protected override void OnCreate(Bundle bundle) { base.OnCreate(bundle); // Set our view from the "main" layout resource SetContentView(Resource.Layout.Main); // Get our button from the layout resource, // and attach an event to it Button button = FindViewById<Button>(Resource.Id.MyButton); if (engine == null) { engine = new DBreezeEngine(@"./sdcard/"); } button.Click += delegate { using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { tran.Insert<int, string>("t1", count, "val" + count); tran.Commit(); } using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { button.Text = "Please, read detailed documentation on or" + "... Inserted value is " + tran.Select<int, string>("t1", count).Value; } count++; }; }
public PersistentCookieStorage(DBreezeEngine db) { if (db == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("db"); } this.db = db; }
public void CreateMockObjects() { this.storageEngine = new DBreezeEngine(new DBreezeConfiguration { Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.MEMORY }); this.localRootPath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), Path.GetTempFileName()); this.matcher = new PathMatcher(this.localRootPath, this.remoteRootPath); this.queue = new Mock<ISyncEventQueue>(); this.remoteFolder = MockOfIFolderUtil.CreateRemoteFolderMock(this.remoteRootId, this.remoteRootPath, this.remoteRootPath); this.remoteFolder.SetupDescendants(); this.localFolder = new Mock<IDirectoryInfo>(); this.localFolder.Setup(f => f.FullName).Returns(this.localRootPath); this.localFolder.Setup(f => f.Exists).Returns(true); this.localFolder.Setup(f => f.IsExtendedAttributeAvailable()).Returns(true); this.localFolder.SetupGuid(this.rootGuid); this.localFolder.Setup(f => f.LastWriteTimeUtc).Returns(this.lastLocalWriteTime); this.fsFactory = new Mock<IFileSystemInfoFactory>(); this.fsFactory.AddIDirectoryInfo(this.localFolder.Object); this.mappedRootObject = new MappedObject( this.remoteRootPath, this.remoteRootId, MappedObjectType.Folder, null, "changeToken") { Guid = this.rootGuid, LastLocalWriteTimeUtc = this.lastLocalWriteTime }; = new MetaDataStorage(this.storageEngine, this.matcher, true);; this.filter = MockOfIFilterAggregatorUtil.CreateFilterAggregator().Object; this.listener = new Mock<IActivityListener>(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor (automatically starts unfinished indexing job) /// </summary> /// <param name="DBreezeEngine">must be already initialized</param> public Storage(DBreezeEngine DBreezeEngine) { this.OnProcessingStarted += Storage_OnProcessingStarted; this.OnProcessingStopped += Storage_OnProcessingStopped; if (DBreezeEngine == null) throw ThrowException("Storage", "DBreezeEngine must be instantiated"); //if(SearchWordMinimalLength < 1) // throw ThrowException("Storage", "SearchWordMinimalLength must be > 0"); //if (DocumentsStorageTablesPrefix.Length < 1) // throw ThrowException("Storage", "DocumentsStorageTablesPrefix.Length must be > 0"); this.DBreezeEngine = DBreezeEngine; //Preparing Protobuf ProtoBuf.Serializer.PrepareSerializer<Document>(); ProtoBuf.Serializer.PrepareSerializer<SearchRequest>(); ProtoBuf.Serializer.PrepareSerializer<SearchResponse>(); Document o1 = new Document(); o1.SerializeProtobuf(); SearchRequest o2 = new SearchRequest(); o2.SerializeProtobuf(); SearchResponse o3 = new SearchResponse(); o3.SerializeProtobuf(); //Automatic indexing of unfinished documents StartDocumentsIndexing(); }
public void TearDown() { this.engine.Dispose(); this.engine = null; if (Directory.Exists(this.path)) { Directory.Delete(this.path, true); } }
