        public void MaxExtents()
            var ship = new Ship(new Corporation());
            var hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Right);

            var aimAt = new Location(1, 1, 0); // 45* forward
            Assert.IsTrue(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);


            aimAt = new Location(1, -1, 0); // 45* behind
            Assert.IsTrue(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // now test we can't move further downward
            aimAt = new Location(1, -1.1d, 0);
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);
        public void TestMovesToExtent()
            var ship = new Ship(new Corporation());
            var hardPoint = new HardPoint(ship, HardPointPosition.Right);

            var aimAt = new Location(0, 1, 0); // 90* forward
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved 45*
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.PI / 4, 4), Math.Round(Vector.Angle(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation), 4));

            // assert we moved forward
            Assert.Greater(hardPoint.Orientation.Y, 0d);

            // now make sure the hard point knows this =)
            Assert.AreEqual(45d, hardPoint.Inclination);


            aimAt = new Location(0, -1, 0); // 90* back
            Assert.IsFalse(hardPoint.AimAt(aimAt), "Position: {0:n2}", hardPoint.Inclination);

            // assert we moved 45*
            Assert.AreEqual(Math.Round(Math.PI / 4, 4), Math.Round(Vector.Angle(hardPoint.Origin, hardPoint.Orientation), 4));

            // assert we moved back
            Assert.Less(hardPoint.Orientation.Y, 0d);

            // now make sure the hard point knows this =)
            Assert.AreEqual(-45d, hardPoint.Inclination);