        static void Main(string[] args)
            OrientedBoundingBox x1 = new OrientedBoundingBox(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 1, 1));
            OrientedBoundingBox x2 = new OrientedBoundingBox(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(1, 2, 3));

            x1.Transforms = new Matrix(1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f,
                                    0.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f,
                                    0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f,
                                    0.00f, 0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f);

            x2.Transforms = new Matrix(0.84739756089084f, 0.27533615807316f, 0.45399049973955f, 0.00000000000000f,
                                    -0.37155081922366f, -0.30330867844183f, 0.87747013300516f, 0.00000000000000f,
                                    0.37929851374673f, -0.91224659256112f, -0.15472165921466f, 0.00000000000000f,
                                    0.00000000000000f, 0.00000000000000f, 1.01000000000000f, 1.00000000000000f);

            bool res = x1.Intersects(x2);

        public bool Intersects(OrientedBoundingBox other)
            // Matrix to transform other OBB into my reference to allow me to be treated as an AABB
            Matrix toMe = other.Transforms * Matrix.Invert(_transforms);

            Vector3 centerOther  = Utility.Multiply(other.Center, toMe);
            Vector3 extentsOther = other.Extents;
            Vector3 separation   = centerOther - _center;

            Matrix3 rotations    = new Matrix3(toMe);
            Matrix3 absRotations = Utility.Abs(rotations);

            float r, r0, r1, r01;

            //--- Test case 1 - X axis

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.X);
            r1  = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(0));
            r01 = _extents.X + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 1 - Y axis

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Y);
            r1  = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(1));
            r01 = _extents.Y + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 1 - Z axis

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Z);
            r1  = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(2));
            r01 = _extents.Z + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 2 - X axis

            r   = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(0), separation));
            r0  = Vector3.Dot(_extents, absRotations.Row(0));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.X;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 2 - Y axis

            r   = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(1), separation));
            r0  = Vector3.Dot(_extents, absRotations.Row(1));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.Y;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 2 - Z axis

            r   = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(2), separation));
            r0  = Vector3.Dot(_extents, absRotations.Row(2));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.Z;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 1

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[0, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[0, 2]);
            r0  = _extents.Y * absRotations[0, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[0, 1];
            r1  = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 0] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 2

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[1, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[1, 2]);
            r0  = _extents.Y * absRotations[1, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[1, 1];
            r1  = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 0] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 3

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[2, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[2, 2]);
            r0  = _extents.Y * absRotations[2, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[2, 1];
            r1  = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 0] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 4

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[0, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[0, 0]);
            r0  = _extents.X * absRotations[0, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[0, 0];
            r1  = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 1] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 5

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[1, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[1, 0]);
            r0  = _extents.X * absRotations[1, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[1, 0];
            r1  = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 1] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 6

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[2, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[2, 0]);
            r0  = _extents.X * absRotations[2, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[2, 0];
            r1  = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 1] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 7

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[0, 0] - separation.X * rotations[0, 1]);
            r0  = _extents.X * absRotations[0, 1] + _extents.Y * absRotations[0, 0];
            r1  = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 2] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 8

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[1, 0] - separation.X * rotations[1, 1]);
            r0  = _extents.X * absRotations[1, 1] + _extents.Y * absRotations[1, 0];
            r1  = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 2] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            //--- Test case 3 # 9

            r   = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[2, 0] - separation.X * rotations[2, 1]);
            r0  = _extents.X * absRotations[2, 1] + _extents.Y * absRotations[2, 0];
            r1  = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 2] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01)

            return(true);  // No separating axis, then we have intersection
        public bool Intersects(OrientedBoundingBox other)
            // Matrix to transform other OBB into my reference to allow me to be treated as an AABB
            Matrix toMe = other.Transforms * Matrix.Invert(_transforms);

            Vector3 centerOther = Utility.Multiply(other.Center, toMe);
            Vector3 extentsOther = other.Extents;
            Vector3 separation = centerOther - _center;

            Matrix3 rotations = new Matrix3(toMe);
            Matrix3 absRotations = Utility.Abs(rotations);

            float r, r0, r1, r01;

            //--- Test case 1 - X axis

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X);
            r1 = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(0));
            r01 = _extents.X + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 1 - Y axis

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y);
            r1 = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(1));
            r01 = _extents.Y + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 1 - Z axis

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z);
            r1 = Vector3.Dot(extentsOther, absRotations.Column(2));
            r01 = _extents.Z + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 2 - X axis

            r = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(0), separation));
            r0 = Vector3.Dot(_extents, absRotations.Row(0));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.X;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 2 - Y axis

            r = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(1), separation));
            r0 = Vector3.Dot(_extents, absRotations.Row(1));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.Y;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 2 - Z axis

            r = Math.Abs(Vector3.Dot(rotations.Row(2), separation));
            r0 = Vector3.Dot(_extents, absRotations.Row(2));
            r01 = r0 + extentsOther.Z;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 1

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[0, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[0, 2]);
            r0 = _extents.Y * absRotations[0, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[0, 1];
            r1 = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 0] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 2

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[1, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[1, 2]);
            r0 = _extents.Y * absRotations[1, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[1, 1];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 0] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 3

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Z * rotations[2, 1] - separation.Y * rotations[2, 2]);
            r0 = _extents.Y * absRotations[2, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[2, 1];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 0] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 0];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 4

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[0, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[0, 0]);
            r0 = _extents.X * absRotations[0, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[0, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 1] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 5

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[1, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[1, 0]);
            r0 = _extents.X * absRotations[1, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[1, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 1] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 6

            r = Math.Abs(separation.X * rotations[2, 2] - separation.Z * rotations[2, 0]);
            r0 = _extents.X * absRotations[2, 2] + _extents.Z * absRotations[2, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 1] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 1];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 7

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[0, 0] - separation.X * rotations[0, 1]);
            r0 = _extents.X * absRotations[0, 1] + _extents.Y * absRotations[0, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.Y * absRotations[2, 2] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[1, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 8

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[1, 0] - separation.X * rotations[1, 1]);
            r0 = _extents.X * absRotations[1, 1] + _extents.Y * absRotations[1, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[2, 2] + extentsOther.Z * absRotations[0, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            //--- Test case 3 # 9

            r = Math.Abs(separation.Y * rotations[2, 0] - separation.X * rotations[2, 1]);
            r0 = _extents.X * absRotations[2, 1] + _extents.Y * absRotations[2, 0];
            r1 = extentsOther.X * absRotations[1, 2] + extentsOther.Y * absRotations[0, 2];
            r01 = r0 + r1;

            if (r > r01) return false;

            return true;  // No separating axis, then we have intersection