        public void Reset(float[,] covar)
            int x, y, n = covar.GetLength(0), m = covar.GetLength(1);

            grid.RowsCount    = m + 1;
            grid.ColumnsCount = n + 1;
            grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Header();
            for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
                grid[0, x + 1] = new  SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(x + 1);
            for (y = 0; y < m; y++)
                grid[y + 1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(y + 1);
            for (x = 0; x < n; x++)
                for (y = 0; y < m; y++)
                    grid[x + 1, y + 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(covar[x, y], typeof(double));
                    grid[x + 1, y + 1].DataModel.EnableEdit = false;
        void ResetGrid()
            lock (this) {
                if (f != null)
                    if (f != oldf || f.Modified)
                        grid.ColumnsCount = 4;
                        grid.RowsCount    = f.p.Length + 1;
                        grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
                        grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
                        grid[0, 2]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
                        grid[0, 3]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
                        for (int i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++)
                            grid[i + 1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(i.ToString());
                            grid[i + 1, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(Fitp[i]);
                            grid[i + 1, 2] = new FpCell(f, i, model);
                            if (CovarianceMatrix == null)
                                grid[i + 1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("", typeof(string));
                                grid[i + 1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(Math.Sqrt(CovarianceMatrix[i, i]), typeof(double));
                            grid[i + 1, 3].DataModel.EnableEdit = false;

                    plength = f.p.Length;
                if (f == null)
                    grid.RowsCount    = 1;
                    grid.ColumnsCount = 4;
                    grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
                    grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
                    grid[0, 2]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
                    grid[0, 3]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
                    Fitp = new bool[0];
        public void Reset(FunctionItem item)
            this.item = item;

            grid.ColumnsCount = 2;
            grid.RowsCount    = item.p.Length + 1;
            grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Header("n");
            grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
            for (int r = 0; r < item.p.Length; r++)
                grid[r + 1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(r);
                grid[r + 1, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(item.p[r], typeof(double));

            grid.Columns[0].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.MinimumSize;
            grid.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.MinimumSize;
        private void frmSample14_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount = 3;
            //grid1.FixedRows = 1;
            grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("String");
            grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("DateTime");
            grid1[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("CheckBox");
            for (int r = 1; r < 10; r++)
                grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("Hello " + r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(DateTime.Today, typeof(DateTime));
                grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(true);

        private void Form4_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int i;

            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount = 5;
            //grid1.FixedRows = 1;
            if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.languageselect == 0)
                grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("名称");
                grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("行");
                grid1[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("列");
                grid1[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("文件名称");
                grid1[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("文件日期");
                grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Name");
                grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Row");
                grid1[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Column");
                grid1[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("File name");
                grid1[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("File date");

            for (int r = 1; r < 2; r++)
                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.languageselect == 0)
                    grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("数据1", typeof(string));
                    grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("First data", typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Rows.Count.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Columns.Count.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Tag, typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(" ", typeof(string));

            for (i = 0; i < grid1.ColumnsCount; i++)
                grid1.Columns[i].Width = (grid1.Width - 30) / grid1.ColumnsCount;


            grid2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid2.ColumnsCount = 6;
            //grid1.FixedRows = 1;
            if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.languageselect == 0)
                grid2[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("X");
                grid2[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Y");
                grid2[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("列");
                grid2[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("名称");
                grid2[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("第一个数据");
                grid2[0, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("位置");
                grid2[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("X");
                grid2[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Y");
                grid2[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Column");
                grid2[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Name");
                grid2[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("First data");
                grid2[0, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Postion");
            for (int r = 1; r < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].ColumnsCount; r++)
                grid2[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(false);
                grid2[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(false);
                grid2[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].m_ColHeaderCell.GetValue(new SourceGrid2.Position(1, r)), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].m_DataCell.GetValue(new SourceGrid2.Position(1, r)), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].m_DataCell.GetValue(new SourceGrid2.Position(4, r)), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(r.ToString(), typeof(string));

            for (i = 0; i < grid2.ColumnsCount; i++)
                grid2.Columns[i].Width = (grid2.Width - 30) / grid2.ColumnsCount;

            timer1.Enabled = true;
        private void Form4_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int i;

