 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void GetHisLoad()
     DataHelper datahelper = new DataHelper();
     string     StrFeiyong = datahelper.GetConfigValueByKey("IEMIsLoadHisFeiYong");
         if (StrFeiyong == "1")
             btnLoad.Visible = true;
             btnLoad.Visible = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// </summary>
 private void GetHisLoad()
         DataHelper datahelper = new DataHelper();
         string     StrFeiyong = datahelper.GetConfigValueByKey("IEMIsLoadHisFeiYong");
             if (StrFeiyong == "1")
                 btnLoad.Visible = true;
                 btnLoad.Visible = false;
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception(ex.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// 提取
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                if (m_App == null || m_App.CurrentPatientInfo == null)
                DataHelper  datahelper = new DataHelper();
                string      GetFeeType = datahelper.GetConfigValueByKey("GetHisMoneyType");
                IDataAccess sqlHelper  = DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB");

                if (sqlHelper == null)
                    m_App.CustomMessageBox.MessageShow("无法连接到HIS!", CustomMessageBoxKind.ErrorOk);
                //to do  yxy 提取HIS数据库中病人费用信息

                //仁和医院需求 首页调取费用的方式 0是取视图 1是取存储过程
                DataRow   dataRow    = null;
                DataTable dataTable  = new DataTable();
                DataTable Dt_FeeInfo = dataTable.Copy();
                if (GetFeeType == "0")
                    //add by  ywk 2012年10月8日 12:33:30
                    string sqlView = string.Format(@"select * from ZC_IEMFEEINFO where 住院号='{0}'", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfFirstPage);
                    dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlView, CommandType.Text);
                    if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0)
                    Dt_FeeInfo = dataTable.Copy();//将所有的费用信息COPY下来,再进行筛选
                    dataRow    = Dt_FeeInfo.Rows[0];
                else if (GetFeeType == "1")//取HIS存储过程
                    //仁和医院的HIS是SQLSERVER版本的  add by ywk 2012年12月17日14:15:45
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB").GetDbConnection().ConnectionString))
                        if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                        SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        cmd.CommandText = "pr_IEMFEEINFO";
                        //SqlD odap = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("zyh", OracleType.VarChar).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;//患者住院流水号
                        cmd.Parameters["zyh"].Value = m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage;
                        //cmd.ex(cmd.CommandText, cmd.Parameters["zyh"], CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                        SqlDataAdapter odap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                        DataSet        ds   = new DataSet();
                        dataTable = ds.Tables[0];
                        dataRow   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                //DataRow dataRow=dataTable.Rows[0];
                //to do 赋值
                //to do 赋值
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("总费用"))
                    txtTotal.Text = dataRow["总费用"].ToString();  //总费用

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("自付金额"))
                    txtOwnFee.Text = dataRow["自付金额"].ToString();  //自付金额

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("一般医疗服务费"))
                    txtYBYLFY.Text = dataRow["一般医疗服务费"].ToString();  //一般医疗服务费

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("一般治疗操作费"))
                    txtYBZLFY.Text = dataRow["一般治疗操作费"].ToString();  //一般治疗操作费

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("护理费"))
                    txtCare.Text = dataRow["护理费"].ToString();        //护理费

                txtZHQTFY.Text = "-";        //其他费用
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("病理诊断费"))
                    txtBLZDF.Text = dataRow["病理诊断费"].ToString();;         //病理诊断费####
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("实验室诊断费"))
                    txtSYSZDF.Text = dataRow["实验室诊断费"].ToString();        //实验室诊断费
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("影像学诊断费"))
                    txtYXXZDF.Text = dataRow["影像学诊断费"].ToString();        //影像学诊断费
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("临床诊断"))
                    txtLCZDF.Text = dataRow["临床诊断"].ToString(); //临床诊断项目费
                txtFSSZLF.Text  = "-";                          //非手术治疗项目费
                txtLCWLZLF.Text = "-";                          //临床物理治疗费

                float mzf = 0f;
                float ssf = 0f;
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("手术费"))
                    float.TryParse(dataRow["手术费"].ToString(), out ssf);
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("麻醉费"))
                    float.TryParse(dataRow["麻醉费"].ToString(), out mzf);

                txtSSZLF.Text = (mzf + ssf).ToString();        //手术治疗费 麻醉费+手术费

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("麻醉费"))
                    txtMZF.Text = dataRow["麻醉费"].ToString();        //麻醉费
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("手术费"))
                    txtSSF.Text = dataRow["手术费"].ToString();        //手术费

