    private void insertTouchID(GameObject go, DateTime dt)
        TouchProperties auxTouchProperties = go.GetComponent <TouchProperties>();
        float           hardness           = 0;
        float           moisture           = 0;
        float           roughness          = 0;
        float           pressure           = 0;
        float           temperature        = 0;

        if (auxTouchProperties != null)
            hardness    = auxTouchProperties.getHardness();
            moisture    = auxTouchProperties.getMoistness();
            roughness   = auxTouchProperties.getRoughness();
            pressure    = auxTouchProperties.getPressure();
            temperature = auxTouchProperties.getTemperature();
        RobotTouch rTouch = new RobotTouch(
            dt,                                    // the event occurs now
            uIDD.getID(go),                        //  object definition
            hardness,                              // hardness level
            moisture,                              // moisture level
            pressure,                              // pressure level
            roughness,                             // roughness level
            temperature);                          // temperature level

        try                                        // Try to access a resource.
            rTouch.insert();                       // using dotNetRDF library inserts the information in the triple store
        catch (Exception e)
            Debug.Log("System>>> " + e.Message);                  // change for your: LogError(e);     // Call a custom error logging procedure.