        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public WSAgent(WebSockets server, TokenBucket parentThrottle, ThrottleRates rates,
                       UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, Socket socket, bool isChildAgent)
            m_id           = agentID;
            m_server       = server;
            m_interestList = new InterestList(this, 200);

            IsChildPresence = isChildAgent;

            m_localID = m_server.Scene.CreateLocalID();

            //TextureEntry = new Primitive.TextureEntry(DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE);

            SessionID = sessionID;
            Socket    = socket;

            // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent
            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.ClientTotalLimit, rates.ClientTotal);
            // Create an array of token buckets for this clients different throttle categories
            m_throttleCategories = new TokenBucket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];

            for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT; i++)
                ThrottleCategory type = (ThrottleCategory)i;

                // Initialize the message outboxes, where messages sit while they are waiting for tokens
                m_messageOutboxes[i] = new LocklessQueue <OutgoingMessage>();
                // Initialize the token buckets that control the throttling for each category
                m_throttleCategories[i] = new TokenBucket(m_throttle, rates.GetLimit(type), rates.GetRate(type));

            // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects
            TickLastMessageReceived = Util.TickCount();
        public LLUDPServer(LLUDP udp, IScene scene, IPAddress bindAddress, int port, IConfigSource configSource, IScheduler scheduler)
            : base(bindAddress, port)
            m_udp     = udp;
            Scene     = scene;
            Scheduler = scheduler;

            IConfig throttleConfig = configSource.Configs["LLUDP"];

            m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(LLUDPServer.MTU, throttleConfig);

            m_resendTimer = new TimedEvent(100);
            m_ackTimer    = new TimedEvent(500);
            m_pingTimer   = new TimedEvent(5000);

            m_httpServer = Scene.Simian.GetAppModule <IHttpServer>();

            IConfig config = configSource.Configs["LLUDP"];

            if (config != null)
                m_asyncPacketHandling = config.GetBoolean("AsyncPacketHandling", true);
                m_recvBufferSize      = config.GetInt("SocketReceiveBufferSize", 0);

            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, m_throttleRates.SceneTotalLimit, m_throttleRates.SceneTotal);

            PacketEvents = new PacketEventDictionary(Scheduler);

            Scene.OnPresenceRemove += PresenceRemoveHandler;
        protected string GetServerThrottlesReport(LLUDPServer udpServer)
            StringBuilder report = new StringBuilder();

            int columnPadding       = 2;
            int maxNameLength       = 18;
            int maxRegionNameLength = 14;
            int maxTypeLength       = 4;

            string name = "SERVER AGENT RATES";

            report.Append(GetColumnEntry(name, maxNameLength, columnPadding));
            report.Append(GetColumnEntry("-", maxRegionNameLength, columnPadding));
            report.Append(GetColumnEntry("-", maxTypeLength, columnPadding));

            ThrottleRates throttleRates = udpServer.ThrottleRates;

                "{0,7} {1,8} {2,7} {3,7} {4,7} {5,7} {6,9} {7,7}",
                (throttleRates.Total * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Resend * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Land * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Wind * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Cloud * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Task * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Texture * 8) / 1000,
                (throttleRates.Asset * 8) / 1000);

        public WebSocketServer(WebSockets server)
            m_server = server;

            m_receiveBufferSize = MTU;
            m_readPool          = new ObjectPool <SocketAsyncEventArgs>(0, CreateSocketArgs);

            // TODO: Support throttle config
            m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(MTU, null);
            m_throttle      = new TokenBucket(null, m_throttleRates.SceneTotalLimit, m_throttleRates.SceneTotal);
        public LLUDPServer(LLUDP udp, IScene scene, IPAddress bindAddress, int port, IConfigSource configSource, IScheduler scheduler)
            : base(bindAddress, port)
            m_udp = udp;
            Scene = scene;
            Scheduler = scheduler;

            IConfig throttleConfig = configSource.Configs["LLUDP"];
            m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(LLUDPServer.MTU, throttleConfig);

            m_resendTimer = new TimedEvent(100);
            m_ackTimer = new TimedEvent(500);
            m_pingTimer = new TimedEvent(5000);

            m_httpServer = Scene.Simian.GetAppModule<IHttpServer>();

            IConfig config = configSource.Configs["LLUDP"];
            if (config != null)
                m_asyncPacketHandling = config.GetBoolean("AsyncPacketHandling", true);
                m_recvBufferSize = config.GetInt("SocketReceiveBufferSize", 0);

            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, m_throttleRates.SceneTotalLimit, m_throttleRates.SceneTotal);

            PacketEvents = new PacketEventDictionary(Scheduler);

            Scene.OnPresenceRemove += PresenceRemoveHandler;
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        public WSAgent(WebSockets server, TokenBucket parentThrottle, ThrottleRates rates,
            UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, Socket socket, bool isChildAgent)
            m_id = agentID;
            m_server = server;
            m_interestList = new InterestList(this, 200);

            IsChildPresence = isChildAgent;

            m_localID = m_server.Scene.CreateLocalID();

