    //instantiates a revolving star at the location and around the point provided
    GameObject CreateRevolvingStar(float x, float y, float r_point_x, float r_point_y, Color color, Texture texture, float size, float speed)
        GameObject rstar = CreateStar(x, y, color, texture, size, false);
        Starscript scpt  = rstar.GetComponent <Starscript>();

        scpt.is_revolving  = true;
        scpt.rpoint        = new Vector3(r_point_x, r_point_y, 0);
        scpt.rspeed        = speed;
        scpt.editor_freeze = true;

        //creating visual representation of path
        GameObject path1 = Instantiate(revolving_star_path, scpt.rpoint + new Vector3(0, 0, scpt.starSize), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;

        path1.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 90));
        path1.transform.localScale   *= 2 * (Vector3.Distance(rstar.transform.position, scpt.rpoint) + scpt.starSize);
        path1.renderer.material.color = scpt.c;
        GameObject path2 = Instantiate(revolving_star_path, scpt.rpoint + new Vector3(0, 0, scpt.starSize - .2f), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;

        path2.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0, 90, 90));
        path2.transform.localScale   *= 2 * (Vector3.Distance(rstar.transform.position, scpt.rpoint) - scpt.starSize);
        path2.renderer.material.color = Color.black;
        //	path1.transform.parent = rstar.transform;
        //	path2.transform.parent = rstar.transform;

        GameObject[] temp_arr = new GameObject[rstar_arr.Length + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < rstar_arr.Length; i++)
            temp_arr[i] = rstar_arr[i];
        rstar_arr = temp_arr;
        rstar_arr[rstar_arr.Length - 1] = rstar;

/*	GameObject CreateStar(float x, float y, Color color, Texture texture, float size, bool isBlackHole = false, bool isExplodingStar=false)
 *      {
 *              GameObject starE = Instantiate (star, new Vector3(x,y,0), new Quaternion(0,0,0,0)) as GameObject;
 *              Starscript starscript = starE.GetComponent<Starscript>();
 *              starscript.c = color;
 *              starscript.t = texture;
 *              starscript.starSize = size;
 *              starscript.isBlackHole = isBlackHole;
 *              if(isBlackHole)
 *                      Starscript.BLACK_HOLE_HELPER = true;
 *              //expand and copy star_arr - if loading a level takes too long, this can be optimized
 *              GameObject[] temp_arr = new GameObject[star_arr.Length+1];
 *              for(int i=0;i<star_arr.Length;i++)
 *                      temp_arr[i] = star_arr[i];
 *              star_arr = temp_arr;
 *              star_arr[star_arr.Length-1] = starE;
 *              numStars++;
 *              return starE;
 *      }  */

    GameObject CreateMovingStar(float x, float y, Color color, Texture texture, float size, Vector3 dir, float speed, bool bandf = false)
        GameObject mstar = CreateStar(x, y, color, texture, size, false);
        Starscript scpt  = mstar.GetComponent <Starscript>();

        scpt.is_moving = true;
        if (bandf)
            scpt.destination = dir;
            scpt.start_loc   = mstar.transform.position;
            scpt.bandf       = true;
            scpt.dir = dir;
        scpt.editor_freeze = true;
        scpt.speed         = speed;

        //creating visual representation of path
        //	GameObject path0 = Instantiate(moving_star_path, mstar.transform.position, new Quaternion (0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
        //	path0.transform.Rotate(new Vector3(0,90,0));
        GameObject[] temp_arr = new GameObject[mstar_arr.Length + 1];
        for (int i = 0; i < mstar_arr.Length; i++)
            temp_arr[i] = mstar_arr[i];
        mstar_arr = temp_arr;
        mstar_arr[mstar_arr.Length - 1] = mstar;
    //instantiates star or black hole from prefab at given xy location and of given characteristics
    //le original method
    GameObject CreateStar(float x, float y, Color color, Texture texture, float size, bool staticstar = true, bool isBlackHole = false)
        GameObject starE      = Instantiate(star, new Vector3(x, y, 20), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
        Starscript starscript = starE.GetComponent <Starscript>();

        starscript.c           = color;
        starscript.t           = texture;
        starscript.starSize    = size;
        starscript.isBlackHole = isBlackHole;

        if (isBlackHole)
            Starscript.BLACK_HOLE_HELPER = true;

        if (staticstar)
            //expand and copy star_arr - if loading a level takes too long, this can be optimized
            GameObject[] temp_arr = new GameObject[star_arr.Length + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < star_arr.Length; i++)
                temp_arr[i] = star_arr[i];
            star_arr = temp_arr;
            star_arr[star_arr.Length - 1] = starE;
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        startx         = Screen.width / 3;
        starty         = Screen.height / 6;
        credits_offset = 10;
        GameObject s = GameObject.Find("game_state");

        state = s.GetComponent <Game_State>();

