    IEnumerator GenerateAmbientOcclusion()
        int count = 0;

        foreach (GameObject g in AOTargets)
            Mesh    m      = g.GetComponent <MeshFilter> ().mesh;
            Color[] colors = m.colors;
            if (colors.Length == 0)
                colors = new Color[m.vertices.Length];
                for (int i = 0; i < m.vertices.Length; i++)
                    colors [i] = Color.white;
            for (int i = 0; i < m.vertices.Length; i++)
                Vector3 localPos = g.transform.TransformPoint(m.vertices [i]) - g.transform.position;
                Vector3 normal   = g.transform.TransformDirection(m.normals [i]).normalized;
                if (Mathf.Abs(normal.x) + Mathf.Abs(normal.y) + Mathf.Abs(normal.z) > 1.1f)
                foreach (Vector3 v in new Vector3[] { Vector3.up, Vector3.forward, Vector3.right, Vector3.zero })
                    float   angle      = Vector3.Angle(v, normal);
                    Vector3 projection = normal;
                    if (angle > 5 && angle < 175)
                        projection = localPos - v * Vector3.Dot(localPos, v);
                    if (isAOTarget(SpawnTiles.roundVector(g.transform.position + projection * 2)))
                        colors [i] *= new Color(0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f);
            // assign the array of colors to the Mesh.
            m.colors = colors;
            if ((count++) % 100 == 0)
                yield return(null);
 public void SetPassable(bool status)
     passable = status;
     if (!passable && SpawnTiles.tileIsFree(transform.position))
         SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position)] = gameObject;
         r.enabled = true;
     if (!passable && SpawnTiles.tileExists(transform.position) && !SpawnTiles.tileHasPlayer(SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position)) && SpawnTiles.blocks[SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position)].GetComponent <WaterManager>() != null)
         Destroy(SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position)]);
         SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position)] = gameObject;
         r.enabled = true;
     if (passable && SpawnTiles.tileExists(transform.position) &&
         SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position)] == gameObject)
         r.enabled = false;
    void Update()
        if (Time.time >= nextTime)
            nextTime += tick;

        //Move player if in water
        foreach (Player p in players)
            Vector3 currentTile = new Vector3(
                Mathf.Round(p.transform.position.x / 2),
                Mathf.Round(p.transform.position.y / 2),
                Mathf.Round(p.transform.position.z / 2)) * 2;
            if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(SpawnTiles.roundVector(currentTile)) &&
                SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(currentTile)].GetComponent <WaterManager> () != null)
                Vector3 newPosition = p.transform.position + Move.WaterMove(SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(currentTile)].GetComponent <WaterManager> ());
                p.transform.position = newPosition;
    void simulatePhysics()
        //Find all Voidblocks - physics sometimes applies to things inside a void
        List <VoidManager> voidblocks = new List <VoidManager>();

        foreach (GameObject v in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Void"))
            if (v != null)
                voidblocks.Add(v.GetComponent <VoidManager> ());

        //Pushblock physics
        List <Pushblock> pushables = new List <Pushblock>();

        foreach (GameObject x in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Pushblock"))
            if (x != null)
                pushables.Add(x.GetComponent <Pushblock> ());

        foreach (Pushblock p in pushables)
            Vector3 below = new Vector3(p.transform.position.x, p.transform.position.y - 2, p.transform.position.z);
            if (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(below))
                p.transform.position = below;
                SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(below, p.gameObject);
            if (p.transform.position.y < killPlane)

        //Black Hole Physics
        List <GameObject> blackholes = new List <GameObject>();

        foreach (GameObject b in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Blackhole"))
            if (b != null)

        foreach (GameObject b in blackholes)
            Vector3 up      = b.transform.position + Vector3.up * 2;
            Vector3 down    = b.transform.position + Vector3.down * 2;
            Vector3 left    = b.transform.position + Vector3.left * 2;
            Vector3 right   = b.transform.position + Vector3.right * 2;
            Vector3 forward = b.transform.position + Vector3.forward * 2;
            Vector3 back    = b.transform.position + Vector3.back * 2;