            //TextureEntry = new Primitive.TextureEntry(DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE);

            SessionID = sessionID;
            Socket = socket;

            // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent
            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.ClientTotalLimit, rates.ClientTotal);
            // Create an array of token buckets for this clients different throttle categories
            m_throttleCategories = new TokenBucket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];

            for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT; i++)
                ThrottleCategory type = (ThrottleCategory)i;

                // Initialize the message outboxes, where messages sit while they are waiting for tokens
                m_messageOutboxes[i] = new LocklessQueue<OutgoingMessage>();
                // Initialize the token buckets that control the throttling for each category
                m_throttleCategories[i] = new TokenBucket(m_throttle, rates.GetLimit(type), rates.GetRate(type));

            // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects
            TickLastMessageReceived = Environment.TickCount & Int32.MaxValue;
        public WebSocketServer(WebSockets server)
            m_server = server;

            m_receiveBufferSize = MTU;
            m_readPool = new ObjectPool<SocketAsyncEventArgs>(0, CreateSocketArgs);

            // TODO: Support throttle config
            m_throttleRates = new ThrottleRates(MTU, null);
            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(null, m_throttleRates.SceneTotalLimit, m_throttleRates.SceneTotal);
文件: LLAgent.cs 项目: thoys/simian
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">Reference to the UDP server this client is connected to</param>
        /// <param name="rates">Default throttling rates and maximum throttle limits</param>
        /// <param name="parentThrottle">Parent HTB (hierarchical token bucket)
        /// that the child throttles will be governed by</param>
        /// <param name="circuitCode">Circuit code for this connection</param>
        /// <param name="agentID">AgentID for the connected agent</param>
        /// <param name="sessionID">SessionID for the connected agent</param>
        /// <param name="secureSessionID">SecureSessionID for the connected agent</param>
        /// <param name="defaultRTO">Default retransmission timeout, in milliseconds</param>
        /// <param name="maxRTO">Maximum retransmission timeout, in milliseconds</param>
        /// <param name="remoteEndPoint">Remote endpoint for this connection</param>
        /// <param name="isChildAgent">True if this agent is currently simulated by
        /// another simulator, otherwise false</param>
        public LLAgent(LLUDPServer server, ThrottleRates rates, TokenBucket parentThrottle,
            uint circuitCode, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, UUID secureSessionID, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint,
            int defaultRTO, int maxRTO, bool isChildAgent)
            m_id = agentID;
            m_udpServer = server;
            m_scene = m_udpServer.Scene;

            PacketArchive = new IncomingPacketHistoryCollection(200);
            NeedAcks = new UnackedPacketCollection();
            PendingAcks = new LocklessQueue<uint>();
            EventQueue = new LLEventQueue();

            m_nextOnQueueEmpty = 1;
            m_defaultRTO = 1000 * 3;
            m_maxRTO = 1000 * 60;

            m_packetOutboxes = new LocklessQueue<OutgoingPacket>[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];
            m_nextPackets = new OutgoingPacket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];
            m_interestList = new InterestList(this, 200);

            IsChildPresence = isChildAgent;

            m_localID = m_scene.CreateLocalID();

            TextureEntry = new Primitive.TextureEntry(DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE);

            SessionID = sessionID;
            SecureSessionID = secureSessionID;
            RemoteEndPoint = remoteEndPoint;
            CircuitCode = circuitCode;

            if (defaultRTO != 0)
                m_defaultRTO = defaultRTO;
            if (maxRTO != 0)
                m_maxRTO = maxRTO;

            // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent
            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.ClientTotalLimit, rates.ClientTotal);
            // Create an array of token buckets for this clients different throttle categories
            m_throttleCategories = new TokenBucket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];

            for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT; i++)
                ThrottleCategory type = (ThrottleCategory)i;

                // Initialize the packet outboxes, where packets sit while they are waiting for tokens
                m_packetOutboxes[i] = new LocklessQueue<OutgoingPacket>();
                // Initialize the token buckets that control the throttling for each category
                m_throttleCategories[i] = new TokenBucket(m_throttle, rates.GetLimit(type), rates.GetRate(type));

            // Default the retransmission timeout to three seconds
            RTO = m_defaultRTO;

            // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects
            TickLastPacketReceived = Util.TickCount();

            IsConnected = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Default constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="server">Reference to the UDP server this client is connected to</param>
        /// <param name="rates">Default throttling rates and maximum throttle limits</param>
        /// <param name="parentThrottle">Parent HTB (hierarchical token bucket)
        /// that the child throttles will be governed by</param>
        /// <param name="circuitCode">Circuit code for this connection</param>
        /// <param name="agentID">AgentID for the connected agent</param>
        /// <param name="sessionID">SessionID for the connected agent</param>
        /// <param name="secureSessionID">SecureSessionID for the connected agent</param>
        /// <param name="defaultRTO">Default retransmission timeout, in milliseconds</param>
        /// <param name="maxRTO">Maximum retransmission timeout, in milliseconds</param>
        /// <param name="remoteEndPoint">Remote endpoint for this connection</param>
        /// <param name="isChildAgent">True if this agent is currently simulated by
        /// another simulator, otherwise false</param>
        public LLAgent(LLUDPServer server, ThrottleRates rates, TokenBucket parentThrottle,
                       uint circuitCode, UUID agentID, UUID sessionID, UUID secureSessionID, IPEndPoint remoteEndPoint,
                       int defaultRTO, int maxRTO, bool isChildAgent)
            m_id        = agentID;
            m_udpServer = server;
            m_scene     = m_udpServer.Scene;

