 /// <summary>
 /// Push skew (shear) transformation to matrix. The skewing origin is assumed at (0, 0)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="angleX">X-axis skew angle (in degree)</param>
 /// <param name="angleY">Y-axis skew angle (in degree)</param>
 public void Skew(double angleX, double angleY)
     //if (currentTransform == null) PushMatrix();
     if (currentTransform == null) currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
     currentTransform.SkewRelative(angleX, angleY);
     transformRequired = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Push skew (shear) transformation to matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="angleX">X-axis skew angle (in degree)</param>
        /// <param name="angleY">Y-axis skew angle (in degree)</param>
        /// <param name="centerX">X-coordinate of skewing origin</param>
        /// <param name="centerY">Y-coordinate of skewing origin</param>
        public void Skew(double angleX, double angleY, double centerX, double centerY)
            if (currentTransform == null) currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
            //if (currentTransform == null) PushMatrix();
            //currentTransform.Translate(-centerX, -centerY);
            //currentTransform.Skew(angleX, angleY);
            //currentTransform.Translate(centerX, centerY);

            currentTransform.SkewRelative(angleX, angleY, centerY, centerY);
            transformRequired = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Push scale transformation to matrix. The scaling origin is assumed at (0, 0)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="scaleX">The horizontal factor to scale by</param>
 /// <param name="scaleY">The vertical factor to scale by</param>
 public void Scale(double scaleX, double scaleY)
     //if (currentTransform == null) PushMatrix();
     if (currentTransform == null) currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
     currentTransform.ScaleRelative(scaleX, scaleY);
     transformRequired = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Push scale transformation to matrix.
 /// </summary>        
 /// <param name="scaleX">The horizontal factor to scale by</param>
 /// <param name="scaleY">The vertical factor to scale by</param>
 /// <param name="centerX">X-coordinate of scaling origin</param>
 /// <param name="centerY">Y-coordinate of scaling origin</param>
 public void Scale(double scaleX, double scaleY, double centerX, double centerY)
     if (currentTransform == null) currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
     //if (currentTransform == null) PushMatrix();
     //currentTransform.Translate(centerX, centerY);
     //currentTransform.Translate(-centerX, -centerY);
     //currentTransform.Scale(scaleX, scaleY);
     //currentTransform.Translate(centerX, centerY);
     currentTransform.ScaleRelative(scaleX, scaleY, centerX, centerY);
     transformRequired = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Push translate transformation to matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">horizontal coordinate value to transform by</param>
        /// <param name="y">vertical coordinate value to transform by</param>
        public void Translate(double x, double y)
            //if (currentTransform == null) PushMatrix();
            //currentTransform.Translate(x, y);

            if (currentTransform == null) currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
            currentTransform.TranslateRelative(x, y);
            transformRequired = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Push rotate transformation to matrix
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="angle">The angle (in degree) to rotate by</param>
 /// <param name="centerX">X-coordinate of rotation origin</param>
 /// <param name="centerY">Y-coordinate of rotation origin</param>        
 public void Rotate(double angle, double centerX, double centerY)
     //if (currentTransform == null) PushMatrix();
     if (currentTransform == null) currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
     currentTransform.RotateRelative(angle, centerX, centerY);
     transformRequired = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new transformation matrix and make it active
        /// </summary>
        public void PushMatrix()
            if (currentTransform == null)
                currentTransform = new Matrix3x3();
                //store current transform to stack
                if (matrixStack == null) matrixStack = new Matrix3x3Stack();

                //create a new matrix
                currentTransform = currentTransform.Clone();

            transformRequired = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Remove the currently active transformation matrix, make the previous one in matrix stack active
 /// </summary>
 public void PopMatrix()
     if (matrixStack != null)
         if (matrixStack.Count > 0)
             Matrix3x3 prev = matrixStack.Pop();
             currentTransform = prev;
             transformRequired = true;
             currentTransform = null;
             transformRequired = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// Apply current transformation for (centerX, centerY) then skew at center point
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="xSkewAngle">x skew angle (in degree)</param>
        /// <param name="ySkewAngle">y skew angle (in degree)</param>
        /// <param name="centerX">center point x coordinate</param>
        /// <param name="centerY">center point y coordinate</param>
        public void SkewPrepend(double xSkewAngle, double ySkewAngle, double centerX, double centerY)
            if ((xSkewAngle != 0) || (ySkewAngle != 0))
                Matrix3x3 matrix = new Matrix3x3();
                matrix.Translate(-centerX, -centerY);
                matrix.Skew(xSkewAngle, ySkewAngle);
                matrix.Translate(centerX, centerY);

                // then prepend multiply
                this.PrependSelfMultiply(matrix.Sx, matrix.Sy, matrix.Shx, matrix.Shy, matrix.Tx, matrix.Ty);
                //PrependSelfMultiply(1.0, 1.0,
                //    Math.Tan(xSkewAngle * DegreeToRadianFactor),
                //    Math.Tan(ySkewAngle * DegreeToRadianFactor),
                //    centerX, centerY);

                isChanged = true;