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("康复费"))
                    txtKFF.Text = dataRow["康复费"].ToString();        //康复费####
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("中医治疗费"))
                    txtZYZLF.Text = dataRow["中医治疗费"].ToString();        //中医治疗费####
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("西药费"))
                    txtXYF.Text = dataRow["西药费"].ToString(); //西药费
                txtKJYWF.Text = "-";                         //抗菌药物费用
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("中成药费"))
                    txtCPMedical.Text = dataRow["中成药费"].ToString();        //中成药费
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("中草药费"))
                    txtCMedical.Text = dataRow["中草药费"].ToString();        //中草药费

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("输血费"))
                    txtBloodFee.Text = dataRow["输血费"].ToString(); //血费
                txtXDBLZPF.Text  = "-";                           //白蛋白类制品费
                txtQDBLZPF.Text  = "-";                           //球蛋白类制品费
                txtNXYZLZPF.Text = "-";                           //凝血因子类制品费

                txtXBYZLZPF.Text = "-";                           //细胞因子类制品费
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("医用材料费"))
                    txtJCYYCXCLF.Text = dataRow["医用材料费"].ToString();        //检查用一次性医用材料费

                txtZLYYCXCLF.Text = "-";        //治疗用一次性医用材料费

                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("手术材料费"))
                    txtSSYYCXCLF.Text = dataRow["手术材料费"].ToString();        //手术用一次性医用材料费
                if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("其它"))
                    txtOtherFee.Text = dataRow["其它"].ToString();        //其他费用
            catch (Exception ex)
                MyMessageBox.Show(2, ex);
        /// <summary>
        /// 提取
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_App == null || m_App.CurrentPatientInfo == null)
            IDataAccess sqlHelper = DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB");

            if (sqlHelper == null)
                m_App.CustomMessageBox.MessageShow("无法连接到HIS!", CustomMessageBoxKind.ErrorOk);
            //to do  yxy 提取HIS数据库中病人费用信息

            #region 注释
            //            string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT     CONVERT(varchar(12), PatCode) AS PatID,FeeCode,
            //                                             CONVERT(varchar(12), FeeName) AS FeeName, CONVERT(float, SUM(Amount)) AS amount
            //                                            FROM  root.InnerRecipeCount WITH (nolock)
            //                                            where PatCode = '{0}'
            //                                            GROUP BY PatCode, FeeName,FeeCode", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage);
            //SqlParameter[] paraColl = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@syxh", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage ) };
            //DataTable dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("usp_bq_fymxcx", paraColl, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            //************add by ywk 2012年10月8日 12:27:17******************

