private void drawMultipleEntriesState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { var num1 = 22f; var num2 = 2f; var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 20f, bounds.Y + 10f); var num3 = (int) Math.Min(searchResultsNames.Count, (float)((bounds.Height - 40.0 - 40.0 - 80.0) / (num1 + (double)num2))); TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, "Multiple Matches", GuiData.font, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); pos.Y += 30f; if (num3 > searchResultsNames.Count) { TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y - 18f), "Some Results Omitted", GuiData.tinyfont, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); } sb.Draw(Utils.white, new Rectangle((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)(bounds.Width - (double)pos.X - 5.0), 2), Color.White); pos.Y += 12f; for (var index = 0; index < num3; ++index) { if (Button.doButton(1237000 + index, (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)(bounds.Width * 0.666), (int)num1, searchResultsNames[index], darkThemeColor)) { searchedName = searchResultsNames[index]; state = ADDState.MultiMatchSearch; searchStartTime = os.timer; } pos.Y += num1 + num2; } pos.Y += 5f; sb.Draw(Utils.white, new Rectangle((int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, (int)(bounds.Width - (double)pos.X - 5.0), 2), Color.White); pos.Y += 10f; if (Button.doButton(12346080, (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 160, 25, "Refine Search", themeColor)) { state = ADDState.Seach; os.execute("getString Name"); } if (!Button.doButton(12346085, (int)pos.X + 170, (int)pos.Y, 160, 25, "Go Back", darkThemeColor)) { return; } state = ADDState.Welcome; }
private void doPreEntryViewSearch() { var fileForName = findFileForName(searchedName); if (fileForName != null) { setDegreesFromFileEntryData(; } else if (searchResultsNames.Count > 1) { state = ADDState.MultipleEntriesFound; } else { state = ADDState.EntryNotFound; } }
public override void navigatedTo() { state = ADDState.Welcome; }
private void drawEditDegreeState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) state = ADDState.Entry; var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 10f, bounds.Y + 60f); var flag = editedField == ADDEditField.None; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, "University:", new Color?()); pos.X += 110f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, searchedDegrees[editedIndex].uni, editedField == ADDEditField.Uni ? themeColor : Color.White); pos.X -= 110f; pos.Y += 20f; if (flag && Button.doButton(46700, (int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, 80, 20, "Edit", darkThemeColor)) { editedField = ADDEditField.Uni; os.execute("getString University"); } pos.Y += 30f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, "Degree:", new Color?()); pos.X += 110f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, searchedDegrees[editedIndex].name, editedField == ADDEditField.Degree ? themeColor : Color.White); pos.X -= 110f; pos.Y += 20f; if (flag && Button.doButton(46705, (int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, 80, 20, "Edit", darkThemeColor)) { editedField = ADDEditField.Degree; os.execute("getString Degree"); } pos.Y += 30f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, "GPA:", new Color?()); pos.X += 110f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, string.Concat(searchedDegrees[editedIndex].GPA), editedField == ADDEditField.GPA ? themeColor : Color.White); pos.X -= 110f; pos.Y += 20f; if (flag && Button.doButton(46710, (int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, 80, 20, "Edit", darkThemeColor)) { editedField = ADDEditField.GPA; os.execute("getString GPA"); } pos.Y += 30f; if (editedField != ADDEditField.None) { if (!doEditField()) return; editedField = ADDEditField.None; os.getStringCache = ""; saveChangesToEntry(); } else { if ( !Button.doButton(486012, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 40, 180, 30, "Save And Return", backThemeColor)) return; state = ADDState.Entry; comp.log(string.Concat("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordEdit_:_#", editedIndex, "_: ", searchedName.Replace(" ", "_"))); } }
