 protected virtual void SetSheetColumnsWith(Worksheet worksheet, int sheetIndex, List <ColumnData> columnSetting, DataTable data)
     for (int i = 0; i < columnSetting.Count; i++)
         ColumnInfo col;
         if (!columnSetting[i].Width.HasValue)
             // 如果是DateTime类型的列,设默认长度20;
             if (data != null && data.Rows != null && data.Rows.Count > 0)
                 int    rowIndex = 0;
                 object t        = null;
                 while ((t == null || t == DBNull.Value) && rowIndex < data.Rows.Count)
                     t = data.Rows[rowIndex][columnSetting[i].FieldIndex.Value];
                 if (t != null && t != DBNull.Value && (t.GetType() == typeof(DateTime) || t.GetType() == typeof(DateTime?)))
                     col                  = new ColumnInfo(this.m_xlsDocument, worksheet);
                     col.Width            = (ushort)(20 * this.COLUMN_WIDTH_SCALE);
                     col.ColumnIndexStart = (ushort)(i);
                     col.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(i);
         col                  = new ColumnInfo(this.m_xlsDocument, worksheet);
         col.Width            = (ushort)(columnSetting[i].Width.Value * this.COLUMN_WIDTH_SCALE);
         col.ColumnIndexStart = (ushort)(i);
         col.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(i);
        protected void Test()
            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = "D:\\12333333.xls";
            string    sheetName = "chc 实例";
            Worksheet sheet     = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName); //填加名为"chc 实例"的sheet页
            Cells     cells     = sheet.Cells;                            //Cells实例是sheet页中单元格(cell)集合
            Cell cell = cells.Add(1, 2, "抗");                             //设定第一行,第二例单元格的值

            cell.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;     //设定文字居中
            cell.Font.FontName       = "方正舒体";                            //设定字体
            cell.Font.Height         = 20 * 20;                           //设定字大小(字体大小是以 1/20 point 为单位的)
            cell.UseBorder           = true;                              //使用边框
            cell.BottomLineStyle     = 2;                                 //设定边框底线为粗线
            cell.BottomLineColor     = Colors.DarkRed;                    //设定颜色为暗红

            CellFormat cellXF = xls.NewXF();                            //为xls生成一个XF实例(XF是cell格式对象)

            cellXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //设定文字居中
            cellXF.Font.FontName       = "方正舒体";                        //设定字体
            cellXF.Font.Height         = 20 * 20;                       //设定字大小(字体大小是以 1/20 point 为单位的)
            cellXF.UseBorder           = true;                          //使用边框
            cellXF.BottomLineStyle     = 2;                             //设定边框底线为粗线
            cellXF.BottomLineColor     = Colors.DarkRed;                //设定颜色为暗红

            cell = cells.Add(2, 2, "震", cellXF);                        //以设定好的格式填加cell

            cellXF.Font.FontName = "仿宋_GB2312";
            cell = cells.Add(3, 2, "救", cellXF);             //格式可以多次使用

            ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象

            colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 1;                     //起始列为第二列
            colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = 5;                     //终止列为第六列
            colInfo.Width            = 15 * 256;              //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo);                     //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)
            colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd = 6;                       //可以更改列对象的值
            ColumnInfo colInfo2 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //通过新生成一个列格式对象,才到能设定其它列宽度

            colInfo2.ColumnIndexStart = 7;
            colInfo2.ColumnIndexEnd   = 8;
            colInfo2.Width            = 1 * 256;

            MergeArea meaA = new MergeArea(1, 2, 3, 4); //一个合并单元格实例(合并第一行、第三例 到 第二行、第四例)

            sheet.AddMergeArea(meaA);                   //填加合并单元格
            cellXF.VerticalAlignment      = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
            cellXF.Font.Height            = 48 * 20;
            cellXF.Font.Bold              = true;
            cellXF.Pattern                = 3;                //设定单元格填充风格。如果设定为0,则是纯色填充
            cellXF.PatternBackgroundColor = Colors.DarkRed;   //填充的底色
            cellXF.PatternColor           = Colors.DarkGreen; //设定填充线条的颜色
            cell = cells.Add(1, 3, "灾", cellXF);
    /// <summary>
    /// 绑定数据库生成XLS报表
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ds">获取DataSet数据集</param>
    /// <param name="xlsName">报表表名</param>
    private void xlsGridview(DataTable dt, string xlsName)
        XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

        xls.FileName = Server.UrlEncode(xlsName);
        int       rowIndex = 1;
        int       colIndex = 0;
        Worksheet sheet    = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet");//状态栏标题名称
        ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);

        colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
        colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = 8;
        colInfo.Width            = 20 * 256;
        XF xf = xls.NewXF();

        xf.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.TextWrapRight       = true;
        xf.UseBorder           = true;
        xf.TopLineStyle        = 1;
        xf.TopLineColor        = Colors.Black;
        xf.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
        xf.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Black;
        xf.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
        xf.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Black;
        xf.RightLineStyle      = 1;
        xf.RightLineColor      = Colors.Black;
        xf.Font.Bold           = true;
        Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

        foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
            Cell cell = cells.Add(1, colIndex, col.ColumnName, xf);
            cell.Font.Bold = true;

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            colIndex = 0;
            foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
                Cell cell = cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, row[col.ColumnName].ToString(), xf); //转换为数字型
                //如果你数据库里的数据都是数字的话 最好转换一下,不然导入到Excel里是以字符串形式显示。
                cell.Font.FontFamily = FontFamilies.Roman;                                     //字体
                cell.Font.Bold       = false;                                                  //字体为粗体
 /// <summary>
 /// 调整表格各列的宽度
 /// </summary>
 private void AdjustColumnWidth()
     for (ushort i = 1; i <= columnCount; i++)
         int        width      = GetMaxColumnWidth(i);
         ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, worksheet);
         columnInfo.ColumnIndexStart = (ushort)(i - 1); //索引从0开始
         columnInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(i - 1); //索引从0开始
         columnInfo.Width            = (ushort)((width + 2) * 256);
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path"></param>
        public void Export(string path)
            ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(XlsDoc, CurSheet);

            colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
            colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(Content.ColumnsCount - 1);
            colInfo.Width            = 256 * 15;
            XlsDoc.FileName = Path.GetFileName(path);
            XlsDoc.Save(Path.GetDirectoryName(path), true);
        protected void CreateExcelColumns(Worksheet worksheet, ushort width, params ushort[] colIndexs)
            if (colIndexs.Length > 0)
                ColumnInfo col;

                for (int i = 0; i < colIndexs.Length; i++)
                    col                  = new ColumnInfo(this.m_xlsDocument, worksheet);
                    col.Width            = (ushort)(width * this.COLUMN_WIDTH_SCALE);
                    col.ColumnIndexStart = colIndexs[i];
                    col.ColumnIndexEnd   = colIndexs[i];

        /// <summary>
        /// Cria a tabela que receberá os dados na planilha
        /// </summary>
        public static void CreateDataTable(String[] columnNames, int[] columnWidths, int rowCount)
            // Define o nome da planilha e a largura das colunas
            fileStream = new FileStream(@"C:\work\CadastroProdutos.xls", FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite);
            document   = new XlsDocument();
            worksheet  = document.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Cadastro de Produtos");
            ColumnInfo info = new ColumnInfo(document, worksheet);

            info.ColumnIndexStart = 1;
            info.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)columnNames.Length;
            info.Width            = 5100;

            // Prepara o plano de fundo da planilha
            for (int row = 1; row < rowCount + 10; row++)
                for (int col = 1; col < columnNames.Length + 3; col++)
                    SetCellPattern(row, col);

            // Insere o título (agrupa as celulas que fazem parte do título)
            worksheet.Cells.Merge(5, 5, 2, columnNames.Length + 1);
            Cell titleCell = worksheet.Cells.Add(5, 2, "Cadastro de Produtos");

            titleCell.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            titleCell.Font.Height         = 400;
            titleCell.Font.Bold           = true;
            titleCell.Font.FontFamily     = FontFamilies.Roman;

            // Cria celulas com os nomes das colunas
            for (int ndx = 0; ndx < columnNames.Length; ndx++)
                Cell columnName = worksheet.Cells.Add(6, ndx + 2, columnNames[ndx]);
                columnName.Font.Bold    = true;
                columnName.PatternColor = Colors.Default1F;
                columnName.Pattern      = 1;
        /// <summary>
        /// Cria a tabela que receberá os dados do relatório
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateDataTable(String[] columnNames, int[] columnWidths, int rowCount)
            // Define o nome da planilha e a largura das colunas
            reportSheet = document.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(reportHeaders[0]);
            ColumnInfo info = new ColumnInfo(document, reportSheet);

            info.ColumnIndexStart = 1;
            info.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)columnNames.Length;
            info.Width            = 5100;

            // Prepara o plano de fundo da planilha
            this.rowCount = rowCount;
            for (int row = 1; row < rowCount + 10; row++)
                for (int col = 1; col < columnNames.Length + 3; col++)
                    SetCellPattern(row, col);

            // Insere o cabeçalho da planilha

            // Cria celulas com os nomes das colunas
            for (int ndx = 0; ndx < columnNames.Length; ndx++)
                Cell columnName = reportSheet.Cells.Add(6, ndx + 2, columnNames[ndx]);
                columnName.Font.Bold    = true;
                columnName.PatternColor = Colors.Default1F;
                columnName.Pattern      = 1;

            // Cria o totalizador
            totalizer = new ReportTotalizer(columnNames.Length);
文件: MyXlsClass.cs 项目: gotodk/shfw
        /// <summary>
        /// 利用MyXls控件的一个方法,导出到电子表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dsxls">数据集,列明应该是中文滴</param>
        /// <param name="filename">导出文件名</param>
        /// <param name="sheetsname">导出的sheet名</param>
        /// <param name="title">大标题列表,根据dt中表格的顺序添加</param>
        /// <param name="title2">大标题2</param>
        /// <param name="rowwidth">每个列的宽度</param>
        /// <param name="lujing">保存路径</param>
        public static void goxls_3(DataSet dsxls, string filename, string sheetsname, ArrayList title, string title2, int rowwidth, string lujing)
            org.in2bits.MyXls.XlsDocument doc = new XlsDocument();
            doc.FileName = filename;
            Worksheet  sheet   = doc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetsname);
            Cells      cells   = sheet.Cells;
            ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet);

            colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
            colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(dsxls.Tables[0].Columns.Count - 1);
            colInfo.Width            = (ushort)(rowwidth * 256);

            XF xf_col = doc.NewXF();

            xf_col.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            xf_col.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
            xf_col.Pattern             = 1;
            xf_col.PatternColor        = Colors.Grey;
            xf_col.UseBorder           = true;
            xf_col.TopLineStyle        = 1;
            xf_col.TopLineColor        = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
            xf_col.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
            xf_col.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.RightLineStyle      = 1;
            xf_col.RightLineColor      = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.Font.Bold           = true;
            xf_col.Font.Height         = 10 * 20;
            xf_col.Font.ColorIndex     = 1;

            int totalrow = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < dsxls.Tables.Count; i++)
                int rowCount = dsxls.Tables[i].Rows.Count;
                int colCount = dsxls.Tables[i].Columns.Count;
                totalrow = totalrow + dsxls.Tables[i].Rows.Count;
                int rowMin   = i > 0 ? totalrow - rowCount + (i * 3) + 1 : 1;
                int colMin   = 1;
                int rowtitle = 0;

                string title1 = title[i].ToString();
                if (title1.Trim() != "" && title2.Trim() != "")
                    MergeArea meaA1 = new MergeArea(rowMin, rowMin, 1, dsxls.Tables[i].Columns.Count);
                    Cell cell_title1 = cells.Add(rowMin, 1, title[i]);
                    cell_title1.Font.Height         = 12 * 18;
                    cell_title1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
                    cell_title1.Font.Bold           = true;

