public void CreateNewAnimation(bool isAudioBased, int audioFileIndex, string newAnimFileName, float newTime) { if (newAnimFileName != "") { string newAudioName = ""; if (isAudioBased) { newAudioName = tagarela.audioFiles[audioFileIndex].name; } TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _MorphTarget.Populate(tagarela.smrTotal); guiTimeline = new TagarelaTimelineUI(newTime); guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(0f, _MorphTarget); guiTimelineSegment = new TagarelaTimelineSegmentUI(newTime); if (TagarelaFileManager.Save(newAnimFileName, tagarela.smrTotal, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, 0, newAudioName, newTime)) { TextAsset newFile = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath("Assets/Tagarela/System/Animations/" + newAnimFileName + ".xml") as TextAsset; AssetDatabase.Refresh(); tagarela.Clean(); tagarela.animationFiles.Add(newFile); CleanVars(); dialog = ScreenDialog.InitialScreen; Repaint(); Update(); LoadAnimationFile(tagarela.animationFiles[tagarela.animationFiles.Count - 1]); } } }
public void AddKeyframe(float Value, TagarelaMorphTarget Objeto) { bool keyframe_exists = false; for (int i = 0; i < keyframeSet.Count; i++) { TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[i]; if (Value == temp_keyframe.value) { keyframe_exists = true; } } if (keyframe_exists) { EditorUtility.DisplayDialog("Error!", "Already exists a keyframe at position 0", "ok"); } else { keyframeSet.Add(new TLkeyframe(Value, totalValue, timeLineRect, Objeto)); TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[keyframeSet.Count - 1]; selectedValue = _keyframe.value; morphSliders = _keyframe.morphSliders; keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador()); isKeyframeSetChanged = true; } }
public TLkeyframe(float value, float totalValue, Rect timeLineRect, TagarelaMorphTarget morphSliders) { this.value = value; this.totalValue = totalValue; this.timeLineRect = timeLineRect; this.morphSliders = morphSliders; seta_img.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; iconRect = new Rect(0, timeLineRect.y, seta_img.width, seta_img.height); }
public void Populate(TagarelaMorphTarget origin_morphTargetList) { sliderValue = new List <float>(); id = new List <string>(); for (int i = 0; i < origin_morphTargetList.sliderValue.Count; i++) { sliderValue.Add(origin_morphTargetList.sliderValue[i]); id.Add([i]); } }
public void Populate(TagarelaMorphTarget origin_morphTargetList) { sliderValue = new List<float>(); id = new List<string>(); for (int i = 0; i < origin_morphTargetList.sliderValue.Count; i++) { sliderValue.Add(origin_morphTargetList.sliderValue[i]); id.Add([i]); } }
/* * public void SetTargetToKeyframe(int Index, TagarelaMorphTarget Objeto) * { * * TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)KeyframeSet[Index]; * * TagarelaMorphTarget CurrentObjeto = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); * * * CurrentObjeto = temp_keyframe.morphSliders; * * //popula com os que não tiver * for (int i = 0; i <; i++) * { * if (![i])) * { *[i]); * CurrentObjeto.sliderValue.Add((float)Objeto.sliderValue[i]); * }; * } * * //remove the old ones * for (int i = 0; i <; i++) * { * if (![i])) * { *; * CurrentObjeto.sliderValue.RemoveAt(i); * }; * } * * temp_keyframe.morphSliders = (TagarelaMorphTarget)CurrentObjeto; * KeyframeSet[Index] = (TLkeyframe)temp_keyframe; * * } */ public void UpdateSelection() { if (keyframeSet.Count > 0) { keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador()); TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[0]; selectedIndex = 0; selectedValue = _keyframe.value; morphSliders = _keyframe.morphSliders; _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected; } init = true; }
public void RemoveKeyframe(int index) { if (index < keyframeSet.Count) { keyframeSet.RemoveAt(index); if (index > keyframeSet.Count - 1) { index = keyframeSet.Count - 1; } if (keyframeSet.Count > 0) { TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[index]; selectedValue = _keyframe.value; selectedIndex = index; morphSliders = _keyframe.morphSliders; keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador()); isKeyframeSetChanged = true; } } }