            PacketArchive = new IncomingPacketHistoryCollection(200);
            NeedAcks      = new UnackedPacketCollection();
            PendingAcks   = new LocklessQueue <uint>();
            EventQueue    = new LLEventQueue();

            m_nextOnQueueEmpty = 1;
            m_defaultRTO       = 1000 * 3;
            m_maxRTO           = 1000 * 60;

            m_packetOutboxes = new LocklessQueue <OutgoingPacket> [THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];
            m_nextPackets    = new OutgoingPacket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];
            m_interestList   = new InterestList(this, 200);

            IsChildPresence = isChildAgent;

            m_localID = m_scene.CreateLocalID();

            TextureEntry = new Primitive.TextureEntry(DEFAULT_AVATAR_TEXTURE);

            SessionID       = sessionID;
            SecureSessionID = secureSessionID;
            RemoteEndPoint  = remoteEndPoint;
            CircuitCode     = circuitCode;

            if (defaultRTO != 0)
                m_defaultRTO = defaultRTO;
            if (maxRTO != 0)
                m_maxRTO = maxRTO;

            // Create a token bucket throttle for this client that has the scene token bucket as a parent
            m_throttle = new TokenBucket(parentThrottle, rates.ClientTotalLimit, rates.ClientTotal);
            // Create an array of token buckets for this clients different throttle categories
            m_throttleCategories = new TokenBucket[THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT];

            for (int i = 0; i < THROTTLE_CATEGORY_COUNT; i++)
                ThrottleCategory type = (ThrottleCategory)i;

                // Initialize the packet outboxes, where packets sit while they are waiting for tokens
                m_packetOutboxes[i] = new LocklessQueue <OutgoingPacket>();
                // Initialize the token buckets that control the throttling for each category
                m_throttleCategories[i] = new TokenBucket(m_throttle, rates.GetLimit(type), rates.GetRate(type));

            // Default the retransmission timeout to three seconds
            RTO = m_defaultRTO;

            // Initialize this to a sane value to prevent early disconnects
            TickLastPacketReceived = Util.TickCount();

            IsConnected = true;
        protected void HandleClientKpi(string module, string[] cmd)
            s_log.Debug("[CLIENTKPI] Showing Client KPI:");

            // Getting Priority Queues Report

            int columnPadding       = 2;
            int maxNameLength       = 18;
            int maxRegionNameLength = 14;
            int maxTypeLength       = 4;

            int totalInfoFieldsLength
                = maxNameLength + columnPadding
                  + maxRegionNameLength + columnPadding
                  + maxTypeLength + columnPadding;

            StringBuilder reportline = new StringBuilder();

            bool firstClient = true;

            lock (m_scenes) {
                foreach (Scene scene in m_scenes.Values)
                        delegate(IClientAPI client) {
                        if (client is LLClientView)
                            bool isChild      = client.SceneAgent.IsChildAgent;
                            string name       = client.Name;
                            string regionName = scene.RegionInfo.RegionName;

                            reportline.Append("[PQUEUE] ");
                            reportline.AppendFormat("AgentName:{0},RegionName:{1},isChild:{2},", name, regionName, isChild ? "Cd" : "Rt");
                            reportline.Length = 0;

                            reportline.Append("[QUEUE] ");
                            reportline.AppendFormat("AgentName:{0},RegionName:{1},isChild:{2},", name, regionName, isChild ? "Cd" : "Rt");

                            if (client is IStatsCollector)
                                IStatsCollector stats = (IStatsCollector)client;
                            reportline.Length = 0;

                            LLClientView llClient = client as LLClientView;

                            if (firstClient)
                                reportline.Append("[THROTTLE] SERVER_AGENT_RATES:");

                                ThrottleRates throttleRates = llClient.UDPServer.ThrottleRates;
                                    (throttleRates.Total * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Resend * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Land * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Wind * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Cloud * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Task * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Texture * 8) / 1000,
                                    (throttleRates.Asset * 8) / 1000);
                                reportline.Length = 0;
                                firstClient       = false;

                            LLUDPClient llUdpClient = llClient.UDPClient;
                            ClientInfo ci           = llUdpClient.GetClientInfo();
                            reportline.Append("[THROTTLE] ");
                            reportline.AppendFormat("AgentName:{0},RegionName:{1},isChild:{2},", name, regionName, isChild ? "Cd" : "Rt");
                                (ci.totalThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.resendThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.landThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.windThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.cloudThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.taskThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.textureThrottle * 8) / 1000,
                                (ci.assetThrottle * 8) / 1000);

                            reportline.Length = 0;