            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount = 5;
            //grid1.FixedRows = 1;
            grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("名称");
            grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("行");
            grid1[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("列");
            grid1[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("文件名称");
            grid1[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("文件日期");

            for (int r = 1; r < 2; r++)
                grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("数据1", typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Rows.Count.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Columns.Count.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Tag, typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(" ", typeof(string));

            for (i = 0; i < grid1.ColumnsCount; i++)
                grid1.Columns[i].Width = (grid1.Width - 30) / grid1.ColumnsCount;


            grid2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid2.ColumnsCount = 7;
            //grid1.FixedRows = 1;
            grid2[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("X");
            grid2[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Y");
            grid2[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("列");
            grid2[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("名称");
            grid2[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("第一个数据");
            grid2[0, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("位置");
            grid2[0, 6] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("坐标轴位置");

            string[] l_CmbArr = new string[] { "左侧", "右侧" };

            for (int r = 1; r < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.m_namelist.Count; r++)

                CComLibrary.GlobeVal.g_datatitle[r - 1] = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.m_namelist[r];
                grid2[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(false);
                grid2[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(false);
                grid2[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.m_namelist[r], typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("0", typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 6] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(l_CmbArr[0], typeof(string), l_CmbArr, true);

            for (i = 0; i < grid2.ColumnsCount; i++)
                grid2.Columns[i].Width = (grid2.Width - 30) / grid2.ColumnsCount;

            timer1.Enabled = true;
        private void Form4_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int i;

            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount = 5;
            grid1.FixedRows    = 1;
            grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("名称");
            grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("行");
            grid1[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("列");
            grid1[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("文件名称");
            grid1[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("文件日期");

            for (int r = 1; r < 2; r++)
                grid1[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("数据1", typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Rows.Count.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Columns.Count.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].Tag, typeof(string));
                grid1[r, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(" ", typeof(string));

            for (i = 0; i < grid1.ColumnsCount; i++)
                grid1.Columns[i].Width = (grid1.Width - 30) / grid1.ColumnsCount;


            grid2.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid2.ColumnsCount = 7;
            grid2.FixedRows    = 1;
            grid2[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("X");
            grid2[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Y");
            grid2[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("列");
            grid2[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("名称");
            grid2[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("第一个数据");
            grid2[0, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("位置");
            grid2[0, 6] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("坐标轴位置");

            string[] l_CmbArr = new string[] { "左侧", "右侧" };

            for (int r = 1; r < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].ColumnsCount; r++)

                grid2[r, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(false);

                grid2[r, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(false);
                grid2[r, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].m_ColHeaderCell.GetValue(new SourceGrid2.Position(1, r)), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].m_DataCell.GetValue(new SourceGrid2.Position(1, r)), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.outgrid[0].m_DataCell.GetValue(new SourceGrid2.Position(4, r)), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(r.ToString(), typeof(string));
                grid2[r, 6] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(l_CmbArr[0], typeof(string), l_CmbArr, true);

            for (i = 0; i < grid2.ColumnsCount; i++)
                grid2.Columns[i].Width = (grid2.Width - 30) / grid2.ColumnsCount;

            for (i = 1; i < grid2.RowsCount; i++)
                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.xsel == i)
                    grid2.SetCell(new SourceGrid2.Position(i, 0), new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(true));

                for (int j = 0; j < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.yselcount; j++)
                    if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.ysels[j] == i)
                        grid2.SetCell(new SourceGrid2.Position(i, 1), new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(true));
                        grid2.SetCell(new SourceGrid2.Position(i, 6), new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(l_CmbArr[CComLibrary.GlobeVal.yselpostion[j]], typeof(string), l_CmbArr, true));

