        public override void Run(List <string> givenArguments, Server server)
            // ARGS: <nameOfObjectToPickUp> <OPTIONAL:nameOfObjectToPickUpWith>

            // If dead
            if (sender.specialProperties["isDeceased"] == "TRUE")
                RPCs.RPCSay failure = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                failure.arguments.Add("You are deceased.");
                server.SendRPC(failure, nameOfSender);

            // Get the hashset of the utilizable parts of the player, like the hands, tail, etc
            List <World.GameObject> utilizableParts = sender.FindChildrenWithSpecialProperty("isUtilizable");

            // The gameObject that we will take the object with, which will be determined
            World.GameObject utilizablePart = null;

            #region Determine the object to take the object
            // First off, check if we even have a hand that can hold an object
            if (utilizableParts.Count == 0)
            // If there was a specified part we were asked to take the object with, use that
            if (givenArguments.Count == 3)
                // Loop through and find the part with the name
                foreach (World.GameObject part in utilizableParts)
                    if (part.identifier.DoesStringPartiallyMatchFullName(givenArguments[1]))
                        utilizablePart = part;
                // If it fails, send an appropriate message back
                if (utilizablePart == null)
                    RPCs.RPCSay confirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                    confirmation.arguments.Add("You have no " + givenArguments[1] + ".");
                    server.SendRPC(confirmation, nameOfSender);
                else if (utilizablePart.children.Count > 0)
                    RPCs.RPCSay confirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                    confirmation.arguments.Add("Your " + givenArguments[1] + " is being used.");
                    server.SendRPC(confirmation, nameOfSender);
            // Otherwise
                // Find the first utilizable part that is not holding something already and go with that
                foreach (World.GameObject part in utilizableParts)
                    if (part.children.Count == 0)
                        utilizablePart = part;
                // If it fails, send an appropriate message back
                if (utilizablePart == null)
                    RPCs.RPCSay confirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                    confirmation.arguments.Add("You have nothing to hold the " + givenArguments[0] + " with.");
                    server.SendRPC(confirmation, nameOfSender);

            #region Find the object, pick it up, and send appripriate messages to the sender and everyone else in the chunk

            // Find possible gameObjects to pick up
            List <World.GameObject> gameObjectToPickUp = server.world.GetChunkOrGenerate(sender.position).FindChildrenWithName(givenArguments[0]);
            // If no gameObject was found, send back an error
            if (gameObjectToPickUp.Count == 0)
                // If this fails, let the player know
                RPCs.RPCSay failure = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                failure.arguments.Add("There is no nearby " + givenArguments[0] + ".");
                server.SendRPC(failure, nameOfSender);
            // If the first gameObject we found that is a canidate to pick up isn't holding us or anything weird like that
            if (gameObjectToPickUp.First().ContainsChild(nameOfSender) == null && gameObjectToPickUp.First() != sender)
                // Put the object in the players utilizable part, usually a hand
                // Remove it from the chunk
                // Confirm to the sender that they picked up the object
                RPCs.RPCSay confirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                confirmation.arguments.Add("You picked up " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(gameObjectToPickUp.First().identifier.fullName) + " " + gameObjectToPickUp.First().identifier.fullName + " in your " + utilizablePart.identifier.fullName + ".");
                server.SendRPC(confirmation, nameOfSender);
                // Let everyone else in the chunk know that this player picked up something
                RPCs.RPCSay information = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                information.arguments.Add(nameOfSender + " picked up " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(gameObjectToPickUp.First().identifier.fullName) + " " + gameObjectToPickUp.First().identifier.fullName + ".");
                // Find everyone in the same chunk and let them know
                foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Core.Player> playerEntry in server.world.players)
                    // If this player is not the one that picked something up, and it's position is the same as the original player's position
                    if (playerEntry.Key != nameOfSender && playerEntry.Value.controlledGameObject.position == sender.position)
                        // Send an informational RPC to them letting them know
                        server.SendRPC(information, playerEntry.Key);

        public override void Run(List <string> givenArguments, Server server)
            // ARGS: <nameOfObject> <nameOfContainer>

            // If dead
            if (sender.specialProperties["isDeceased"] == "TRUE")
                RPCs.RPCSay failure = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                failure.arguments.Add("You are deceased.");
                server.SendRPC(failure, nameOfSender);

            // The object itself
            World.GameObject objectToPut = server.world.FindFirstGameObject(givenArguments[0], sender.position);
            // The container to put the object into
            World.GameObject containerToPutInto = server.world.FindFirstGameObject(givenArguments[1], sender.position);

            #region Make sure the objects exist
            // First off, make sure the crafting recipe exists
            if (containerToPutInto == null)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("The " + givenArguments[1] + " is not nearby.");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);
            else if (objectToPut == null)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("The " + givenArguments[0] + " is not nearby.");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);

            #region Make sure the container really is a container
            if (!containerToPutInto.specialProperties.ContainsKey("isContainer"))
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("The " + givenArguments[1] + " is not a container.");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);