        GameObject starE      = Instantiate(star, new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
        Starscript starscript = starE.GetComponent <Starscript>();

        starscript.c             = Color.red;
        starscript.starSize      = 30;
        starscript.is_revolving  = true;
        starscript.rpoint        = new Vector3(20, 20, 0);
        starscript.rspeed        = 45;
        starscript.editor_freeze = true;
文件: Menu.cs 项目: melissaewing/Orb
    void Start()
        /*	GameObject starE = Instantiate (star, new Vector3(70,70,0), new Quaternion(0,0,0,0)) as GameObject;
         *      Starscript starscript = starE.GetComponent<Starscript>();
         *      starscript.c = Color.red;
         *      starscript.starSize = 15;
         *      starscript.is_revolving = true;
         *      starscript.rpoint = new Vector3(0,0,0);
         *      starscript.rspeed = 65;*/
        //instantiate menu learth
        l = Instantiate(menu_learth, new Vector3(0, -35, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
        l.renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
        lt = Instantiate(yellow_learth_trail, l.transform.position, l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
        lt.transform.parent = l.transform;
        starR = Instantiate(star, new Vector3(-40, 25, 0), new Quaternion(0, 0, 0, 0)) as GameObject;
        Starscript script = starR.GetComponent <Starscript>();

        script.c             = Color.cyan;
        script.starSize      = 75;
        l.transform.position = new Vector3(starR.transform.position.x + script.starSize + Manager.RADIAL_ERROR, starR.transform.position.y, 0);
        random = Random.Range(0, 3);
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        //one activated, set isinvincible to true
        if (is_activated)
            Manager.IS_INVINCIBLE = true;
            Manager.speed        *= 1.2f;
            if (Time.time - start_time > DURATION)
                Manager.IS_INVINCIBLE = false;
                Starscript scpt = Manager.lastStar.GetComponent <Starscript>();
                if (scpt.c == Color.red)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(red_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                else if (scpt.c == Manager.orange)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(orange_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                else if (scpt.c == Color.yellow)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(yellow_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                else if (scpt.c == Manager.green)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(green_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                else if (scpt.c == Color.blue)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(blue_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                else if (scpt.c == Manager.purple)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(purple_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;
                else if (scpt.c == Manager.aqua)
                    Manager.lt = Instantiate(aqua_learth_trail, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation) as GameObject;

                Manager.lt.transform.parent       = Manager.l.transform;
                Manager.l.renderer.material.color = scpt.c;
                Learth_Movement.r.light.color     = scpt.c;
                Learth_Movement.r.light.range     = 2.5f * Manager.l.transform.localScale.x;

        if (!Level_Editor.delete_button)
            //make powerup expand and contract
            if (!is_activated && Time.time - start_grow_shrink > grow_shrink_time)
                shrink            = !shrink;
                start_grow_shrink = Time.time;

            if (!is_activated)
                int ctrl = shrink ? -1 : 1;
                transform.localScale += new Vector3(ctrl * grow_shrink_rate, ctrl * grow_shrink_rate, ctrl * grow_shrink_rate);
    //outputs level to a text file
    void SaveLevel(string path)
        star_arr   = ContractArray(star_arr);
        rip_arr    = ContractArray(rip_arr);
        coin_arr   = ContractArray(coin_arr);
        mstar_arr  = ContractArray(mstar_arr);
        alien_arr  = ContractArray(alien_arr);
        rstar_arr  = ContractArray(rstar_arr);
        boost_arr  = ContractArray(boost_arr);
        invinc_arr = ContractArray(invinc_arr);
        wall_arr   = ContractArray(wall_arr);