            Vector3[] reachable = new Vector3[] { up, down, left, right, forward, back };

            foreach (Vector3 v in reachable)
                if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(v))

        //Water physics
        List <WaterManager> waterblocks = new List <WaterManager>();

        foreach (GameObject w in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Water"))
            if (w != null)
                waterblocks.Add(w.GetComponent <WaterManager> ());
        //add water blocks in voids
        foreach (VoidManager v in voidblocks)
            foreach (GameObject g in v.getAllObjects())
                if (g.GetComponent <WaterManager> () != null)
                    waterblocks.Add(g.GetComponent <WaterManager>());

        foreach (WaterManager wtr in waterblocks)
            Vector3 below = new Vector3(wtr.transform.position.x, wtr.transform.position.y - 2, wtr.transform.position.z);
            Vector3 next  = getNextWater(wtr);

            //flow down
            if (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(below) && below.y > killPlane)
                generateWater(wtr, below, false);
            //flow to next tile if free and not void, and there is not water below
            else if (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(next) &&
                     SpawnTiles.tileExists(below) &&
                     SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(below)].GetComponent <WaterManager> () == null)
                generateWater(wtr, next, false);

            //flow into void block next
            else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(next) && SpawnTiles.blocks [next].GetComponent <VoidManager> () != null)
                SpawnTiles.blocks [next].GetComponent <VoidManager> ().addObject(generateWater(wtr, next, true));
            //flow into void block below
            else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(below) && SpawnTiles.blocks [below].GetComponent <VoidManager> () != null)
                SpawnTiles.blocks [below].GetComponent <VoidManager> ().addObject(generateWater(wtr, below, true));

            //push pushblock
            if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(next) &&
                SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(next)].GetComponent <Pushblock> () != null)
                Pushblock p        = SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(next)].GetComponent <Pushblock> ();
                Vector3   nextNext = getNextWaterPush(wtr.getDirection(), p);

                if (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(nextNext))
                    p.transform.position = nextNext;
                    SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(p.transform.position, p.gameObject);

            //stop water if parent is destoryed
            if (!wtr.isSource() && wtr.getParent() == null)
    public static void ObjectMove(string axisV, string axisH, Player p)
        Vector2 translation = new Vector2(Input.GetAxis(axisV), Input.GetAxis(axisH));

        translation = translation.normalized * GetMagnitude(translation) * Time.deltaTime * speed;

        Vector3 positionOffset = UP * translation.x + RIGHT * translation.y;

        Vector3 waterOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

        Vector3 currentTile = new Vector3(
            Mathf.Round(p.transform.position.x / 2),
            Mathf.Round(p.transform.position.y / 2),
            Mathf.Round(p.transform.position.z / 2)) * 2;

        RampBehaviour ramp = SpawnTiles.tileExists(currentTile) ? SpawnTiles.blocks [currentTile].GetComponent <RampBehaviour>() : null;

        Vector3 tileBelow = currentTile + Vector3.down * 2;

        bool onIce = false;

        if (ramp == null && SpawnTiles.tileExists(tileBelow))
            ramp = SpawnTiles.blocks [tileBelow].GetComponent <RampBehaviour> ();
            if (ramp != null)
                currentTile = tileBelow;
                onIce = SpawnTiles.blocks [tileBelow].GetComponent <IceManager> () != null && (p.prevOffset.x != 0 || p.prevOffset.z != 0);

        p.pos = currentTile;

        if (positionOffset.magnitude > 0)
            p.transform.rotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(positionOffset);

        if (onIce && p.prevOffset != Vector3.zero)
            positionOffset = p.prevOffset.normalized * speed * Time.deltaTime;

        Vector3 positionWithinTile = p.transform.position + positionOffset - currentTile;

        if (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(tileBelow) || (ramp == null && positionWithinTile.y > 0) ||
            SpawnTiles.blocks[tileBelow].GetComponent <VoidManager>() != null ||
            SpawnTiles.blocks[tileBelow].GetComponent <WaterManager>() != null)
            positionOffset = Vector3.down * Time.deltaTime * 6;