void OnGUI() { updateWindow = false; GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, bgEditor.height), bgEditor); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(13, 14, logoEditor.width, logoEditor.height), logoEditor); GUILayout.BeginVertical(styleHeader); { GUI.color = Color.white; switch (dialog) { case ScreenDialog.InvalidObject: GUILayout.Label(log_msg, EditorStyles.boldLabel); break; case ScreenDialog.AddComponent: GUILayout.Label("", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Space(15f); if (GUILayout.Button("Add LipSync Component!")) { //Debug.Log("UnityLipSync -> LipSync Component created on " +; Selection.activeGameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Tagarela)); } break; case ScreenDialog.InitialScreen: GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Select Animation", styleFileTitle, GUILayout.Height(22)); if (GUILayout.Button("Create New Animation", styleBigButtons, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(150), GUILayout.Height(18) })) { TagarelaEditorPopupNewFile popupNewFile = CreateInstance<TagarelaEditorPopupNewFile>(); popupNewFile.parent = this; RefreshAudiolist(); popupNewFile.audioList = audioList; popupNewFile.tagarela = tagarela; popupNewFile.ShowAuxWindow(); } GUILayout.Space(8f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); scrollViewVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollViewVector, styleScrollview); { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); { GUILayout.Space(15f); if (tagarela.animationFiles.Count > 0) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(styleGrid); { for (int i = tagarela.animationFiles.Count - 1; i >= 0 ; i--) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { //CLICK TO OPEN FILE if (GUILayout.Button(tagarela.animationFiles[i].name.ToString(), styleButtonGrid, GUILayout.Height(20))) { LoadAnimationFile(tagarela.animationFiles[i]); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } //end vertical GUILayout.EndVertical(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); break; case ScreenDialog.Timeline: GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label(fileName, styleFileTitle, GUILayout.Height(21)); if (GUILayout.Button("Save", styleBigButtons, GUILayout.Width(70))) { string audioName = SelectedAudioclip != null ? : ""; TagarelaFileManager.Save(fileName, tagarela.morphTargets, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, tagarela.neutralMesh.vertexCount, audioName, tagarela.settings.animationTime); } if (GUILayout.Button("Close", styleBigButtons, GUILayout.Width(70))) { switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Close", "Do you want to save? ", "Yes", "No", "Cancel")) { case 0: updateTimeline = true; string audioName = SelectedAudioclip != null ? : ""; TagarelaFileManager.Save(fileName, tagarela.morphTargets, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, tagarela.neutralMesh.vertexCount, audioName, tagarela.settings.animationTime); if (tagarela != null) tagarela.Clean(); CleanVars(); dialog = ScreenDialog.InitialScreen; break; case 1: if (tagarela != null) tagarela.Clean(); CleanVars(); dialog = ScreenDialog.InitialScreen; break; } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); updateMorph = false; //###################################################################################### GUILayout.BeginVertical(styleBgTimeline, GUILayout.Height(bgTimeline.height)); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { if (SelectedAudioclip != null) { GUILayout.Label(; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Space(20); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { if (settings != null) GUILayout.Label(guiTimeline.selectedValue.ToString("0.000") + " / " + settings.animationTime.ToString("0.000")); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //scrollViewTimelineVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollViewTimelineVector, styleScrollviewTimeline); //{ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); //GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(1040f) }); { GUILayout.Box("", new GUIStyle(), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (lastRect.width > 1) { guiTimeline.Draw(new Rect(lastRect.x, 124, lastRect.width, 57)); if (audioPreviewSpectrum != null) GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(lastRect.x, 125, lastRect.width, 40), audioPreviewSpectrum); guiTimelineSegment.Draw(new