                    MergeArea meaA2 = new MergeArea(rowMin + 1, rowMin + 1, 1, dsxls.Tables[i].Columns.Count);
                    Cell cell_title2 = cells.Add(rowMin + 1, 1, title2);
                    cell_title2.Font.Height = 10 * 20;

                    rowtitle = 2;
                for (int row = rowtitle; row < rowCount + rowtitle + 1; row++)
                    if (row == rowtitle)
                        for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
                            Cell cell = cells.Add(rowMin + row, colMin + col - 1, dsxls.Tables[i].Columns[col - 1].ColumnName, xf_col);
                        for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
                            Cell cell = cells.Add(rowMin + row, colMin + col - 1, dsxls.Tables[i].Rows[row - 1 - rowtitle][col - 1].ToString());
            doc.Save(lujing, true);
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            List <OrderInfoSchedu> orderInfoSchedus = new List <OrderInfoSchedu>();
            int mounth = DateTime.Now.Month;
            int year   = DateTime.Now.Year;

            using (JDJS_WMS_DB_USEREntities wms = new  JDJS_WMS_DB_USEREntities())
                var orders = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Intention == 2 || r.Intention == 3 || r.Intention == 4);
                foreach (var item in orders)
                    int orderID = Convert.ToInt32(item.Order_ID);
                    if (item.Intention == 4)
                        var overProcess = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID && r.isFlag != 0);
                        var endTime     = overProcess.OrderByDescending(r => r.EndTime).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (endTime != null)
                            var time     = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime.EndTime).Month;
                            var yeartime = Convert.ToDateTime(endTime.EndTime).Year;
                            if (time != mounth && year != yeartime)
                    OrderInfoSchedu orderInfoSchedu = new OrderInfoSchedu();
                    var             orderInf0       = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Guide_Schedu_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID).FirstOrDefault();
                    if (orderInf0 != null)
                        orderInfoSchedu.Client = orderInf0.ClientName;
                        if (orderInf0.EndTime != null)
                            orderInfoSchedu.EndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(orderInf0.EndTime).Date.ToShortDateString();
                            orderInfoSchedu.EndTime = "/";
                        if (orderInf0.ExpectEndTime != null)
                            orderInfoSchedu.ExpectEndTime = Convert.ToDateTime(orderInf0.ExpectEndTime).Date.ToShortDateString();
                            orderInfoSchedu.ExpectEndTime = "/";
                        if (orderInf0.FileDownTime != null)
                            orderInfoSchedu.FileDownTime = Convert.ToDateTime(orderInf0.FileDownTime).Date.ToShortDateString();
                            orderInfoSchedu.FileDownTime = "/";
                    orderInfoSchedu.Name         = item.Product_Name;
                    orderInfoSchedu.OrderNum     = item.Order_Number;
                    orderInfoSchedu.EngineerName = item.Engine_Program_Manager;
                    var processes = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID && r.sign != 0);

                    orderInfoSchedu.jiawei = processes.Count().ToString();
                    var schedu1 = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID && r.isFlag == 1);
                    var schedu2 = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID && r.isFlag == 2);
                    var schedu3 = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID && r.isFlag == 3);
                    if (schedu1.Count() > 0 && schedu2.Count() < 1 && schedu3.Count() < 1)
                        orderInfoSchedu.State = "等待生产中";
                        var blankInfo = wms.JDJS_WMS_Blank_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID);
                        if (blankInfo.Count() < 1)
                            orderInfoSchedu.State = "待料";
                        var toolInfo = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.OrderID == orderID && r.sign != 0 && r.toolPreparation == 1);
                        if (toolInfo.Count() < 1)
                            orderInfoSchedu.State = "待备刀装刀";
                    if (schedu1.Count() < 1 && schedu2.Count() < 1 && schedu3.Count() < 1)
                        orderInfoSchedu.State = "编程中";
                    if ((schedu2.Count() > 0))
                        orderInfoSchedu.State = "生产中";
                    if (schedu1.Count() > 0 && schedu3.Count() > 0)
                        orderInfoSchedu.State = "生产中";
                    if (schedu1.Count() < 1 && schedu2.Count() < 1 && schedu3.Count() > 0)
                        orderInfoSchedu.State = "已完成";

            XlsDocument doc = new XlsDocument();

            doc.FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssms") + "订单进度" + ".xls";
            Worksheet sheet = doc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet1");
            Cells     cells = sheet.Cells;

            ColumnInfo col = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet);  //创建列样式对象

            col.ColumnIndexStart = 2;                     //起始列,索引从0开始
            col.ColumnIndexEnd   = 2;                     //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col.Width            = 8888;                  //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col);                     //将列样式作用于此工作表

            ColumnInfo col2 = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet); //创建列样式对象

            col2.ColumnIndexStart = 3;                    //起始列,索引从0开始
            col2.ColumnIndexEnd   = 3;                    //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col2.Width            = 3333;                 //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col2);                    //将列样式作用于此工作表

            ColumnInfo col6 = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet); //创建列样式对象

            col6.ColumnIndexStart = 6;                    //起始列,索引从0开始
            col6.ColumnIndexEnd   = 6;                    //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col6.Width            = 5555;                 //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col6);                    //将列样式作用于此工作表

            ColumnInfo col7 = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet); //创建列样式对象

            col7.ColumnIndexStart = 7;                    //起始列,索引从0开始
            col7.ColumnIndexEnd   = 7;                    //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col7.Width            = 5555;                 //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col7);                    //将列样式作用于此工作表

            ColumnInfo col8 = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet); //创建列样式对象

            col8.ColumnIndexStart = 8;                    //起始列,索引从0开始
            col8.ColumnIndexEnd   = 8;                    //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col8.Width            = 5555;                 //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col8);                    //将列样式作用于此工作表

            MergeArea ma1 = new MergeArea(1, 1, 1, 10);              //合并单元格,第2行第5列 到 第3行第7列

            sheet.AddMergeArea(ma1);                                 //添加合并单元格到工作表

            MergeArea ma2 = new MergeArea(2, 2, 2, 9);               //合并单元格,第2行第5列 到 第3行第7列

            sheet.AddMergeArea(ma2);                                 //添加合并单元格到工作表

            XF xf = doc.NewXF();                                     //单元格样式对象

            xf.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;    //垂直居中
            xf.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;  //水平居中

            xf.Pattern      = 0;                                     //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                          //填充背景底色

            xf.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                  //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf.Font.FontName   = "黑体";                               //字体
            xf.Font.Height     = 15 * 15;                            //字体大小
                                                                     //xf.UseBorder = false ; //使用边框
                                                                     //xf.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
                                                                     //xf.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            XF xf1 = doc.NewXF();                                    //单元格样式对象

            xf1.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;   //垂直居中
            xf1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Right;    //水平居中

            xf1.Pattern      = 0;                                    //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf1.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                         //填充背景底色

            xf1.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                 //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf1.Font.FontName   = "宋体";                              //字体
            xf1.Font.Height     = 13 * 13;                           //字体大小
                                                                     //xf1.UseBorder = false ; //使用边框
                                                                     //xf1.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
                                                                     //xf1.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            XF xf2 = doc.NewXF();                                    //单元格样式对象

            xf2.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;   //垂直居中
            xf2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //水平居中

            xf2.Pattern      = 0;                                    //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf2.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                         //填充背景底色

            xf2.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                 //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf2.Font.FontName   = "宋体";                              //字体
            xf2.Font.Height     = 13 * 13;                           //字体大小
                                                                     //xf2.UseBorder = false; //使用边框
                                                                     //xf2.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
                                                                     //xf2.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            XF xf3 = doc.NewXF();                                    //单元格样式对象

            xf3.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;   //垂直居中
            xf3.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //水平居中

            xf3.Pattern      = 1;                                    //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf3.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                         //填充背景底色

            xf3.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                 //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf3.Font.FontName   = "宋体";                              //字体
            xf3.Font.Height     = 13 * 13;                           //字体大小
                                                                     //xf2.UseBorder = false; //使用边框
                                                                     //xf2.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
                                                                     //xf2.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            var DATA = DateTime.Now.Year.ToString() + "年" + DateTime.Now.Month.ToString() + "月";

            cells.Add(1, 1, DATA + "智能中心项目进度表", xf);                             //添加单元格内容,第2行,第5列,内容,索引从1开始
            cells.Add(2, 2, "日期:" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString(), xf1); //添加单元格内容,第2行,第5列,内容,索引从1开始
            cells.Add(3, 1, "序号", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 2, "客户名称", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 3, "客户零件编号", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 4, "内部零件编号", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 5, "工程师", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 6, "夹位", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 7, "文件下发时间", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 8, "预计编程完成时间", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 9, "完成时间", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 10, "备注", xf2);
            int index = 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < orderInfoSchedus.Count(); i++)
                cells.Add(i + 4, 1, (i + 1).ToString(), xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 2, orderInfoSchedus[i].Client, xf2);

                cells.Add(i + 4, 3, orderInfoSchedus[i].Name, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 4, orderInfoSchedus[i].OrderNum, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 5, orderInfoSchedus[i].EngineerName, xf2);

                cells.Add(i + 4, 6, orderInfoSchedus[i].jiawei, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 7, orderInfoSchedus[i].FileDownTime, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 8, orderInfoSchedus[i].ExpectEndTime, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 9, orderInfoSchedus[i].EndTime, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 10, orderInfoSchedus[i].State, xf2);

            PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo();
            string   path     = pathInfo.upLoadPath() + @"ExcelFile\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            context.Response.Write(pathInfo.downLoadPath() + @"ExcelFile\" + doc.FileName);
        /// <summary>
        /// DataSet转Excel(SheetName使用对应DataTable的TableName)。
        /// 不支持在已存在的Excel文件中添加新的sheet(如果文件已存在,则会覆盖)。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ds">待写入Excel的DataSet对象</param>
        /// <param name="excelFilePath">Excel文件路径</param>
        /// <param name="isColumnWritten">DataTable的列名是否要写入</param>
        /// <param name="cellStyle">单元格格式。如果为null,则不设置单元格格式</param>
        public static void ToExcel(DataSet ds, string excelFilePath, bool isColumnWritten, CellStyle cellStyle)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(excelFilePath))
                throw new ArgumentException(ErrorFilePath);
            if (ds == null || ds.Tables.Count <= 0)

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.SummaryInformation.Author          = Author;
            xls.SummaryInformation.Subject         = Subject;
            xls.SummaryInformation.Comments        = Comments;
            xls.DocumentSummaryInformation.Company = Company;

            foreach (DataTable dt in ds.Tables)
                if (dt == null || dt.Rows.Count <= 0)

                int    cellRow   = 1;//从第几行开始写数据
                string sheetName = GetValidSheetName(dt.TableName);

                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(sheetName) || xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Any(worksheet => worksheet.Name == sheetName))
                    sheetName = string.Format("Sheet{0}", xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Count + 1);

                Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName);
                sheet.SheetType = WorksheetTypes.Worksheet;

                Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

                if (isColumnWritten)
                    #region 设置标题格式
                    XF xfDataHead = xls.NewXF();
                    if (cellStyle != null)
                        xfDataHead.HorizontalAlignment = cellStyle.TitleFontCenter ? HorizontalAlignments.Centered : HorizontalAlignments.Left;
                        xfDataHead.Font.FontName       = cellStyle.TitleFontName;
                        xfDataHead.Font.Bold           = cellStyle.TitleFontBold;
                        xfDataHead.Font.Height         = cellStyle.TitleFontSize;
                        if (cellStyle.Border)
                            xfDataHead.UseBorder       = true;
                            xfDataHead.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                            xfDataHead.BottomLineStyle = 1;
                            xfDataHead.LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                            xfDataHead.RightLineStyle  = 1;
                        xfDataHead.CellLocked    = false;
                        xfDataHead.UseProtection = false;
                        xfDataHead.UseNumber     = true;
                        xfDataHead.UseMisc       = true;

                    for (int cellColumn = 1; cellColumn <= dt.Columns.Count; cellColumn++)
                        if (cellStyle != null)
                            cells.Add(cellRow, cellColumn, dt.Columns[cellColumn - 1].Caption, xfDataHead);
                            cells.Add(cellRow, cellColumn, dt.Columns[cellColumn - 1].Caption);