        Vector3 lookVector  = p.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
        int     normalizedX = lookVector.x > 0 ? 2 : -2;
        int     normalizedZ = lookVector.z > 0 ? 2 : -2;

        float distX = Mathf.Abs(normalizedX - positionWithinTile.x * 2) / Mathf.Abs(lookVector.x);
        float distZ = Mathf.Abs(normalizedZ - positionWithinTile.z * 2) / Mathf.Abs(lookVector.z);

        Vector3 newPos = currentTile + (distX < distZ ? new Vector3(normalizedX, 0, 0) : new Vector3(0, 0, normalizedZ));

        p.selector.position = newPos;

        bool cubeSelector = SpawnTiles.tileExists(p.selector.position);

        p.selector.GetComponent <Renderer> ().enabled      = cubeSelector;
        p.selectorChild.GetComponent <Renderer> ().enabled = !cubeSelector;

        bool exceedingBoundaryX = (positionOffset.x > 0 && positionWithinTile.x > RADIUS) || (positionOffset.x < 0 && positionWithinTile.x < -RADIUS);
        bool exceedingBoundaryZ = (positionOffset.z > 0 && positionWithinTile.z > RADIUS) || (positionOffset.z < 0 && positionWithinTile.z < -RADIUS);
        bool onEdge             = false;

        Vector3 rampDirection = ramp == null ? Vector3.zero : ramp.upSlopeDirection;

        if (movementBlocked(currentTile, new Vector3(normalizedX, 0, 0), rampDirection))
            if (exceedingBoundaryX)
                positionOffset.x = 0;
                onEdge           = true;
        if (movementBlocked(currentTile, new Vector3(0, 0, normalizedZ), rampDirection))
            if (exceedingBoundaryZ)
                positionOffset.z = 0;
                onEdge           = true;

        if (movementBlocked(currentTile, new Vector3(normalizedX, 0, normalizedZ), rampDirection))
            if (exceedingBoundaryX && exceedingBoundaryZ && !onEdge)
                positionOffset.x = 0;
                positionOffset.z = 0;
                onEdge           = true;

        p.prevOffset = onEdge ? Vector3.zero : positionOffset;

        //acount for water
        if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(currentTile) &&
            SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(currentTile)].GetComponent <WaterManager> () != null)
            WaterManager w = SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(currentTile)].GetComponent <WaterManager> ();
            waterOffset = waterDirections [w.getDirection()] * Time.deltaTime * speed * 1.1f;

        float rampOffset = ramp == null ? 0 : mul((positionWithinTile + ramp.upSlopeDirection * 0.5f), ramp.upSlopeDirection).magnitude * 0.5f;

        Vector3 newPosition = p.transform.position + positionOffset + waterOffset;

        if (ramp == null)
            newPosition.y = currentTile.y + rampOffset;

        p.transform.position = newPosition;

        if (p.transform.position.y < -10)
    private static bool movementBlocked(Vector3 currentTile, Vector3 offset, Vector3 currentRampDirection)
        if (currentRampDirection == offset)
            currentTile += Vector3.up * 2;
        GameObject    block = SpawnTiles.tileExists(currentTile + offset) ? SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(currentTile + offset)] : null;
        RampBehaviour ramp  = block == null ? null : block.GetComponent <RampBehaviour> ();

            ((!PLAYER_CAN_FALL && !SpawnTiles.tileExists(currentTile + offset + new Vector3(0, -2, 0))) ||
                 block != null &&
                 block.GetComponent <VoidManager> () == null &&
                 block.GetComponent <WaterManager> () == null &&
                 (ramp == null || (ramp.upSlopeDirection != offset && currentRampDirection != ramp.upSlopeDirection))
    void Update()
        if (WorldManager.inMenu)
        for (int i = 0; i < players.Length; i++)
            //uncomment line below to make use of player inventory
            currentSpell [i] = players [i].getCurrentSpell();
            if (Input.GetButton("Spell" + i.ToString()))
                if (spellProgress [i] >= 1)
                    spellProgress [i]             = -1;
                    players [i].lastSpellFinished = true;
                    Vector3 playerPos     = getTile(players [i].transform.position);
                    int     otherPlayer   = -1;
                    Vector3 spellPos      = selectors [i].transform.position;
                    Vector3 belowSpellPos = new Vector3(spellPos.x, spellPos.y - 2, spellPos.z);
                    Vector3 aboveSpellPos = new Vector3(spellPos.x, spellPos.y + 2, spellPos.z);
                    for (int j = 0; j < players.Length; j++)
                        if (j == i)
                        Vector3 otherSpellPos = selectors [j].transform.position;
                        if (otherSpellPos == spellPos && spellProgress[j] > 0)
                            otherPlayer       = j;
                            spellProgress [j] = -1;