Rect(lastRect.x + 2, 125, lastRect.width - 2, 130)); } switch (playMode) { case PlayMode.all: GUI.color = new Color(130f / 255f, 170f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 0.3f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(guiTimeline.timeLineRect.x + 1, guiTimeline.timeLineRect.y + 44, (guiTimeline.timeLineRect.width) * timeNormalized, 11), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); break; case PlayMode.segment: GUI.color = new Color(130f / 255f, 170f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 0.3f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(guiTimelineSegment.KeyframeSet[0].IconRect.x + 7, guiTimeline.timeLineRect.y + 44, (guiTimeline.timeLineRect.width - 18) * timeNormalized, 11), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); break; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.color = Color.white; //} //GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.Space(67); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { if (guiTimeline.keyframeSet.Count == 1 || disableGuiControls) GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(icoRemove, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) //btRemove { guiTimeline.RemoveKeyframe(guiTimeline.selectedIndex); } GUI.enabled = true; if (disableGuiControls) GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(icoAdd, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) //btAdd { TagarelaMorphTarget _morphTargetList = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _morphTargetList.Populate(tagarela.morphTargets); guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(0.0f, _morphTargetList); updateTimeline = true; updateMorph = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Sliders to zero", styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(120), GUILayout.Height(20) })) //btAdd { TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = guiTimeline.morphSliders; if (_MorphTarget != null) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { _MorphTarget.sliderValue[i] = 0; } } updateTimeline = true; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { GUI.enabled = !disableGuiControls; if (GUILayout.Button(icoPlay, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { //tagarela.setTimer(0); playMode = PlayMode.all; } GUI.enabled = true; if (! || disableGuiControls) GUI.enabled = false; if (GUILayout.Button(icoPlaySegment, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { tagarela.setTimer(guiTimelineSegment.KeyframeSet[0].Value); playMode = PlayMode.segment; } GUI.enabled = false; if (!playMode.Equals(PlayMode.stopped)) GUI.enabled = true; if (GUILayout.Button(icoStop, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { // = false; tagarela.setTimer(0f); //; playMode = PlayMode.stopped; if (; } //if don´t have any audio, is a time based animation if (SelectedAudioclip == null) { GUI.enabled = !disableGuiControls; GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button(icoClock, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { TagarelaEditorPopupTimeLength popupAnimLength = CreateInstance<TagarelaEditorPopupTimeLength>(); popupAnimLength.parent = this; popupAnimLength.title = "Time Settings"; popupAnimLength.currentLength = popupAnimLength.newLength = guiTimeline.totalValue; popupAnimLength.ShowAuxWindow(); }; } GUI.enabled = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.enabled = !disableGuiControls; scrollViewVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollViewVector, styleScrollview); { if (tagarela.morphTargets.Count > 0 && guiTimeline.selectedIndex != -1 && guiTimeline.keyframeSet.Count > 0) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { //seleciona a lista de acordo com o index selecionado TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = guiTimeline.morphSliders; GUI.color = GUI.contentColor; if (_MorphTarget != null) { //GUILayout.Space(13f); GUILayout.Space(14); //space before slider list for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(styleBgSlider, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); { float temp_value = _MorphTarget.sliderValue[i]; GUILayout.Label([i], GUILayout.Width(150)); temp_value = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(temp_value, 0, 100, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (_MorphTarget.sliderValue[i] != temp_value) { _MorphTarget.sliderValue[i] = temp_value; updateTimeline = true; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (guiTimeline.refresh) updateWindow = true; if (guiTimeline.isDragging) { guiTimelineSegment.isDragging = false; guiTimelineSegment.enabled = false; if (updateMorphValue != guiTimeline.selectedValue && SelectedAudioclip != null) { playMode = PlayMode.currentTime; updateMorphValue = guiTimeline.selectedValue; } } if (guiTimeline.enabled && (guiTimeline.selectedIndex == -1 || lastKeyframeSelected != guiTimeline.selectedIndex)) { lastKeyframeSelected = guiTimeline.selectedIndex; updateMorphValue = guiTimeline.selectedValue; updateTimeline = true; } //if a new keyframe was create or cloned, call a update om mesh list if (guiTimeline.isKeyframeSetChanged) { lastKeyframeSelected = -1; guiTimeline.isKeyframeSetChanged = false; updateTimeline = true; updateMorph = true; } if (guiTimelineSegment.refresh) updateWindow = true; if (guiTimelineSegment.isDragging) { guiTimeline.isDragging = false; guiTimeline.enabled = false; if (updateMorphValue != guiTimelineSegment.SelectedValue) { playMode = PlayMode.currentTime; updateMorphValue = guiTimelineSegment.SelectedValue; updateMorph = true; } } if (!guiTimelineSegment.isDragging && !guiTimeline.isDragging) { guiTimelineSegment.enabled = true; guiTimeline.enabled = true; } if (playMode.Equals(PlayMode.all) || playMode.Equals(PlayMode.segment)) { guiTimeline.enabled = false; } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUI.enabled = true; break; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (updateWindow || tagarela != null && tagarela.isPlaying) Repaint(); }
public void LoadAnimationFile(TextAsset file) { //RefreshMeshlist(); RefreshAudiolist(); tagarela.Clean(); CleanVars(); settings = TagarelaFileManager.Load(file); lastSelectionGameObjectEditing = Selection.activeGameObject; fileName =; guiTimeline = new TagarelaTimelineUI(settings.animationTime); audioPreviewSpectrum = null; SelectedAudioclip = null; = null; tagarela.isPlaying = false; playMode = PlayMode.stopped; if (settings.audioFile != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tagarela.audioFiles.Count; i++) { if (settings.audioFile == tagarela.audioFiles[i].name) { SelectedAudioclip = tagarela.audioFiles[i]; = tagarela.audioFiles[i]; audioPreviewSpectrum = TagarelaAudioSpectrum.CreatePreview(SelectedAudioclip, 1024, 64, new Color(150f / 255f, 200f / 255f, 25f / 255f, 0.8f), TagarelaAudioSpectrum.PreviewType.both); audioPreviewSpectrum.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; } } } // CARREGA O ARQUIVO XML //configurações principais if ( != null) { guiTimeline.keyframeSet = new List<TagarelaTimelineUI.TLkeyframe>(); for (int i = 0; i < settings.keyframes.values.Length; i++) { TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _MorphTarget.Populate(tagarela.morphTargets); for (int j = 0; j < settings.keyframes.sliderSettings[i].Length; j++) { float[] sliders = settings.keyframes.sliderSettings[i]; if (j < tagarela.morphTargets.Count) { //tagarela.morphTargets[j].hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; _MorphTarget.sliderValue[j] = sliders[j]; } } guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(settings.keyframes.values[i], _MorphTarget); } } else { guiTimeline.keyframeSet = new List<TagarelaTimelineUI.TLkeyframe>(); TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _MorphTarget.Populate(tagarela.morphTargets); guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(0f, _MorphTarget); } //Update the file settings settings = TagarelaFileManager.UpdateSettings(tagarela.morphTargets, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, tagarela.neutralMesh.vertexCount, settings.audioFile, guiTimeline.totalValue); guiTimelineSegment = new TagarelaTimelineSegmentUI(settings.animationTime); tagarela.OpenFile(file); timeNormalized = 0f; playMode = PlayMode.stopped; lastKeyframeSelected = -1; lastKeyframeSelected = guiTimeline.selectedIndex; updateMorphValue = guiTimeline.selectedValue; updateTimeline = true; if (settings != null && Selection.objects.Length == 1) { dialog = ScreenDialog.Timeline; } }