                #region 设置内容格式
                XF xfDataContent = xls.NewXF();
                if (cellStyle != null)
                    xfDataContent.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Left;
                    xfDataContent.Font.FontName       = cellStyle.ContentFontName;
                    xfDataContent.Font.Height         = cellStyle.ContentFontSize;
                    if (cellStyle.Border)
                        xfDataContent.UseBorder       = true;
                        xfDataContent.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                        xfDataContent.BottomLineStyle = 1;
                        xfDataContent.LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                        xfDataContent.RightLineStyle  = 1;
                    xfDataContent.CellLocked    = false;
                    xfDataContent.UseProtection = false;
                    xfDataContent.UseNumber     = true;
                    xfDataContent.UseMisc       = true;

                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    for (int cellColumn = 1; cellColumn <= dt.Columns.Count; cellColumn++)
                        if (cellStyle != null)
                            ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet)
                                ColumnIndexStart = (ushort)(cellColumn - 1),
                                ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(cellColumn - 1),
                                Width            = cellStyle.ColumnWidth

                        object obj = dr[cellColumn - 1] != DBNull.Value ? (dt.Columns[cellColumn - 1].DataType == typeof(DateTime)
                                                                            ? Convert.ToDateTime(dr[cellColumn - 1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
                                                                            : dr[cellColumn - 1])
                                                                        : string.Empty;
                        if (cellStyle != null)
                            cells.Add(cellRow, cellColumn, obj, xfDataContent);
                            cells.Add(cellRow, cellColumn, obj);

            xls.FileName = Path.GetFileName(excelFilePath);
            xls.Save(Path.GetDirectoryName(excelFilePath), true);
    /// <summary>
    /// 绑定数据库生成XLS报表
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="ds">获取DataSet数据集</param>
    /// <param name="xlsName">报表表名</param>
    private void xlsGridview(DataTable dt, string xlsName)
        XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

        xls.FileName = Server.UrlEncode(xlsName);
        int       rowIndex = 2;
        int       colIndex = 0;
        Worksheet sheet    = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet");//状态栏标题名称
        Cells     cells    = sheet.Cells;
        ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);

        colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
        colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = 8;
        colInfo.Width            = 17 * 256;
        XF xf = xls.NewXF();

        xf.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.TextWrapRight       = true;
        xf.UseBorder           = true;
        xf.TopLineStyle        = 1;
        xf.TopLineColor        = Colors.Black;
        xf.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
        xf.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Black;
        xf.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
        xf.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Black;
        xf.RightLineStyle      = 1;
        xf.RightLineColor      = Colors.Black;
        xf.Font.Bold           = true;
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, xlsName.Substring(0, xlsName.Length - 4), 1, 1, 1, 6);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "分公司", 2, 2, 1, 1);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "外包单位", 2, 2, 2, 2);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "障碍与服务指标(85分)", 2, 2, 3, 3);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "基础管理考核(15分)", 2, 2, 4, 4);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "额外奖罚", 2, 2, 5, 5);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "汇总得分", 2, 2, 6, 6);
        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            colIndex = 0;
            foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
                Cell cell = cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, row[col.ColumnName].ToString(), xf); //转换为数字型
                //如果你数据库里的数据都是数字的话 最好转换一下,不然导入到Excel里是以字符串形式显示。
                cell.Font.FontFamily = FontFamilies.Roman;                                     //字体
                if (colIndex != 1)
                    cell.Font.Bold = false; //字体为粗体
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "设计院", 3, 4, 2, 2);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "北京合力", 5, 8, 2, 2);
    ///// <summary>
    ///// 绑定数据库生成XLS报表
    ///// </summary>
    ///// <param name="ds">获取DataSet数据集</param>
    ///// <param name="xlsName">报表表名</param>
    private void xlsGridview(DataTable dt, string xlsName)
        XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

        xls.FileName = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(xlsName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
        int       rowIndex = 5;
        int       colIndex = 0;
        Worksheet sheet    = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet");//状态栏标题名称
        Cells     cells    = sheet.Cells;
        ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);

        colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
        colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = 8;
        colInfo.Width            = 18 * 256;
        XF xf = xls.NewXF();

        xf.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.TextWrapRight       = true;
        xf.UseBorder           = true;
        xf.TopLineStyle        = 1;
        xf.TopLineColor        = Colors.Black;
        xf.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
        xf.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Black;
        xf.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
        xf.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Black;
        xf.RightLineStyle      = 1;
        xf.RightLineColor      = Colors.Black;
        xf.Font.Bold           = true;
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, xlsName.Substring(0, xlsName.Length - 4), 1, 1, 1, 10);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "姓名", 2, 5, 1, 1);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "日常工作(权重30分)", 2, 2, 2, 4);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "KPI考核(权重60分)", 2, 2, 5, 8);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "胜任度(权重10分)", 2, 2, 9, 9);
        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "得分", 2, 5, 10, 10);

        Cell cell1 = cells.Add(3, 2, "A", xf);
        Cell cell2 = cells.Add(3, 3, "B", xf);
        Cell cell3 = cells.Add(3, 4, "C", xf);
        Cell cell4 = cells.Add(3, 5, "D", xf);
        Cell cell5 = cells.Add(3, 6, "E", xf);

        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "F", 3, 3, 7, 8);
        Cell cell6  = cells.Add(3, 9, "G", xf);
        Cell cell7  = cells.Add(4, 2, "劳动纪律", xf);
        Cell cell8  = cells.Add(4, 3, "信息报道", xf);
        Cell cell9  = cells.Add(4, 4, "基础报表", xf);
        Cell cell10 = cells.Add(4, 5, "网运指标", xf);
        Cell cell11 = cells.Add(4, 6, "工作效率", xf);

        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "其它加扣分", 4, 4, 7, 8);
        Cell cell12 = cells.Add(4, 9, "贡献度胜任度职业道德", xf);

        Cell cell13 = cells.Add(5, 2, "迟到或早退一次扣1分、事假每天扣2分,病假每天扣1分执行。无故旷工半天,扣5分。无故旷工一天,扣10分,扣分随天数增加而增加.", xf);
        Cell cell14 = cells.Add(5, 3, "每人每月至少上报信息1篇,每差一篇扣5分。凡信息被市公司采用的加2分,被省公司采用的加5分。", xf);
        Cell cell15 = cells.Add(5, 4, "未按时出规定报表一次扣2分,被省公司通报一次扣5分。", xf);
        Cell cell16 = cells.Add(5, 5, "本岗位挂靠指标完成情况", xf);
        Cell cell17 = cells.Add(5, 6, "不能按时按要求完成本岗位工作任务(周工作计划内容、日常工作内容),效率低的每次每项扣2分", xf);

        MergeRegion(ref sheet, xf, "全省有通报的各项工作中,排名前三加5分,排名前6加3分,低于全省平均水平扣2分,排名12名之后扣3分,排名后三扣5分", 5, 5, 7, 8);
        Cell cell18 = cells.Add(5, 9, "部门员工得分=部门正职得分*50+部门副职得分*30%+员工互评得分*20%; 部门副职得分=员工打分均值", xf);

        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            colIndex = 0;
            foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
                Cell cell = cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, row[col.ColumnName].ToString(), xf); //转换为数字型
                //如果你数据库里的数据都是数字的话 最好转换一下,不然导入到Excel里是以字符串形式显示。
                cell.Font.FontFamily = FontFamilies.Roman;                                     //字体
                cell.Font.Bold       = false;                                                  //字体为粗体
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出SO的excel通用方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myData">导出的数据</param>
        private void ExportExcel(List <ExcelData> myData)
            ushort[] colWidth = new ushort[] { 16, 16, 16, 14, 18, 16, 28, 28, 16, 20,
                                               16, 14, 18, 24, 32, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14,
                                               14, 16, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 18, 18, 60 };

            string[] colName = new string[] { "审核结果", "流水号", "订单号", "下单日期", "办事处", "订单类型", "购货客户", "国外客户", "产品类别", "产品用途",
                                              "币别", "汇率", "产品代码", "产品名称", "规格型号", "单位", "数量", "单价", "含税单价", "成交价",
                                              "成本", "价税合计", "费用率%", "MU%", "税率%", "佣金率%", "佣金", "发货地点", "交货属性", "摘要" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = string.Format("销售订单_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("订单信息列表");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colWidth.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(colWidth[i] * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);
            foreach (var d in myData)
                colIndex = 1;

                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, d.auditStatus);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.sys_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.order_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, ((DateTime)d.h.order_date).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.agency1_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.order_type_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.oversea_customer_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_type_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_use);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.currency_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.exchange_rate);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.item_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.item_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.item_model);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.unit_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.qty);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.unit_price);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.tax_price);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.deal_price);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.cost);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.qty * d.e.tax_price);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.fee_rate);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.MU);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.tax_rate);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.commission_rate);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.commission);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.delivery_place_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.receive_place_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.summary);

            cells.Add(++rowIndex, 1, "合计:");
            cells.Add(rowIndex, 17, myData.Sum(d => d.e.qty));
            cells.Add(rowIndex, 22, myData.Sum(d => d.e.qty * d.e.tax_price));

        public void ExportPOData(string queryJson)
            GetK3POParams p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <GetK3POParams>(queryJson);

            p.poNumbers  = p.poNumbers == null ? "" : p.poNumbers.Trim();//去掉前后空格
            p.itemInfo   = p.itemInfo == null ? "" : p.itemInfo.Trim();
            p.account    = currentAccount;
            p.userId     = currentUser.userId;
            p.userNumber = currentUser.userName;
            p.k3HasAudit = true;

            List <K3POs>   result;
            List <decimal> qtyList;

            try {
                result = new DRSv().GetPOs(p).OrderBy(po => po.poDate).Take(1000).ToList();
                var infos = result.Take(500).Select(r => new IDModel()
                    interId = r.poId, entryId = r.poEntryId
                qtyList = new DRSv().GetPOTransitQty(infos);
                if (result.Count() > 500)
                    infos = result.Skip(500).Select(r => new IDModel()
                        interId = r.poId, entryId = r.poEntryId
                    qtyList.AddRange(new DRSv().GetPOTransitQty(infos));
            catch {

            ushort[] colWidth = new ushort[] { 18, 10, 20, 24, 32, 16,
                                               16, 16, 16, 12, 24, 12, 16,
                                               12, 12, 16, 12, 12, 16 };

            string[] colName = new string[] { "订单编号", "分录号", "PR单号", "物料名称", "规格型号", "订单数量",
                                              "入库数量", "申请数量", "可申请数量", "订料员", "申购部门", "单位", "物料编码",
                                              "订单类型", "采购方式", "订单日期", "贸易类型", "币别", "采购员" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = "订单明细表_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddHHmmss");
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("订单列表");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colWidth.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(colWidth[i] * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);

            for (var i = 0; i < result.Count(); i++)
                var d = result[i];
                var q = qtyList[i];
                colIndex = 1;

                //"订单编号", "分录号", "PR单号", "物料名称", "规格型号", "订单数量",
                //"入库数量", "申请数量", "可申请数量", "订料员", "申购部门","单位","物料编码",
                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, d.poNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.poEntryId);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.prNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemModel);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, string.Format("{0:0.####}", d.orderQty));

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, string.Format("{0:0.####}", d.realteQty));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, string.Format("{0:0.####}", q));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, string.Format("{0:0.####}", d.orderQty - d.realteQty - q));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.matOrderName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.departmentName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.unitName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemNumber);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.billType);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.buyType);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, ((DateTime)d.poDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.tradeTypeName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.unitName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.buyerName);


            WLog("导出K3订单Excel", "行数:" + result.Count() + ";" + queryJson);

