosphereOrder = new List<string>(new string[] { "CARBON DIOXIDE", "WATER", "NITROGEN", "HYDROGEN", "HELIUM", "SULPHUR DIOXIDE", "ARGON", "OXYGEN", "METHANE", "AMMONIA", "NEON", "SILICATES", "IRON" }); }
private int ReadArray(string input, int index) { index++; List<PrimitiveJSONObject> objects = new List<PrimitiveJSONObject>(); while (true) { if (input[index] == '{' || input[index] == '[' || input[index] == '\"') { PrimitiveJSONObject sub = new PrimitiveJSONObject(); index = sub.Read(input, index); objects.Add(sub); if (input[index] == ',') { index++; } } else if (input[index] == ']') { index++; break; } else { throw new Exception("Bad JSON format."); } } Array = objects.ToArray(); return index; }
public void WebTransferItems(TransferItem[] items) { if (field_id == null) { GetInfoFieldID(); } errorString = ""; Dictionary<string, string> requestValues = new Dictionary<string, string>(); try { // Build dictionary of POST request items CreateRequestValues(items, requestValues); } catch (Exception ex) { if (errorString != "") { MessageBox.Show(errorString); return; } else { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); return; } } // Build string for the API POST request from the dictionary. string content = "{" + Environment.NewLine + "\"input_values\":{" + Environment.NewLine; foreach(string key in requestValues.Keys) { content += "\""+key + "\":\"" + requestValues[key]+"\","+Environment.NewLine; } content = content.Substring(0, content.Length - (1+Environment.NewLine.Length)); content += "}"+Environment.NewLine+"}"; string response = ""; try { // Network interaction HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); Task<HttpResponseMessage> task = client.PostAsync(Properties.Settings.Default.APIServer, new StringContent(content)); task.Wait(); HttpResponseMessage message = task.Result; Task<string> task2 = message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); response = task2.Result; } catch(Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Server response was not processed: "+ex.Message); } try { // Parse the server response string. PrimitiveJSONObject json = new PrimitiveJSONObject(response, 0); string feedback = ""; if (json.Content["status"].Value != "200") { feedback = "Something went wrong with the network. HTTP says: "+json.Content["status"].Value; } else if (json.Content["response"].Content["is_valid"].Value != "true") { feedback = "Not a valid submission. Error messages: " + Environment.NewLine; foreach (PrimitiveJSONObject err in json.Content["response"].Content["validation_messages"].Content.Values) { feedback += err.Value + Environment.NewLine; } } else { feedback = "Success."; } MessageBox.Show(feedback); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Unable to parse server response:"+Environment.NewLine+response); } }