private void drawEntryState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { if (state == ADDState.Entry && os.hasConnectionPermission(true)) state = ADDState.EditPerson; if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) state = ADDState.Welcome; var x = bounds.X + 20f; var y1 = bounds.Y + 50f; TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y1), searchedName, GuiData.font, new Color?(), bounds.Width - (x - bounds.X), 60f); var y2 = y1 + 30f; if (searchedDegrees.Count == 0) TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y2), " -No Degrees Found", GuiData.smallfont, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); for (var index = 0; index < searchedDegrees.Count; ++index) { var text = "Degree :" + searchedDegrees[index].name + "\nUni :" + searchedDegrees[index].uni + "\nGPA :" + searchedDegrees[index].GPA; TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y2), text, GuiData.smallfont, new Color?(), bounds.Width - (bounds.X - x), 50f); y2 += 60f; if (state == ADDState.EditPerson) { var num = y2 - 10f; if (Button.doButton(457900 + index, (int) x, (int) num, 100, 20, "Edit", new Color?())) { state = ADDState.EditEntry; editedField = ADDEditField.None; editedIndex = index; } if (Button.doButton(456900 + index, (int) x + 105, (int) num, 100, 20, needsDeletionConfirmation ? "Delete" : "Confirm?", needsDeletionConfirmation ? Color.Gray : Color.Red)) { if (needsDeletionConfirmation) { needsDeletionConfirmation = false; } else { comp.log(string.Concat("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordDeletion_:_#", index, "_: ", searchedName.Replace(" ", "_"))); searchedDegrees.RemoveAt(index); saveChangesToEntry(); --index; needsDeletionConfirmation = true; } } y2 = num + 35f; } } var num1 = y2 + 10f; if (state != ADDState.EditPerson || !Button.doButton(458009, (int) x, (int) num1, 170, 30, "Add Degree", themeColor)) return; var degree = new Degree("UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0.0f); searchedDegrees.Add(degree); editedIndex = searchedDegrees.IndexOf(degree); state = ADDState.EditEntry; comp.log(string.Concat("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordAdd_:_#", editedIndex, "_: ", searchedName.Replace(" ", "_"))); }
private void drawMultipleEntriesState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { var num1 = 22f; var num2 = 2f; var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 20f, bounds.Y + 10f); var num3 = (int) Math.Min(searchResultsNames.Count, (float) ((bounds.Height - 40.0 - 40.0 - 80.0)/(num1 + (double) num2))); TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, "Multiple Matches", GuiData.font, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); pos.Y += 30f; if (num3 > searchResultsNames.Count) TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(pos.X, pos.Y - 18f), "Some Results Omitted", GuiData.tinyfont, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); sb.Draw(Utils.white, new Rectangle((int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, (int) (bounds.Width - (double) pos.X - 5.0), 2), Color.White); pos.Y += 12f; for (var index = 0; index < num3; ++index) { if (Button.doButton(1237000 + index, (int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, (int) (bounds.Width*0.666), (int) num1, searchResultsNames[index], darkThemeColor)) { searchedName = searchResultsNames[index]; state = ADDState.MultiMatchSearch; searchStartTime = os.timer; } pos.Y += num1 + num2; } pos.Y += 5f; sb.Draw(Utils.white, new Rectangle((int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, (int) (bounds.Width - (double) pos.X - 5.0), 2), Color.White); pos.Y += 10f; if (Button.doButton(12346080, (int) pos.X, (int) pos.Y, 160, 25, "Refine Search", themeColor)) { state = ADDState.Seach; os.execute("getString Name"); } if (!Button.doButton(12346085, (int) pos.X + 170, (int) pos.Y, 160, 25, "Go Back", darkThemeColor)) return; state = ADDState.Welcome; }
private void drawSearchState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) state = ADDState.Welcome; var str = ""; var x = bounds.X + 6; var num1 = bounds.Y + 100; var vector2_1 = TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(x, num1), "Please enter the name you with to search for:", new Color?()); var y1 = num1 + ((int) vector2_1.Y + 10); var strArray = os.getStringCache.Split(new string[1] { "#$#$#$$#$&$#$#$#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (strArray.Length > 1) { str = strArray[1]; if (str.Equals("")) str = os.terminal.currentLine; } var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y1, bounds.Width - 12, 80); sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.darkBackgroundColor); var num2 = y1 + 28; var vector2_2 = TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(x, num2), "Name: " + str, new Color?()); destinationRectangle.X = x + (int) vector2_2.X + 2; destinationRectangle.Y = num2; destinationRectangle.Width = 7; destinationRectangle.Height = 20; if (os.timer%1.0 < 0.300000011920929) sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.outlineColor); var y2 = num2 + 122; if (strArray.Length <= 2 && !Button.doButton(30, x, y2, 300, 22, "Search", os.highlightColor)) return; if (strArray.Length <= 2) os.terminal.executeLine(); if (str.Length > 0) { state = ADDState.PendingResult; searchedName = str; searchStartTime = os.timer; comp.log("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordSearch_:_" + str); } else state = ADDState.EntryNotFound; }
