         * Parses all the issues by an awardee
        private static List<Issue> ParseJIssues(JArray issuesArray)
            List<Issue> ret_list = new List<Issue>();
            WebClient wc = new WebClient();
            if (issuesArray != null && issuesArray.Count > 0)
                foreach (JObject obj in issuesArray)
                        Stream data = wc.OpenRead((String)obj["url"]);
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);
                        string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(s);
                        JArray pagesArray = (JArray)jobj["pages"];
                        Issue i = new Issue();
                        Batch b = new Batch();
                        b.url = (String)(((JObject)jobj["batch"])["url"]);
                        b.name = (String)(((JObject)jobj["batch"])["name"]);
                        b.local_url = reloutput2 + ".json";
                        i.batch = b;
                        i.date_issued = (String)obj["date_issued"];
                        i.volume = (String)jobj["volume"];
                        i.edition = (int)jobj["edition"];
                        i.number = (String)jobj["number"];
                        Title t = new Title();
                        JObject temp = (JObject)obj["title"];
                        t.name = (String)temp["name"];
                        t.url = (String)temp["url"];
                        i.title = t;
                        i.url = (String)obj["url"];
                        output3 = output2 + "." + t.name.Remove(t.name.Length - 1) + "-" + i.date_issued;
                        reloutput3 = reloutput2 + "." + t.name.Remove(t.name.Length - 1) + "-" + i.date_issued;
                        i.local_url = reloutput3 + ".json";
                        i.pages = new List<Page>();
                        foreach (JObject pobj in pagesArray) //parsing only necessary fields here to avoid redundancy in data
                            Page p = new Page();
                            p.sequence = (int)pobj["sequence"];
                            p.url = (String)pobj["url"];
                            p.local_url = reloutput3 + ".Page" + p.sequence + ".json";

                        //writing to the Issue file
                        file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(output3 + ".json");
                        String output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(i, Formatting.Indented);
                        ParseJPages(pagesArray, i);
                    catch (Exception e)
            return ret_list;
         * Parses the data within a batch and writes it into a file within the batch folder
        private static List<Batch> ParseJBatch(JArray parseArray)
            List<Batch> ret_list = new List<Batch>();
            WebClient wc = new WebClient();
            if (parseArray != null && parseArray.Count > 0)
                foreach (JObject obj in parseArray)
                        Batch b = new Batch();
                        Awardee a = new Awardee();
                        JObject temp = (JObject)obj["awardee"];
                        a.name = (String)temp["name"];
                        a.url = (String)temp["url"];
                        b.awardee = a;
                        b.ingested = (String)obj["ingested"];
                        JArray temp2 = (JArray)obj["lccns"];
                        b.lccns = temp2.Select(jv => (string)jv).ToList();
                        b.name = (String)obj["name"];
                        b.page_count = (int)obj["page_count"];
                        b.url = (String)obj["url"];
                        output2 = output1 + "." + (b.name);
                        reloutput2 = reloutput1 + "." + (b.name);
                        b.local_url = reloutput2 + ".json";

                        Stream data = wc.OpenRead((String)obj["url"]);
                        StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(data);
                        string s = reader.ReadToEnd();
                        JObject jobj = JObject.Parse(s);
                        JArray issuesArray = (JArray)jobj["issues"];
                        b.issues = new List<Issue>();
                        foreach (JObject iobj in issuesArray) //parsing only necessary fields here to avoid redundancy in data
                            Issue i = new Issue();
                            i.date_issued = (String)iobj["date_issued"];
                            Title t = new Title();
                            JObject temp3 = (JObject)iobj["title"];
                            t.name = (String)temp3["name"];
                            t.url = (String)temp3["url"];
                            i.title = t;
                            i.url = (String)obj["url"];
                            output3 = output2 + "." + t.name.Remove(t.name.Length - 1) + "-" + i.date_issued;
                            reloutput3 = reloutput2 + "." + t.name.Remove(t.name.Length - 1) + "-" + i.date_issued;
                            i.local_url = reloutput3 + ".json";
                        //writing to the awardee file inside the batch file
                        file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(output2 + ".json");
                        String output = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(b, Formatting.Indented);
                    catch(Exception e)
            return ret_list;