        public string GetTweet()
            // Displays the tweet that the user clicked on from the web list.
            string id = Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "";

            if (id == "")
            MarkRead(id, gUser(this).UserId);

            string     sql     = "Select * from Tweet left Join Users on Users.ID = Tweet.UserID where Tweet.id = @id";
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql);

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
            DataTable dt = gData.GetDataTable(command);

            if (dt.Rows.Count < 1)
                MsgBox("Not Found", "We are unable to find this item.", this);
            SavedObject s = RowToObject(dt.Rows[0]);

            string sUserPic  = DataOps.GetAvatar(s.Props.Picture);
            string sUserName = NotNull(s.Props.UserName);

            if (sUserName == "")
                sUserName = "******";

            string sHTMLBody = ReplaceURLs(s.Props.Body);

            string sBody = "<div style='min-height:300px'><span style=''>" + sHTMLBody + "</span></div>";

            string div = "<table style='padding:10px;' width=73%><tr><td>User:<td>" + sUserPic + "</tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>User Name:<td>" + sUserName + "</tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>Added:<td>" + s.Props.Added.ToString() + "</td></tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>Subject:<td>" + s.Props.Subject + "</td></tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>&nbsp;</tr><tr><td width=8%>Body:<td style='border:1px solid lightgrey;min-height:300px' colspan=1 xbgcolor='grey' width=40%>" + sBody + "</td></tr></table>";

            div += UICommon.GetComments(id, this);

        public string GetPrayer()
            // Displays the prayer that the user clicked on from the web list.
            string id = Request.QueryString["id"] ?? "";

            if (id == "")
            string     sql     = "Select * from PrayerRequest Inner Join Users on Users.ID = PrayerRequest.UserID where prayerrequest.id = @id";
            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql);

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", id);
            DataTable dt = gData.GetDataTable(command);

            if (dt.Rows.Count < 1)
                MsgBox("Not Found", "We are unable to find this prayer.", this);
            SavedObject s = RowToObject(dt.Rows[0]);

            string sUserPic  = DataOps.GetAvatar(s.Props.Picture);
            string sUserName = NotNull(s.Props.UserName);

            if (sUserName == "")
                sUserName = "******";
            string sBody = " <textarea style='width: 70%;' id=txtbody rows=25 cols=65>" + s.Props.Body + "</textarea>";

            string div = "<table style='padding:10px;' width=100%><tr><td>User:<td>" + sUserPic + "</tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>User Name:<td><h2>" + sUserName + "</h2></tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>Added:<td>" + s.Props.Added.ToString() + "</td></tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>Subject:<td>" + s.Props.Subject + "</td></tr>"
                         + "<tr><td>Body:<td colspan=2>" + sBody + "</td></tr></table>";

            div += UICommon.GetComments(id, this);

        public string GetMedia()
            string category  = Request.QueryString["category"].ToNonNullString();
            string mediaid   = Request.QueryString["mediaid"].ToNonNullString();
            double dWatching = GetDouble(Request.QueryString["watching"].ToNonNullString());
            double dReward   = GetDouble(Request.QueryString["reward"].ToNonNullString());
            double dLimited  = GetDouble(Request.QueryString["limit"].ToNonNullString());

            if (dWatching == 1)

            string sql = "Select * from Rapture where category=@cat order by added desc";

            if (mediaid != "")
                sql = "Update Rapture set ViewCount=isnull(viewcount,0)+1 where id='" + BMS.PurifySQL(mediaid, 100) + "'";
                sql = "Select * from Rapture Where ID='" + Saved.Code.BMS.PurifySQL(mediaid, 64) + "'";
            string html = "";

            if (dReward == 1)
                sql = "Select top 1 * from Rapture where id=@id order by added desc";
                SqlCommand c = new SqlCommand(sql);
                c.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", mediaid);
                string sVideoID  = gData.GetScalarString(c, "id");
                string sCategory = gData.GetScalarString(c, "category");
                string sURL      = gData.GetScalarString(c, "url");