public override void draw(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { drawSideBar(bounds, sb); var num1 = (int) (bounds.Width/5.0); bounds.Width -= num1; bounds.X += num1; drawTitle(bounds, sb); bounds.Y += 30; bounds.Height -= 30; switch (state) { case ADDState.Welcome: var flag = comp.adminIP == os.thisComputer.ip; var destinationRectangle = bounds; destinationRectangle.Y = bounds.Y + 60 - 20; destinationRectangle.Height = 22; sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, flag ? themeColor : darkThemeColor); var text1 = "Valid Administrator Account Detected"; if (!flag) text1 = "Non-Admin Account Active"; var vector2 = GuiData.smallfont.MeasureString(text1); var position1 = new Vector2(destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width/2 - vector2.X/2f, destinationRectangle.Y); sb.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, text1, position1, Color.Black); if (Button.doButton(456011, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/2 - 15, bounds.Width/2, 40, "About This Server", themeColor)) state = ADDState.InfoPanel; if (Button.doButton(456001, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/2 - 15 + 50, bounds.Width/2, 40, "Search Entries", themeColor)) { state = ADDState.Seach; os.execute("getString Name"); } if ( !Button.doButton(456005, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height/2 - 15 + 100, bounds.Width/2, 40, "Exit", themeColor)) break; os.display.command = "connect"; break; case ADDState.Seach: drawSearchState(bounds, sb); break; case ADDState.MultiMatchSearch: case ADDState.PendingResult: if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) state = ADDState.Welcome; var position2 = new Vector2(bounds.X + bounds.Width/2, bounds.Y = bounds.Height/2); var origin = new Vector2(loadingCircle.Width/2, loadingCircle.Height/2); sb.Draw(loadingCircle, position2, new Rectangle?(), Color.White, (float) (os.timer%Math.PI*3.0), origin, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); var num2 = os.timer - searchStartTime; if ((state != ADDState.PendingResult || num2 <= 3.59999990463257) && (state != ADDState.MultiMatchSearch || num2 <= 0.699999988079071)) break; state = ADDState.Entry; needsDeletionConfirmation = true; doPreEntryViewSearch(); break; case ADDState.Entry: case ADDState.EditPerson: drawEntryState(bounds, sb); break; case ADDState.EntryNotFound: if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 20, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) state = ADDState.Welcome; if (Button.doButton(456015, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 55, 160, 30, "Search Again", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Seach; os.execute("getString Name"); } TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 90), "No Entries Found", GuiData.font, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); break; case ADDState.MultipleEntriesFound: drawMultipleEntriesState(bounds, sb); break; case ADDState.InfoPanel: if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 30, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) state = ADDState.Welcome; var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 20, bounds.Y + 70); TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, "Information", GuiData.font, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); pos.Y += 40f; var fileEntry = root.searchForFile("info.txt"); var text2 = "ERROR: Unhandled System.IO.FileNotFoundException\nFile \"info.txt\" was not found"; if (fileEntry != null) text2 = DisplayModule.cleanSplitForWidth(, bounds.Width - 80); TextItem.DrawShadow = false; TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, text2, GuiData.smallfont, new Color?(), bounds.Width - 40, float.MaxValue); break; case ADDState.EditEntry: drawEditDegreeState(bounds, sb); break; } }
private void doPreEntryViewSearch() { var fileForName = findFileForName(searchedName); if (fileForName != null) setDegreesFromFileEntryData(; else if (searchResultsNames.Count > 1) state = ADDState.MultipleEntriesFound; else state = ADDState.EntryNotFound; }