                SimpleScaleAndTranslateOnly = false;
                ScaleAndTransformOnly = false;
 /// <summary>
 /// Restore the state of this drawer 
 /// </summary>
 public void Load(object state)
     if (state is DrawerState)
         DrawerState ds = (DrawerState)state;
         currentTransform = ds.CurrentTransform;
         matrixStack = ds.MatrixStack;
         transformRequired = currentTransform != null;
     else Cross.Drawing.IncompatibleTypeException.Publish(state, typeof(DrawerState));
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculate just in time property
 /// </summary>
 void CalculateJustInTime()
     // when there are changed
     mIsTransformed = ((Sx != 1.0 || Sy != 1 || Shx != 0.0 || Shy != 0.0 || Tx != 0 || Ty != 0));
     if (CanInvert())
         //mInvertedMatrix = CloneInverted();
         mInvertedMatrix = Clone();
         mInvertedMatrix = null;
     // turn of the flag
     isChanged = false;
        /// <summary>
        /// New matrix from other
        /// Create a new instance with information from the provided source matrix
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">The source matrix to copy values from</param>
        public Matrix3x3(Matrix3x3 source)
            Sx = source.Sx;
            Shy = source.Shy;
            Shx = source.Shx;
            Sy = source.Sy;
            Tx = source.Tx;
            Ty = source.Ty;
            //IsTransformed = matrix.IsTransformed;
            ScaleXFactor = source.ScaleXFactor;
            ScaleYFactor = source.ScaleYFactor;

            SimpleScaleAndTranslateOnly = source.SimpleScaleAndTranslateOnly;
            ScaleAndTransformOnly = source.ScaleAndTransformOnly;

            isChanged = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Product maxtrix from two matrix
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">source matrix</param>
 /// <param name="dest">dest matrix</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static Matrix3x3 operator *(Matrix3x3 source, Matrix3x3 dest)
     Matrix3x3 result = new Matrix3x3(source);
     return result;
        /// <summary>
        /// Multiply current matrix to another one
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrix">input matrix</param>
        public void Multiply(Matrix3x3 matrix)
            t0 = Sx * matrix.Sx + Shy * matrix.Shx;
            t2 = Shx * matrix.Sx + Sy * matrix.Shx;
            t4 = Tx * matrix.Sx + Ty * matrix.Shx + matrix.Tx;

            t1 = Sx * matrix.Shy + Shy * matrix.Sy;
            t3 = Shx * matrix.Shy + Sy * matrix.Sy;
            t5 = Tx * matrix.Shy + Ty * matrix.Sy + matrix.Ty;

            Sx = t0;
            Shx = t2;
            Tx = t4;

            Shy = t1;
            Sy = t3;
            Ty = t5;

            ScaleXFactor *= matrix.ScaleXFactor;
            ScaleYFactor *= matrix.ScaleYFactor;

            //ScaleAndTranslateOnly true when in both matrix is true
            SimpleScaleAndTranslateOnly =
                SimpleScaleAndTranslateOnly && (matrix.SimpleScaleAndTranslateOnly);

            ScaleAndTransformOnly =
                ScaleAndTransformOnly && (matrix.ScaleAndTransformOnly);

            isChanged = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Add a path to current path by transforming data from source path
        /// NOTES: Currently this method does not support Arc commands from source path
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The source path to copy from</param>
        public void AddPath(DrawingPath path, Matrix3x3 matrix)
            // using array .copy only
            ReserveSpace(path.CommandCount, path.CoordinateCount);

            // change private fields
            currentFirstCommandIndex = CommandCount + path.currentFirstCommandIndex;
            currentFirstCoordinateIndex = CoordinateCount + path.currentFirstCoordinateIndex;
            currentFirstX = path.currentFirstX;
            currentFirstY = path.currentFirstY;

            // copy command
            Array.Copy(path.Commands, 0, Commands, CommandCount, path.CommandCount);
            CommandCount += path.CommandCount;
            // copy coordinates
            //Array.Copy(path.Coordinates, 0, Coordinates, CoordinateCount, path.CoordinateCount);
            //CoordinateCount += path.CoordinateCount;
            double sx = matrix.Sx;
            double sy = matrix.Sy;
            double shx = matrix.Shx;
            double shy = matrix.Shy;
            double tx = matrix.Tx;
            double ty = matrix.Ty;

            //double tmp = x;
            //x = tmp * Sx + y * Shx + Tx;
            //y = tmp * Shy + y * Sy + Ty;
            double[] pathCoodinates = path.Coordinates;
            for (int cooridnateIndex = 0; cooridnateIndex < path.CoordinateCount; cooridnateIndex += 2)
                Coordinates[CoordinateCount++] =
                pathCoodinates[cooridnateIndex] * sx
                + pathCoodinates[cooridnateIndex + 1] * shx + tx;
                Coordinates[CoordinateCount++] =
                pathCoodinates[cooridnateIndex] * shy
                + pathCoodinates[cooridnateIndex + 1] * sy + ty;
