 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the source which contains Au_{n-1}+b for the Operator and the field provided in the constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="k">results of Ay+b</param>
 /// <param name="dt">optional scaling by time step size</param>
 public void ExplicitEulerSource(SubgridCoordinateMapping u, out double[] convectiveSource, double dt)
     convectiveSource = new double[u.subgridCoordinates.Length];
     SubgridOperatorMatr.SpMVpara <double[], double[]>(dt, u.subgridCoordinates, 1.0, convectiveSource);
     BLAS.daxpy(SubgridAffine.Length, dt, SubgridAffine, 1, convectiveSource, 1);
        /// <summary>
        /// method for setting up the timestepper, i.e. the necessary
        /// </summary>
        protected void Setup1(Context ctx, ISparseSolver solver, bool[] temporalOp, MsrMatrix spatialOpMtx, IList <double> spatialOpAffine,
                              SubGrid subgrid, SubgridCoordinateMapping fields, double InitialDeltat)
            // check operator and arguments
            if (spatialOpMtx.NoOfRows != spatialOpMtx.NoOfCols)
                throw new ArgumentException("matrix must be quadratic.", "spatialOpMtx");
            if (spatialOpMtx.NoOfRows != fields.GlobalCount)
                throw new ArgumentException("matrix size must be equal to the GlobalCount of fields mapping", "fields,spatialOpMtx");
            if (spatialOpMtx.RowPartition.LocalLength != fields.NUpdate)
                throw new ArgumentException("number of locally stored matrix rows nust be equal to NUpdate of fields mapping.", "fields,spatialOpMtx");
            if (spatialOpAffine.Count < fields.NUpdate)
                throw new ArgumentException("length affine offset vector must be equal or larger than NUpdate of the mapping", "spatialOpAffine");

            m_Context        = ctx;
            m_Solver         = solver;
            m_Subgrid        = subgrid;
            m_SubgridMapping = fields;
            m_AffineOffset1  = spatialOpAffine.ToArray();
            this.temporalOp  = temporalOp;
            BLAS.dscal(m_AffineOffset1.Length, -1.0, m_AffineOffset1, 1);
                // check temporal operator
                // -----------------------
                if (m_SubgridMapping.Fields.Count != temporalOp.Length)
                    throw new ArgumentException(
                              "lenght of temporalOp must be equal to number of domain/codomain variables of the spatial differential operator",
                m_SubgridDGCoordinates = m_SubgridMapping.subgridCoordinates;

                m_SubgridMapping.SetupSubmatrix(m_AffineOffset1, spatialOpMtx, out m_CompressedAffine, out m_CompressedMatrix);

                bool timedep      = false;
                bool fullyTimeDep = true;
                foreach (bool b in temporalOp)
                    timedep      = timedep || b;
                    fullyTimeDep = fullyTimeDep & b;
                if (!timedep)
                    throw new ArgumentException("At least one equation must be time-dependent; one entry in temporalOp must be true;", "temporalOp");

                DefineMatrix(m_CompressedMatrix, InitialDeltat);
        public OperatorSplitting(Context context, SubGrid subgrid
                                 , SubgridCoordinateMapping v)
            m_Context = context;

            sourcevariable = v;
            Partition part = new Partition(v.NUpdate, 1);

            affine = new double[v.NUpdate];
            //opmatr= new MsrMatrix(part,v.MaxTotalNoOfCoordinatesPerCell * (int)m_Context.GridDat.GlobalNoOfCells);
            opmatr    = new MsrMatrix(part);
            m_Subgrid = subgrid;
 /// <summary>
 /// sets the <see cref="SubgridCoordinateMapping"/> to <paramref name="m"/>
 /// The new mapping is compressed again to the narrow band only.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="m"></param>
 protected void SetMapping(SubgridCoordinateMapping m)
     m_SubgridMapping = m;
     m_SubgridDGCoordinates = m_SubgridMapping.subgridCoordinates;