private void drawEditDegreeState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Entry; } var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 10f, bounds.Y + 60f); var flag = editedField == ADDEditField.None; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, "University:", new Color?()); pos.X += 110f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, searchedDegrees[editedIndex].uni, editedField == ADDEditField.Uni ? themeColor : Color.White); pos.X -= 110f; pos.Y += 20f; if (flag && Button.doButton(46700, (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 80, 20, "Edit", darkThemeColor)) { editedField = ADDEditField.Uni; os.execute("getString University"); } pos.Y += 30f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, "Degree:", new Color?()); pos.X += 110f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, searchedDegrees[editedIndex].name, editedField == ADDEditField.Degree ? themeColor : Color.White); pos.X -= 110f; pos.Y += 20f; if (flag && Button.doButton(46705, (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 80, 20, "Edit", darkThemeColor)) { editedField = ADDEditField.Degree; os.execute("getString Degree"); } pos.Y += 30f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, "GPA:", new Color?()); pos.X += 110f; TextItem.doSmallLabel(pos, string.Concat(searchedDegrees[editedIndex].GPA), editedField == ADDEditField.GPA ? themeColor : Color.White); pos.X -= 110f; pos.Y += 20f; if (flag && Button.doButton(46710, (int)pos.X, (int)pos.Y, 80, 20, "Edit", darkThemeColor)) { editedField = ADDEditField.GPA; os.execute("getString GPA"); } pos.Y += 30f; if (editedField != ADDEditField.None) { if (!doEditField()) { return; } editedField = ADDEditField.None; os.getStringCache = ""; saveChangesToEntry(); } else { if ( !Button.doButton(486012, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + bounds.Height - 40, 180, 30, "Save And Return", backThemeColor)) { return; } state = ADDState.Entry; comp.log(string.Concat("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordEdit_:_#", editedIndex, "_: ", searchedName.Replace(" ", "_"))); } }
private void drawEntryState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { if (state == ADDState.Entry && os.hasConnectionPermission(true)) { state = ADDState.EditPerson; } if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Welcome; } var x = bounds.X + 20f; var y1 = bounds.Y + 50f; TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y1), searchedName, GuiData.font, new Color?(), bounds.Width - (x - bounds.X), 60f); var y2 = y1 + 30f; if (searchedDegrees.Count == 0) { TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y2), " -No Degrees Found", GuiData.smallfont, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); } for (var index = 0; index < searchedDegrees.Count; ++index) { var text = "Degree :" + searchedDegrees[index].name + "\nUni :" + searchedDegrees[index].uni + "\nGPA :" + searchedDegrees[index].GPA; TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(x, y2), text, GuiData.smallfont, new Color?(), bounds.Width - (bounds.X - x), 50f); y2 += 60f; if (state == ADDState.EditPerson) { var num = y2 - 10f; if (Button.doButton(457900 + index, (int)x, (int)num, 100, 20, "Edit", new Color?())) { state = ADDState.EditEntry; editedField = ADDEditField.None; editedIndex = index; } if (Button.doButton(456900 + index, (int)x + 105, (int)num, 100, 20, needsDeletionConfirmation ? "Delete" : "Confirm?", needsDeletionConfirmation ? Color.Gray : Color.Red)) { if (needsDeletionConfirmation) { needsDeletionConfirmation = false; } else { comp.log(string.Concat("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordDeletion_:_#", index, "_: ", searchedName.Replace(" ", "_"))); searchedDegrees.RemoveAt(index); saveChangesToEntry(); --index; needsDeletionConfirmation = true; } } y2 = num + 35f; } } var num1 = y2 + 10f; if (state != ADDState.EditPerson || !Button.doButton(458009, (int)x, (int)num1, 170, 30, "Add Degree", themeColor)) { return; } var degree = new Degree("UNKNOWN", "UNKNOWN", 0.0f); searchedDegrees.Add(degree); editedIndex = searchedDegrees.IndexOf(degree); state = ADDState.EditEntry; comp.log(string.Concat("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordAdd_:_#", editedIndex, "_: ", searchedName.Replace(" ", "_"))); }