                    if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.PUSH))
                        Instantiate(pushEffect, playerPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(spellPos - playerPos)).transform.Translate(0, 0, -1);
                        if (otherPlayer != -1)
                            Vector3 otherPlayerPos = getTile(players [otherPlayer].transform.position);
                            Instantiate(pushEffect, otherPlayerPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(spellPos - otherPlayerPos)).transform.Translate(0, 0, -1);

                    //PUSH and DOUBlE PUSH
                    if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.PUSH) && SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos))
                        Spellable spellableBlock = SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(spellPos)].GetComponent <Spellable> ();
                        //should also handle void blocks
                        VoidManager v = SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(spellPos)].GetComponent <VoidManager> ();
                        if (v != null)
                            foreach (GameObject g in v.getAllObjects())
                                if (g.GetComponent <Spellable> () != null)
                                    spellableBlock = g.GetComponent <Spellable> ();

                        //back to your regullarly scheduled push...
                        if (spellableBlock != null)
                            if (otherPlayer == -1)
                                spellableBlock.ApplySpell(currentSpell [i], playerPos, Vector3.zero);
                                spellableBlock.ApplySpell(getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]), playerPos, getTile(players [otherPlayer].transform.position));
                                //check other player's spell limit
                                players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts[spell.DOUBLE_PUSH]);
                            //in case it was inside a void
                            MeshRenderer rend = spellableBlock.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ();
                            if (rend == null)
                                rend = spellableBlock.GetComponent <Pushblock> ().graphics;
                            rend.enabled = true;
                        //if player spell limit gets exceeded, remove first active
                        players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts[spell.PUSH]);
                    else if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.PUSH) &&
                             otherPlayer != -1 &&
                             getSpellCombo(currentSpell[i], currentSpell[otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.PULL) &&
                        Vector3 toMoveRight   = spellPos + Vector3.right * 2;
                        Vector3 toMoveForward = spellPos + Vector3.forward * 2;
                        Vector3 toMoveLeft    = spellPos + Vector3.left * 2;
                        Vector3 toMoveBack    = spellPos + Vector3.back * 2;
                        if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(toMoveRight) && SpawnTiles.blocks[toMoveRight].GetComponent <Pushblock>() != null)
                            moveAnyObject(toMoveRight, spellPos);
                        else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(toMoveForward) && SpawnTiles.blocks[toMoveForward].GetComponent <Pushblock>() != null)
                            moveAnyObject(toMoveForward, spellPos);
                        else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(toMoveLeft) && SpawnTiles.blocks[toMoveLeft].GetComponent <Pushblock>() != null)
                            moveAnyObject(toMoveLeft, spellPos);
                        else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(toMoveBack) && SpawnTiles.blocks[toMoveBack].GetComponent <Pushblock>() != null)
                            moveAnyObject(toMoveBack, spellPos);
                        //if player spell limit gets exceeded, remove first active
                        players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts[spell.PULL]);
                        players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts[spell.PULL]);
                    //CREATE BLOCK/PUSHBLOCK
                    else if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.CREATE_BLOCK) &&
                             (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos)) ||
                             (SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos) && SpawnTiles.blocks [spellPos].GetComponent <WaterManager> () != null))
                        //destory current water block
                        if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos))
                            WaterManager currentWater = SpawnTiles.blocks [SpawnTiles.roundVector(spellPos)].GetComponent <WaterManager> ();
                        //now create block
                        if (otherPlayer == -1)
                            GameObject tileClone = Instantiate(tile, spellPos, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0));
                            SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(spellPos, tileClone);
                            players [i].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_BLOCK);
                        else if (getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.CREATE_PUSHBLOCK))
                            GameObject pushblockClone = Instantiate(Pushblock, spellPos, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0));
                            SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(spellPos, pushblockClone);
                            //check other player's spell limit
                            players [otherPlayer].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_PUSHBLOCK);
                            players [i].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_PUSHBLOCK);
                    //CREAT DESTROY/RAMP
                    else if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.DESTROY))
                        //destroy pushblocks and ramps
                        if (otherPlayer == -1 && SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos) &&
                            (SpawnTiles.blocks[spellPos].GetComponent <Pushblock>() != null || SpawnTiles.blocks[spellPos].GetComponent <RampBehaviour>() != null))
                            Destroy(SpawnTiles.blocks [spellPos].gameObject);
                            //check spell limit
                            players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.DESTROY]);
                        //create ramp
                        else if (!SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos) &&
                                 SpawnTiles.tileExists(belowSpellPos) &&
                                 getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.CREATE_RAMP))
                            Vector3 dir = spellPos - players [i].pos;
                            Debug.Log("Ramp building");
                            GameObject rampClone = Instantiate(ramp, spellPos, Quaternion.LookRotation(dir));
                            rampClone.GetComponent <RampBehaviour> ().upSlopeDirection = spellPos - players [i].pos;
                            SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(spellPos, rampClone);
                            //add active spells
                            players [i].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_RAMP);
                            players [otherPlayer].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_RAMP);
                        //create void
                        else if (getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.CREATE_VOID))
                            if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos))
                                Destroy(SpawnTiles.blocks [spellPos].gameObject);
                            GameObject bh = Instantiate(Voidblock, spellPos, Quaternion.Euler(0, 0, 0));
                            SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(spellPos, bh);
                            //add active spells
                            players [i].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_VOID);
                            players [otherPlayer].addActive(spellPos, spell.CREATE_VOID);

