    // This co-routine performs the path finding and invokes another coroutine
    // to perform player movement animation
    private IEnumerator FindPath()
        // Coroutine will be called again in moveDuration seconds
        YieldInstruction wfs = new WaitForSeconds(moveDuration);

        // The graph representation of our tile world
        TileWorldGraph graph = new TileWorldGraph(world);

        // Start player movement loop
        while (PlayerPos != GoalPos)
            // Perform path finding
            if (pathFindingType == PathFindingType.Dijkstra)
                // Use Dijkstra algorithm
                path = Dijkstra.GetShortestPath(
                    Vec2Ind(PlayerPos, world.GetLength(0)),
                    Vec2Ind(GoalPos, world.GetLength(0)));
                // Use A* algorithm
                path = AStar.GetPath(
                    Vec2Ind(PlayerPos, world.GetLength(0)),
                    Vec2Ind(GoalPos, world.GetLength(0)),

            // Was a path found?
            if (path == null)
                // If not, update flag
                ValidPath = false;
                // A valid path was found, update flag
                ValidPath = true;

                // Get an enumerator for the connection enumerable (it must be
                // disposed of, as such we put it in a using block)
                using (IEnumerator <IConnection> conns = path.GetEnumerator())
                    // Did the path finder return any connection at all?
                    if (conns.MoveNext())
                        // If so, move player towards the destination node in the
                        // first connection
                                           conns.Current.ToNode, moveDuration / 2));
            // Return again after some fixed amount of time
            yield return(wfs);

        // If we got here, it means the goal was reached!
        GoalReached = true;
    // This co-routine performs the path finding and invokes another coroutine
    // to perform player movement animation
    private IEnumerator FindPath()
        // Coroutine will be called again in moveDuration seconds
        YieldInstruction wfs = new WaitForSeconds(moveDuration);

        // The graph representation of our tile world
        TileWorldGraph graph = new TileWorldGraph(world);

        // Start player movement loop
        while (PlayerPos != GoalPos)
            // Pathfinder to use
            IPathFinder pathFinder = knownPathFinders[(int)pathFindingType];

            // Perform path finding
            path = pathFinder.FindPath(
                Vec2Ind(PlayerPos, world.GetLength(0)),
                Vec2Ind(GoalPos, world.GetLength(0)));

            // Show fill?
            if (showFill)
                foreach (TileBehaviour tile in world)
                    tile.UsedForFill = false;
                foreach (int ind in pathFinder.FillOpen())
                    Vector2Int tilePos = Ind2Vec(ind, world.GetLength(0));
                    world[tilePos.x, tilePos.y].UsedForFill = true;
                foreach (int ind in pathFinder.FillClosed())
                    Vector2Int tilePos = Ind2Vec(ind, world.GetLength(0));
                    world[tilePos.x, tilePos.y].UsedForFill = true;

            // Was a path found?
            if (path == null)
                // If not, update flag
                ValidPath = false;
                // A valid path was found, update flag
                ValidPath = true;

                // Get an enumerator for the connection enumerable (it must be
                // disposed of, as such we put it in a using block)
                using (IEnumerator <IConnection> conns = path.GetEnumerator())
                    // Did the path finder return any connection at all?
                    if (conns.MoveNext())
                        // If so, move player towards the destination node in the
                        // first connection
                                           conns.Current.ToNode, moveDuration / 2));
            // Return again after some fixed amount of time
            yield return(wfs);

        // If we got here, it means the goal was reached!
        GoalReached = true;