        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderType != IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Currently BrepBuilder is only used to support IFCAdvancedFace");

            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            // we would only be in this code if we are not processing and IfcAdvancedBrep, since IfcAdvancedBrep must have IfcAdvancedFace
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderScope == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("BuilderScope has not been initialized");
            TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = shapeEditScope.BuilderScope as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;

            bool      addFace        = true;
            bool      canTriangulate = (Bounds.Count == 1);
            ElementId materialId     = GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope);

            // We can only really triangulate faces with one boundary with 4 vertices,
            // but we don't really know how many vertices the boundary has until later.
            // So this is just the first block.  Later, we can try to extend to generic
            // polygons.
            tsBuilderScope.StartCollectingFace(materialId, canTriangulate);

            foreach (IFCFaceBound faceBound in Bounds)
                faceBound.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                // If we can't create the outer face boundary, we will abort the creation of this face.
                // In that case, return, unless we can triangulate it.
                if (!tsBuilderScope.HaveActiveFace())
                    addFace = false;

            tsBuilderScope.StopCollectingFace(addFace, false);

            IList <List <XYZ> > delayedFaceBoundaries = CreateTriangulation(tsBuilderScope.DelayedFaceBoundary);

            if (delayedFaceBoundaries != null)
                bool extraFace = false;
                foreach (List <XYZ> delayedBoundary in delayedFaceBoundaries)
                    bool addTriangulatedFace = true;
                    tsBuilderScope.StartCollectingFace(GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope), false);
                    if (!tsBuilderScope.AddLoopVertices(Id, delayedBoundary))
                        Importer.TheLog.LogComment(Id, "Bounded loop plane is slightly non-planar, couldn't triangulate.", false);
                        addTriangulatedFace = false;
                    tsBuilderScope.StopCollectingFace(addTriangulatedFace, extraFace);
                    extraFace = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create geometry for a particular representation item.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="shapeEditScope">The geometry creation scope.</param>
        /// <param name="lcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, without scale.</param>
        /// <param name="scaledLcs">Local coordinate system for the geometry, including scale, potentially non-uniform.</param>
        /// <param name="guid">The guid of an element for which represntation is being created.</param>
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderType != IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Currently BrepBuilder is only used to support IFCAdvancedFace");

            base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

            // we would only be in this code if we are not processing and IfcAdvancedBrep, since IfcAdvancedBrep must have IfcAdvancedFace
            if (shapeEditScope.BuilderScope == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("BuilderScope has not been initialized");
            TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = shapeEditScope.BuilderScope as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;


            foreach (IFCFaceBound faceBound in Bounds)
                faceBound.CreateShape(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                // If we can't create the outer face boundary, we will abort the creation of this face.  In that case, return.
                if (!tsBuilderScope.HaveActiveFace())
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            using (BuilderScope bs = shapeEditScope.InitializeBuilder(IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder))
                base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = bs as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;


                // Create triangle face set from CoordIndex. We do not support the Normals yet at this point
                foreach (List <int> triIndex in CoordIndex)
                    // This is a defensive check in an unlikely situation that the index is larger than the data
                    if (triIndex[0] > Coordinates.CoordList.Count || triIndex[1] > Coordinates.CoordList.Count || triIndex[2] > Coordinates.CoordList.Count)


                    IList <XYZ> loopVertices = new List <XYZ>();

                    for (int ii = 0; ii < 3; ++ii)
                        int actualVIdx = triIndex[ii] - 1;
                        if (PnIndex != null)
                            actualVIdx = PnIndex[actualVIdx] - 1;
                        IList <double> v = Coordinates.CoordList[actualVIdx];
                        loopVertices.Add(new XYZ(v[0], v[1], v[2]));

                    IList <XYZ> transformedVertices = new List <XYZ>();
                    foreach (XYZ vertex in loopVertices)
                        // Need to apply the project unit scaling here
                        XYZ scaledVertex = applyProjectUnitScaleVertex(vertex);