public override void AwakeFromNib() { base.AwakeFromNib(); var config = ConfigManager.CurrentConfig; this.folderSelection.RemoveAllItems(); this.output.Editable = false; this.RunButton.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { var folder = config.Folders.Find(f => f.DisplayName == this.folderSelection.SelectedItem.Title); using (var dbEngine = new DBreezeEngine(folder.GetDatabasePath())) { var storage = new MetaDataStorage(dbEngine, new PathMatcher(folder.LocalPath, folder.RemotePath), false); try { storage.ValidateObjectStructure(); this.output.StringValue = string.Format("{0}: DB structure of {1} is fine", DateTime.Now, folder.GetDatabasePath()); } catch(Exception ex) { this.output.StringValue = ex.ToString(); } } }; this.DumpTree.Activated += (object sender, EventArgs e) => { this.output.StringValue = string.Empty; var folder = config.Folders.Find(f => f.DisplayName == this.folderSelection.SelectedItem.Title); using (var dbEngine = new DBreezeEngine(folder.GetDatabasePath())) { var storage = new MetaDataStorage(dbEngine, new PathMatcher(folder.LocalPath, folder.RemotePath), false); try { var ignoreStorage = new IgnoredEntitiesStorage(new IgnoredEntitiesCollection(), storage); var session = SessionFactory.NewInstance().CreateSession(folder, "DSS-DIAGNOSE-TOOL"); var remoteFolder = session.GetObjectByPath(folder.RemotePath) as IFolder; var filterAggregator = new FilterAggregator( new IgnoredFileNamesFilter(), new IgnoredFolderNameFilter(), new InvalidFolderNameFilter(), new IgnoredFoldersFilter()); var treeBuilder = new DescendantsTreeBuilder( storage, remoteFolder, new DirectoryInfoWrapper(new DirectoryInfo(folder.LocalPath)), filterAggregator, ignoreStorage); var trees = treeBuilder.BuildTrees(); var suffix = string.Format("{0}-{1}", folder.DisplayName.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar,'_'), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var localTree = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("LocalTree-{0}.dot", suffix)); var remoteTree = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("StoredTree-{0}.dot", suffix)); var storedTree = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("RemoteTree-{0}.dot", suffix)); trees.LocalTree.ToDotFile(localTree); trees.StoredTree.ToDotFile(remoteTree); trees.RemoteTree.ToDotFile(storedTree); this.output.StringValue = string.Format("Written to:\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}", localTree, remoteTree, storedTree); } catch (Exception ex) { this.output.StringValue = ex.ToString(); } } }; foreach (var folder in config.Folders) { this.folderSelection.AddItem(folder.DisplayName); } }
public DBreezeInstance(IPathProvider pathProvider) { var dbConf = new DBreezeConfiguration() { DBreezeDataFolderName = Path.Combine(pathProvider.BasePath, "DBR"), Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.DISK }; this.engine = new DBreezeEngine(dbConf); }
public void SetUp() { this.path = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "DBreeze"); this.engine = new DBreezeEngine(new DBreezeConfiguration { Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.MEMORY }); this.file = new Mock<IFileInfo>(); this.file.SetupAllProperties(); this.file.Setup(f => f.Length).Returns(1024); this.file.Setup(f => f.Name).Returns("FileTransmissionObjectsTest.file"); this.file.Setup(f => f.FullName).Returns(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), this.file.Object.Name)); this.file.Setup(f => f.Exists).Returns(true); this.file.Object.LastWriteTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; }
/// <summary> /// constructor /// </summary> /// <param name="engine"></param> internal DBreezeResources(DBreezeEngine engine) { this.DBreezeEngine = engine; LTrieSettings = new TrieSettings() { InternalTable = true }; Storage = new StorageLayer(Path.Combine(engine.MainFolder, TableFileName), LTrieSettings, engine.Configuration); LTrie = new LTrie(Storage); LTrie.TableName = "DBreezeResources"; }
public void Run(string directory, string filter, double minSimilarity, Func<bool> continueTest) { var allfiles = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(directory, filter, System.IO.SearchOption.AllDirectories); using (var engine = new DBreezeEngine(dbConf)) { allfiles.AsParallel().ForAll(f => { if (continueTest()) { using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { GetHistogram(tran, f); tran.Commit(); } OnPrepareProgress(allfiles.Length); } }); var list = ((ushort)allfiles.Length).GetIndexCombinations(); var total = list.Count(); if (continueTest()) { list.AsParallel().ForAll(c => { if (!continueTest()) { return; } var f = allfiles[c[0]]; var l = allfiles[c[1]]; var value = 0.0; using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { tran.ValuesLazyLoadingIsOn = false; value = GetComparisonResult(tran, f, l); tran.Commit(); } if (OnCompareProgress != null) { if (value >= minSimilarity) { OnCompareProgress(total, f, l, value); } else { OnCompareProgress(total, null, null, 0); } } }); } } }