                    //ADD ICE
                    else if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.CREATE_ICE))
                        //add ice
                        if (otherPlayer == -1 && SpawnTiles.tileExists(belowSpellPos) &&
                            SpawnTiles.blocks [belowSpellPos].GetComponent <VoidManager> () == null &&
                            SpawnTiles.blocks [belowSpellPos].GetComponent <WaterManager> () == null)
                            SpawnTiles.blocks [belowSpellPos].AddComponent <IceManager> ();
                            SpawnTiles.blocks [belowSpellPos].GetComponent <IceManager> ().updateMaterial();
                            //spell limit
                            players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.CREATE_ICE]);
                        //ice above - note that it places ice on the top face of spellPos tile
                        else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos) && getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.ICE_ABOVE))
                            GameObject above = SpawnTiles.blocks [spellPos];
                            if (above.GetComponent <IceManager> () == null &&
                                above.GetComponent <VoidManager> () == null &&
                                above.GetComponent <WaterManager> () == null)
                                above.AddComponent <IceManager> ();
                                above.GetComponent <IceManager> ().updateMaterial();
                                //spell limit
                                players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.ICE_ABOVE]);
                                players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.ICE_ABOVE]);
                        //remove ice
                        else if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(belowSpellPos) && getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.REMOVE_ICE))
                            IceManager active = SpawnTiles.blocks [belowSpellPos].GetComponent <IceManager> ();
                            if (active != null)
                            //spell limit
                            players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.REMOVE_ICE]);
                            players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.REMOVE_ICE]);