            //            string hisSql = @"select
            //                        a.zyh as 住院号 ,
            //                        sum(fy) as 总费用,
            //                        b.zfje as 自付金额,
            //                        sum(case fb when 'zl' then fy    --治疗费
            //                              when 'YQ' then fy   --输氧费
            //                              when 'ZZ' then fy   --诊疗费
            //                              when 'JC' then fy   --检查费
            //                              when 'LL' then fy  --理疗费
            //                              when 'JG' then fy  --激光
            //                              when 'WB' then fy  --微波治疗
            //                              when 'YC' then fy  --高压氧舱
            //                              when 'DJ' then fy  --基因检测
            //                              when 'PJ' then fy end ) as 一般治疗操作费,--眼科治疗
            //                        sum(case fb when 'YH' then fy    --婴护费
            //                            when 'TH' then fy     --特护费
            //                            when '1H' then fy    --护理收入
            //                            when 'YF' then fy end ) as 护理费,  --换药费
            //                        sum (case fb when 'XY' then fy end) as 西药费,  --西药费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'ZC' then fy end) as 中成药费,  --中成药费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'ZA' then fy end) as 中草药费,  --中草药费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'SS' then fy     --手术费
            //                            when 'JS' then fy     --接生费
            //                            when 'MS' then fy    --门诊手术
            //                            when 'SP' then fy    --射频手术
            //                            when 'KS' then fy end ) as 手术费,  --科手术
            //                        sum (case fb when 'MZ' then fy end ) as 麻醉费,  --麻醉费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'HY' then fy   --化验费
            //                            when 'JF' then fy end ) as 实验室诊断费,  --检验费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'XG' then fy  --X光
            //                            when 'CT' then fy    --CT费
            //                            when 'BC' then fy    --B超
            //                            when 'CC' then fy    --彩超费
            //                            when 'LD' then fy    --脑电图
            //                            when 'TS' then fy     --透视费
            //                            when 'NT' then fy    --乳透
            //                            when '60' then fy    --胸B超
            //                            when 'HC' then fy     --磁共振
            //                            when 'CB' then fy    --C臂介入
            //                            when 'MB' then fy    --乳腺钼靶
            //                            when 'KB' then fy end ) as  影像学诊断费,  --科B超
            //                        sum (case fb when 'SX' then fy end ) as 输血费,  --输血费
            //                        sum (case fb when 'WJ' then fy  --电子胃镜
            //                            when 'XD' then fy    --心电图
            //                            when 'CX' then fy    --长心电
            //                            when 'DT' then fy    --心动图
            //                            when 'XJ' then fy    --心电监护
            //                            when 'KD' then fy    --科心电图
            //                            when 'PD' then fy end) as 临床诊断,    --潘生心电
            //                        sum(case fb when 'QT'then fy     --其它
            //                            when 'QL' then fy    --取暖费
            //                            when 'JW' then fy end ) as 其它,  --降温费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'WC' then fy end ) as 医用材料费,--医用材料费
            //                        sum (case fb when 'SB' then fy end) as 手术材料费  --手术材料费
            //                        from zybl a left join sfjl b on a.zyh=b.zyh where a.zyh='{0}' group by a.zyh;";
            //string sql = string.Format(hisSql, m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage);
            //DataTable dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text);
            //if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0) return;
            //仁和医院需求 首页调取费用的方式 0是取视图 1是取存储过程
            DataHelper datahelper = new DataHelper();
            string     GetFeeType = datahelper.GetConfigValueByKey("GetHisMoneyType");
            DataRow    dataRow    = null;
            DataTable  dataTable  = new DataTable();
            DataTable  Dt_FeeInfo = dataTable.Copy();
            if (GetFeeType == "0")
                //add by  ywk 2012年10月8日 12:33:30
                //二次更改  add  by ywk 2013年4月24日13:30:36
                //string sqlView = "select * from YD_IEMFEEINFO";
                string sqlView = string.Format("select * from YD_IEMFEEINFO where 住院号='{0}'", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage);
                dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlView, CommandType.Text);
                //if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0) return;
                dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlView, CommandType.Text);
                if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows == null || dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0)
                //Dt_FeeInfo = dataTable.Copy();//将所有的费用信息COPY下来,再进行筛选
                //DataRow[] Dr_FeeInfo = Dt_FeeInfo.Select(string.Format("住院号='{0}'", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage));//进行筛选出
                //if (Dr_FeeInfo.Length == 0)
                //    return;
                //dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0];
                //视图的也给予填写栏位add  by ywk 2013年6月3日 08:47:12
                if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                    dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0];
                    FillFeeInfo(dataTable, dataRow);

