文件: Options.cs 项目: SunSha/Jil
 /// <summary>
 /// Configuration for Jil serialization options.
 /// Available options:
 ///   prettyPrint - whether or not to include whitespace and newlines for ease of reading
 ///   excludeNulls - whether or not to write object members whose value is null
 ///   jsonp - whether or not the serialized json should be valid for use with JSONP
 ///   dateFormat - the style in which to serialize DateTimes and TimeSpans
 ///   includeInherited - whether or not to serialize members declared by an objects base types
 ///   allowHashFunction - whether or not Jil should try to use hashes instead of strings when deserializing object members, malicious content may be able to force member collisions if this is enabled
 /// </summary>
 public Options(bool prettyPrint = false, bool excludeNulls = false, bool jsonp = false, DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.NewtonsoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch, bool includeInherited = false, UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior = UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior.IsLocal)
     ShouldPrettyPrint                  = prettyPrint;
     ShouldExcludeNulls                 = excludeNulls;
     IsJSONP                            = jsonp;
     UseDateTimeFormat                  = dateFormat;
     ShouldIncludeInherited             = includeInherited;
     UseUnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior = unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior;
        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration for Jil serialization options.
        /// Available options:
        ///   prettyPrint - whether or not to include whitespace and newlines for ease of reading
        ///   excludeNulls - whether or not to write object members whose value is null
        ///   jsonp - whether or not the serialized json should be valid for use with JSONP
        ///   dateFormat - the style in which to serialize DateTimes and TimeSpans
        ///   includeInherited - whether or not to serialize members declared by an objects base types
        ///   unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior - how to treat DateTime's with a DateTimeKind of Unspecified (Jil converts all DateTimes to Utc for serialization, use DateTimeOffset to preserve time zone information)
        /// </summary>
        public Options(bool prettyPrint = false, bool excludeNulls = false, bool jsonp = false, DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch, bool includeInherited = false, UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior = UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior.IsLocal)
            ShouldPrettyPrint  = prettyPrint;
            ShouldExcludeNulls = excludeNulls;
            IsJSONP            = jsonp;

#pragma warning disable 618
            // upgrade from the obsolete DateTimeFormat enumeration; warning disabled to allow it, but all other references
            //  should be expunged
            if (dateFormat == DateTimeFormat.NewtonsoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch)
                dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch;
#pragma warning restore 618

            UseDateTimeFormat                  = dateFormat;
            ShouldIncludeInherited             = includeInherited;
            UseUnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior = unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior;
        /// <summary>
        /// Configuration for Jil serialization options.
        /// Available options:
        ///   prettyPrint - whether or not to include whitespace and newlines for ease of reading
        ///   excludeNulls - whether or not to write object members whose value is null
        ///   jsonp - whether or not the serialized json should be valid for use with JSONP
        ///   dateFormat - the style in which to serialize DateTimes and TimeSpans
        ///   includeInherited - whether or not to serialize members declared by an objects base types
        ///   unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior - how to treat DateTime's with a DateTimeKind of Unspecified (Jil converts all DateTimes to Utc for serialization, use DateTimeOffset to preserve time zone information)
        ///   serializationNameFormat - how to serialize names of properties/objects unless specified explicitly by an attribute
        /// </summary>
        public Options(bool prettyPrint = false, bool excludeNulls = false, bool jsonp = false, DateTimeFormat dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch, bool includeInherited = false, UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior = UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior.IsLocal, SerializationNameFormat serializationNameFormat = SerializationNameFormat.Verbatim)
            ShouldPrettyPrint = prettyPrint;
            ShouldExcludeNulls = excludeNulls;
            IsJSONP = jsonp;

#pragma warning disable 618
            // upgrade from the obsolete DateTimeFormat enumeration; warning disabled to allow it, but all other references
            //  should be expunged
            if (dateFormat == DateTimeFormat.NewtonsoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch)
                dateFormat = DateTimeFormat.MicrosoftStyleMillisecondsSinceUnixEpoch;
#pragma warning restore 618

            UseDateTimeFormat = dateFormat;
            ShouldIncludeInherited = includeInherited;
            UseUnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior = unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior;
            SerializationNameFormat = serializationNameFormat;
 /// <summary>
 /// For compatibility with earlier Jil versions.
 /// Configuration for Jil serialization options.
 /// Available options:
 ///   prettyPrint - whether or not to include whitespace and newlines for ease of reading
 ///   excludeNulls - whether or not to write object members whose value is null
 ///   jsonp - whether or not the serialized json should be valid for use with JSONP
 ///   dateFormat - the style in which to serialize DateTimes and TimeSpans
 ///   includeInherited - whether or not to serialize members declared by an objects base types
 ///   unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior - how to treat DateTime's with a DateTimeKind of Unspecified (Jil converts all DateTimes to Utc for serialization, use DateTimeOffset to preserve time zone information)
 /// </summary>
 public Options(bool prettyPrint, bool excludeNulls, bool jsonp, DateTimeFormat dateFormat, bool includeInherited, UnspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior) :
     this(prettyPrint, excludeNulls, jsonp, dateFormat, includeInherited, unspecifiedDateTimeKindBehavior, SerializationNameFormat.Verbatim)
 { }