            //return "已成功导出行数:"+result.Count();
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出CH的excel通用方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myData">导出的数据</param>
        private void ExportExcel(List <ExcelData> myData)
            string[] colName = new string[] { "审核结果", "公司", "流水号", "订单类型", "下单日期", "制单人", "产品类别", "客户编码", "客户名称", "营业员", "付款条款",
                                              "摘要", "产品代码", "产品名称", "规格型号", "单位", "数量", "含税单价", "金额", "税率%", "交货日期",
                                              "备料单号", "BOM表码", "备注" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = string.Format("仪器工业申请单_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("订单信息列表");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colName.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(18 * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);
            foreach (var d in myData)
                colIndex = 1;
                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, d.auditStatus);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.account);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.sys_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.order_type_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.apply_time.ToShortDateString());
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.applier_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_type_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.clerk_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.clear_type_name);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.summary);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.product_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.product_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.product_model);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.unit_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.qty);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.tax_price);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.qty * d.e.tax_price);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.tax_rate);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.fetch_date.ToShortDateString());

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.bl_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.bom_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.e.comment);

        /// < summary>
        /// 保存Excel
        /// neo 2010-12-02
        /// < /summary>
        /// < param name="ExcelData"> < /param>
        /// < param name="sExcelFileName"> < /param>
        /// < param name="sExcelDir"> < /param>
        /// < param name="sSheetName"> < /param>
        public static string SaveAsExcel(DataTable ExcelData, string sExcelDir, string sSheetName)
            if (ExcelData == null)

            // 生成随机唯一文件名
            string sExcelFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xls";

            // 创建Excel文档
            XlsDocument ExcelDoc = new XlsDocument();

            ExcelDoc.FileName = sExcelFileName;

            // 添加Sheet
            Worksheet Sheet = ExcelDoc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sSheetName);
            //Sheet.Name = sSheetName;

            // 添加第一行列名
            ColumnInfo ColumnInfo1 = new ColumnInfo(ExcelDoc, Sheet);

            ColumnInfo1.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
            ColumnInfo1.ColumnIndexEnd   = Convert.ToUInt16(ExcelData.Columns.Count - 1);
            ColumnInfo1.Width            = 25 * 200;

            int i = 1;

            foreach (DataColumn ColumnObj in ExcelData.Columns)
                Cell CellObj = Sheet.Cells.Add(1, i, ColumnObj.ColumnName);
                CellObj.Font.Weight = FontWeight.Bold;

                CellObj.Pattern      = 1;
                CellObj.PatternColor = Colors.Silver;

                CellObj.UseBorder       = true;
                CellObj.LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                CellObj.LeftLineColor   = Colors.Black;
                CellObj.RightLineStyle  = 1;
                CellObj.RightLineColor  = Colors.Black;
                CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                CellObj.TopLineColor    = Colors.Black;
                CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                CellObj.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black;


            int j = 2;

            foreach (DataRow RowObj in ExcelData.Rows)
                int m = 1;
                foreach (DataColumn ColumnObj in ExcelData.Columns)
                    object oValue = RowObj[ColumnObj.ColumnName];
                    if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.Byte")
                        oValue = Convert.ToInt16(oValue);
                    else if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.DBNull")
                        oValue = string.Empty;
                    else if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.String")
                        oValue = oValue.ToString();
                    else if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.DateTime")
                        oValue = Convert.ToDateTime(oValue).ToString();

                    Cell CellObj = Sheet.Cells.Add(j, m, oValue);
                    CellObj.UseBorder       = true;
                    CellObj.LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                    CellObj.LeftLineColor   = Colors.Black;
                    CellObj.RightLineStyle  = 1;
                    CellObj.RightLineColor  = Colors.Black;
                    CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                    CellObj.TopLineColor    = Colors.Black;
                    CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                    CellObj.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black;



            string sPath = sExcelDir + sExcelFileName;

            if (File.Exists(sPath) == true)

            ExcelDoc.Save(sExcelDir, true);

        private void btnExportExcel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gvPaymentList.Rows.Count > 0)
                beginDate = dtpBeginDate.Value.Date;
                endDate   = dtpEndDate.Value.AddDays(1).Date;

                IList <MRS.Model.AccountBook> accountBooks = new List <MRS.Model.AccountBook>();
                accountBooks = bllAccountBook.Select_AccountBook_PaymentList(beginDate, endDate);

                System.Text.StringBuilder fileName = new StringBuilder();
                fileName.Append("医保报销帐单 ");
                fileName.Append(DateTime.Now.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
                fileName.Append(DateTime.Now.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2, '0'));
                XlsDocument xlsDoc = new XlsDocument();
                xlsDoc.FileName = fileName.ToString();

                xlsDoc.SummaryInformation.Author          = "Cobe lee";
                xlsDoc.SummaryInformation.Title           = "医保报销帐单";
                xlsDoc.SummaryInformation.Comments        = "This workbook generated by ZPITC! http://www.tiyi.biz";
                xlsDoc.SummaryInformation.Subject         = "医保报销帐单";
                xlsDoc.DocumentSummaryInformation.Company = "镇海石化工业贸易有限责任公司";

                Worksheet sheet = xlsDoc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Sheet1");
                Cells cells = sheet.Cells;

                //以下定义 银行帐号 及 身份证号 的列宽.
                ColumnInfo col0 = new ColumnInfo(xlsDoc, sheet);
                col0.ColumnIndexEnd   = 0;
                col0.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
                col0.Width            = 21 * 269;

                ColumnInfo col3 = new ColumnInfo(xlsDoc, sheet);
                col3.ColumnIndexEnd   = 3;
                col3.ColumnIndexStart = 3;
                col3.Width            = 21 * 269;

                //以下定义文档标题 副标题
                int rint = 1;

                cells.Merge(rint, rint, 1, 5);
                Cell cell = cells.Add(rint, 1, "医保报销帐单");
                cell.Font.Height         = 16 * 20;
                cell.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;

                cells.Merge(rint, rint, 1, 5);
                Cell cell2 = cells.Add(rint, 1, "( " + beginDate.ToShortDateString() + "至" + dtpEndDate.Value.ToShortDateString() + " )");
                cell2.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
                cell2.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
                cell2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;

                FormatHead(cells.Add(rint, 1, "银行帐号"));
                FormatHead(cells.Add(rint, 2, "金额"));
                FormatHead(cells.Add(rint, 3, "姓名"));
                FormatHead(cells.Add(rint, 4, "身份证号"));
                FormatHead(cells.Add(rint, 5, "备注"));
                foreach (MRS.Model.AccountBook account in accountBooks)
                    PMS.BLL.MedicarePerson bll_mp = new PMS.BLL.MedicarePerson();
                    string bankAccount            = bll_mp.GetMedicarePerson(account.YBH).BankAccount;
                    if (bankAccount != null)
                        FormatCellNumber(cells.Add(rint, 1, bankAccount));
                        FormatCellAmount(cells.Add(rint, 2, Convert.ToDouble(account.BXJE)));
                        FormatCellName(cells.Add(rint, 3, account.Name));
                        FormatCellNumber(cells.Add(rint, 4, account.IdentityCard));
                        FormatCellName(cells.Add(rint, 5, "报销"));

                FormatCellButtom(cells.Add(rint, 1, ""));
                FormatCellButtom(cells.Add(rint, 2, ""));
                FormatCellButtom(cells.Add(rint, 3, ""));
                FormatCellButtom(cells.Add(rint, 4, ""));
                FormatCellButtom(cells.Add(rint, 5, ""));

                saveFileDialog1.DefaultExt = "xls";
                saveFileDialog1.FileName   = fileName.ToString();
                saveFileDialog1.Filter     = "Excel 97-2003 工作簿(*.xls)|*.xls";

                if (saveFileDialog1.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
                    string path = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(saveFileDialog1.FileName);
                        xlsDoc.Save(path, true);
                        MessageBox.Show("文件 \"" + System.IO.Path.GetFileName(saveFileDialog1.FileName) + "\" 正被其它程序打开,\n请关闭该文件,并重试!", "错误", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
                MessageBox.Show("无医保报销帐单!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
        /// <summary>
        /// 将tables写入EXCEL文件,已预制格式,可覆盖同名文件
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file_path">绝对路径,可覆盖同名文件</param>
        /// <param name="tables"></param>
        public static void WriteAsXls(string file_path, System.Data.DataTable[] tables)
            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(file_path);

            for (int i = 0; i < tables.Length; i++)
                System.Data.DataTable table = tables[i];

                if (table.Columns.Count > BIFF8.MaxCols)
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Table {0} has too many columns {1} to fit on Worksheet {2} with the given startCol {3}",
                                                                 table.TableName, table.Columns.Count, BIFF8.MaxCols, 1));
                if (table.Rows.Count > (BIFF8.MaxRows - 1))
                    throw new ApplicationException(string.Format("Table {0} has too many rows {1} to fit on Worksheet {2} with the given startRow {3}",
                                                                 table.TableName, table.Rows.Count, (BIFF8.MaxRows - 1), 1));

                Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(table.TableName);

                ColumnInfo ci = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);

                ci.Width          = (20 * 256);
                ci.ColumnIndexEnd = (ushort)table.Rows.Count;

                int row = 1, col = 1;

                foreach (System.Data.DataColumn dataColumn in table.Columns)
                    Cell cellHeader = sheet.Cells.Add(row, col++, dataColumn.ColumnName);

                    cellHeader.Font.Bold           = true;
                    cellHeader.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
                    cellHeader.Pattern             = 1;
                    cellHeader.PatternColor        = Colors.Silver;
                    cellHeader.UseBorder           = true;
                    cellHeader.TopLineStyle        = 1;
                    cellHeader.TopLineColor        = Colors.Silver;
                    cellHeader.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
                    cellHeader.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Silver;
                    cellHeader.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
                    cellHeader.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Silver;
                    cellHeader.RightLineStyle      = 1;
                    cellHeader.RightLineColor      = Colors.Silver;

                foreach (System.Data.DataRow dataRow in table.Rows)
                    col = 1;
                    foreach (object dataItem in dataRow.ItemArray)
                        object value = dataItem;

                        if (dataItem == DBNull.Value)
                            value = null;
                        if (dataRow.Table.Columns[col - 1].DataType == typeof(byte[]))
                            value = string.Format("[ByteArray({0})]", ((byte[])value).Length);

                        Cell cellbody = sheet.Cells.Add(row, col++, value);

            xls.Save(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(file_path), true);
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            org.in2bits.MyXls.XlsDocument doc = new XlsDocument();
            doc.FileName = "TestingAgain.xls";

            for (int s = 1; s <= 5; s++)
                string sheetName;
                //if (this.IsPostBack == true)
                sheetName = Request.Form["txtSheet" + s].Replace(",", string.Empty);
                //else sheetName = string.Empty;

                if (sheetName.Trim() == string.Empty)

                int rowMin, rowCount, colMin, colCount;

                    rowMin   = int.Parse(Request.Form["txtRowMin" + s]) + 1;
                    rowCount = int.Parse(Request.Form["txtRows" + s]);
                    colMin   = int.Parse(Request.Form["txtColMin" + s]);
                    colCount = int.Parse(Request.Form["txtCols" + s]);

                if (rowCount > 5000)
                    rowCount = 5000;
                if (rowCount < 0)
                    rowCount = 0;
                if (rowMin < 1)
                    rowMin = 1;
                if (rowMin > 32767)
                    rowMin = 32767;

                if (colCount > 50)
                    colCount = 50;
                if (colCount < 1)
                    colCount = 1;
                if (colMin < 1)
                    colMin = 1;
                if (colMin > 100)
                    colMin = 100;

                if (sheetName.Length > 35)
                    sheetName = sheetName.Substring(0, 35);

                Worksheet  sheet = doc.Workbook.Worksheets.AddNamed(sheetName);
                Cells      cells = sheet.Cells;
                Cell       miCelda;
                ColumnInfo cinfo;
                cinfo = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet);
                cinfo.ColumnIndexStart = 1;
                cinfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = 1;
                cinfo.Width            = 200;

                miCelda = cells.AddValueCell(1, 1, "TU ABUELA");
                for (int row = 0; row <= rowCount; row++)
                    if (row == 0)
                        for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
                            cells.AddValueCell((ushort)(rowMin + row), (ushort)(colMin + col - 1), "Fld" + col);
                        for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
                            cells.AddValueCell((ushort)(rowMin + row), (ushort)(colMin + col - 1), row + col);

        protected void ExportExcel(DataTable dt, string filename)
            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();                          //新建一个xls文档

            xls.FileName = filename;                                      //设定文件名
            string    sheetName = "动车票价和定员表";
            Worksheet sheet     = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName); //填加名为"chc 实例"的sheet页
            Cells     cells     = sheet.Cells;                            //Cells实例是sheet页中单元格(cell)集合

            ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);//生成列格式对象

            colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;        //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
            colInfo.Width            = 15 * 256; //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo);        //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

            XF cellXFColumnText = xls.NewXF();

            cellXFColumnText.HorizontalAlignment    = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //设定文字居中
            cellXFColumnText.Font.FontName          = "宋体";                          //设定字体
            cellXFColumnText.Font.Height            = 10 * 20;                       //设定字大小(字体大小是以 1/20 point 为单位的)
            cellXFColumnText.Pattern                = 1;                             //设定单元格填充风格。如果设定为0,则是纯色填充
            cellXFColumnText.PatternBackgroundColor = Colors.Grey;                   //填充的底色
            cellXFColumnText.PatternColor           = Colors.Grey;                   //设定填充线条的颜色
            cellXFColumnText.BottomLineStyle        = 1;                             //设定边框底线为粗线
            cellXFColumnText.BottomLineColor        = Colors.Grey;
            cellXFColumnText.TopLineStyle           = 1;                             //设定边框底线为粗线
            cellXFColumnText.TopLineColor           = Colors.Grey;
            cellXFColumnText.LeftLineStyle          = 1;
            cellXFColumnText.LeftLineColor          = Colors.Grey;
            cellXFColumnText.RightLineStyle         = 1;
            cellXFColumnText.RightLineColor         = Colors.Grey;

            cells.Add(1, 1, "序号", cellXFColumnText);      //设定第一行,第一列单元格的值
            cells.Add(1, 2, "动车类型", cellXFColumnText);    //设定第一行,第二列单元格的值
            cells.Add(1, 3, "动车类别", cellXFColumnText);    //设定第一行,第三列单元格的值
            cells.Add(1, 4, "一等座基本票价", cellXFColumnText); //设定第一行,第四列单元格的值
            cells.Add(1, 5, "一等座定员", cellXFColumnText);   //设定第一行,第五列单元格的值
            cells.Add(1, 6, "二等座基本票价", cellXFColumnText);
            cells.Add(1, 7, "二等座定员", cellXFColumnText);
            cells.Add(1, 8, "动卧上铺基本票价", cellXFColumnText);
            cells.Add(1, 9, "动卧下铺基本票价", cellXFColumnText);
            cells.Add(1, 10, "动卧定员", cellXFColumnText);
            cells.Add(1, 11, "商务座基本票价", cellXFColumnText);
            cells.Add(1, 12, "商务座定员", cellXFColumnText);

            XF cellXFColumnValue = xls.NewXF();

            cellXFColumnValue.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //设定文字居中
            cellXFColumnValue.Font.FontName       = "宋体";                          //设定字体
            cellXFColumnValue.Font.Height         = 10 * 20;                       //设定字大小(字体大小是以 1/20 point 为单位的)
            cellXFColumnValue.UseBorder           = true;                          //使用边框
            cellXFColumnValue.BottomLineStyle     = 1;                             //设定边框底线为粗线
            cellXFColumnValue.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Grey;
            cellXFColumnValue.TopLineStyle        = 1;                             //设定边框底线为粗线
            cellXFColumnValue.TopLineColor        = Colors.Grey;
            cellXFColumnValue.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
            cellXFColumnValue.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Grey;
            cellXFColumnValue.RightLineStyle      = 1;
            cellXFColumnValue.RightLineColor      = Colors.Grey;

            int currentRow = 2;

            foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                cells.Add(currentRow, 1, Convert.ToString(dr["id"]), cellXFColumnValue);            //动车类型
                cells.Add(currentRow, 2, Convert.ToString(dr["HIGHTRAINTYPE"]), cellXFColumnValue); //动车类型
                cells.Add(currentRow, 3, Convert.ToString(dr["MILETYPE"]), cellXFColumnValue);      //里程
                cells.Add(currentRow, 4, Convert.ToString(dr["RATE1"]), cellXFColumnValue);         //一等座票价
                cells.Add(currentRow, 5, Convert.ToString(dr["PCOUNT1"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 6, Convert.ToString(dr["RATE2"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 7, Convert.ToString(dr["PCOUNT2"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 8, Convert.ToString(dr["RATE3"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 9, Convert.ToString(dr["RATE31"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 10, Convert.ToString(dr["PCOUNT3"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 11, Convert.ToString(dr["RATE4"]), cellXFColumnValue);
                cells.Add(currentRow, 12, Convert.ToString(dr["PCOUNT4"]), cellXFColumnValue);
文件: MyXlsClass.cs 项目: gotodk/shfw
        /// <summary>
        /// 利用MyXls控件的一个方法,导出到电子表格
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dsxls">数据集,列明应该是中文滴</param>
        /// <param name="filename">导出文件名</param>
        /// <param name="sheetsname">导出的sheet名</param>
        /// <param name="title">大标题,如果留空,则不显示大标题</param>
        /// <param name="rowwidth">每个列的宽度</param>
        /// <param name="lujing">保存路径</param>
        public static void goxls(DataSet dsxls, string filename, string sheetsname, string title, int rowwidth, string lujing)
            org.in2bits.MyXls.XlsDocument doc = new XlsDocument();
            doc.FileName = filename;
            Worksheet  sheet   = doc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetsname);
            Cells      cells   = sheet.Cells;
            ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet);

            colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
            colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(dsxls.Tables[0].Columns.Count - 1);
            colInfo.Width            = (ushort)(rowwidth * 256);

            XF xf_col = doc.NewXF();

            xf_col.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            xf_col.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
            xf_col.Pattern             = 1;
            xf_col.PatternColor        = Colors.Default30;
            xf_col.UseBorder           = true;
            xf_col.TopLineStyle        = 1;
            xf_col.TopLineColor        = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
            xf_col.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
            xf_col.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.RightLineStyle      = 1;
            xf_col.RightLineColor      = Colors.Black;
            xf_col.Font.Bold           = true;
            xf_col.Font.Height         = 11 * 20;
            xf_col.Font.ColorIndex     = 1;

            int rowCount = dsxls.Tables[0].Rows.Count;
            int colCount = dsxls.Tables[0].Columns.Count;
            int rowMin = 1, colMin = 1;

            int rowbegin = 0;

            if (title.Trim() != "")
                MergeArea meaA = new MergeArea(1, 1, 1, dsxls.Tables[0].Columns.Count);
                Cell cell_title = cells.Add(1, 1, title);
                cell_title.Font.Height = 15 * 20;
                rowbegin = 1;

            for (int row = rowbegin; row < rowCount + rowbegin + 1; row++)
                if (row == rowbegin)
                    for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
                        Cell cell = cells.Add(rowMin + row, colMin + col - 1, dsxls.Tables[0].Columns[col - 1].ColumnName, xf_col);
                    for (int col = 1; col <= colCount; col++)
                        Cell cell = cells.Add(rowMin + row, colMin + col - 1, dsxls.Tables[0].Rows[row - 1 - rowbegin][col - 1].ToString());
                doc.Save(lujing, true);
            catch (Exception ex)
        /// <summary>
        /// 把相关数据导出到Excel文件中
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dtSource">数据源内容</param>
        /// <param name="strFileName">导出的Excel文件名</param>
        public static void Export(DataTable dtSource, string strFileName, string SheetName = "Sheet1", Int32 startRow = 0, Int32 startColumn = 0)
            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = DateTimeHelper.GetServerDateTime2().ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssffff", System.Globalization.DateTimeFormatInfo.InvariantInfo);
            xls.SummaryInformation.Author = "吴建明";                            //填加xls文件作者信息
            xls.SummaryInformation.NameOfCreatingApplication = "jCodes 项目管理"; //填加xls文件创建程序信息
            xls.SummaryInformation.LastSavedBy     = "吴建明";                   //填加xls文件最后保存者信息
            xls.SummaryInformation.Comments        = "吴建明添加的项目信息";            //填加xls文件作者信息
            xls.SummaryInformation.Title           = "项目管理信息";                //填加xls文件标题信息
            xls.SummaryInformation.Subject         = "jCodes项目管理信息";          //填加文件主题信息
            xls.DocumentSummaryInformation.Company = "jCodes.cn";             //填加文件公司信息

            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(SheetName);         //状态栏标题名称
            Cells     cells = sheet.Cells;

            ushort[] colArr = new ushort[dtSource.Columns.Count]; // 保存最大的字节数用于调整最佳宽度
            Int32    colIdx = 0;

            foreach (DataColumn col in dtSource.Columns)
                Cell cell = cells.Add(1 + startRow, col.Ordinal + 1 + startColumn, col.ColumnName);
                cell.Font.FontName          = "宋体"; // 字体
                cell.HorizontalAlignment    = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
                cell.VerticalAlignment      = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
                cell.UseBorder              = true;         // 使用边框
                cell.TopLineStyle           = 2;            // 上边框样式
                cell.TopLineColor           = Colors.Black; // 上边框颜色
                cell.LeftLineStyle          = 2;            // 左边框样式
                cell.LeftLineColor          = Colors.Black; // 左边框颜色
                cell.RightLineStyle         = 2;            // 右边框样式
                cell.RightLineColor         = Colors.Black; // 右边框颜色
                cell.BottomLineStyle        = 2;
                cell.BottomLineColor        = Colors.Black;
                cell.Pattern                = 1;                // 单元格填充风格。如果设定为0,则是纯色填充(无色),1代表没有间隙的实色
                cell.PatternColor           = Colors.Default2B; // ffff99
                cell.PatternBackgroundColor = Colors.Default2B; // 填充的底色
                cell.Font.Bold              = true;             //字体为粗体

                // 保存数据对象
                colArr[colIdx++] = (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(col.ColumnName.ToCharArray()).Length + 2); // 默认再加2个字节
            sheet.Rows[(ushort)(startRow + 1)].RowHeight = 18 * 20;

            #region 填充内容

            XF dateStyle = xls.NewXF();
            dateStyle.Format = "yyyy-mm-dd";

            for (int i = 0; i < dtSource.Rows.Count; i++)
                colIdx = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < dtSource.Columns.Count; j++)
                    int    rowIndex = i + 2;
                    int    colIndex = j + 1;
                    string drValue  = dtSource.Rows[i][j].ToString();
                    Cell   cell     = null;
                    switch (dtSource.Rows[i][j].GetType().ToString())
                    case "System.String":    //字符串类型
                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, drValue);
                        if ((ushort)colArr[colIdx] < (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(drValue.ToCharArray()).Length + 2))
                            colArr[colIdx] = (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(drValue.ToCharArray()).Length + 2);

                    case "System.DateTime":    //日期类型
                        DateTime dateV;
                        DateTime.TryParse(drValue, out dateV);
                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, dateV, dateStyle);
                        if ((ushort)colArr[colIdx] < (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(dateV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2))
                            colArr[colIdx] = (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(dateV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2);

                    case "System.Boolean":    //布尔型
                        bool boolV = false;
                        bool.TryParse(drValue, out boolV);
                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, boolV);
                        if ((ushort)colArr[colIdx] < (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(boolV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2))
                            colArr[colIdx] = (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(boolV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2);

                    case "System.Int16":    //整型
                    case "System.Int32":
                    case "System.Int64":
                    case "System.Byte":
                        int intV = 0;
                        int.TryParse(drValue, out intV);
                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, intV);
                        if ((ushort)colArr[colIdx] < (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(intV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2))
                            colArr[colIdx] = (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(intV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2);

                    case "System.Decimal":    //浮点型
                    case "System.Double":
                        double doubV = 0;
                        double.TryParse(drValue, out doubV);
                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, doubV);
                        if ((ushort)colArr[colIdx] < (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(doubV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2))
                            colArr[colIdx] = (ushort)(System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetBytes(doubV.ToString().ToCharArray()).Length + 2);

                    case "System.DBNull":    //空值处理
                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, null);