                //dataRow = Dr_FeeInfo[0];
            if (GetFeeType == "1")//取HIS存储过程
                    //应该根据HIS是SQL还是Oracle的进行分别实现add by ywk 二〇一三年五月二十九日 11:02:44
                    if (sqlHelper.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString.IndexOf("Data Source") >= 0)//Oracle的
                        //SqlHelper.DS_SqlHelper.ConnectionString = DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB").GetDbConnection().ConnectionString;
                        //MessageBox.Show("执行到了ConnectionString" + SqlHelper.DS_SqlHelper.ConnectionString);
                        //中心医院无法从表中直接查询,为计算得到费用取得改为输出参数ywk 二〇一三年五月三十日 13:12:44
                        SqlParameter[] sqlParamhis = new SqlParameter[]
                            new SqlParameter("zyh", SqlDbType.VarChar),
                            new SqlParameter("par_total", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),    //总费用
                            new SqlParameter("par_paycost", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  // 自付金额
                            new SqlParameter("par_ybylfwf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  //一般医疗服务费
                            new SqlParameter("par_ybzlczf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  //一般治疗操作费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_hlf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),      //护理费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_zhfwlqtf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), // 其他费用
                            new SqlParameter("par_blzdf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),    //病理诊断费
                            new SqlParameter("par_syszdf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),   //实验室诊断费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_yxxzdf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),   //影像学诊断费
                            new SqlParameter("par_lczdxmf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  //临床诊断
                            new SqlParameter("par_fsszlxmf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), //非手术治疗费
                            new SqlParameter("par_lcwlzlf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  //临床物理治疗费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_sszlf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),    // 手术治疗费
                            new SqlParameter("par_mzf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),      //麻醉费
                            new SqlParameter("par_ssf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),      //手术费
                            new SqlParameter("par_kff", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),      //康复费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_zyzlf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),    // 中医治疗费
                            new SqlParameter("par_xyf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),      // 西药费
                            new SqlParameter("par_kjywfy", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),   // 抗菌药物费用
                            new SqlParameter("par_cyf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),      // 中成药费
                            new SqlParameter("par_zcyf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),     // 中草药费
                            new SqlParameter("par_xf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),       // 输血费
                            new SqlParameter("par_bdblzpf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  // 血蛋白类制品费
                            new SqlParameter("par_qdblzpf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100),  // 球蛋白类制品费
                            new SqlParameter("par_nxyzlzpf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), // 凝血因子类制品费
                            new SqlParameter("par_xbyzlzpf", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), // 细胞因子类制品费
                            new SqlParameter("par_jcyycxcl", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), // 医用材料费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_zlyycxcl", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), // 治疗用一次性医用材料费,
                            new SqlParameter("par_ssyycxcl", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100), // 手术材料费
                            new SqlParameter("par_qt", SqlDbType.VarChar, 100)        // 其他类

                        sqlParamhis[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
                        //sqlParamhis[1].Size = 100;
                        sqlParamhis[1].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[2].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[3].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[4].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[5].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[6].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[7].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[8].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[9].Direction  = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[10].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[11].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[12].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[13].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[14].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[15].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[16].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[17].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[18].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[19].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[20].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[21].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[22].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[23].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[24].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[25].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[26].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[27].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[28].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[29].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        sqlParamhis[30].Direction = ParameterDirection.Output;
                        //for (int i = 1; i < 31; i++)
                        //    sqlParamhis[i].Size = 100;