        //check if file exists
        if (File.Exists(path))
            //write info to file
            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(path))
                //write lengths header (update this line as saving is implemented for other elements)
                sw.WriteLine(star_arr.Length + "," + rip_arr.Length + "," + coin_arr.Length
                             + "," + mstar_arr.Length + "," + alien_arr.Length + "," + rstar_arr.Length
                             + "," + boost_arr.Length + "," + invinc_arr.Length + "," + wall_arr.Length + "," + isaytime + "," + isaypoints);

                for (int i = 0; i < star_arr.Length; i++)
                    Starscript scpt  = star_arr[i].GetComponent <Starscript>();
                    string     color = "black";
                    if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.red))
                        color = "red";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(orange))
                        color = "orange";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.yellow))
                        color = "yellow";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(green))
                        color = "green";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.blue))
                        color = "blue";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(aqua))
                        color = "aqua";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(purple))
                        color = "purple";
                    string black_hole = "false";
                    if (scpt.isBlackHole)
                        black_hole = "true";
                    //write to file if star is a static
                    if (!scpt.is_moving && !scpt.is_revolving)
                        sw.WriteLine(star_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + star_arr[i].transform.position.y + "," + color + "," + scpt.starSize + "," + black_hole);

                for (int i = 0; i < rip_arr.Length; i++)
                    sw.WriteLine(rip_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + rip_arr[i].transform.position.y + ",30,30,0");
                for (int i = 0; i < coin_arr.Length; i++)
                    sw.WriteLine(coin_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + coin_arr[i].transform.position.y);

                //moving stars
                for (int i = 0; i < mstar_arr.Length; i++)
                    Starscript scpt  = mstar_arr[i].GetComponent <Starscript>();
                    string     color = "black";
                    if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.red))
                        color = "red";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(orange))
                        color = "orange";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.yellow))
                        color = "yellow";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(green))
                        color = "green";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.blue))
                        color = "blue";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(aqua))
                        color = "aqua";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(purple))
                        color = "purple";
                    //append true/false if star is a b and f or not
                    if (scpt.bandf)
                        sw.WriteLine(mstar_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + mstar_arr[i].transform.position.y + "," + color + "," + scpt.orbitRadius
                                     + "," + scpt.destination.x + "," + scpt.destination.y + "," + scpt.speed + ",true");
                        sw.WriteLine(mstar_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + mstar_arr[i].transform.position.y + "," + color + "," + scpt.orbitRadius
                                     + "," + scpt.dir.x + "," + scpt.dir.y + "," + scpt.speed + ",false");

                for (int i = 0; i < alien_arr.Length; i++)
                    sw.WriteLine(alien_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + alien_arr[i].transform.position.y);

                //revolving stars
                for (int i = 0; i < rstar_arr.Length; i++)
                    Starscript scpt  = rstar_arr[i].GetComponent <Starscript>();
                    string     color = "black";
                    if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.red))
                        color = "red";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(orange))
                        color = "orange";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.yellow))
                        color = "yellow";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(green))
                        color = "green";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(Color.blue))
                        color = "blue";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(aqua))
                        color = "aqua";
                    else if (scpt.c.Equals(purple))
                        color = "purple";
                    sw.WriteLine(rstar_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + rstar_arr[i].transform.position.y + "," + scpt.rpoint.x + ","
                                 + scpt.rpoint.y + "," + color + "," + scpt.orbitRadius + "," + scpt.rspeed);

                for (int i = 0; i < boost_arr.Length; i++)
                    sw.WriteLine(boost_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + boost_arr[i].transform.position.y);

                for (int i = 0; i < invinc_arr.Length; i++)
                    sw.WriteLine(invinc_arr[i].transform.position.x + "," + invinc_arr[i].transform.position.y);

                for (int i = 0; i < wall_arr.Length; i++)
                    WallScript wallscript = wall_arr[i].GetComponent <WallScript>();
                    if (wallscript.visible)
                        sw.WriteLine(wallscript.x1 + "," + wallscript.y1 + "," + wallscript.x2 + "," + wallscript.y2 + ",true");
                        sw.WriteLine(wallscript.x1 + "," + wallscript.y1 + "," + wallscript.x2 + "," + wallscript.y2 + ",false");
    void Update()
        RaycastHit hi;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, velocity.normalized, out hi))
            last_norm = hi.normal;