            #region Make sure the object can really be put in the container
            if (objectToPut.parent.type == typeof(World.Plants.PlantRope))
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("The " + givenArguments[1] + " is attached to something.");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);
            else if (objectToPut.parent == containerToPutInto)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("The " + givenArguments[1] + " is already inside the " + containerToPutInto.identifier.fullName + ".");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);
            else if (objectToPut == containerToPutInto)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("You can't put the " + givenArguments[1] + " inside itself!.");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);

            #region Put the object inside the container
            // Add it as a child

            #region Confirm that the object was put into the container
            // Confirm to the sender that they crafted the object
            RPCs.RPCSay confirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
            confirmation.arguments.Add("You put " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToPut.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToPut.identifier.fullName + " into  " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(containerToPutInto.identifier.fullName) + " " + containerToPutInto.identifier.fullName + ".");
            // Let everyone else in the chunk know that this player crafted something
            RPCs.RPCSay information = new RPCs.RPCSay();
            information.arguments.Add(nameOfSender + " put " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToPut.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToPut.identifier.fullName + " into  " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(containerToPutInto.identifier.fullName) + " " + containerToPutInto.identifier.fullName + ".");
            // Send the RPCs out
            server.SendRPC(confirmation, nameOfSender);
            server.SendRPC(information, sender.position, new List <string>()
        public override void Run(List <string> givenArguments, Server server)
            // ARGS: <objectToAttach> <objectToAttachTo> <objectToAttachWith>

            // If dead
            if (sender.specialProperties["isDeceased"] == "TRUE")
                RPCs.RPCSay failure = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                failure.arguments.Add("You are deceased.");
                server.SendRPC(failure, nameOfSender);

            // Get each of the objects necessary to do the attaching
            World.GameObject objectToAttach     = server.world.FindFirstGameObject(givenArguments[0], sender.position);
            World.GameObject objectToAttachTo   = server.world.FindFirstGameObject(givenArguments[1], sender.position);
            World.GameObject objectToAttachWith = server.world.FindFirstGameObject(givenArguments[2], sender.position);

            // Make sure the objects exist
            if (objectToAttach == null)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("There is no nearby " + givenArguments[0] + ".");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);
            if (objectToAttachTo == null)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("There is no nearby " + givenArguments[1] + ".");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);
            if (objectToAttachWith == null)
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("There is no nearby " + givenArguments[2] + ".");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);
            // If the object we're trying to attach with can't be used to fasten with, throw an error
            if (!objectToAttachWith.specialProperties.ContainsKey("isFastenable"))
                RPCs.RPCSay error = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                error.arguments.Add("You can't use " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttachWith.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttachWith.identifier.fullName + " to fasten with.");
                server.SendRPC(error, nameOfSender);

            // Tell the player in the present tense that they are completing the action
            string presentTenseConfirmationString = "You are attaching " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttach.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttach.identifier.fullName
                                                    + " to " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttachTo.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttachTo.identifier.fullName
                                                    + " using " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttachWith.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttachWith.identifier.fullName + "...";

            RPCs.RPCSay presentTenseConfirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
            server.SendRPC(presentTenseConfirmation, nameOfSender);
            // Loop the elipsis three times and send it to the player, implying work being done
            for (int i = 0; i < 5000 / 1000; i++)
                RPCs.RPCSay elipsis = new RPCs.RPCSay();
                server.SendRPC(elipsis, nameOfSender);
            // Attach the objects together
            // The string we will send back as confirmation
            string confirmationString = "You attached " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttach.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttach.identifier.fullName
                                        + " to " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttachTo.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttachTo.identifier.fullName
                                        + " using " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttachWith.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttachWith.identifier.fullName + ".";
            // The string we may or may not add
            string additionalConfirmation = "";

            // Check to see whether or not the object becomes a crafting combination
            World.Crafting.CraftingCombination possibleCombination = server.attachedApplication.recipeDatabase.CheckObjectForCombination(objectToAttachTo);
            // If so, rename the new object and have it inherit the classifier adjectives of the object we are attaching to it
            if (possibleCombination != null)
                objectToAttachTo.identifier.classifierAdjectives = objectToAttach.identifier.classifierAdjectives;
                objectToAttachTo.identifier.name = possibleCombination.newName;
                additionalConfirmation           = "\nYou completed " + Processing.Describer.GetArticle(objectToAttachTo.identifier.fullName) + " " + objectToAttachTo.identifier.fullName + ".";
            // Confirm to the sender that they successfully attached the object
            RPCs.RPCSay confirmation = new RPCs.RPCSay();
            confirmation.arguments.Add(confirmationString + additionalConfirmation);
            server.SendRPC(confirmation, nameOfSender);
            // Let everyone else in the chunk know that this player picked up something
            RPCs.RPCSay information = new RPCs.RPCSay();
            information.arguments.Add(nameOfSender + confirmationString.Substring(1));

            // Find everyone in the same chunk and let them know
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Core.Player> playerEntry in server.world.players)
                // If this player is not the one that picked something up, and it's position is the same as the original player's position
                if (playerEntry.Key != nameOfSender && playerEntry.Value.controlledGameObject.position == sender.position)
                    // Send an informational RPC to them letting them know
                    server.SendRPC(information, playerEntry.Key);