            timer1.Enabled = true;
		public void ResetPar() {
			bool fitpok = true;
			lock(this) {
				GraphModel model = graph.Model;
				string name;
				int i;
				name = (string)function.Text;
				f = null;
				for (i = 0; i < model.Items.Count; i++) {
					if ((model.Items[i].name == name) && (model.Items[i] is Function1D) &&
						(((Function1D)model.Items[i]).Fitable())) {
						f = (Function1D)model.Items[i];
				name = (string)data.Text;
				dataItem = null;
				for (i = 0; i < model.Items.Count; i++) {
					if ((model.Items[i].name == name) && (model.Items[i] is DataItem)) {
						dataItem = (DataItem)model.Items[i];
				if (f != null) {
					if (f != oldf || f.Modified) {
						if (f != oldf) {
							fitp = new bool[f.p.Length];
							for (i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++) {
								fitp[i] = true;
						grid.ColumnsCount = 4;
						grid.RowsCount = f.p.Length + 1;
						grid[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
						grid[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
						grid[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
						grid[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
						for (i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++) {
							grid[i+1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(i.ToString());
							grid[i+1, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(fitp[i]);
							grid[i+1, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(f.p[i], typeof(double));
							if (covar == null) {
								grid[i+1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("", typeof(string));
							} else {
								grid[i+1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(Math.Sqrt(covar[i, i]), typeof(double));
							grid[i+1, 3].DataModel.EnableEdit = false;
						covar = null;

					plength = f.p.Length;
				if (f == null) {
					grid.RowsCount = 4;
					grid.ColumnsCount = 1;
					grid[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
					grid[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
					grid[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
					grid[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");

				oldf = f;
				Q.Text = "";
				chisq.Text = "";
				covariance.Enabled = covar != null;
				fitpok = false;
				for (i = 0; i < fitp.Length; i++) {
					if (fitp[i]) fitpok = true;
				start.Enabled = (f != null && data != null && fitpok);
				neval.Text = "";
        public UserControl系统设置()
            tabControl1.ItemSize = new Size(1, 1);
            ms    = new string[2];
            ms[0] = "使用";
            ms[1] = "不使用";

            grid1.RowsCount = 0;
            grid1.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount     = 7;
            grid1.Columns[0].Width = grid1.Width / 7;

            grid1.Columns[1].Width = grid1.Width / 7;
            grid1.Columns[2].Width = grid1.Width / 7;
            grid1.Columns[3].Width = grid1.Width / 7;
            grid1.Columns[4].Width = grid1.Width / 7;
            grid1.Columns[5].Width = grid1.Width / 7;

            grid1.Columns[6].Width = grid1.Width / 7;

            grid1.Columns[6].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.EnableStretch;
            grid1.FixedRows = 1;

            grid1.RowsCount = 0;


            SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader head = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("[硬件通道名称]");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            head.EnableEdit = false;

            grid1[0, 0] = head;

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("[硬件通道量纲]");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            head.EnableEdit = false;
            grid1[0, 1]     = head;

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("[硬件通道单位]");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            head.EnableEdit = false;
            grid1[0, 2]     = head;

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("[硬件通道内部名称]");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            head.EnableEdit = false;
            grid1[0, 3]     = head;

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("硬件通道量程");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 4]     = head;

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("硬件通道闭环控制");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 5]     = head;

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("硬件通道采集方式");
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 6]     = head;

            bool mb = false;

            for (int i = 1; i <= ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals.Count; i++)
                if (GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControl[i - 1] == true)
                    mb = true;

            if (mb == false)
                GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControl[0] = true;

            for (int i = 1; i <= ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals.Count; i++)
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cName, typeof(string));

                grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(

                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.SignalsNames[ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnitKind], typeof(string),
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.SignalsNames, false);

                grid1[i, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnits[
                        ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnitsel], typeof(string),
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnits, false);

                grid1[i, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].SignName, typeof(string));

                grid1[i, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelRange[i - 1], typeof(double));

                grid1[i, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControl[i - 1], typeof(bool));