public FileTransmissionStorage(DBreezeEngine engine, long chunkSize = CmisSync.Lib.Config.Config.DefaultChunkSize) { if (engine == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("engine"); } if (chunkSize < 1) { throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Given chunkSize \"{0}\" is too low", chunkSize),"chunkSize"); } this.engine = engine; this.ChunkSize = chunkSize; }
public static IDisposableAuthProvider CreateAuthProvider(Config.AuthenticationType type, Uri url, DBreezeEngine db) { ICookieStorage storage = new PersistentCookieStorage(db); switch (type) { case Config.AuthenticationType.BASIC: return new PersistentStandardAuthenticationProvider(storage, url); case Config.AuthenticationType.KERBEROS: goto case Config.AuthenticationType.NTLM; case Config.AuthenticationType.NTLM: return new PersistentNtlmAuthenticationProvider(storage, url); default: return new StandardAuthenticationProviderWrapper(); } }
public ScpDb() { var jSettings = new JsonSerializerSettings() { TypeNameHandling = TypeNameHandling.All }; DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.Serializator = o => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(o, Formatting.Indented, jSettings); DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.Deserializator = (s, type) => JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(s, jSettings); Engine = new DBreezeEngine(DbPath); }
public static void Reinitialize(this DBreeze.DBreezeEngine engine, string dbPath) { if (dbPath == null) { return; } if (StaticKeyValueDatabase.IsDisposed || engine == null || engine?.IsDatabaseOperable == false || engine?.Disposed == true) { BLogger.I("Database is not operable or it was disposed. Reinitializing. Message: {message}", engine.DatabaseNotOperableReason ?? ""); _dbPath = dbPath; StaticKeyValueDatabase.DisposeDatabaseEngine(); engine = StaticKeyValueDatabase.GetDatabaseEngine(dbPath); BLogger.I("Engine reintialized. Path: {path}", dbPath); } }
void InitDBEngines() { if (DBEngineClient != null) { return; } DBEngineClient = new DBreezeEngine(textBox1.Text); DBEngineClient2 = new DBreezeEngine(textBox3.Text); DBEngine = new DBreezeEngine(textBox4.Text); //Specifying byte[] serializator / deserializator for DBreeze - it will be used internally by SyncEngines for deserializing incoming entites DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArraySerializator = EntitySyncingClientTester.ProtobufSerializer.SerializeProtobuf; DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArrayDeSerializator = EntitySyncingClientTester.ProtobufSerializer.DeserializeProtobuf; }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="dbEngine"></param> /// <param name="serverSender"></param> /// <param name="resetWebSession"></param> /// <param name="syncIsFinishing"></param> /// <param name="logger">can be null</param> /// <param name="byteArraySerializer">can be null then DBreeze embedded serializer will be used</param> /// <param name="byteArrayDeSerializer">can be null then DBreeze embedded deserializer will be used</param> public Engine(DBreeze.DBreezeEngine dbEngine, Func <string, byte[], Task <byte[]> > serverSender, Action resetWebSession, Action syncIsFinishing, ILogger logger, Func <object, byte[]> byteArraySerializer = null, Func <byte[], Type, object> byteArrayDeSerializer = null) { if (logger == null) { Logger.log = new LoggerWrapper(); } else { Logger.log = logger; } if (dbEngine == null) { Logger.LogException("EntitySyncingClient.Engine", "Init", new Exception("DBreezeEngine is not specified"), ""); return; } if ((byteArraySerializer != null && byteArrayDeSerializer == null) || (byteArraySerializer != null && byteArrayDeSerializer == null)) { throw new Exception("EntitySyncing.Engine.Init: please supply both ByteArrayDeSerializator and ByteArraySerializator"); } if (byteArraySerializer == null && byteArrayDeSerializer == null) { //Trying to use DBreeze serializers if (DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArrayDeSerializator == null || DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArraySerializator == null) { throw new Exception("EntitySyncing.Engine.Init: please supply both ByteArrayDeSerializator and ByteArraySerializator or embed serializers to DBreeze"); } this.Serialize = DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArraySerializator; this.Deserialize = DBreeze.Utils.CustomSerializator.ByteArrayDeSerializator; } else { this.Serialize = byteArraySerializer; this.Deserialize = byteArrayDeSerializer; } DBEngine = dbEngine; _serverSender = serverSender; _resetWebSession = resetWebSession; _syncIsFinishing = syncIsFinishing; }
public static void Main(string[] args) { var config = ConfigManager.CurrentConfig; foreach (var repoInfo in config.Folders) { using (var dbEngine = new DBreezeEngine(repoInfo.GetDatabasePath())) { var storage = new MetaDataStorage(dbEngine, new PathMatcher(repoInfo.LocalPath, repoInfo.RemotePath), false); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Checking {0} and DB Path \"{1}\"", repoInfo.DisplayName, repoInfo.GetDatabasePath())); storage.ValidateObjectStructure(); } } foreach (var repoInfo in config.Folders) { try { using (var dbEngine = new DBreezeEngine(repoInfo.GetDatabasePath())) { var storage = new MetaDataStorage(dbEngine, new PathMatcher(repoInfo.LocalPath, repoInfo.RemotePath), false); var ignoreStorage = new IgnoredEntitiesStorage(new IgnoredEntitiesCollection(), storage); var session = SessionFactory.NewInstance().CreateSession(repoInfo, "DSS-DIAGNOSE-TOOL"); var remoteFolder = session.GetObjectByPath(repoInfo.RemotePath) as IFolder; var filterAggregator = new FilterAggregator( new IgnoredFileNamesFilter(), new IgnoredFolderNameFilter(), new InvalidFolderNameFilter(), new IgnoredFoldersFilter()); var treeBuilder = new DescendantsTreeBuilder( storage, remoteFolder, new DirectoryInfoWrapper(new DirectoryInfo(repoInfo.LocalPath)), filterAggregator, ignoreStorage); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Creating local, stored and remote tree in \"{0}\"", Path.GetTempPath())); var trees = treeBuilder.BuildTrees(); var suffix = string.Format("{0}-{1}", repoInfo.DisplayName.Replace(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar,'_'), Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); var localTree = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("LocalTree-{0}.dot", suffix)); var remoteTree = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("StoredTree-{0}.dot", suffix)); var storedTree = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), string.Format("RemoteTree-{0}.dot", suffix)); trees.LocalTree.ToDotFile(localTree); trees.StoredTree.ToDotFile(remoteTree); trees.RemoteTree.ToDotFile(storedTree); Console.WriteLine(string.Format("Written to:\n{0}\n{1}\n{2}", localTree, remoteTree, storedTree)); } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.Error.WriteLine(ex.Message); } } }
public void SetUp() { this.engine = new DBreezeEngine(new DBreezeConfiguration { Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.MEMORY }); this.persistentDBreezePath = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), "FileTransmissionStorageTest-DBreeze"); this.localFile = new Mock<IFileInfo>(); this.localFile.SetupAllProperties(); this.localFile.Setup(f => f.Length).Returns(1024); this.localFile.Setup(f => f.Name).Returns("FileTransmissionStorageTest.file"); this.localFile.Setup(f => f.FullName).Returns(Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), this.localFile.Object.Name)); this.localFile.Setup(f => f.Exists).Returns(true); this.localFile.Object.LastWriteTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow; this.remoteFile = new Mock<DotCMIS.Client.IDocument>(); this.remoteFile.Setup(m => m.LastModificationDate).Returns(this.localFile.Object.LastWriteTimeUtc); this.remoteFile.Setup(m => m.Paths).Returns(new List<string>() { "/RemoteFile" }); this.remoteFile.Setup(m => m.ChangeToken).Returns("ChangeToken"); }