                        sqlParamhis[0].Value = m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage;
                        //MessageBox.Show("第一个参数是" + sqlParam[0].Value);
                            //SqlHelper.DS_SqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("select 1 from dual", CommandType.Text);
                            DrectSoft.DSSqlHelper.DS_SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQueryInTran("pr_IEMFEEINFO", sqlParamhis, CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                            txtTotal.Text = sqlParamhis[1].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[1].Value.ToString();
                            //MessageBox.Show("总费用是" + sqlParamhis[1].Value.ToString());
                            txtOwnFee.Text    = sqlParamhis[2].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[2].Value.ToString();
                            txtYBYLFY.Text    = sqlParamhis[3].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[3].Value.ToString();
                            txtYBZLFY.Text    = sqlParamhis[4].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[4].Value.ToString();
                            txtCare.Text      = sqlParamhis[5].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[5].Value.ToString();
                            txtZHQTFY.Text    = sqlParamhis[6].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[6].Value.ToString();
                            txtBLZDF.Text     = sqlParamhis[7].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[7].Value.ToString();
                            txtSYSZDF.Text    = sqlParamhis[8].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[8].Value.ToString();
                            txtYXXZDF.Text    = sqlParamhis[9].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[9].Value.ToString();
                            txtLCZDF.Text     = sqlParamhis[10].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[10].Value.ToString();
                            txtFSSZLF.Text    = sqlParamhis[11].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[11].Value.ToString();
                            txtLCWLZLF.Text   = sqlParamhis[12].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[12].Value.ToString();
                            txtSSZLF.Text     = sqlParamhis[13].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[13].Value.ToString();
                            txtMZF.Text       = sqlParamhis[14].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[14].Value.ToString();
                            txtSSF.Text       = sqlParamhis[15].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[15].Value.ToString();
                            txtKFF.Text       = sqlParamhis[16].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[16].Value.ToString();
                            txtZYZLF.Text     = sqlParamhis[17].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[17].Value.ToString();
                            txtXYF.Text       = sqlParamhis[18].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[18].Value.ToString();
                            txtKJYWF.Text     = sqlParamhis[19].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[19].Value.ToString();
                            txtCPMedical.Text = sqlParamhis[20].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[20].Value.ToString();
                            txtCMedical.Text  = sqlParamhis[21].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[21].Value.ToString();
                            txtBloodFee.Text  = sqlParamhis[22].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[22].Value.ToString();
                            txtXDBLZPF.Text   = sqlParamhis[23].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[23].Value.ToString();
                            txtQDBLZPF.Text   = sqlParamhis[24].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[24].Value.ToString();
                            txtNXYZLZPF.Text  = sqlParamhis[25].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[25].Value.ToString();
                            txtXBYZLZPF.Text  = sqlParamhis[26].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[26].Value.ToString();
                            txtJCYYCXCLF.Text = sqlParamhis[27].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[27].Value.ToString();
                            txtZLYYCXCLF.Text = sqlParamhis[28].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[28].Value.ToString();
                            txtSSYYCXCLF.Text = sqlParamhis[29].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[29].Value.ToString();
                            txtOtherFee.Text  = sqlParamhis[30].Value.ToString() == "" ? "0" : sqlParamhis[30].Value.ToString();
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            m_App.CustomMessageBox.MessageShow("调用HIS的存储过程报错信息为: " + ex.Message);
                    else if (sqlHelper.GetDbConnection().ConnectionString.IndexOf("Database") >= 0)//SQL的
                        //仁和医院的HIS是SQLSERVER版本的  add by ywk 2012年12月17日14:15:45
                        using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB").GetDbConnection().ConnectionString))
                            if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                            SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                            cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                            cmd.CommandText = "pr_IEMFEEINFO";
                            //SqlD odap = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
                            cmd.Parameters.Add("zyh", OracleType.VarChar).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;//患者住院流水号
                            cmd.Parameters["zyh"].Value = m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage;
                            //cmd.ex(cmd.CommandText, cmd.Parameters["zyh"], CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                            SqlDataAdapter odap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                            DataSet        ds   = new DataSet();
                            //edit by ywk 2013年4月27日10:30:14
                            dataTable = ds.Tables[0];//这个应该赋值!!!!!!!!!!!add by ywk 2013年5月6日16:07:17

                            if (dataTable.Rows.Count > 0)
                                dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0];
                                FillFeeInfo(dataTable, dataRow);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_App.CustomMessageBox.MessageShow("调用HIS的存储过程报错信息为: " + ex.Message);
            //if (this.FindForm() == null)
            //    this.Refresh();
            //    this.FindForm().Refresh();
        private void ReLocationEditButton()
            DataHelper  help   = new DataHelper();
            string      cansee = help.GetConfigValueByKey("EmrInputConfig");
            XmlDocument doc1   = new XmlDocument();

            int    m_AnOtherHeight = 0;
            string changeHeight    = doc1.GetElementsByTagName("IemPageContorlVisable")[0].InnerText;//可见诊断符合的一些栏位

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            simpleButton4.Location = new Point(pictureBox2.Location.X - simpleButton1.Width, pictureBox2.Location.Y);


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            //    //simpleButton5.Location = new Point(pictureBox2.Location.X - simpleButton1.Width, pictureBox2.Location.Y + simpleButton4.Height);

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            simpleButton6.Location = new Point(pictureBox2.Location.X - simpleButton1.Width, pictureBox2.Location.Y + simpleButton4.Height);
        private void LoadForm()
            //manger = new IemMainPageManger(m_Host);
            //info = manger.GetIemInfo();
            util = new DrawMainPageUtil(info);

            pictureBox1.Width  = GetPageWidth();
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            pictureBox2.Width  = GetPageWidth();
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            pictureBox1.BackgroundImage = util.MF1;
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            if (this.Parent != null)
                if (this.Parent.AccessibleName != null &&
                    this.Parent.AccessibleName.Trim() != "")  //父窗体的AccessibleName不为空则表示没有编辑的权限
                    simpleButton1.Visible = false;
                    simpleButton2.Visible = false;
                    simpleButton3.Visible = false;
                    simpleButton4.Visible = false;
                    simpleButton5.Visible = false;// addby ywk 2013年1月30日13:34:00
                    simpleButton6.Visible = false;

