        /// <summary>
        /// Requests an image for an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="requestor"></param>
        public void RequestImage(UUID assetID, VObject requestor)
            TextureExtended tex = null;

            lock (memoryTextures)

                if (memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    tex = memoryTextures[assetID];

            if (tex != null)
                // We already have the texture, jump to applyTexture
                applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                lock (outstandingRequests)
                    if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                        m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                        foreach (VObject vObj in outstandingRequests[assetID])
                            applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);


            // Check to see if we've got the texture on disk

            string texturefolderpath = imagefolder;
            bool alreadyRequesting = false;
            lock (outstandingRequests)
                if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    alreadyRequesting = true;
            if (!alreadyRequesting && File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga")))
                Texture texTnorm = Reference.VideoDriver.GetTexture(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga"));
                if (texTnorm != null)
                    tex = new TextureExtended(texTnorm.Raw, ".tga");
                if (tex != null)
                    lock (memoryTextures)
                        if (!memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            // Add it to the texture cache.
                            memoryTextures.Add(assetID, tex);

                    // apply texture
                    applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                    // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                    lock (outstandingRequests)
                        if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                            foreach (VObject vObj in outstandingRequests[assetID])
                                applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);



            // Check if we've already got an outstanding request for this texture
            lock (outstandingRequests)
                if (outstandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    // Add it to the objects to be notified when this texture download is complete.
                    // Create a new outstanding request entry
                    List<VObject> requestors = new List<VObject>();


            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Reference.Viewer.ProtocolManager.AvatarConnection.m_user.Network.AssetServerUri))
                this.texDownloadStyle = TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV;

            TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
            req.uuid = assetID;
            downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization
            m_log.Info("[TEXTURE]: Added to DownloadTextureQueue current count " + downloadTextureQueue.Count);
            if (this.texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV)
                // Request texture from LibOMV
                // request texture directly from assetserver via our own background thread
                TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
                req.uuid = assetID;
                downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization
        /// <summary>
        /// Requests an image for an object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetID"></param>
        /// <param name="requestor"></param>
        public void RequestImage(UUID assetID, VObject requestor)
            TextureExtended tex = null;

            lock (memoryTextures)
                if (memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    tex = memoryTextures[assetID];

            if (tex != null)
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Already have texture in memory: " + assetID);
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                m_log.Debug("RequestImage 1 calling applyTexture");
                // We already have the texture, jump to applyTexture
                applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                lock (ouststandingRequests)
                    if (ouststandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                        m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                        foreach (VObject vObj in ouststandingRequests[assetID])
                            applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);


            // Check to see if we've got the texture on disk

            string texturefolderpath = imagefolder;
            if (File.Exists(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga")))
                Texture texTnorm = driver.GetTexture(System.IO.Path.Combine(texturefolderpath, assetID.ToString() + ".tga"));
                if (texTnorm != null)
                    tex = new TextureExtended(texTnorm.Raw, ".tga");
                if (tex != null)
#if DebugTexturePipeline
                    m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Already have texture locally on disk: " + assetID);
                    lock (memoryTextures)
                        if (!memoryTextures.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            // Add it to the texture cache.
                            memoryTextures.Add(assetID, tex);

#if DebugTexturePipeline
                    m_log.Debug("RequestImage 2 calling applyTexture");
                    // apply texture
                    applyTexture(tex, requestor, assetID);

                    // Apply the texture to all objects that are already waiting for this texture
                    lock (ouststandingRequests)
                        if (ouststandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                            m_log.Warn("[TEXTURE]: Applying texture from memory to outstanding requestors.");
                            foreach (VObject vObj in ouststandingRequests[assetID])
                                applyTexture(tex, vObj, assetID);



            // Check if we've already got an outstanding request for this texture
            lock (ouststandingRequests)
                if (ouststandingRequests.ContainsKey(assetID))
                    // Add it to the objects to be notified when this texture download is complete.
                    applyTexture(null, requestor, assetID);

                    // Create a new outstanding request entry
                    List<VObject> requestors = new List<VObject>();

#if DebugTexturePipeline
            m_log.Debug("[3Di Mesh]: Requesting from libomv the following texture: " + assetID);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(m_user.m_user.Network.AssetServerUri))
                this.texDownloadStyle = TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV;

            TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
            req.uuid = assetID;
            downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization
            m_log.Info("[TEXTURE]: Added to DownloadTextureQueue current count " + downloadTextureQueue.Count);
            if (this.texDownloadStyle == TextureDownloadStyle.TEX_DOWNLOAD_LIBOMV)
                // Request texture from LibOMV
                // request texture directly from assetserver via our own background thread
                TextureDownloadRequest req = new TextureDownloadRequest();
                req.uuid = assetID;
                downloadTextureQueue.Enqueue(req); // no need to lock b/c it's a BlockingQueue which needs no synchronization