        //light effect every frame
        if (!Manager.IS_INVINCIBLE)
            r.light.color = renderer.material.color;
            r.light.range = 2.5f * transform.localScale.x;
            if (random == 0)
                renderer.material.color = Color.blue;
            else if (random == 1)
                renderer.material.color = Color.yellow;
            else if (random == 2)
                renderer.material.color = Color.cyan;
            random = Random.Range(0, 3);

            //	this.renderer.material.color = Color.white;
            r.light.color = Color.white;
            r.light.range = 0;            //5.5f*transform.localScale.x;
        //calculate velocity every frame
        velocity         = this.transform.position - lastPos.position;
        lastPos.position = this.transform.position;
        //regular non-orbiting movement
        if (!isTangent)
            this.transform.position += velocity.normalized * Manager.speed;

        //determine if a star is in learth's immediate path of tangency
        RaycastHit hit;
        int        star_colliders = 1 << 8;

        if (Physics.Raycast(transform.position, velocity.normalized, out hit) && hit.transform.name == "Collider(Clone)")
            Starscript s = hit.transform.parent.transform.gameObject.GetComponent <Starscript>();
            //make sure not hitting the star part

            /*		hit.transform.collider.enabled = false;
             *              RaycastHit secondshot;
             *              if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position,velocity.normalized,out secondshot)) {
             *                      print ("second hit name: "+secondshot.transform.name);
             *              }
             *              hit.transform.collider.enabled = true; */
            s.glow = true;
    void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision)
        //if learth collides with a space rip, die
        if (collision.gameObject.name == "Space_Rip(Clone)")
            if (!Manager.IS_INVINCIBLE)
                Manager.energy -= Manager.SPACE_RIP_COST;
        //if learth collides with a star, die
        if (collision.gameObject.name == "Star(Clone)")
            Starscript scpt = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Starscript>();

            //end level if reach sink

             * if (scpt.is_sink) {
             *              //record delivered energy
             *              Manager.gscpt.energy_delivered = Manager.energy;
             *              //increment level counter
             *              Manager.gscpt.cur_level++;
             *              //set in game to false
             *              Manager.gscpt.in_game = false;
             *              //open the ship outfitter
             *              Application.LoadLevel("Ship_Outfitter");
             *      } */

            //if the invincibility powerup is turned on, instead of dying, blow the star up and steal its energy

            /* else */ if (Manager.IS_INVINCIBLE && !scpt.isBlackHole)
                Manager.Popup(5, "" + Manager.INVINC_ENERGY_BONUS, this.transform.position);
                Manager.points += Manager.INVINC_ENERGY_BONUS;
                Starscript col_scpt = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <Starscript>();
            else if (!scpt.spiral)
                Instantiate(reset_effect, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation);

        if (collision.gameObject.name == "Wall(Clone)")
            WallScript script = collision.gameObject.GetComponent <WallScript>();
            if (Manager.IS_INVINCIBLE && script.visible)
                Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation);
                wall_down = true;
                Instantiate(reset_effect, Manager.l.transform.position, Manager.l.transform.rotation);

                //bounce ship off wall - v' = 2 * (v . n) * n - v
                Vector3 v         = Vector3.Normalize(velocity);
                Vector3 n         = last_norm;                 //normal of the plane we're about to hit
                float   dp        = Vector3.Dot(v, n);
                Vector3 v2        = 2 * dp * n;
                Vector3 reflected = -1 * (v2 - v);
                lastPos.position = transform.position - reflected;

        if (collision.gameObject.name == "coin(Clone)")
            GameObject      go    = GameObject.Find("Alien_Exp_Sound");
            Alien_Exp_Sound ascpt = go.GetComponent <Alien_Exp_Sound>();
            Manager.energy += 3;
            Manager.Popup(3, "" + Manager.COIN_POINTS, this.transform.position);
            Manager.points += Manager.COIN_POINTS;
            cpe             = Instantiate(coin_pickup_effect, collision.gameObject.transform.position,
                                          collision.gameObject.transform.rotation) as GameObject;