private void drawSearchState(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Welcome; } var str = ""; var x = bounds.X + 6; var num1 = bounds.Y + 100; var vector2_1 = TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(x, num1), "Please enter the name you with to search for:", new Color?()); var y1 = num1 + ((int)vector2_1.Y + 10); var strArray = os.getStringCache.Split(new string[1] { "#$#$#$$#$&$#$#$#$#" }, StringSplitOptions.None); if (strArray.Length > 1) { str = strArray[1]; if (str.Equals("")) { str = os.terminal.currentLine; } } var destinationRectangle = new Rectangle(x, y1, bounds.Width - 12, 80); sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.darkBackgroundColor); var num2 = y1 + 28; var vector2_2 = TextItem.doMeasuredSmallLabel(new Vector2(x, num2), "Name: " + str, new Color?()); destinationRectangle.X = x + (int)vector2_2.X + 2; destinationRectangle.Y = num2; destinationRectangle.Width = 7; destinationRectangle.Height = 20; if (os.timer % 1.0 < 0.300000011920929) { sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, os.outlineColor); } var y2 = num2 + 122; if (strArray.Length <= 2 && !Button.doButton(30, x, y2, 300, 22, "Search", os.highlightColor)) { return; } if (strArray.Length <= 2) { os.terminal.executeLine(); } if (str.Length > 0) { state = ADDState.PendingResult; searchedName = str; searchStartTime = os.timer; comp.log("ACADEMIC_DATABASE::RecordSearch_:_" + str); } else { state = ADDState.EntryNotFound; } }
public override void draw(Rectangle bounds, SpriteBatch sb) { drawSideBar(bounds, sb); var num1 = (int)(bounds.Width / 5.0); bounds.Width -= num1; bounds.X += num1; drawTitle(bounds, sb); bounds.Y += 30; bounds.Height -= 30; switch (state) { case ADDState.Welcome: var flag = comp.adminIP == os.thisComputer.ip; var destinationRectangle = bounds; destinationRectangle.Y = bounds.Y + 60 - 20; destinationRectangle.Height = 22; sb.Draw(Utils.white, destinationRectangle, flag ? themeColor : darkThemeColor); var text1 = "Valid Administrator Account Detected"; if (!flag) { text1 = "Non-Admin Account Active"; } var vector2 = GuiData.smallfont.MeasureString(text1); var position1 = new Vector2(destinationRectangle.X + destinationRectangle.Width / 2 - vector2.X / 2f, destinationRectangle.Y); sb.DrawString(GuiData.smallfont, text1, position1, Color.Black); if (Button.doButton(456011, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height / 2 - 15, bounds.Width / 2, 40, "About This Server", themeColor)) { state = ADDState.InfoPanel; } if (Button.doButton(456001, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height / 2 - 15 + 50, bounds.Width / 2, 40, "Search Entries", themeColor)) { state = ADDState.Seach; os.execute("getString Name"); } if ( !Button.doButton(456005, bounds.X + 30, bounds.Y + bounds.Height / 2 - 15 + 100, bounds.Width / 2, 40, "Exit", themeColor)) { break; } os.display.command = "connect"; break; case ADDState.Seach: drawSearchState(bounds, sb); break; case ADDState.MultiMatchSearch: case ADDState.PendingResult: if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 2, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Welcome; } var position2 = new Vector2(bounds.X + bounds.Width / 2, bounds.Y = bounds.Height / 2); var origin = new Vector2(loadingCircle.Width / 2, loadingCircle.Height / 2); sb.Draw(loadingCircle, position2, new Rectangle?(), Color.White, (float)(os.timer % Math.PI * 3.0), origin, Vector2.One, SpriteEffects.None, 0.5f); var num2 = os.timer - searchStartTime; if ((state != ADDState.PendingResult || num2 <= 3.59999990463257) && (state != ADDState.MultiMatchSearch || num2 <= 0.699999988079071)) { break; } state = ADDState.Entry; needsDeletionConfirmation = true; doPreEntryViewSearch(); break; case ADDState.Entry: case ADDState.EditPerson: drawEntryState(bounds, sb); break; case ADDState.EntryNotFound: if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 20, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Welcome; } if (Button.doButton(456015, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 55, 160, 30, "Search Again", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Seach; os.execute("getString Name"); } TextItem.doFontLabel(new Vector2(bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 90), "No Entries Found", GuiData.font, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); break; case ADDState.MultipleEntriesFound: drawMultipleEntriesState(bounds, sb); break; case ADDState.InfoPanel: if (Button.doButton(456010, bounds.X + 2, bounds.Y + 30, 160, 30, "Back", darkThemeColor)) { state = ADDState.Welcome; } var pos = new Vector2(bounds.X + 20, bounds.Y + 70); TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, "Information", GuiData.font, new Color?(), float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue); pos.Y += 40f; var fileEntry = root.searchForFile("info.txt"); var text2 = "ERROR: Unhandled System.IO.FileNotFoundException\nFile \"info.txt\" was not found"; if (fileEntry != null) { text2 = DisplayModule.cleanSplitForWidth(, bounds.Width - 80); } TextItem.DrawShadow = false; TextItem.doFontLabel(pos, text2, GuiData.smallfont, new Color?(), bounds.Width - 40, float.MaxValue); break; case ADDState.EditEntry: drawEditDegreeState(bounds, sb); break; } }