        private Diagnostic AnalyzeVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclarationSyntax declaration, ISymbol containingSymbol, SemanticModel semanticModel)
            var type = declaration.GetTypeSymbol(semanticModel) as INamedTypeSymbol;

            if (type is null)
                return(null); // ignore unknown type

            var identifier = declaration.Variables.Select(_ => _.Identifier).FirstOrDefault();

            var eventName = identifier.ValueText;

            if (eventName == nameof(ICommand.CanExecuteChanged) && type.Name == nameof(EventHandler))
                return(null); // ignore event that we cannot change anymore

            // we either nave no correct event handler or too few/less type arguments, so try to guess the EventArgs
            if (type.TypeArguments.Length != 1)

            var eventArgsType = type.TypeArguments[0];

            if (eventArgsType.IsEventArgs() is false)

            if (IsInherited(identifier, semanticModel))
                return(null); // ignore inherited events that we cannot change anymore

            if (eventArgsType.FullyQualifiedName() == "System.EventArgs")
                return(null); // ignore special event args

            var eventTypeNamespace  = eventArgsType.ContainingNamespace.FullyQualifiedName();
            var eventUsageNamespace = containingSymbol.ContainingNamespace.FullyQualifiedName();

            if (eventUsageNamespace == eventTypeNamespace)
                return(null); // ignore same namespaces

            if (declaration.Type is GenericNameSyntax g)
                return(Issue(eventName, g.TypeArgumentList.Arguments[0], eventArgsType.Name, eventUsageNamespace));

            return(Issue(eventName, eventArgsType, eventArgsType.Name, eventUsageNamespace));
        private Diagnostic AnalyzeVariableDeclaration(VariableDeclarationSyntax declaration, SemanticModel semanticModel)
            var type = declaration.GetTypeSymbol(semanticModel) as INamedTypeSymbol;

            var typeName = type?.Name;

            if (typeName is null)
                return(null); // ignore unknown type

            var identifier = declaration.Variables.Select(_ => _.Identifier).FirstOrDefault();

            var eventName = identifier.ValueText;

            if (eventName == nameof(ICommand.CanExecuteChanged) && typeName == nameof(EventHandler))
                return(null); // ignore event that we cannot change anymore

            // we either nave no correct event handler or too few/less type arguments, so try to guess the EventArgs
            var eventArgsType = type.TypeArguments.Length == 1 ? type.TypeArguments[0] : null;
            var expectedName  = eventName + nameof(EventArgs);

            if (IsProperlyNamed(eventArgsType, expectedName))

            if (IsInherited(identifier, semanticModel))
                return(null); // ignore inherited events that we cannot change anymore

            return(Issue(typeName, declaration.Type, expectedName));