            Employee emp = new Employee(m_Host.User.Id);

            DataHelper help    = new DataHelper();
            string     hoscode = help.GetConfigValueByKey("HosCode");

            if (hoscode == "1")
                string static_save = help.GetStatic_SaveValue(info.IemBasicInfo.NoOfInpat);
                if (static_save == "1")
                    simpleButton1.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton2.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton3.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton4.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton5.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton6.Enabled = false;
            if (emp.Grade.Trim() != "")
                DoctorGrade grade = (DoctorGrade)Enum.Parse(typeof(DoctorGrade), emp.Grade);
                if (grade == DoctorGrade.Nurse)
                    simpleButton3.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton4.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton5.Enabled = false;
                    simpleButton6.Enabled = false;
                simpleButton1.Enabled = false;
                simpleButton2.Enabled = false;
                simpleButton3.Enabled = false;
                simpleButton4.Enabled = false;
                simpleButton5.Enabled = false;
                simpleButton6.Enabled = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// 提取
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void btnFee_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (m_App == null || m_App.CurrentPatientInfo == null)
            IDataAccess sqlHelper = DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB");

            if (sqlHelper == null)
                m_App.CustomMessageBox.MessageShow("无法连接到HIS!", CustomMessageBoxKind.ErrorOk);
            //to do  yxy 提取HIS数据库中病人费用信息

            #region 注释
            //            string sql = string.Format(@"SELECT     CONVERT(varchar(12), PatCode) AS PatID,FeeCode,
            //                                             CONVERT(varchar(12), FeeName) AS FeeName, CONVERT(float, SUM(Amount)) AS amount
            //                                            FROM  root.InnerRecipeCount WITH (nolock)
            //                                            where PatCode = '{0}'
            //                                            GROUP BY PatCode, FeeName,FeeCode", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage);
            //SqlParameter[] paraColl = new SqlParameter[] { new SqlParameter("@syxh", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage ) };
            //DataTable dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable("usp_bq_fymxcx", paraColl, CommandType.StoredProcedure);