                        cell = cells.Add(rowIndex + startColumn, colIndex + startColumn, null);

                    // 下一列

                    if (null != cell)
                        cell.UseBorder              = true;         // 使用边框
                        cell.TopLineStyle           = 1;            // 上边框样式
                        cell.TopLineColor           = Colors.Black; // 上边框颜色
                        cell.LeftLineStyle          = 1;            // 左边框样式
                        cell.LeftLineColor          = Colors.Black; // 左边框颜色
                        cell.RightLineStyle         = 1;            // 右边框样式
                        cell.RightLineColor         = Colors.Black; // 右边框颜色
                        cell.BottomLineStyle        = 1;
                        cell.BottomLineColor        = Colors.Black;
                        cell.Pattern                = 1;            // 单元格填充风格。如果设定为0,则是纯色填充(无色),1代表没有间隙的实色
                        cell.PatternColor           = Colors.White; // 白色
                        cell.PatternBackgroundColor = Colors.White; // 填充的底色


            #region 宽度最优

            colIdx = 0;

            foreach (DataColumn c in dtSource.Columns)
                ColumnInfo col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);                   // 列对象
                col.ColumnIndexStart = (ushort)(startColumn + colIdx);         // 起始列为第1列,索引从0开始
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(startColumn + colIdx);         // 终止列为第1列,索引从0开始
                col.Width            = (ushort)((ushort)colArr[colIdx] * 256); // 列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(col);                                      // 把格式附加到sheet页上


            xls.FileName = strFileName;
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出申请单excel,包括我的申请和我的审批
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="fc"></param>
        public void ExporDRData(string queryJson, string pageType)
            SearchMyApplyParams p = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SearchMyApplyParams>(queryJson);

            p.account  = currentAccount;
            p.userId   = currentUser.userId;
            p.userName = currentUser.userName;

            var    result   = new List <CheckApplyListModel>();
            string fileName = "";

            if (pageType.Equals("apply"))
                fileName = "我的送货申请_";
                result   = new DRSv().SearchMyApplyList(p, canCheckAll).ToList();
            else if (pageType.Equals("audit"))
                fileName = "审核送货申请_";
                result   = new DRSv().SearchMyAuditList(p, canCheckAll).ToList();

            ushort[] colWidth = new ushort[] { 16, 18, 12, 16, 10, 24,
                                               32, 16, 16, 12, 18, 18, 16,
                                               16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 16, 18, 16 };

            string[] colName = new string[] { "发货日期", "送货单号", "申请状态", "订单编号", "分录号", "物料名称",
                                              "规格型号", "订单数量", "申请数量", "单位", "物料编码", "备注", "订单类型",
                                              "采购方式", "订料员", "采购员", "贸易类型", "PR单号", "采购日期", "入库单号", "入库日期" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = fileName + DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddHHmmss");
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("申请列表");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colWidth.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(colWidth[i] * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);

            foreach (var d in result)
                colIndex = 1;

                //"发货日期", "送货单号", "申请状态", "订单编号", "分录号", "物料名称",
                //"规格型号", "订单数量", "申请数量", "单位", "物料编码","订单类型",
                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, ((DateTime)d.sendDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.billNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.pStatus);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.poNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.poEntryId);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemName);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemModel);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, string.Format("{0:0.####}", d.poQty));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, string.Format("{0:0.####}", d.sendQty));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.unitName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.itemNumber);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.comment);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.billType);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.buyType);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.matOrderName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.buyerName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.tradeTypeName);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.prNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, ((DateTime)d.poDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.inStockBillNo);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.inStockBillDate == null?"":((DateTime)d.inStockBillDate).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));


            WLog("导出申请单Excel", fileName + ":" + queryJson);
    /// <summary>
    /// 导出生成excel文件
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="dt">datatable</param>
    /// <param name="fileName">文件名.xls</param>
    /// <param name="longColumnsIndex">需要设置长宽度的列的集合eg."1,2,3,4"</param>
    public static void CreateXls(DataTable dt, string fileName, string longColumnsIndex)
        XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

        if (System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Request.UserAgent.ToLower().IndexOf("msie") > -1)
            xls.FileName = System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(fileName, System.Text.Encoding.UTF8);
            xls.FileName = fileName;
        int       rowIndex = 1;
        int       colIndex = 0;
        Worksheet sheet    = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet");//状态栏标题名称
        Cells     cells    = sheet.Cells;
        ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);

        colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
        colInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = 22;
        colInfo.Width            = 14 * 256;
        if (longColumnsIndex.Length > 0)
            string[] longIndexs = longColumnsIndex.Split(',');
            if (longIndexs.Length > 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < longIndexs.Length; i++)
                    ColumnInfo colInfo1 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                    colInfo1.ColumnIndexStart = ushort.Parse(longIndexs[i]);
                    colInfo1.ColumnIndexEnd   = ushort.Parse(longIndexs[i]);
                    colInfo1.Width            = 36 * 256;
        XF xf = xls.NewXF();

        xf.UseProtection       = false;
        xf.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;
        xf.TextWrapRight       = true;
        xf.UseBorder           = true;
        xf.TopLineStyle        = 1;
        xf.TopLineColor        = Colors.Black;
        xf.BottomLineStyle     = 1;
        xf.BottomLineColor     = Colors.Black;
        xf.LeftLineStyle       = 1;
        xf.LeftLineColor       = Colors.Black;
        xf.RightLineStyle      = 1;
        xf.RightLineColor      = Colors.Black;
        xf.Font.Bold           = true;
        foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
            Cell cell = cells.Add(1, colIndex, col.ColumnName, xf);
        //sheet.Rows[1].RowHeight = 24 * 20;
        foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows)
            colIndex = 0;
            foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns)
                Cell cell = cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex, row[col.ColumnName].ToString(), xf); //转换为数字型
                //如果你数据库里的数据都是数字的话 最好转换一下,不然导入到Excel里是以字符串形式显示。
                cell.Font.FontFamily = FontFamilies.Roman;                                     //字体
                cell.Font.Bold       = false;                                                  //字体为粗体
            //sheet.Rows[(ushort)rowIndex].RowHeight = 24 * 20;
        public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context)
            List <DataLists> dataLists = new List <DataLists>();
                int LocationID = 1;
                //List<DataList> dataLists = new List<DataList>();
                int RunMachNum = 0;
                int AllMachNum;
                using (JDJS_WMS_DB_USEREntities wms = new  JDJS_WMS_DB_USEREntities())
                    var devices = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_Info;
                    AllMachNum = devices.Count();
                    foreach (var device in devices)
                        int cncids = device.ID;
                        var state  = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_RealTime_Data.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (state != null)
                            if (state.ProgState == 1)
                                int cncid    = device.ID;
                                var platecnc = wms.JDJS_WMS_Quickchangbaseplate_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == cncid);
                                if (platecnc.Count() > 0)

                        DataLists data = new DataLists();
                        data.cncNum  = device.MachNum;
                        data.cncType = device.MachState;
                        data.State   = "/";
                        data.Time    = DateTime.Now.Date.ToString();
                        var state1 = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_RealTime_Data.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (state1 != null)
                            if (state1.ProgState != -1)
                                data.State = "开机";
                        var processing = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 2);
                        if (processing.Count() > 0)
                            int    id         = Convert.ToInt32(processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                            int    processNum = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == id).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                            string OrderNum   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == processing.FirstOrDefault().OrderID).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                            data.doingFileName = OrderNum + "-P" + processNum.ToString();
                            data.JiaWei        = processNum.ToString() + "夹";
                            data.doingProcess  = OrderNum + "-" + processNum.ToString() + "序";
                            var willdo = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.ProcessID == processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID&& r.isFlag == 1);
                            data.surplusNumber = willdo.Count().ToString();
                                var cncqu = wms.JDJS_WMS_Quickchangbaseplate_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID);
                                if (cncqu.Count() < 1)
                                    data.progress = "0.000000";
                                    var cncstate = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_RealTime_Data.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                    if (cncstate != null)
                                        int states = Convert.ToInt32(cncstate.ProgState);

                                        if (states == 1)
                                            var timestate = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_Times_Data.Where(r => r.ID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (timestate != null)
                                                double timeMin = Convert.ToDouble(timestate.NowRunTime);
                                                double alltime = Convert.ToDouble(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID).FirstOrDefault().ProcessTime);
                                                double rate    = timeMin / alltime;
                                                if (rate < 0)
                                                    data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                else if (rate >= 1)
                                                    data.progress = "0.999999";
                                                    data.progress = rate.ToString("0.000000");
                                                data.progress = "0.000000";
                                            DateTime time    = Convert.ToDateTime(cncqu.FirstOrDefault().time);
                                            double   nowtime = (DateTime.Now - time).TotalMinutes;
                                            var      info    = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 3).ToList();
                                            if (info.Count() < 1)
                                                data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                var      timeInfo = info.OrderByDescending(r => r.EndTime);
                                                DateTime oldTime  = Convert.ToDateTime(timeInfo.FirstOrDefault().EndTime);
                                                if (oldTime > time)
                                                    data.progress = "1.000000";
                                                    data.progress = "0.000000";
                                        data.progress = "0.000000";
                            var next = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 1).OrderBy(r => r.StartTime);
                            if (next.Count() > 0)
                                int    ids         = Convert.ToInt32(next.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                int    processNums = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == ids).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                string OrderNums   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == next.FirstOrDefault().OrderID).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                                data.waitingFileName = OrderNums + "-P" + processNums.ToString();
                            var nextTask = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 1 && r.ProcessID != processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID).OrderBy(r => r.StartTime);
                            if (nextTask.Count() > 0)
                                int    ids         = Convert.ToInt32(nextTask.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                int    processNums = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == ids).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                string OrderNums   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == nextTask.FirstOrDefault().OrderID).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                                data.waitingProcess = OrderNums + "-" + processNums.ToString() + "序";
                            processing = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 1).OrderBy(r => r.StartTime);
                            if (processing.Count() > 0)
                                if (processing.Count() > 1)
                                    var    pro        = processing.ToList();
                                    int    id         = Convert.ToInt32(processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                    int    processNum = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == id).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                    string OrderNum   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == processing.FirstOrDefault().OrderID).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                                    data.doingFileName = OrderNum + "-P" + processNum.ToString();

                                    data.JiaWei       = processNum.ToString() + "夹";
                                    data.doingProcess = OrderNum + "-" + processNum.ToString() + "序";
                                    var willdo = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.ProcessID == processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID&& r.isFlag == 1);
                                    data.surplusNumber = willdo.Count().ToString();
                                        var cncqu = wms.JDJS_WMS_Quickchangbaseplate_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID);
                                        if (cncqu.Count() < 1)
                                            data.progress = "0.000000";
                                            var cncstate = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_RealTime_Data.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (cncstate != null)
                                                int states = Convert.ToInt32(cncstate.ProgState);

                                                if (states == 1)
                                                    var timestate = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_Times_Data.Where(r => r.ID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                                    if (timestate != null)
                                                        double timeMin = Convert.ToDouble(timestate.NowRunTime);
                                                        double alltime = Convert.ToDouble(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID).FirstOrDefault().ProcessTime);
                                                        double rate    = timeMin / alltime;
                                                        if (rate < 0)
                                                            data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                        else if (rate >= 1)
                                                            data.progress = "0.999999";
                                                            data.progress = rate.ToString("0.000000");
                                                        data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                    DateTime time    = Convert.ToDateTime(cncqu.FirstOrDefault().time);
                                                    double   nowtime = (DateTime.Now - time).TotalMinutes;
                                                    var      info    = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 3).ToList();
                                                    if (info.Count() < 1)
                                                        data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                        var      timeInfo = info.OrderByDescending(r => r.EndTime);
                                                        DateTime oldTime  = Convert.ToDateTime(timeInfo.FirstOrDefault().EndTime);
                                                        if (oldTime > time)
                                                            data.progress = "1.000000";
                                                            data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                data.progress = "0.000000";

