void OnEnable() { if(gameManager == null) gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<ScriptGameManager>(); UpdateDifficultySelection(); }
// Use this for initialization void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("_GM").GetComponent <ScriptGameManager>(); deathCanvas = GameObject.Find("DeathCanvas"); winCanvas = GameObject.Find("WinCanvas"); screenCanvas = GameObject.Find("ScreenCanvas"); startWall = GameObject.Find("StartWall"); }
private void Start() { gm = FindObjectOfType <ScriptGameManager>(); isPartenaire = false; GetComponent <Rigidbody>().constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeAll; distanceMin = 7; agent = this.GetComponent <NavMeshAgent>(); agent.speed = GetComponent <ClassUnite>().GetMouvemenetVitesse(); }
void Start() { gm = FindObjectOfType <ScriptGameManager>(); if (GetComponent <ScriptMonstre>()) { estMonstre = true; } else { estMonstre = false; } }
void Start() { List <int> lstat = new List <int>(); timeur = 0; unite = gameObject.AddComponent <ClassUnite>(); unite.SetNom("Monstre" + NUMBER_MONSTER.ToString()); unite.SetMaxPointDeVie(75); unite.SetAttaque(25); unite.SetDefence(5); unite.SetMouvementVitesse(5); unite.SetVitesseAttaque(3); NUMBER_MONSTER++; GameManager = FindObjectOfType <ScriptGameManager>(); taunted = false; }
private float currentDirection = 1f; //current facing // Use this for initialization void Start() { cheatMode = Difficulty.Cheat; //get value from the static class GM = GameObject.Find("_GM").GetComponent <ScriptGameManager>(); AudioSource[] audios = GetComponents <AudioSource>(); anim = GetComponent <Animator>(); rb2d = GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>(); shootAudio = audios[0]; hitAudio = audios[2]; jumpAudio = audios[1]; killedAudio = audios[3]; Run = audios[4]; if (cheatMode == true) //if cheat enabled { isTutorial = true; HP = 999; } }
public void InitList() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<ScriptGameManager>(); receivingPlayerName = ""; foreach(ScriptPlayer player in gameManager.players) { GameObject newButton = (GameObject)Instantiate(prefabPlayerSelectButton); SampleButtonPlayer tempButton = newButton.GetComponent<SampleButtonPlayer>(); tempButton.name = player.playerName + " Button"; tempButton.playerName.text = player.playerName; tempButton.button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { SelectPlayer(tempButton.playerName.text); }); newButton.transform.SetParent(contentPanel); } }
//TODO: Debuger Niveau 2 Collision Tete Boss serpent void Awake() { /***make sure that only one gameManager is Active in all the scenes * ref: https://unity3d.com/fr/learn/tutorials/topics/scripting/persistence-saving-and-loading-data***/ txtnbVies = this.txtnbVies; txtnbBombe = this.txtnbBombe; if (gameManager == null) { Debug.Log("==> This is the GameManager"); DontDestroyOnLoad(gameObject); gameManager = this; } else if (gameManager && gameManager != this) { Debug.Log("==> GameManager Detected this instance will be destroied!"); Destroy(gameObject); } }
void Update() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); scriptGameManager = gameManager.GetComponent <ScriptGameManager>(); }
void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<ScriptGameManager>(); UpdateDifficultySelection(); }
//Mike Dobson & Andrew Seba Engine collaberation from here down unless otherwise noted void Start() { gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager").GetComponent<ScriptGameManager>(); // Craig if (gameManager.restartedGame) { // load player data from the saved game data using the player's name (public string playerName) } wood = 0; wool = 0; brick = 0; grain = 0; numSettlements = 0; settlements = new List<GameObject>(); roads = new List<GameObject>(); try { BuildPhaseMenu = GameObject.Find("Panel_BuildMenu"); if (BuildPhaseMenu != null) { BuildSettlementButton = GameObject.Find("Button_BuildRoad"); BuildRoadButton = GameObject.Find("Button_BuildSettlement"); BuildPhaseMenu.SetActive(false); } else { Debug.Log("Panel_BuildMenu can't be found. Please re-enable in scene before running."); } tradeWindowButton = GameObject.Find("Button_OpenTradeWindow"); if(tradeWindowButton != null) { tradeWindowButton.SetActive(false); } else { Debug.LogError("Button_OpenTradeWindow can't be found. Please re-enable in hierarchy before running."); } PhaseText = GameObject.Find("Text_CurPhase").GetComponent<Text>(); grainAmount = GameObject.Find("Text_GrainAmount").GetComponent<Text>(); brickAmount = GameObject.Find("Text_BrickAmount").GetComponent<Text>(); woodAmount = GameObject.Find("Text_WoodAmount").GetComponent<Text>(); woolAmount = GameObject.Find("Text_WoolAmount").GetComponent<Text>(); } catch { Debug.Log("no gui object found in scene."); } CurrentState = GameState.PHASE0; //setup the previous state PreviousState = GameState.PHASE0; //create the dictionary allTransitions = new Dictionary<ScriptPhaseTransition, GameState> { //Defines the state transitions where //{new ScriptPhaseTransition(actual state of the machine, transition state/command), final state of the machine)} {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE0, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE5), GameState.PHASE5 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE1, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE2), GameState.PHASE2 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE2, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE3), GameState.PHASE3 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE3, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE4), GameState.PHASE4 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE4, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE2), GameState.PHASE2 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE4, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE3), GameState.PHASE3 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE4, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE5), GameState.PHASE5 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE5, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE1), GameState.PHASE1 }, {new ScriptPhaseTransition(GameState.PHASE5, StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE6), GameState.PHASE6 } }; //Create the dictionary where //{string that is passed by the button, command the string represents enumParse = new Dictionary<string, StateCommands> { {"goto phase 0", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE0}, {"goto phase 1", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE1}, {"goto phase 2", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE2}, {"goto phase 3", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE3}, {"goto phase 4", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE4}, {"goto phase 5", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE5}, {"goto phase 6", StateCommands.GOTO_PHASE6}, {"quit application", StateCommands.QUIT_APPLICATION} }; Debug.Log("Current state: " + CurrentState); //Phase0(); }
void Start() { GetComponent <Rigidbody2D>().velocity = transform.up * speed * Time.timeScale; gameManager = GameObject.Find("GameManager"); scriptGameManager = gameManager.GetComponent <ScriptGameManager>(); }