                if (sVideoID.Length > 1)
                    string sSuffix  = "?token=" + SignVideoURL();
                    string sFullURL = sURL + sSuffix;
                    double nReward  = GetDouble(GetBMSConfigurationKeyValue("VideoRewardAmount"));
                    double dSize    = Saved.Code.BMS.GetWebResourceSize(sFullURL);
                    string sql1     = "Insert into Tip (id,userid,amount,added,videoid,starttime,size,category,watchcount) values (newid(),'" + gUser(this).UserId.ToString()
                                      + "','" + nReward.ToString() + "',getdate(),'" + sVideoID + "',getdate(),'" + dSize.ToString() + "','" + sCategory + "',0)";
                    html += "<br>Congratulations!  You will be rewarded up to " + nReward.ToString()
                            + " for watching this video.  Please do not click away until you gain something from the video, otherwise you will not receive the full reward.  <br><br> ";

            SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(sql);

            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@cat", category);
            command.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", mediaid);

            DataTable dt = gData.GetDataTable(command);

            bool fAdmin  = gUser(this).Admin;
            bool fRelink = dt.Rows.Count > 1;

            string sTable = "<table cellpadding=25px cellspacing=25px>";

            html += sTable;
            double nLimit = 0;

            for (int y = 0; y < dt.Rows.Count; y++)
                if (dLimited > 0 && nLimit > dLimited)
                string sNotes = GetNotesHTML(dt.Rows[y]["Notes"].ToString());
                if (sNotes.Length > 256)
                    sNotes = sNotes.Substring(0, 256);
                string sEditURL = "<a href=Markup.aspx?type=Rapture&id=" + dt.Rows[y]["id"].ToString() + ">Edit</a>";

                string sAnchor    = "<div><a href=Media.aspx?mediaid=" + dt.Rows[y]["id"].ToString() + ">";
                string sUserID    = dt.Rows[y]["userid"].ToString();
                string sUserName  = GetUserName(sUserID);
                double nViewCount = GetDouble(dt.Rows[y]["ViewCount"].ToNonNullString());

                string sWidth = dt.Rows.Count == 1 ? "100%" : "40%";
                string sDiv   = "<tr><td width='" + sWidth + "'>";

                if (fRelink)
                    sDiv += sAnchor;

                string sAutoPlay = !fRelink ? "autostart autoplay controls playsinline" : "preload='metadata'";

                string sDims = dt.Rows.Count == 1 ? "width='1000' height='768'" : "width='400' height='240'";

                sDiv += "<video id='video1' class='connect-bg' " + sDims + " " + sAutoPlay + " style='background-color:black'>";

                string sLoc     = !fRelink ? "" : "#t=7";
                string sBaseURL = dt.Rows[y]["URL"].ToString();
                string sSuffix  = "?token=" + SignVideoURL();

                string sFullURL = sBaseURL + sSuffix + sLoc;
                string sSpeed1  = "<a id='aSlow' href='#' onclick='slowPlaySpeed();'>.5x</a>";
                string sSpeed2  = "<a id='aNormal' href='#' onclick='normalPlaySpeed();'>1x</a>";
                string sSpeed3  = "<a id='aFast' href='#' onclick='fastPlaySpeed();'>1.75x</a>";

                // Add the token
                sDiv += "<source src='" + sFullURL + "' type='video/mp4'></video>";
                if (fRelink)
                    sDiv += "</a></div>";

                string sFooter = sSpeed1 + " • " + sSpeed2 + " • " + sSpeed3 + " • " + nViewCount.ToString() + " view(s) • " + dt.Rows[y]["Added"].ToString();
                if (sUserName != "")
                    sFooter += " • Uploaded by " + sUserName;
                if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
                    sDiv += "</td></tr><tr>";
                sDiv += "<td style='padding:10px;font-size:14px;' width=70%>" + sNotes + "<br><small>" + sFooter + "</small><br><br></td>";

                if (fAdmin)
                    sDiv += "<td>" + sEditURL + "</td>";

                sDiv += "</tr>";
                html += sDiv;
            html += "</table>";
            if (mediaid != "")
                html += UICommon.GetComments(mediaid, this);