                                    int    ids         = Convert.ToInt32(pro[1].ProcessID);
                                    int    processNums = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == ids).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                    int    idsss       = Convert.ToInt32(pro[1].OrderID);
                                    string OrderNums   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == idsss).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                                    data.waitingFileName = OrderNums + "-P" + processNums.ToString();

                                    var nextTask = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 1 && r.ProcessID != ids).OrderBy(r => r.StartTime);
                                    if (nextTask.Count() > 0)
                                        int    idss         = Convert.ToInt32(nextTask.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                        int    processNumss = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == idss).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                        string OrderNumss   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == nextTask.FirstOrDefault().OrderID).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                                        data.waitingProcess = OrderNumss + "-" + processNumss.ToString() + "序";
                                    int    id         = Convert.ToInt32(processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                    int    processNum = Convert.ToInt32(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == id).FirstOrDefault().ProcessID);
                                    string OrderNum   = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Entry_Table.Where(r => r.Order_ID == processing.FirstOrDefault().OrderID).FirstOrDefault().Order_Number.ToString();
                                    data.doingFileName = OrderNum + "-P" + processNum.ToString();
                                    data.JiaWei        = processNum.ToString() + "夹";
                                    data.doingProcess  = OrderNum + "-" + processNum.ToString() + "序";
                                    var willdo = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.ProcessID == processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID&& r.isFlag == 1);
                                    data.surplusNumber = willdo.Count().ToString();
                                        var cncqu = wms.JDJS_WMS_Quickchangbaseplate_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID);
                                        if (cncqu.Count() < 1)
                                            data.progress = "0.000000";
                                            var cncstate = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_RealTime_Data.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                            if (cncstate != null)
                                                int states = Convert.ToInt32(cncstate.ProgState);

                                                if (states == 1)
                                                    var timestate = wms.JDJS_WMS_Device_Times_Data.Where(r => r.ID == device.ID).FirstOrDefault();
                                                    if (timestate != null)
                                                        double timeMin = Convert.ToDouble(timestate.NowRunTime);
                                                        double alltime = Convert.ToDouble(wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Info_Table.Where(r => r.ID == processing.FirstOrDefault().ProcessID).FirstOrDefault().ProcessTime);
                                                        double rate    = timeMin / alltime;
                                                        if (rate < 0)
                                                            data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                        else if (rate >= 1)
                                                            data.progress = "0.999999";
                                                            data.progress = rate.ToString("0.000000");
                                                        data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                    DateTime time    = Convert.ToDateTime(cncqu.FirstOrDefault().time);
                                                    double   nowtime = (DateTime.Now - time).TotalMinutes;
                                                    var      info    = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == device.ID && r.isFlag == 3).ToList();
                                                    if (info.Count() < 1)
                                                        data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                        var      timeInfo = info.OrderByDescending(r => r.EndTime);
                                                        DateTime oldTime  = Convert.ToDateTime(timeInfo.FirstOrDefault().EndTime);
                                                        if (oldTime > time)
                                                            data.progress = "1.000000";
                                                            data.progress = "0.000000";
                                                data.progress = "0.000000";
                                data.doingFileName = "无排配";
                                data.JiaWei        = "/";
                        var endProcess = wms.JDJS_WMS_Order_Process_Scheduling_Table.Where(r => r.CncID == cncids && r.isFlag != 0);
                        var end        = endProcess.OrderByDescending(r => r.EndTime).FirstOrDefault();
                        if (end != null)
                            data.StopTime = end.EndTime.ToString();

                    foreach (var item in dataLists)
                        item.RunMachNum   = RunMachNum.ToString();
                        item.AllMachNum   = AllMachNum.ToString();
                        item.OtherMachNum = (AllMachNum - RunMachNum).ToString();
                    var lists = dataLists.OrderByDescending(r => r.progress);
                    System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer serializer = new System.Web.Script.Serialization.JavaScriptSerializer();
                    var model = new { code = 0, data = lists };
                    var json  = serializer.Serialize(model);

            XlsDocument doc = new XlsDocument();

            doc.FileName = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddhhmmssms") + "样机开机状况.xls";
            Worksheet sheet = doc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("sheet1");
            Cells     cells = sheet.Cells;

            ColumnInfo col = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet);  //创建列样式对象

            col.ColumnIndexStart = 5;                     //起始列,索引从0开始
            col.ColumnIndexEnd   = 5;                     //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col.Width            = 8888;                  //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col);                     //将列样式作用于此工作表

            ColumnInfo col2 = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet); //创建列样式对象

            col2.ColumnIndexStart = 2;                    //起始列,索引从0开始
            col2.ColumnIndexEnd   = 2;                    //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col2.Width            = 4444;                 //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col2);                    //将列样式作用于此工作表

            ColumnInfo col4 = new ColumnInfo(doc, sheet); //创建列样式对象

            col4.ColumnIndexStart = 4;                    //起始列,索引从0开始
            col4.ColumnIndexEnd   = 4;                    //结束列,索引从0开始,这样为第1列、第2列使用此样式
            col4.Width            = 4444;                 //宽度,字节长度,ushort类型 0~65535
            sheet.AddColumnInfo(col4);                    //将列样式作用于此工作表

            MergeArea ma1 = new MergeArea(1, 1, 1, 7);              //合并单元格,第2行第5列 到 第3行第7列

            sheet.AddMergeArea(ma1);                                //添加合并单元格到工作表

            MergeArea ma2 = new MergeArea(2, 2, 2, 6);              //合并单元格,第2行第5列 到 第3行第7列

            sheet.AddMergeArea(ma2);                                //添加合并单元格到工作表

            XF xf = doc.NewXF();                                    //单元格样式对象

            xf.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;   //垂直居中
            xf.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //水平居中

            xf.Pattern      = 0;                                    //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                         //填充背景底色

            xf.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                 //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf.Font.FontName   = "黑体";                              //字体
            xf.Font.Height     = 15 * 15;                           //字体大小
            //xf.UseBorder = false ; //使用边框
            //xf.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
            //xf.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            XF xf1 = doc.NewXF();                                  //单元格样式对象

            xf1.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered; //垂直居中
            xf1.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Right;  //水平居中

            xf1.Pattern      = 0;                                  //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf1.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                       //填充背景底色

            xf1.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                               //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf1.Font.FontName   = "宋体";                            //字体
            xf1.Font.Height     = 13 * 13;                         //字体大小
            //xf1.UseBorder = false ; //使用边框
            //xf1.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
            //xf1.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            XF xf2 = doc.NewXF();                                    //单元格样式对象

            xf2.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;   //垂直居中
            xf2.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //水平居中

            xf2.Pattern      = 0;                                    //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf2.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                         //填充背景底色

            xf2.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                 //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf2.Font.FontName   = "宋体";                              //字体
            xf2.Font.Height     = 13 * 13;                           //字体大小
                                                                     //xf2.UseBorder = false; //使用边框
                                                                     //xf2.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
                                                                     //xf2.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            XF xf3 = doc.NewXF();                                    //单元格样式对象

            xf3.VerticalAlignment   = VerticalAlignments.Centered;   //垂直居中
            xf3.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //水平居中

            xf3.Pattern      = 1;                                    //填充风格,0为无色填充,1为没有间隙的纯色填充
            xf3.PatternColor = Colors.Green;                         //填充背景底色

            xf3.Font.ColorIndex = 0;                                 //字体前景色颜色,未知值
            xf3.Font.FontName   = "宋体";                              //字体
            xf3.Font.Height     = 13 * 13;                           //字体大小
            //xf2.UseBorder = false; //使用边框
            //xf2.BottomLineStyle = 1; //边框样式
            //xf2.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black; //边框颜色

            cells.Add(1, 1, "智能中心样机开机状况", xf);                                   //添加单元格内容,第2行,第5列,内容,索引从1开始
            cells.Add(2, 2, "日期:" + DateTime.Now.Date.ToShortDateString(), xf1); //添加单元格内容,第2行,第5列,内容,索引从1开始
            cells.Add(3, 1, "类别", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 2, "机台号", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 3, "文件名", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 4, "夹位", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 5, "开机状态", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 6, "CNC预计结束时间", xf2);
            cells.Add(3, 7, "备注", xf2);
            int index = 4;

            for (int i = 0; i < dataLists.Count(); i++)
                cells.Add(i + 4, 1, dataLists[i].cncType, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 2, dataLists[i].cncNum, xf2);
                if (dataLists[i].doingFileName == "无排配")
                    cells.Add(i + 4, 3, dataLists[i].doingFileName, xf2);
                    cells.Add(i + 4, 4, dataLists[i].JiaWei, xf2);
                    cells.Add(i + 4, 5, dataLists[i].State, xf2);
                    cells.Add(i + 4, 3, dataLists[i].doingFileName, xf3);
                    cells.Add(i + 4, 4, dataLists[i].JiaWei, xf3);
                    cells.Add(i + 4, 5, dataLists[i].State, xf3);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 6, dataLists[i].StopTime, xf2);
                cells.Add(i + 4, 7, "", xf2);
            cells.Add(index, 1, "机台总数", xf);
            //cells.Add(index, 2, dataLists[lastIndex].AllMachNum, xf2);
            cells.Add(index, 3, "实际开机数量", xf);
            //cells.Add(index, 4, dataLists[lastIndex].RunMachNum, xf2);
            cells.Add(index, 5, "未开机数量", xf);
            //cells.Add(index, 6, dataLists[lastIndex].OtherMachNum, xf2);
            if (dataLists.Count() > 0)
                int lastIndex = dataLists.Count() - 1;
                //cells.Add(index, 1, "机台总数", xf);
                cells.Add(index, 2, dataLists[lastIndex].AllMachNum, xf2);
                //cells.Add(index, 3, "实际开机数量", xf);
                cells.Add(index, 4, dataLists[lastIndex].RunMachNum, xf2);
                //cells.Add(index, 5, "未开机数量", xf);
                cells.Add(index, 6, dataLists[lastIndex].OtherMachNum, xf2);

            PathInfo pathInfo = new PathInfo();
            string   path     = pathInfo.upLoadPath() + @"ExcelFile\";

            if (!Directory.Exists(path))

            context.Response.Write(pathInfo.downLoadPath() + @"ExcelFile\" + doc.FileName);
        /// <summary>
        /// 导出excel通用方法
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="myData">导出的数据</param>
        private void ExportExcel(List <ExcelData> myData)
            string[] colName = new string[] { "审核结果", "流水号", "备料日期", "客户型号", "版本号", "产品类别", "客户编码", "客户名称", "终端客户编码", "终端客户名称",
                                              "产品代码", "产品名称", "产品型号", "备料数量(粒)", "营业员", "产品用途", "订料良率", "产品类型", "表面处理", "是否半孔板",
                                              "是否出样", "贸易类型", "事业部", "备料类型", "协议号", "制单人", "备料项目", "备注", "消耗计划" };

            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument();

            xls.FileName = string.Format("电子备料单_{0}.xls", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMdd"));
            Worksheet sheet = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("备料信息列表");


            XF boldXF = xls.NewXF();

            boldXF.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered;
            boldXF.Font.Height         = 12 * 20;
            boldXF.Font.FontName       = "宋体";
            boldXF.Font.Bold           = true;

            ColumnInfo col;

            for (ushort i = 0; i < colName.Length; i++)
                col = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);
                col.ColumnIndexStart = i;
                col.ColumnIndexEnd   = i;
                col.Width            = (ushort)(16 * 256);

            Cells cells    = sheet.Cells;
            int   rowIndex = 1;
            int   colIndex = 1;

            foreach (var name in colName)
                cells.Add(rowIndex, colIndex++, name, boldXF);
            foreach (var d in myData)
                colIndex = 1;

                // "审核结果","流水号","备料日期","客户型号","版本号","产品类别","客户编码","客户名称","终端客户编码","终端客户名称",
                // "产品代码","产品名称","产品型号","备料数量(粒)","营业员","产品用途","订料良率","产品类型","表面处理","是否半孔板",
                // "是否出样","贸易类型","事业部","备料类型","协议号","制单人","备料项目","备注","消耗计划"

                cells.Add(++rowIndex, colIndex, d.auditStatus);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.sys_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.bill_date.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_pn);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.version_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_type);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.customer_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.zz_customer_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.zz_customer_name);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_model);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.bl_qty);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.clerk_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.usage);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.good_percent);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.product_classification);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.surface_type);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.is_half_hole);