            //************add by ywk 2012年10月8日 12:27:17******************

            //            string hisSql = @"select
            //                        a.zyh as 住院号 ,
            //                        sum(fy) as 总费用,
            //                        b.zfje as 自付金额,
            //                        sum(case fb when 'zl' then fy    --治疗费
            //                              when 'YQ' then fy   --输氧费
            //                              when 'ZZ' then fy   --诊疗费
            //                              when 'JC' then fy   --检查费
            //                              when 'LL' then fy  --理疗费
            //                              when 'JG' then fy  --激光
            //                              when 'WB' then fy  --微波治疗
            //                              when 'YC' then fy  --高压氧舱
            //                              when 'DJ' then fy  --基因检测
            //                              when 'PJ' then fy end ) as 一般治疗操作费,--眼科治疗
            //                        sum(case fb when 'YH' then fy    --婴护费
            //                            when 'TH' then fy     --特护费
            //                            when '1H' then fy    --护理收入
            //                            when 'YF' then fy end ) as 护理费,  --换药费
            //                        sum (case fb when 'XY' then fy end) as 西药费,  --西药费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'ZC' then fy end) as 中成药费,  --中成药费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'ZA' then fy end) as 中草药费,  --中草药费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'SS' then fy     --手术费
            //                            when 'JS' then fy     --接生费
            //                            when 'MS' then fy    --门诊手术
            //                            when 'SP' then fy    --射频手术
            //                            when 'KS' then fy end ) as 手术费,  --科手术
            //                        sum (case fb when 'MZ' then fy end ) as 麻醉费,  --麻醉费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'HY' then fy   --化验费
            //                            when 'JF' then fy end ) as 实验室诊断费,  --检验费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'XG' then fy  --X光
            //                            when 'CT' then fy    --CT费
            //                            when 'BC' then fy    --B超
            //                            when 'CC' then fy    --彩超费
            //                            when 'LD' then fy    --脑电图
            //                            when 'TS' then fy     --透视费
            //                            when 'NT' then fy    --乳透
            //                            when '60' then fy    --胸B超
            //                            when 'HC' then fy     --磁共振
            //                            when 'CB' then fy    --C臂介入
            //                            when 'MB' then fy    --乳腺钼靶
            //                            when 'KB' then fy end ) as  影像学诊断费,  --科B超
            //                        sum (case fb when 'SX' then fy end ) as 输血费,  --输血费
            //                        sum (case fb when 'WJ' then fy  --电子胃镜
            //                            when 'XD' then fy    --心电图
            //                            when 'CX' then fy    --长心电
            //                            when 'DT' then fy    --心动图
            //                            when 'XJ' then fy    --心电监护
            //                            when 'KD' then fy    --科心电图
            //                            when 'PD' then fy end) as 临床诊断,    --潘生心电
            //                        sum(case fb when 'QT'then fy     --其它
            //                            when 'QL' then fy    --取暖费
            //                            when 'JW' then fy end ) as 其它,  --降温费
            //                        sum(case fb when 'WC' then fy end ) as 医用材料费,--医用材料费
            //                        sum (case fb when 'SB' then fy end) as 手术材料费  --手术材料费
            //                        from zybl a left join sfjl b on a.zyh=b.zyh where a.zyh='{0}' group by a.zyh;";
            //string sql = string.Format(hisSql, m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage);
            //DataTable dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sql, CommandType.Text);
            //if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0) return;
            //仁和医院需求 首页调取费用的方式 0是取视图 1是取存储过程
            DataHelper datahelper = new DataHelper();
            string     GetFeeType = datahelper.GetConfigValueByKey("GetHisMoneyType");
            DataRow    dataRow    = null;
            DataTable  dataTable  = new DataTable();
            DataTable  Dt_FeeInfo = dataTable.Copy();
            if (GetFeeType == "0")
                //add by  ywk 2012年10月8日 12:33:30
                //string sqlView = "select * from YD_IEMFEEINFO";
                //xll 修改 费用提取 2013-04-19
                string sqlView = string.Format("select * from YD_IEMFEEINFO where 住院号='{0}'", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage);
                dataTable = sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(sqlView, CommandType.Text);
                if (dataTable == null || dataTable.Rows == null || dataTable.Rows.Count <= 0)
                //Dt_FeeInfo = dataTable.Copy();//将所有的费用信息COPY下来,再进行筛选
                //DataRow[] Dr_FeeInfo = Dt_FeeInfo.Select(string.Format("住院号='{0}'", m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage));//进行筛选出
                //if (Dr_FeeInfo.Length == 0)
                //    return;

                dataRow = dataTable.Rows[0];
            if (GetFeeType == "1")//取HIS存储过程
                    //仁和医院的HIS是SQLSERVER版本的  add by ywk 2012年12月17日14:15:45
                    using (SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB").GetDbConnection().ConnectionString))
                        if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)

                        SqlCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                        cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                        cmd.CommandText = "pr_IEMFEEINFO";
                        //SqlD odap = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
                        cmd.Parameters.Add("zyh", OracleType.VarChar).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;//患者住院流水号
                        cmd.Parameters["zyh"].Value = m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage;
                        //cmd.ex(cmd.CommandText, cmd.Parameters["zyh"], CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                        SqlDataAdapter odap = new SqlDataAdapter(cmd);
                        DataSet        ds   = new DataSet();
                        dataTable = ds.Tables[0];
                        dataRow   = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                    //using (OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(DataAccessFactory.GetSqlDataAccess("HISDB").GetDbConnection().ConnectionString))
                    //    if (conn.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                    //        conn.Open();