public void CreateNewAnimation(bool isAudioBased, int audioFileIndex, string newAnimFileName, float newTime) { if (newAnimFileName != "") { string newAudioName = ""; if (isAudioBased) newAudioName = tagarela.audioFiles[audioFileIndex].name; TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _MorphTarget.Populate(tagarela.morphTargets); guiTimeline = new TagarelaTimelineUI(newTime); guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(0f, _MorphTarget); guiTimelineSegment = new TagarelaTimelineSegmentUI(newTime); if (TagarelaFileManager.Save(newAnimFileName, tagarela.morphTargets, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, tagarela.neutralMesh.vertexCount, newAudioName, newTime)) { TextAsset newFile = AssetDatabase.LoadMainAssetAtPath("Assets/Tagarela/System/Animations/" + newAnimFileName + ".xml") as TextAsset; AssetDatabase.Refresh(); tagarela.Clean(); tagarela.animationFiles.Add(newFile); CleanVars(); dialog = ScreenDialog.InitialScreen; Repaint(); Update(); LoadAnimationFile(tagarela.animationFiles[tagarela.animationFiles.Count - 1]); } } }
public void LoadAnimationFile(TextAsset file) { RefreshAudiolist(); tagarela.Clean(); CleanVars(); settings = TagarelaFileManager.Load(file); lastSelectionGameObjectEditing = Selection.activeGameObject; fileName =; guiTimeline = new TagarelaTimelineUI(settings.animationTime); audioPreviewSpectrum = null; SelectedAudioclip = null; = null; tagarela.isPlaying = false; playMode = PlayMode.stopped; if (settings.audioFile != null) { for (int i = 0; i < tagarela.audioFiles.Count; i++) { if (settings.audioFile == tagarela.audioFiles[i].name) { SelectedAudioclip = tagarela.audioFiles[i]; = tagarela.audioFiles[i]; audioPreviewSpectrum = TagarelaAudioSpectrum.CreatePreview(SelectedAudioclip, 1024, 64, new Color(150f / 255f, 200f / 255f, 25f / 255f, 0.8f), TagarelaAudioSpectrum.PreviewType.both); audioPreviewSpectrum.hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; } } } // CARREGA O ARQUIVO XML //configurações principais if ( != null) { guiTimeline.keyframeSet = new List <TagarelaTimelineUI.TLkeyframe>(); for (int i = 0; i < settings.keyframes.values.Length; i++) { TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _MorphTarget.Populate(tagarela.smrTotal); for (int j = 0; j < settings.keyframes.sliderSettings[i].Length; j++) { float[] sliders = settings.keyframes.sliderSettings[i]; if (j < tagarela.smrTotalBlendShapesCount) { //tagarela.morphTargets[j].hideFlags = HideFlags.DontSave; _MorphTarget.sliderValue[j] = sliders[j]; } } guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(settings.keyframes.values[i], _MorphTarget); } } else { guiTimeline.keyframeSet = new List <TagarelaTimelineUI.TLkeyframe>(); TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _MorphTarget.Populate(tagarela.smrTotal); guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(0f, _MorphTarget); } //Update the file settings settings = TagarelaFileManager.UpdateSettings(tagarela.smrTotal, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, 0, settings.audioFile, guiTimeline.totalValue); guiTimelineSegment = new TagarelaTimelineSegmentUI(settings.animationTime); tagarela.OpenFile(file); timeNormalized = 0f; playMode = PlayMode.stopped; lastKeyframeSelected = -1; lastKeyframeSelected = guiTimeline.selectedIndex; updateMorphValue = guiTimeline.selectedValue; updateTimeline = true; if (settings != null && Selection.objects.Length == 1) { dialog = ScreenDialog.Timeline; } }
void OnGUI() { updateWindow = false; GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, bgEditor.height), bgEditor); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(13, 14, logoEditor.width, logoEditor.height), logoEditor); GUILayout.BeginVertical(styleHeader); { GUI.color = Color.white; switch (dialog) { case ScreenDialog.InvalidObject: GUILayout.Label(log_msg, EditorStyles.boldLabel); break; case ScreenDialog.AddComponent: GUILayout.Label("", EditorStyles.boldLabel); GUILayout.Space(15f); if (GUILayout.Button("Add LipSync Component!")) { //Debug.Log("UnityLipSync -> LipSync Component created on " +; Selection.activeGameObject.AddComponent(typeof(Tagarela)); } break; case ScreenDialog.InitialScreen: GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); GUILayout.Label("Select Animation", styleFileTitle, GUILayout.Height(22)); if (GUILayout.Button("Create New Animation", styleBigButtons, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(150), GUILayout.Height(18) })) { TagarelaEditorPopupNewFile popupNewFile = CreateInstance <TagarelaEditorPopupNewFile>(); popupNewFile.parent = this; RefreshAudiolist(); popupNewFile.audioList = audioList; popupNewFile.tagarela = tagarela; popupNewFile.ShowAuxWindow(); } GUILayout.Space(8f); GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); scrollViewVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollViewVector, styleScrollview); { GUILayout.BeginVertical(); { GUILayout.Space(15f); if (tagarela.animationFiles.Count > 0) { GUILayout.BeginVertical(styleGrid); { for (int i = tagarela.animationFiles.