public MetaDataStorage(DBreezeEngine engine, IPathMatcher matcher, bool fullValidation, bool disableInitialValidation = false) { if (engine == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("engine"); } if (matcher == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("matcher"); } this.engine = engine; this.matcher = matcher; this.fullValidationOnEachManipulation = fullValidation; if (!disableInitialValidation) { try { this.ValidateObjectStructure(); } catch(InvalidDataException e) { Logger.Fatal("Database object structure is invalid", e); } } }
// This is the main entry point of the application. static void Main(string[] args) { // if you want to use a different Application Delegate class from "AppDelegate" // you can specify it here. UIApplication.Main(args, null, "AppDelegate"); if (engine == null) { engine = new DBreezeEngine(@"ADD YOUR FILESYSTEM PATH TO DBREEZE FOLDER"); } using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { tran.Insert<int, string>("t1", 1, "val1"); tran.Insert<int, string>("t1", 2, "val1"); tran.Commit(); } using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { Console.WriteLine("Inserted val" + tran.Select<int, string>("t1", 1).Value); } }
private void UseValues(string databasePath, int key, int val) { using (var engine = new DBreeze.DBreezeEngine(databasePath)) { using (var transaction = engine.GetTransaction()) { //var row = transaction.Select<int, int>("t", key); transaction.Insert("t", key, val); transaction.Commit(); } } using (var engine = new DBreeze.DBreezeEngine(databasePath)) { using (var transaction = engine.GetTransaction()) { var row = transaction.Select<int, int>("t", key); if (!row.Exists) { Console.WriteLine("Stored value incorrect"); } } } }
public void SetUp() { this.engine = new DBreezeEngine(new DBreezeConfiguration { Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.MEMORY }); }
private void TestMemoryStorage() { if (memoryEngine == null) { memoryEngine = new DBreezeEngine(new DBreezeConfiguration() { Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.MEMORY }); } //SortedDictionary<string, int> _d = new SortedDictionary<string, int>(); //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.StartCounter("a"); //DateTime dt=new DateTime(1970,1,1); //for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) //{ // _d.Add(dt.Ticks.ToString(), i); // dt=dt.AddSeconds(7); //} //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.PrintOut("a", true); //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.StartCounter("a"); //int c1 = 0; //foreach (var row in _d.OrderBy(r => r.Key)) //{ // c1++; //} //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.PrintOut("a", true); //Console.WriteLine(c1); //memoryEngine.Scheme.DeleteTable("t1"); //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.StartCounter("a"); ////DateTime dt = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1); //using (var tran = memoryEngine.GetTransaction()) //{ // for (int i = 0; i < 1000000; i++) // { // // tran.Insert<string, int>("t1", dt.Ticks.ToString(), i); // // dt = dt.AddSeconds(7); // tran.Insert<byte[], byte[]>("t1", i.To_4_bytes_array_BigEndian(), i.To_4_bytes_array_BigEndian()); // } // //Console.WriteLine(tran.Count("t1")); // tran.Commit(); //} //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.PrintOut("a", true); //int c1 = 0; //DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.StartCounter("a"); //using (var tran = memoryEngine.GetTransaction()) //{ // DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.StartCounter("a"); // foreach (var row in tran.SelectForward<string, int>("t1")) // { // c1++; // } // DBreeze.Diagnostic.SpeedStatistic.PrintOut("a", true); // Console.WriteLine(c1); //} ms = new MemoryStorage(10, 10, MemoryStorage.eMemoryExpandStartegy.FIXED_LENGTH_INCREASE); ms.Write_ToTheEnd(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); ms.Write_ToTheEnd(new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); //ms.Write_ByOffset(17,new byte[] { 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 }); //Console.WriteLine(ms.MemorySize); //Console.WriteLine(ms.Read(0, ms.MemorySize).ToBytesString("")); Console.WriteLine(ms.GetFullData().Length); }
public void Dispose() { if (this.engine != null) { this.engine.Dispose(); this.engine = null; } }