                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.is_make_sample);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.trade_type);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.bus_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.bl_type);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.protocol_no);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.applier_name);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.bl_project);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.comment);
                cells.Add(rowIndex, ++colIndex, d.h.bl_plan);

        /// <summary>
        /// 将DataTable导出为Xls文件
        /// neo 2010-12-02
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ExcelData"></param>
        /// <param name="GridView1"></param>
        /// <param name="sExcelDir"></param>
        /// <param name="sSheetName"></param>
        /// <returns>返回生成Excel文件本地路径</returns>
        public static string SaveAsExcel(DataTable ExcelData, GridView GridView1, string sExcelDir, string sSheetName)
            if (ExcelData == null)

            NameValueCollection ExcelColumns = new NameValueCollection();

            foreach (DataControlField GridColumn in GridView1.Columns)
                // 隐藏列 不导出
                if (GridColumn.Visible == false)

                // 只导出BoundField列
                if (GridColumn.GetType().FullName != "System.Web.UI.WebControls.BoundField")

                // 如果没有列名 不导出
                if (GridColumn.HeaderText == string.Empty)

                BoundField BoundField1 = GridColumn as BoundField;

                ExcelColumns.Add(BoundField1.HeaderText, BoundField1.DataField);

            // 生成随机唯一文件名
            string sExcelFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + ".xls";

            // 创建Excel文档
            XlsDocument ExcelDoc = new XlsDocument();

            ExcelDoc.FileName = sExcelFileName;

            // 添加Sheet
            Worksheet Sheet = ExcelDoc.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sSheetName);
            //Sheet.Name = sSheetName;

            // 添加第一行列名
            ColumnInfo ColumnInfo1 = new ColumnInfo(ExcelDoc, Sheet);

            ColumnInfo1.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
            ColumnInfo1.ColumnIndexEnd   = Convert.ToUInt16(ExcelColumns.Count - 1);
            ColumnInfo1.Width            = 25 * 150;

            // 生成第一行Excel列
            int i = 1;

            foreach (string sHeaderText in ExcelColumns.AllKeys)
                Cell CellObj = Sheet.Cells.Add(1, i, sHeaderText);
                CellObj.Font.Weight = FontWeight.Bold;

                CellObj.Pattern      = 1;
                CellObj.PatternColor = Colors.Silver;

                CellObj.UseBorder       = true;
                CellObj.LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                CellObj.LeftLineColor   = Colors.Black;
                CellObj.RightLineStyle  = 1;
                CellObj.RightLineColor  = Colors.Black;
                CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                CellObj.TopLineColor    = Colors.Black;
                CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                CellObj.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black;


            int j = 2;

            foreach (DataRow RowObj in ExcelData.Rows)
                int m = 1;
                foreach (string sHeaderText in ExcelColumns.AllKeys)
                    // 获取对应的DataField
                    string sDataField = ExcelColumns[sHeaderText];

                    object oValue = RowObj[sDataField];
                    if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.Byte")
                        oValue = Convert.ToInt16(oValue);
                    else if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.DBNull")
                        oValue = string.Empty;
                    else if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.String")
                        oValue = oValue.ToString();
                    else if (oValue.GetType().FullName == "System.DateTime")
                        oValue = Convert.ToDateTime(oValue).ToString();

                    Cell CellObj = Sheet.Cells.Add(j, m, oValue);
                    CellObj.UseBorder       = true;
                    CellObj.LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                    CellObj.LeftLineColor   = Colors.Black;
                    CellObj.RightLineStyle  = 1;
                    CellObj.RightLineColor  = Colors.Black;
                    CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                    CellObj.TopLineColor    = Colors.Black;
                    CellObj.TopLineStyle    = 1;
                    CellObj.BottomLineColor = Colors.Black;



            string sPath = sExcelDir + sExcelFileName;

            if (File.Exists(sPath) == true)

            ExcelDoc.Save(sExcelDir, true);

        void butExportData_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            XlsDocument xls = new XlsDocument(); //新建一个xls文档

            xls.FileName = "train.xls";          //设定文件名

            List <String> lineNameList = BusinessRule.Line.GetTrainLindName();
            JTable        tab1         = new WebFrame.Data.JTable();

            tab1.TableName = "linestationview";

            foreach (String m in lineNameList)
                string    sheetName = m;
                Worksheet sheet     = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetName); //填加名为"chc 实例"的sheet页
                Cells     cells     = sheet.Cells;                            //Cells实例是sheet页中单元格(cell)集合

                #region 设置列的宽度
                ColumnInfo colInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet);  //生成列格式对象
                colInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;                     //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo.Width            = 15 * 256;              //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo);                     //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo1 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo1.ColumnIndexStart = 1;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo1.Width            = 20 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo1);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo2 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo2.ColumnIndexStart = 2;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo2.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo2);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo3 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo3.ColumnIndexStart = 3;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo3.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo3);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo4 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo4.ColumnIndexStart = 4;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo4.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo4);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo5 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo5.ColumnIndexStart = 5;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo5.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo5);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo6 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo6.ColumnIndexStart = 6;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo6.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo6);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo7 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo7.ColumnIndexStart = 7;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo7.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo7);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                ColumnInfo colInfo8 = new ColumnInfo(xls, sheet); //生成列格式对象
                colInfo8.ColumnIndexStart = 8;                    //起始列为第一列,ColumnIndexStart是从0开始
                colInfo8.Width            = 15 * 256;             //列的宽度计量单位为 1/256 字符宽
                sheet.AddColumnInfo(colInfo8);                    //把格式附加到sheet页上(注:AddColumnInfo方法有点小问题,不给把colInfo对象多次附给sheet页)

                XF cellXFColumnText = xls.NewXF();
                cellXFColumnText.HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignments.Centered; //设定文字居中

                cells.Add(1, 1, "线名代码", cellXFColumnText);                            //设定第一行,第一列单元格的值
                cells.Add(1, 2, "线名", cellXFColumnText);                              //设定第一行,第二列单元格的值
                cells.Add(1, 3, "站名代码", cellXFColumnText);                            //设定第一行,第三列单元格的值

                cells.Add(1, 4, "始发站", cellXFColumnText);                             //设定第一行,第四列单元格的值
                cells.Add(1, 5, "到达站", cellXFColumnText);                             //设定第一行,第四列单元格的值
                cells.Add(1, 6, "里程", cellXFColumnText);

                cells.Add(1, 7, "局内", cellXFColumnText);
                cells.Add(1, 8, "电气化", cellXFColumnText);
                cells.Add(1, 9, "轮渡标志", cellXFColumnText);

                int       currentRow = 2;
                DataTable dt         = BusinessRule.Line.GetTrainLindData(tab1, m);
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
                    String jnFlag = dr["jnflag"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (jnFlag != String.Empty)
                        jnFlag = "是";

                    String dqh = dr["dqh"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (dqh != String.Empty)
                        dqh = "是";

                    String shipFlag = dr["shipflag"].ToString().Trim();
                    if (shipFlag != String.Empty)
                        shipFlag = "是";

                    cells.Add(currentRow, 1, Convert.ToString(dr["lineid"]), cellXFColumnText);
                    cells.Add(currentRow, 2, Convert.ToString(dr["linename"]), cellXFColumnText);
                    cells.Add(currentRow, 3, Convert.ToString(""), cellXFColumnText);

                    cells.Add(currentRow, 4, Convert.ToString(dr["Astation"]), cellXFColumnText);
                    cells.Add(currentRow, 5, Convert.ToString(dr["bstation"]), cellXFColumnText);
                    cells.Add(currentRow, 6, Convert.ToString(dr["miles"]), cellXFColumnText);

                    cells.Add(currentRow, 7, jnFlag, cellXFColumnText);
                    cells.Add(currentRow, 8, dqh, cellXFColumnText);
                    cells.Add(currentRow, 9, shipFlag, cellXFColumnText);

        /// <summary>
        /// 直接导出Excel
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dataTable">数据</param>
        /// <param name="filePathName">文件保存路径(E:\\excelname.xls)</param>
        /// <param name="sheetName">表单名称(表单1)</param>
        /// <param name="headers">头部显示的文字(编号,名称,...),如果为空则取dataTable的头</param>
        /// <returns>返回成功与否</returns>
        public static bool Export(DataTable dataTable, string filePathName, string sheetName, params string[] headers)
                if (dataTable == null)
                if (filePathName == null)
                if (sheetName == null || sheetName.Trim() == "")
                    sheetName = "Sheet";
                if (headers == null)
                    headers = new string[0];
                string path = Path.GetDirectoryName(filePathName);
                if (!Directory.Exists(path))
                List <string> headerList = headers.ToList();
                if (headers.Length < dataTable.Columns.Count)
                    for (int i = headers.Length; i < dataTable.Columns.Count; i++)
                XlsDocument xls        = new XlsDocument();//新建Excel
                int         startIndex = 0;
                int         endIndex   = startIndex + 65533;
                if (dataTable.Rows.Count < endIndex + 1)
                    endIndex = dataTable.Rows.Count - 1;
                string sheetText = sheetName;
                int    count     = 0;
                    Worksheet ws = xls.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(sheetText);
                    ColumnInfo columnInfo = new ColumnInfo(xls, ws);//头
                    columnInfo.ColumnIndexStart = 0;
                    columnInfo.ColumnIndexEnd   = (ushort)(headerList.Count - 1);
                    columnInfo.Width            = 21 * 256;
                    for (ushort i = 1; i <= headerList.Count; i++)
                        ws.Cells.Add((ushort)1, i, headerList[i - 1]);
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).Font.Bold       = true;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).Font.Height     = 13 * 20;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).TopLineStyle    = 1;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).BottomLineStyle = 2;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).RightLineStyle  = 1;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).Pattern         = 1;
                        ws.Rows[1].GetCell(i).PatternColor    = org.in2bits.MyXls.Colors.Default1F;
                    for (int i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++)
                        object[] objs = dataTable.Rows[i].ItemArray;
                        for (ushort j = 1; j <= objs.Length; j++)
                            if (objs[j - 1] == DBNull.Value)
                                objs[j - 1] = "";
                            else if (objs[j - 1].GetType().Equals(typeof(DateTime)))
                                objs[j - 1] = ((DateTime)objs[j - 1]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");
                                Type type = objs[j - 1].GetType();
                                if (type.Equals(typeof(int)) || type.Equals(typeof(Int64)) || type.Equals(typeof(float)) || type.Equals(typeof(double)) || type.Equals(typeof(decimal)) || type.Equals(typeof(byte)) || type.Equals(typeof(ushort)) || type.Equals(typeof(uint)) || type.Equals(typeof(ulong)))
                                    objs[j - 1] = "'" + objs[j - 1];
                            ws.Cells.Add((ushort)(i + 2 - startIndex), j, objs[j - 1]);
                            ws.Rows[(ushort)(i + 2 - startIndex)].GetCell(j).Font.Height     = 13 * 20;
                            ws.Rows[(ushort)(i + 2 - startIndex)].GetCell(j).TopLineStyle    = 1;
                            ws.Rows[(ushort)(i + 2 - startIndex)].GetCell(j).BottomLineStyle = 1;
                            ws.Rows[(ushort)(i + 2 - startIndex)].GetCell(j).LeftLineStyle   = 1;
                            ws.Rows[(ushort)(i + 2 - startIndex)].GetCell(j).RightLineStyle  = 1;

                    startIndex = endIndex + 1;
                    if (startIndex >= dataTable.Rows.Count)
                        endIndex = startIndex + 65533;
                        if (dataTable.Rows.Count < endIndex + 1)
                            endIndex = dataTable.Rows.Count - 1;
                        sheetText = sheetName + "-" + (++count);
                } while (true);
                xls.Save(filePathName, true);
                xls = null;