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { //CLICK TO OPEN FILE if (GUILayout.Button(tagarela.animationFiles[i].name.ToString(), styleButtonGrid, GUILayout.Height(20))) { LoadAnimationFile(tagarela.animationFiles[i]); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUI.color = Color.white; GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); } //end vertical GUILayout.EndVertical(); } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); break; case ScreenDialog.Timeline: GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(); { GUILayout.Label(fileName, styleFileTitle, GUILayout.Height(21)); if (GUILayout.Button("Save", styleBigButtons, GUILayout.Width(70))) { string audioName = SelectedAudioclip != null ? : ""; TagarelaFileManager.Save(fileName, tagarela.smrTotal, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, 0, audioName, tagarela.settings.animationTime); } if (GUILayout.Button("Close", styleBigButtons, GUILayout.Width(70))) { switch (EditorUtility.DisplayDialogComplex("Close", "Do you want to save? ", "Yes", "No", "Cancel")) { case 0: updateTimeline = true; string audioName = SelectedAudioclip != null ? : ""; TagarelaFileManager.Save(fileName, tagarela.smrTotal, guiTimeline.keyframeSet, 0, audioName, tagarela.settings.animationTime); if (tagarela != null) { tagarela.Clean(); } CleanVars(); dialog = ScreenDialog.InitialScreen; break; case 1: if (tagarela != null) { tagarela.Clean(); } CleanVars(); dialog = ScreenDialog.InitialScreen; break; } } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); updateMorph = false; //###################################################################################### GUILayout.BeginVertical(styleBgTimeline, GUILayout.Height(bgTimeline.height)); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { if (SelectedAudioclip != null) { GUILayout.Label(; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.Space(20); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { if (settings != null) { GUILayout.Label(guiTimeline.selectedValue.ToString("0.000") + " / " + settings.animationTime.ToString("0.000")); } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.Space(5); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); //scrollViewTimelineVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollViewTimelineVector, styleScrollviewTimeline); //{ GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); //GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(1040f) }); { GUILayout.Box("", new GUIStyle(), GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); Rect lastRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect(); if (lastRect.width > 1) { guiTimeline.Draw(new Rect(lastRect.x, 124, lastRect.width, 57)); if (audioPreviewSpectrum != null) { GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(lastRect.x, 125, lastRect.width, 40), audioPreviewSpectrum); } guiTimelineSegment.Draw(new Rect(lastRect.x + 2, 125, lastRect.width - 2, 130)); } switch (playMode) { case PlayMode.all: GUI.color = new Color(130f / 255f, 170f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 0.3f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(guiTimeline.timeLineRect.x + 1, guiTimeline.timeLineRect.y + 44, (guiTimeline.timeLineRect.width) * timeNormalized, 11), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); break; case PlayMode.segment: GUI.color = new Color(130f / 255f, 170f / 255f, 30f / 255f, 0.3f); GUI.DrawTexture(new Rect(guiTimelineSegment.KeyframeSet[0].IconRect.x + 7, guiTimeline.timeLineRect.y + 44, (guiTimeline.timeLineRect.width - 18) * timeNormalized, 11), EditorGUIUtility.whiteTexture); break; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUI.color = Color.white; //} //GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUILayout.Space(67); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { if (guiTimeline.keyframeSet.Count == 1 || disableGuiControls) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (GUILayout.Button(icoRemove, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) //btRemove { guiTimeline.RemoveKeyframe(guiTimeline.selectedIndex); } GUI.enabled = true; if (disableGuiControls) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (GUILayout.Button(icoAdd, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) //btAdd { TagarelaMorphTarget _morphTargetList = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); _morphTargetList.Populate(tagarela.smrTotal); guiTimeline.AddKeyframe(0.0f, _morphTargetList); updateTimeline = true; updateMorph = true; } } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); if (GUILayout.Button("Sliders to zero", styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(120), GUILayout.Height(20) })) //btAdd { TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = guiTimeline.morphSliders; if (_MorphTarget != null) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { _MorphTarget.sliderValue[i] = 0; } } updateTimeline = true; } GUILayout.FlexibleSpace(); GUILayout.BeginHorizontal(GUILayout.ExpandWidth(false)); { GUI.enabled = !disableGuiControls; if (GUILayout.Button(icoPlay, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { //tagarela.setTimer(0); playMode = PlayMode.all; } GUI.enabled = true; if (! || disableGuiControls) { GUI.enabled = false; } if (GUILayout.Button(icoPlaySegment, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { tagarela.setTimer(guiTimelineSegment.KeyframeSet[0].Value); playMode = PlayMode.segment; } GUI.enabled = false; if (!playMode.Equals(PlayMode.stopped)) { GUI.enabled = true; } if (GUILayout.Button(icoStop, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { // = false; tagarela.setTimer(0f); //; playMode = PlayMode.stopped; if ( {; } } //if don´t have any audio, is a time based animation if (SelectedAudioclip == null) { GUI.enabled = !disableGuiControls; GUILayout.Space(10); if (GUILayout.Button(icoClock, styleBtTimeline, new GUILayoutOption[] { GUILayout.Width(22), GUILayout.Height(20) })) { TagarelaEditorPopupTimeLength popupAnimLength = CreateInstance <TagarelaEditorPopupTimeLength>(); popupAnimLength.parent = this; popupAnimLength.title = "Time Settings"; popupAnimLength.currentLength = popupAnimLength.newLength = guiTimeline.totalValue; popupAnimLength.ShowAuxWindow(); } ; } GUI.enabled = true; } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } GUILayout.EndVertical(); GUI.enabled = !disableGuiControls; scrollViewVector = GUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollViewVector, styleScrollview); { if (tagarela.smrTotal.Count > 0 && guiTimeline.selectedIndex != -1 && guiTimeline.keyframeSet.Count > 0) { EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(); { //seleciona a lista de acordo com o index selecionado TagarelaMorphTarget _MorphTarget = guiTimeline.morphSliders; GUI.color = GUI.contentColor; if (_MorphTarget != null) { //GUILayout.Space(13f); GUILayout.Space(14); //space before slider list for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal(styleBgSlider, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); { float temp_value = _MorphTarget.sliderValue[i]; GUILayout.Label([i], GUILayout.Width(150)); temp_value = GUILayout.HorizontalSlider(temp_value, 0, 100, GUILayout.ExpandWidth(true)); if (_MorphTarget.sliderValue[i] != temp_value) { _MorphTarget.sliderValue[i] = temp_value; updateTimeline = true; } } EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal(); } } } EditorGUILayout.EndVertical(); } if (guiTimeline.refresh) { updateWindow = true; } if (guiTimeline.isDragging) { guiTimelineSegment.isDragging = false; guiTimelineSegment.enabled = false; if (updateMorphValue != guiTimeline.selectedValue && SelectedAudioclip != null) { playMode = PlayMode.currentTime; updateMorphValue = guiTimeline.selectedValue; } } if (guiTimeline.enabled && (guiTimeline.selectedIndex == -1 || lastKeyframeSelected != guiTimeline.selectedIndex)) { lastKeyframeSelected = guiTimeline.selectedIndex; updateMorphValue = guiTimeline.selectedValue; updateTimeline = true; } //if a new keyframe was create or cloned, call a update om mesh list if (guiTimeline.isKeyframeSetChanged) { lastKeyframeSelected = -1; guiTimeline.isKeyframeSetChanged = false; updateTimeline = true; updateMorph = true; } if (guiTimelineSegment.refresh) { updateWindow = true; } if (guiTimelineSegment.isDragging) { guiTimeline.isDragging = false; guiTimeline.enabled = false; if (updateMorphValue != guiTimelineSegment.SelectedValue) { playMode = PlayMode.currentTime; updateMorphValue = guiTimelineSegment.SelectedValue; updateMorph = true; } } if (!guiTimelineSegment.isDragging && !guiTimeline.isDragging) { guiTimelineSegment.enabled = true; guiTimeline.enabled = true; } if (playMode.Equals(PlayMode.all) || playMode.Equals(PlayMode.segment)) { guiTimeline.enabled = false; } } GUILayout.EndScrollView(); GUI.enabled = true; break; } } GUILayout.EndVertical(); if (updateWindow || tagarela != null && tagarela.isPlaying) { Repaint(); } }
public void Draw(Rect rect) { rect = new Rect(rect.x, rect.y, Mathf.Max(imgTimeline.width, rect.width), Mathf.Max(imgTimeline.height, rect.height)); timeLineRect = rect; GUI.color = Color.white; GUI.Box(timeLineRect, "", styleTimeline); Rect dragLimit = new Rect(0, 0, Screen.width, Screen.height); if (!init) { UpdateSelection(); } refresh = false; for (int index = 0; index < keyframeSet.Count; index++) { TLkeyframe _keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[index]; _keyframe.timeLineRect = new Rect(timeLineRect.x + styleTimeline.border.left, timeLineRect.y +, timeLineRect.width - styleTimeline.border.horizontal, timeLineRect.height); _keyframe.iconRect.y = timeLineRect.y + 2; //top position of the icons _keyframe.totalValue = totalValue; if (enabled) { if (selectedValue == _keyframe.value && !isDragging) { selectedIndex = index; morphSliders = _keyframe.morphSliders; _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected; } //SELECT SLIDER if ((Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDown) && (!isDragging) && (selectedIndex != index) && (_keyframe.iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition))) { for (int index2 = 0; index2 < keyframeSet.Count; index2++) { TLkeyframe temp_keyframe = (TLkeyframe)keyframeSet[index2]; if (index2 != index) { temp_keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal; } } _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected; selectedValue = _keyframe.value; selectedIndex = index; morphSliders = _keyframe.morphSliders; refresh = true; } //START DRAG if (!isDragging && Event.current.type == EventType.mouseDrag && selectedIndex == index && _keyframe.iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { isDragging = true; //DRAG TO CLONE if (Event.current.shift) { TagarelaMorphTarget morphInstance = new TagarelaMorphTarget(); =,; morphInstance.sliderValue = _keyframe.morphSliders.sliderValue.GetRange(0, _keyframe.morphSliders.sliderValue.ToArray().Length); AddKeyframe(selectedValue + 0.0001f, morphInstance); isKeyframeSetChanged = true; } } //UPDATE DRAG if (isDragging && selectedIndex == index) { //if (EventType.mouseDown()) selectedIndex = index; selectedValue = _keyframe.value; morphSliders = _keyframe.morphSliders; _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.drag; refresh = true; } if (selectedIndex == index) { GUI.color = GUI.contentColor; //_keyframe.Value = EditorGUI.Slider(new Rect(TimeLineRect.xMax + 5, TimeLineRect.y, 50, 16), _keyframe.Value, 0f, totalValue); //_keyframe.Value = SelectedValue; } //ROLLOVER if (selectedIndex != index && !isDragging && _keyframe.state != KeyframeState.drag) { if (_keyframe.iconRect.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition)) { //Refresh = true; _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.over; } else { _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal; } } //STOP DRAG if (Event.current.type == EventType.mouseUp || !dragLimit.Contains(Event.current.mousePosition) && isDragging) { if (selectedValue == _keyframe.value) { _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.selected; isDragging = false; keyframeSet.Sort(new ordenador()); } } } else { _keyframe.state = KeyframeState.normal; //SelectedIndex = -1; //SelectedValue = -1; } //DRAW SLIDER _keyframe.draw(); } //if (Refresh) GetWindow(typeof(TagarelaEditor)).Repaint(); }