/** Typically called by preBreedingExchangePopulation prior to migrating an individual. * Override this method to process the migrant, or provide a different Individual to migrate. * The default simply returns the individual. "island" refers to the island id of the * destination island for this individual, or null if there is no island (as is the case * in InterPopulationExchange). "subpop" refers the expected subpopulation of the individual * in the destination island, or the subpopulation the indivdiual is migrating to in InterPopulationExchange. * Hint: if you are using IslandExchange and your island has access to the server exchange parameters * ("exch.num-islands" and all parameters starting with "exch.island."), you can can call * IslandExchange.getIslandIndex(state, island) to retrieve the island number in the parameters, * from which you can then determine additional useful information about the destination island. */ protected Individual Process(IEvolutionState state, int thread, string island, int subpop, Individual ind) { return(ind); }
/// <summary> /// Part of ISimpleProblem. Included here so you don't have to write the default version, which usually does nothing. /// </summary> public virtual void Describe(IEvolutionState state, Individual ind, int subpop, int threadnum, int log) { }