                    // Check triangle that is too narrow (2 vertices are within the tolerance
                    IList <XYZ> validVertices;
                    IFCGeometryUtil.CheckAnyDistanceVerticesWithinTolerance(Id, shapeEditScope, transformedVertices, out validVertices);

                    // We are going to catch any exceptions if the loop is invalid.
                    // We are going to hope that we can heal the parent object in the TessellatedShapeBuilder.
                    bool bPotentiallyAbortFace = false;

                    int count = validVertices.Count;
                    if (validVertices.Count < 3)
                        Importer.TheLog.LogComment(Id, "Too few distinct loop vertices (" + count + "), ignoring.", false);
                        bPotentiallyAbortFace = true;
                        if (!tsBuilderScope.AddLoopVertices(Id, validVertices))
                            bPotentiallyAbortFace = true;

                    if (bPotentiallyAbortFace)

                IList <GeometryObject> createdGeometries = tsBuilderScope.CreateGeometry(guid);
                if (createdGeometries != null)
                    foreach (GeometryObject createdGeometry in createdGeometries)
                        shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, createdGeometry));
        protected override void CreateShapeInternal(IFCImportShapeEditScope shapeEditScope, Transform lcs, Transform scaledLcs, string guid)
            using (BuilderScope bs = shapeEditScope.InitializeBuilder(IFCShapeBuilderType.TessellatedShapeBuilder))
                base.CreateShapeInternal(shapeEditScope, lcs, scaledLcs, guid);

                TessellatedShapeBuilderScope tsBuilderScope = bs as TessellatedShapeBuilderScope;


                // Create the face set from IFCIndexedPolygonalFace
                foreach (IFCIndexedPolygonalFace face in Faces)
                    // TODO: Consider adding ability to triangulate here.
                    tsBuilderScope.StartCollectingFace(GetMaterialElementId(shapeEditScope), false);

                    IList <XYZ> loopVertices = new List <XYZ>();
                    foreach (int vertInd in face.CoordIndex)
                        int actualVIdx = vertInd - 1; // IFC starts the list position at 1
                        if (PnIndex != null)
                            actualVIdx = PnIndex[actualVIdx] - 1;
                        XYZ vertex = Coordinates.CoordList[actualVIdx];
                    List <XYZ> validVertices;
                    IFCGeometryUtil.CheckAnyDistanceVerticesWithinTolerance(Id, shapeEditScope, loopVertices, out validVertices);

                    bool bPotentiallyAbortFace = false;
                    if (!tsBuilderScope.AddLoopVertices(Id, validVertices))
                        bPotentiallyAbortFace = true;

                    // Handle holes
                    if (face.InnerCoordIndices != null)
                        foreach (IList <int> innerLoop in face.InnerCoordIndices)
                            IList <XYZ> innerLoopVertices = new List <XYZ>();
                            foreach (int innerVerIdx in innerLoop)
                                int actualVIdx = innerVerIdx - 1;
                                if (PnIndex != null)
                                    actualVIdx = PnIndex[actualVIdx] - 1;
                                XYZ vertex = Coordinates.CoordList[actualVIdx];
                                // add vertex to the loop
                            List <XYZ> validInnerV;
                            IFCGeometryUtil.CheckAnyDistanceVerticesWithinTolerance(Id, shapeEditScope, innerLoopVertices, out validInnerV);

                            if (!tsBuilderScope.AddLoopVertices(Id, validInnerV))
                                bPotentiallyAbortFace = true;

                    tsBuilderScope.StopCollectingFace(!bPotentiallyAbortFace, false);

                IList <GeometryObject> createdGeometries = tsBuilderScope.CreateGeometry(guid);
                if (createdGeometries != null)
                    foreach (GeometryObject createdGeometry in createdGeometries)
                        shapeEditScope.AddGeometry(IFCSolidInfo.Create(Id, createdGeometry));