    public GridWorld(float gridSize, int xExtend, int yExtend, Vector2 gridOrigin)
        this.GridSize = gridSize;
        this.X_Extend = xExtend;
        this.Y_Extend = yExtend;
        this.Diagonal = gridSize * 1.414f;

        int meshCount = xExtend * yExtend;

        MeshRenders = new MeshRenderer[meshCount];
        Centers     = new Vector2[meshCount];

        States = new State[meshCount];

        //make each grids mesh
        int idx = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < yExtend; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < xExtend; j++)
                Vector2 center = new Vector2((gridSize * j) + (float)(gridSize / 2.0), (gridSize * i) + (float)(gridSize / 2.0));
                center          += gridOrigin;
                Centers[idx]     = center;
                MeshRenders[idx] = MakeMesh(center, gridSize, idx.ToString()).GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                States[idx]      = State.Alive;
        CentersMin = Centers.First();
        CentersMax = Centers.Last();
    public static Vector2 PointInPolygonClosestToPoint(List <Vector2> orderedVertices, Vector2 point)
        if (orderedVertices.Count == 0)
        if (orderedVertices.Count == 1)
        if (PointIsInPolygonByRaycasting(orderedVertices, point))
        float[]   sqrDists      = new float[orderedVertices.Count];
        Vector2[] closestPoints = new Vector2[orderedVertices.Count];
        for (int i = 0; i < orderedVertices.Count; i++)
            closestPoints[i] = ClosestPointOnLineSegment(point, orderedVertices[i], orderedVertices[(i + 1) % orderedVertices.Count]);
            sqrDists[i]      = Vector2.SqrMagnitude(point - closestPoints.Last());
        int index = System.Array.IndexOf <float>(sqrDists, Mathf.Min(sqrDists));

        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a new truncated cone buffer.
        /// The cone is aligned to the x axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="description">The description used to build the cone</param>
        /// <param name="tesselation">The tesselation, must be greater than 2</param>
        public VertexPosition[] Build(TruncatedConeDescription description, int tesselation = 32)
            var sections = description.Sections;

            if (sections.Length < 2)
                throw new ArgumentException("sections must contain more than 1 element.");
            if (tesselation < 3)
                throw new ArgumentException("tesselation must be greater than 2.");

            // build tesselation angles
            var tessInverse       = (float)1 / tesselation;
            var tesselationAngles = new Vector2[tesselation];

            for (var i = 0; i < tesselationAngles.Length; i++)
                var quat        = Quaternion.RotationAxis(Vector3.BackwardRH, tessInverse * i * MathUtil.TwoPi);
                var transformed = Vector3.Transform(Vector3.Up, quat);
                tesselationAngles[i] = new Vector2(transformed.X, transformed.Y);//discard x value

            var vertCount = (sections.Length - 1) * tesselation * 6;
            var buffer    = new VertexPosition[vertCount];

            // the first time this gets used it increments to 0
            int bufferIndex = -1;
            var prevSection = sections[0];

            for (var i = 1; i < description.Sections.Length; i++)
                var section = description.Sections[i];

                // start at the last item
                var prevAngle = tesselationAngles.Last();
                for (var j = 0; j < tesselation; j++)
                    var angle = tesselationAngles[j];
                    buffer[++bufferIndex] = GetVertex(prevSection, angle);
                    buffer[++bufferIndex] = GetVertex(section, angle);
                    buffer[++bufferIndex] = GetVertex(prevSection, prevAngle);

                    buffer[++bufferIndex] = GetVertex(section, angle);
                    buffer[++bufferIndex] = GetVertex(section, prevAngle);
                    buffer[++bufferIndex] = GetVertex(prevSection, prevAngle);

                    prevAngle = tesselationAngles[j];
                prevSection = sections[i];

            Debug.Assert(bufferIndex + 1 == buffer.Length);
    private void DrawGraph()
        Color[] colors = UltiDraw.GetRainbowColors(Values.Length);
        Vector2 pivot  = Rect.GetPosition();
        float   radius = 0.2f * Rect.W;

        UltiDraw.DrawGUICircle(pivot, Rect.W * 1.05f, UltiDraw.Gold);
        UltiDraw.DrawGUICircle(pivot, Rect.W, UltiDraw.White);
        Vector2[] anchors = new Vector2[Values.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < Values.Length; i++)
            float step = (float)i / (float)Values.Length;
            anchors[i] = new Vector2((Rect.W - radius / 2f) * Screen.height / Screen.width * Mathf.Cos(step * 2f * Mathf.PI), (Rect.W - radius / 2f) * Mathf.Sin(step * 2f * Mathf.PI));
        Vector2[] positions = new Vector2[Frames];
        for (int i = 0; i < Values.Length; i++)
            int _index = 0;
            foreach (float value in Values[i])
                positions[_index] += value * anchors[i];
                _index            += 1;
        for (int i = 1; i < positions.Length; i++)
            UltiDraw.DrawGUILine(pivot + positions[i - 1], pivot + positions[i], 0.1f * radius, UltiDraw.Black.Transparent((float)(i + 1) / (float)positions.Length));
        for (int i = 0; i < anchors.Length; i++)
            UltiDraw.DrawGUILine(pivot + positions.Last(), pivot + anchors[i], 0.1f * radius, colors[i].Transparent(Weights[i]));
            UltiDraw.DrawGUICircle(pivot + anchors[i], Mathf.Max(0.5f * radius, Utility.Normalise(Weights[i], 0f, 1f, 0.5f, 1f) * radius), Color.Lerp(UltiDraw.Black, colors[i], Weights[i]));
        UltiDraw.DrawGUICircle(pivot + positions.Last(), 0.5f * radius, UltiDraw.Purple);
        /// <summary>
        /// Determines if a CCW defined polygon is convex.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="verts">The vertices of the polygon.</param>
        /// <returns>True if polygon is convex.</returns>
        public static bool PolyIsConvex( Vector2[] verts )
            int nVerts = verts.Length;
              Vector2 last = verts.Last();
              for ( int i = 0; i <= nVerts; ++i )
            Vector2 vert = verts[( i + 1 ) % nVerts];
            Vector2 next = verts[( i + 2 ) % nVerts];

            Vector2 u = vert - last;
            Vector2 v = next - vert;

            if ( u.X * v.Y - u.Y * v.X < 0f )
              return false;

              return true;
        public Vector2[] CleanPath(Vector2[] path)
            if (path == null || path.Length == 0)
                return path;

            var newPath = new List<Vector2>();
            var current = path[0];

            for (var i = 1; i < path.Length; i++)
                if (Evade.ClippedPolygons.Any(p => p.IsIntersectingWithLineSegment(current, path[i])))
                    current = path[i];


            return newPath.ToArray();