static bool ProgressCallback(ProgressCategory category, int progress, IntPtr userData) { // Don't interrupt verbose printing. if (s_verbose) { return(true); } if (progress == 0) { stopwatch.Restart(); } Console.Write($"\r {XAtlas.StringForEnum(category)} {progress}%"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Console.Write(progress / ((i + 1) * 10) > 0 ? "*" : " "); } Console.Write($" {progress}%]"); if (progress == 100) { Console.WriteLine($"\n {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds:0.00} seconds ({stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms) elapsed"); } return(true); }
public void SetProgressCallback(XAtlas.ProgressFuncDelegate progressFunc, System.IntPtr progressUserData) => XAtlas.SetProgressCallback(this, progressFunc, progressUserData);
public void SetProgressCallback(XAtlas.ProgressFuncDelegate progressFunc) => XAtlas.SetProgressCallback(this, progressFunc);
public void Generate(ChartOptions chartOptions, PackOptions packOptions) => XAtlas.Generate(this, chartOptions, packOptions);
public void Generate() => XAtlas.Generate(this);
public void PackCharts(PackOptions packOptions) => XAtlas.PackCharts(this, packOptions);
public void PackCharts() => XAtlas.PackCharts(this);
public void ComputeCharts(ChartOptions options) => XAtlas.ComputeCharts(this, options);
public void ComputeCharts() => XAtlas.ComputeCharts(this);
public void AddUvMesh(UvMeshDecl decl) => XAtlas.AddUvMesh(this, decl);
public void AddMeshJoin() => XAtlas.AddMeshJoin(this);
public AddMeshError AddMesh(MeshDecl meshDecl, uint meshCountHint) => XAtlas.AddMesh(this, meshDecl, meshCountHint);
public AddMeshError AddMesh(MeshDecl meshDecl) => XAtlas.AddMesh(this, meshDecl);
public void Destroy() => XAtlas.Destroy(this);
public static Atlas Create() => XAtlas.Create();
static int Main(string[] args) { if (args.Length < 1) { Console.WriteLine("Usage: input_file.obj [options]"); Console.WriteLine(" Options:"); Console.WriteLine(" -verbose"); return(1); } var filePath = args[0]; s_verbose = (args.Length >= 2 && string.Compare(args[1], "-verbose") == 0); // Load object file. if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { Console.WriteLine($"Specified file not found: {filePath}"); return(1); } Console.WriteLine($"Loading {args[0]}..."); var objLoaderFactory = new ObjLoaderFactory(); var materialProvider = new MaterialNullStreamProvider(); var objLoader = objLoaderFactory.Create(materialProvider); LoadResult loadResult; using (var fileStream = File.OpenRead(args[0])) { loadResult = objLoader.Load(fileStream); } Console.WriteLine($" {loadResult.Groups.Count} shapes"); // Create empty atlas. XAtlas.SetPrint(PrintCallback, s_verbose); Atlas atlas = Atlas.Create(); // Set progress callback. stopwatch = new Stopwatch(); atlas.SetProgressCallback(ProgressCallback, IntPtr.Zero); var globalStopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); // Add meshes to atlas. uint totalVertices = 0, totalFaces = 0; var modelMeshes = ObjParserHelper.GenerateMeshes(loadResult).ToArray(); int meshIndex = 0; foreach (var mesh in modelMeshes) { var indexBuffer = mesh.IndexBuffer; var vertexBuffer = mesh.VertexBuffer; var indexBufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(indexBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); var vertexBufferHandle = GCHandle.Alloc(vertexBuffer, GCHandleType.Pinned); var meshDecl = new MeshDecl(); meshDecl.VertexCount = (uint)vertexBuffer.Length; meshDecl.VertexPositionData = vertexBufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); meshDecl.VertexPositionStride = VertexPositionNormalTexture.Stride; //var normalElement = vertexLayout.Elements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Semantic == ElementSemanticType.Normal); //if (normalElement != default) //{ meshDecl.VertexNormalData = IntPtr.Add(meshDecl.VertexPositionData, sizeof(float) * 3); meshDecl.VertexNormalStride = VertexPositionNormalTexture.Stride; //} //var texCoordElement = vertexLayout.Elements.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Semantic == ElementSemanticType.TexCoord); //if (texCoordElement != default) //{ meshDecl.VertexUvData = IntPtr.Add(meshDecl.VertexNormalData, sizeof(float) * 3); meshDecl.VertexUvStride = VertexPositionNormalTexture.Stride; //} meshDecl.IndexCount = (uint)indexBuffer.Length; meshDecl.IndexData = indexBufferHandle.AddrOfPinnedObject(); meshDecl.IndexFormat = IndexFormat.UInt16; #if !OBJ_TRIANGULATE //if (objPositions.Length != indices.Length / 3) { //meshDecl.FaceVertexCount =; //meshDecl.FaceCount = (uint32_t)objMesh.num_vertices.size(); } #endif var error = atlas.AddMesh(meshDecl, 1); indexBufferHandle.Free(); vertexBufferHandle.Free(); if (error != AddMeshError.Success) { atlas.Destroy(); Console.WriteLine($"Error adding mesh {meshIndex} '{mesh.Name}': {XAtlas.StringForEnum(error)}\n"); return(1); } meshIndex++; totalVertices += meshDecl.VertexCount; if (meshDecl.FaceCount > 0) { totalFaces += meshDecl.FaceCount; } else { totalFaces += meshDecl.IndexCount / 3; // Assume triangles if MeshDecl.FaceCount not specified. } } atlas.AddMeshJoin(); // Not necessary. Only called here so geometry totals are printed after the AddMesh progress indicator. Console.WriteLine($" {totalVertices} total vertices"); Console.WriteLine($" {totalFaces} total faces"); // Generate atlas. Console.WriteLine("Generating atlas"); atlas.Generate(); Console.WriteLine($" {atlas.ChartCount} charts"); Console.WriteLine($" {atlas.AtlasCount} atlases"); int i; for (i = 0; i < atlas.AtlasCount; i++) { Console.WriteLine($" {i}: {atlas.Utilization[i] * 100.0f:0.00}% utilization"); } Console.WriteLine($" {atlas.Width}x{atlas.Height} resolution"); totalVertices = 0; i = 0; foreach (var mesh in atlas.Meshes) { totalVertices += mesh.VertexCount; // Input and output index counts always match. if (mesh.IndexCount != modelMeshes[i++].IndexBuffer.Length) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Input and output index counts does not match"); } } globalStopwatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine($" {totalVertices} total vertices"); Console.WriteLine($"{globalStopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds ({globalStopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds} ms) elapsed total"); // Cleanup. atlas.Destroy(); Console.WriteLine("Done"); return(0); }