internal SinkManager(DevSkimProvider securityErrorsProvider, ITableDataSink sink)
            _securityErrorsProvider = securityErrorsProvider;
            _sink = sink;

        internal SkimChecker(DevSkimProvider provider, ITextView textView, ITextBuffer buffer)
            _provider        = provider;
            _buffer          = buffer;
            _currentSnapshot = buffer.CurrentSnapshot;

            // Get the name of the underlying document buffer
            ITextDocument document;

            if (provider.TextDocumentFactoryService.TryGetTextDocument(textView.TextDataModel.DocumentBuffer, out document))
                this.FilePath = document.FilePath;
                // Watch out for file name being changed
                document.FileActionOccurred += Document_FileActionOccurred;

            // We're assuming we're created on the UI thread so capture the dispatcher so we can do all of our updates on the UI thread.
            _uiThreadDispatcher = Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher;

            this.Factory = new DevSkimErrorsFactory(this, new DevSkimErrorsSnapshot(this.FilePath, 0));