                    else if (currentSpell [i].Equals(spell.RAISE))
                        //raise block
                        if (otherPlayer == -1 && SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos) &&
                            moveAnyObject(spellPos, aboveSpellPos);
                            //spell limit
                            players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.RAISE]);
                        //double raise
                        else if (getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.DOUBLE_RAISE) &&
                                 SpawnTiles.tileExists(spellPos) &&
                                 !SpawnTiles.tileExists(aboveSpellPos + Vector3.up * 2))
                            moveAnyObject(spellPos, aboveSpellPos + Vector3.up * 2);
                            //spell limit
                            players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.DOUBLE_RAISE]);
                            players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.DOUBLE_RAISE]);
                        //raise push
                        else if (getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.RAISE_PUSH) &&
                            Vector3 upAndOver = new Vector3((spellPos.x - playerPos.x) + spellPos.x, spellPos.y + 2, (spellPos.z - playerPos.z) + spellPos.z);
                            moveAnyObject(spellPos, upAndOver);
                            //spell limit
                            players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.RAISE_PUSH]);
                            players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.RAISE_PUSH]);
                        else if (getSpellCombo(currentSpell [i], currentSpell [otherPlayer]).Equals(spell.LOWER) &&
                            moveAnyObject(spellPos, belowSpellPos);
                        //spell limit
                        players [i].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.LOWER]);
                        players [otherPlayer].removeFirstActiveConditional(spellCosts [spell.LOWER]);
                else if (spellProgress [i] >= 0)
                    if (spellProgress[i] == 0)
                        players [i].spellSound.pitch = 1;
                        players [i].spellSound.Stop();
                        players [i].spellSound.Play();
                        players [i].lastSpellFinished = false;
                    spellProgress [i] += spellSpeed * Time.deltaTime;
                spellProgress [i] = 0;
                if (!players[i].lastSpellFinished && players [i].spellSound.pitch > 0)
                    players [i].spellSound.pitch -= Time.deltaTime * 2;
            const float max = 0.7f;
            const float min = 0.03f;
            float       c   = Mathf.Clamp(max - (spellProgress[i] * (max - min)), min, max);
            selectorMaterials [i].SetFloat("_Cutoff", c);
    public override void ApplySpell(SpellManager.spell spellType, Vector3 casterPosition, Vector3 casterPosition2)
        switch (spellType)
        case SpellManager.spell.PUSH:
            Vector3 newPosition = SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position * 2 - casterPosition);
            if (SpawnTiles.tileIsFree(newPosition) || (SpawnTiles.tileExists(newPosition) && SpawnTiles.blocks[newPosition].GetComponent <WaterManager>() != null) ||
                (SpawnTiles.tileExists(newPosition) && SpawnTiles.blocks[newPosition].GetComponent <VoidManager>() != null))
                if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(newPosition))
                    if (SpawnTiles.blocks [newPosition].GetComponent <WaterManager> () != null)
                        Destroy(SpawnTiles.blocks [newPosition]);
                        SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(newPosition, gameObject);
                        //must be a void block
                        VoidManager v = SpawnTiles.blocks [newPosition].GetComponent <VoidManager> ();
                        this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = false;
                    SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(newPosition, gameObject);
                transform.position = newPosition;

        case SpellManager.spell.DOUBLE_PUSH:
            if (SpawnTiles.roundVector(casterPosition - transform.position) == SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position - casterPosition2))
                Vector3 midPosition = SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position * 2 - casterPosition);
                newPosition = SpawnTiles.roundVector(transform.position * 3 - casterPosition * 2);
                if (SpawnTiles.tileIsFree(midPosition))
                    if (SpawnTiles.tileIsFree(newPosition) || (SpawnTiles.tileExists(newPosition) && SpawnTiles.blocks[newPosition].GetComponent <WaterManager>() != null) ||
                        (SpawnTiles.tileExists(newPosition) && SpawnTiles.blocks[newPosition].GetComponent <VoidManager>() != null))
                        //pushing into water block
                        if (SpawnTiles.tileExists(newPosition))
                            if (SpawnTiles.blocks [newPosition].GetComponent <WaterManager> () != null)
                                Destroy(SpawnTiles.blocks [newPosition]);
                                SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(newPosition, gameObject);
                                //must be a void block
                                VoidManager v = SpawnTiles.blocks [newPosition].GetComponent <VoidManager> ();
                                this.gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer> ().enabled = false;
                            SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(newPosition, gameObject);
                        transform.position = newPosition;
                        SpawnTiles.blocks.Add(midPosition, gameObject);
                        transform.position = midPosition;