                    //    OracleCommand cmd = conn.CreateCommand();
                    //    cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
                    //    cmd.CommandText = "pr_IEMFEEINFO";
                    //    OracleDataAdapter odap = new OracleDataAdapter(cmd);
                    //    cmd.Parameters.Add("zyh", OracleType.VarChar).Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;//患者住院流水号
                    //    cmd.Parameters["zyh"].Value = m_App.CurrentPatientInfo.NoOfHisFirstPage;
                    //    //sqlHelper.ExecuteDataTable(cmd.CommandText, cmd.Parameters["zyh"], CommandType.StoredProcedure);
                    //    DataSet ds = new DataSet();
                    //    odap.Fill(ds);
                    //    dataTable = ds.Tables[0];
                    //    dataRow = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                catch (Exception ex)
                    m_App.CustomMessageBox.MessageShow("调用HIS的存储过程报错信息为: " + ex.Message);

            //DataRow dataRow=dataTable.Rows[0];
            //to do 赋值
            //to do 赋值
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("总费用"))
                txtTotal.Text = dataRow["总费用"].ToString();  //总费用

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("自付金额"))
                txtOwnFee.Text = dataRow["自付金额"].ToString();  //自付金额

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("一般医疗服务费"))
                txtYBYLFY.Text = dataRow["一般医疗服务费"].ToString();  //一般医疗服务费

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("一般治疗操作费"))
                txtYBZLFY.Text = dataRow["一般治疗操作费"].ToString();  //一般治疗操作费

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("护理费"))
                txtCare.Text = dataRow["护理费"].ToString();        //护理费

            txtZHQTFY.Text = "-";        //其他费用
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("病理诊断费"))
                txtBLZDF.Text = dataRow["病理诊断费"].ToString();;         //病理诊断费####
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("实验室诊断费"))
                txtSYSZDF.Text = dataRow["实验室诊断费"].ToString();        //实验室诊断费
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("影像学诊断费"))
                txtYXXZDF.Text = dataRow["影像学诊断费"].ToString();        //影像学诊断费
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("临床诊断"))
                txtLCZDF.Text = dataRow["临床诊断"].ToString(); //临床诊断项目费
            txtFSSZLF.Text  = "-";                          //非手术治疗项目费
            txtLCWLZLF.Text = "-";                          //临床物理治疗费

            float mzf = 0f;
            float ssf = 0f;
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("手术费"))
                float.TryParse(dataRow["手术费"].ToString(), out ssf);
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("麻醉费"))
                float.TryParse(dataRow["麻醉费"].ToString(), out mzf);

            txtSSZLF.Text = (mzf + ssf).ToString();        //手术治疗费 麻醉费+手术费

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("麻醉费"))
                txtMZF.Text = dataRow["麻醉费"].ToString();        //麻醉费
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("手术费"))
                txtSSF.Text = dataRow["手术费"].ToString();        //手术费

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("康复费"))
                txtKFF.Text = dataRow["康复费"].ToString();        //康复费####
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("中医治疗费"))
                txtZYZLF.Text = dataRow["中医治疗费"].ToString();        //中医治疗费####
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("西药费"))
                txtXYF.Text = dataRow["西药费"].ToString(); //西药费
            txtKJYWF.Text = "-";                         //抗菌药物费用
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("中成药费"))
                txtCPMedical.Text = dataRow["中成药费"].ToString();        //中成药费
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("中草药费"))
                txtCMedical.Text = dataRow["中草药费"].ToString();        //中草药费

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("输血费"))
                txtBloodFee.Text = dataRow["输血费"].ToString();        //血费

            txtXDBLZPF.Text  = "-";       //白蛋白类制品费
            txtQDBLZPF.Text  = "-";       //球蛋白类制品费
            txtNXYZLZPF.Text = "-";       //凝血因子类制品费

            txtXBYZLZPF.Text = "-";       //细胞因子类制品费
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("医用材料费"))
                txtJCYYCXCLF.Text = dataRow["医用材料费"].ToString();        //检查用一次性医用材料费

            txtZLYYCXCLF.Text = "-";        //治疗用一次性医用材料费

            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("手术材料费"))
                txtSSYYCXCLF.Text = dataRow["手术材料费"].ToString();        //手术用一次性医用材料费
            if (dataTable.Columns.Contains("其它"))
                txtOtherFee.Text = dataRow["其它"].ToString();        //其他费用

            //if (this.FindForm() == null)
            //    this.Refresh();
            //    this.FindForm().Refresh();