        /// <summary>
        /// Read the initial version of the base version of the specified Spotfire SQL
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string ReadSpotfireSql(
            string name)
            string spotfireSql = SpotfireDao.ReadSqlStatement(name, 0);

        /// <summary>
        /// Read the initial version of the specified version of the named Spotfire SQL stmt
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="name"></param>
        /// <param name="version"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string ReadSpotfireSql(
            string name,
            int version)
            string spotfireSql = SpotfireDao.ReadSqlStatement(name, version);

        /// <summary>
        /// Save a list of keys for later inclusion in SQL statements
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="listType">CIDLIST, ASSAYLIST</param>
        /// <param name="keyList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static string SaveSpotfireKeyList(
            string keyColName,
            string listType,
            string keyList)
            string subList;
            string listName = listType + "_"; // start building name
            int    v1       = -2;             // modify name with next version

            while (true)                      // break into 4000 char chunks for later use by Oracle function
                if (keyList.Length < 4000)
                    subList = keyList;
                    keyList = "";
                    subList = keyList.Substring(0, 4000);
                    int i1 = subList.LastIndexOf(",");
                    subList = subList.Substring(0, i1);
                    keyList = keyList.Substring(i1 + 1);

                int v2 = SpotfireDao.InsertSpotfireSql(listName, v1, null, keyColName, subList, Security.UserName);
                if (v1 == -2)                 // first time?
                    listName += v2;           // all sublists will have this list name
                    v1        = -1;

                if (keyList.Length == 0)

        /// <summary>
        /// Build and save SQL for use in Spotfire information link
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="query"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static int SaveSpotfireSql(
            string sqlStmtName,
            Query query)
            DbConnectionMx conn = null;

            string qtSql = "", sql, expr;
            string keys = null;
            string keyColName = "";
            string t1KeyColExpr = "", keyColExpr;

            string rootDataSource = "DEV857";
            string rootSchema     = "MBS_OWNER";

            //if (query.Tables.Count != 1) throw new Exception("Can only save Spotfire Sql for single-table queries");

            Query q = query.Clone();

            // Clean up query before generating SQL

            q.KeyCriteria = q.KeyCriteriaDisplay = "";

            List <QueryTable> qtToRemove = new List <QueryTable>();

            foreach (QueryTable qt0 in q.Tables)
                if (qt0.SelectedCount <= 1 ||

                foreach (QueryColumn qc0 in qt0.QueryColumns)                 // clear any criteria
                    if (Lex.IsDefined(qc0.Criteria))
                        qc0.Criteria = qc0.CriteriaDisplay = "";

            foreach (QueryTable qt0 in qtToRemove)

            string selectList   = "";         // top-level list of selected columns
            string fromList     = "";         // sql for each QueryTable
            string joinCriteria = "";         // join criteria between QueryTables
            int    remapCount   = 0;



            for (int ti = 0; ti < q.Tables.Count; ti++)
                QueryTable qt = q.Tables[ti];
                if (ti == 0)
                    keyColName = qt.MetaTable.KeyMetaColumn.Name;

                QueryEngine       qe  = new QueryEngine();
                ExecuteQueryParms eqp = new ExecuteQueryParms(qe, qt);
                eqp.ReturnQNsInFullDetail = false;

                qtSql = qe.BuildSqlForSingleTable(eqp);
                qtSql = Lex.Replace(qtSql, "/*+ hint */ ", "");

                conn = DbConnectionMx.MapSqlToConnection(ref qtSql, rootDataSource, rootSchema);                 // convert SQL to use dblinks from root source/schema
                if (conn == null)
                    throw new Exception("Connection not found for: " + rootDataSource);

                // Recast numeric cols that are integers as integers for Spotfire

                List <DbColumnMetadata> cmdList = OracleMx.GetColumnMetadataFromSql(qtSql, conn);

                string qtSelectList = "";
                remapCount = 0;                 // number of cols remapped
                int sci = -1;

                foreach (QueryColumn qc in qt.QueryColumns)
                    if (!qc.Selected)
                    sci++;                     // synch with cmdList

                    MetaColumn mc = qc.MetaColumn;

                    string mcName = mc.Name;
                    if (q.Tables.Count > 1)                     // if more than one table qualify by table name
                        mcName = qt.Alias + "." + mcName;

                    string colName = qc.UniqueName;

                    //if (mc.Name == "CORP_SBMSN_ID") mc = mc; // debug
                    //if (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId) mc = mc; // debug

                    if (mc.IsNumeric && (mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.Integer || mc.DataType == MetaColumnType.CompoundId))
                        DbColumnMetadata md = cmdList[sci];
                        expr = "cast (" + mcName + " as integer) " + colName;                          //  integer same as number(22,0)--- " as number(38, 0)) " + expr;

                    else if (mcName != colName)
                        expr = mcName + " " + colName;

                        expr = mc.Name;

                    if (qtSelectList != "")
                        qtSelectList += ", ";
                    qtSelectList += expr;

                if (selectList != "")
                    selectList += ", ";
                selectList += qtSelectList;

                if (fromList != "")
                    fromList += ", ";
                fromList += "(" + qtSql + ") " + qt.Alias;

                keyColExpr = qt.Alias + "." + qt.KeyQueryColumn.MetaColumn.Name;

                if (ti == 0)
                    t1KeyColExpr = keyColExpr;

                    if (joinCriteria != "")
                        joinCriteria += " and ";
                    joinCriteria += keyColExpr + " (+) = " + t1KeyColExpr;

            selectList += " ";             // be sure last col name in list is delimited with a space

            if (q.Tables.Count == 1 && remapCount == 0)
                sql = qtSql; // simple single table with no remapping of cols
            else             // combine list of elements
                sql =
                    "select " + selectList +
                    " from " + fromList;

                if (joinCriteria != "")
                    sql += " where " + joinCriteria;

                sql = "select * from (" + sql + ")";                  // encapsulate the SQL

            int v2 = SpotfireDao.InsertSpotfireSql(sqlStmtName, 0, sql, keyColName, null, Security.UserName);