private void InitDb() { lock(lockInitDb) { if(engine == null) engine = new DBreezeEngine(@"D:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1"); } }
public void GetObjectListOnPersistedStorage() { var conf = new DBreezeConfiguration { DBreezeDataFolderName = this.persistentDBreezePath, Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.DISK }; using (var engine = new DBreezeEngine(conf)) { var storage = new FileTransmissionStorage(engine); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { this.remoteFile.Setup(m => m.Id).Returns("RemoteObjectId" + i.ToString()); var obj = new FileTransmissionObject(TransmissionType.UPLOAD_NEW_FILE, this.localFile.Object, this.remoteFile.Object); Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => storage.SaveObject(obj)); Assert.That(storage.GetObjectList().Count, Is.EqualTo(i)); Assert.That(storage.GetObjectList().First(foo => foo.LocalPath == this.localFile.Object.FullName && foo.RemoteObjectId == "RemoteObjectId" + i.ToString()), Is.Not.Null); } } using (var engine = new DBreezeEngine(conf)) { var storage = new FileTransmissionStorage(engine); for (int i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) { Assert.That(storage.GetObjectList().First(foo => foo.LocalPath == this.localFile.Object.FullName && foo.RemoteObjectId == "RemoteObjectId" + i.ToString()), Is.Not.Null); } Assert.That(storage.GetObjectList().Count, Is.EqualTo(10)); } }
public TransactionsCoordinator(DBreezeEngine engine) { this._engine = engine; }
public Scheme(DBreezeEngine DBreezeEngine) { Engine = DBreezeEngine; this.OpenSchema(); }
public void CreateDbOnFsAndInsertAndSelectObject() { var conf = new DBreezeConfiguration { DBreezeDataFolderName = this.path, Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.DISK }; using (var engine = new DBreezeEngine(conf)) using (var tran = engine.GetTransaction()) { var folder = new TestClass { Name = "Name" }; tran.Insert<int, DbCustomSerializer<TestClass>>("objects", 1, folder); tran.Commit(); Assert.AreEqual("Name", (tran.Select<int, DbCustomSerializer<TestClass>>("objects", 1).Value.Get as TestClass).Name); } }
public void TearDown() { this.engine.Dispose(); this.engine = null; }
public DbReezeUnitOfWork(IUnitOfWorkDefaultOptions defaultOptions, DBreezeEngine dBreezeEngine) : base(defaultOptions) { this.dBreezeEngine = dBreezeEngine; }
public DocuExamples(string dbreezeFolder) { engine = new DBreezeEngine(dbreezeFolder); }
public TransactionsJournal(DBreezeEngine DBreezeEngine) { Engine = DBreezeEngine; this.Init(); }
/// <summary> /// With backup /// </summary> public void StartTest() { lock (lockInitDb) { if (engine == null) { DBreezeConfiguration conf = new DBreezeConfiguration() { DBreezeDataFolderName = @"D:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1", // DBreezeDataFolderName = @"E:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1", // DBreezeDataFolderName = @"C:\tmp", Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.DISK, // Storage = DBreezeConfiguration.eStorage.MEMORY, //Backup = new Backup() //{ // BackupFolderName = @"D:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1\Bup", // IncrementalBackupFileIntervalMin = 30 //} }; //conf.AlternativeTablesLocations.Add("t11",@"D:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1\INT"); //conf.AlternativeTablesLocations.Add("mem_*", String.Empty); //conf.AlternativeTablesLocations.Add("t2", @"D:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1\INT"); //conf.AlternativeTablesLocations.Add("t*", @"D:\temp\DBreezeTest\DBR1\INT"); engine = new DBreezeEngine(conf); } } // enumtest(); //MATRIX_BUILD(); // MATRIX_READOUT_V2(); // TestSecondaryIndexPreparation(); //TestNewStorageLayer(); // TestMemoryStorage(); //TestClosestToPrefix(); // testC6(); //testC7(); //testC8(); //testC9(); //testC10(); //testF_004(); // testF_003(); //testF_009(); // testF_010(); // testF_001(); //testC14(); //testC15(); //testC16(); //TestKrome(); //testF_002(); //TestSFI1(); //TestSFI2(); //TestMixedStorageMode(); //TestIterators(); //TestIteratorsv11(); //testbackwardwithStrings(); //TestBackUp(); //TestSelectBackwardStartWith_WRITE(); //TestSelectBackwardStartWith_READ(); //TR(); //NetworkTest(); //NetworkTestDisk(); Test_valueIsUsed(); }