                grid1[i, 6] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(

                    ms[GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelSamplemode[i - 1]], typeof(string),
                    ms, false);
        public void Init(int sel)
            int i = 0;

            tabControl1.SelectedIndex = sel;

            grid1.RowsCount = 0;
            grid1.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount     = 2;
            grid1.Columns[0].Width = grid1.Width / 2;
            grid1.Columns[1].Width = grid1.Width - grid1.Columns[0].Width - 1;

            grid1.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.EnableStretch;
            grid1.FixedRows = 1;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("系统属性");
                grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("值");
                grid1[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("System property");
                grid1[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Value");

            i = 1;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "软件设置", typeof(string));
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "Software configuration", typeof(string));

#if Demo
            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "演示版", typeof(string));
                labelVersion1.Text = "版本 演示版";

                grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "Demo", typeof(string));
                labelVersion1.Text = "Version: demo ";
            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "完整版", typeof(string));
                labelVersion1.Text = "版本 完整版";
                grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "Full", typeof(string));
                labelVersion1.Text = "Version full";
            i = 2;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "软件到期日期", typeof(string));
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "Software expiration date", typeof(string));

            grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                "3000.1.1", typeof(string));

            i = 3;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "软件编译日期", typeof(string));
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "Date of software compilation", typeof(string));
            string ss = "";

            DateTime dt;

            var version = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version;

            dt = System.IO.File.GetLastWriteTime(this.GetType().Assembly.Location);

            //  AddDays(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Build).AddSeconds(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Revision * 2f);

            ss = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Major.ToString() + "." + Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.Minor.ToString() + "(Build " +
                 dt.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") + ")";

            grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                ss, typeof(string));

            i = 4;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "软件版本", typeof(string));
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    "Software version", typeof(string));

            grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                System.Reflection.Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly().GetName().Version.ToString(), typeof(string));

            /*    i = 5;
             *  grid1.Rows.Insert(i);
             *  grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          "秘钥", typeof(string));
             *  grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          GlobeVal.mysys.KeyCode, typeof(string));
             *  i = 6;
             *  grid1.Rows.Insert(i);
             *  grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          "主机型号", typeof(string));
             *  grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          GlobeVal.mysys.framemodel.ToString(), typeof(string));
             *  i = 7;
             *  grid1.Rows.Insert(i);
             *  grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          "主机序列号", typeof(string));
             *  grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          GlobeVal.mysys.frameserialnumber.ToString(), typeof(string));
             *  i = 8;
             *  grid1.Rows.Insert(i);
             *  grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          "网卡地址", typeof(string));
             *  grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
             *          GlobeVal.mysys.macaddress.ToString(), typeof(string));*/
        private void LoadProjectInfo()
                hshProjects = syncMgr.GetProjects(false);

                gridProjects.FixedRows = 1;
                gridProjects.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

                // create a visual model for right-aligned text with trimming
                SourceGrid2.VisualModels.Common vmEllipsePath = new SourceGrid2.VisualModels.Common();
                vmEllipsePath.StringFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisPath;
                // create a visual model for flat headers
                SourceGrid2.VisualModels.Common vmHeader = new SourceGrid2.VisualModels.FlatHeader();
                vmHeader.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(228, 229, 237);
                SourceGrid2.BehaviorModels.Header bmHeader = new SourceGrid2.BehaviorModels.Header();

                // set up the header row

                // set up the columns
                gridProjects.Columns.Insert(0);                 // hidden sync project full path
                gridProjects[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("", vmHeader, bmHeader);

                gridProjects.Columns.Insert(1);                 // check box column
                gridProjects[0, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Sync?", vmHeader, bmHeader);

                gridProjects.Columns.Insert(2);                 // project name
                gridProjects[0, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Project Name", vmHeader, bmHeader);

                gridProjects.Columns.Insert(3);                 // sync folder short for display
                gridProjects[0, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("Outlook Sync Folder", vmHeader, bmHeader);

                gridProjects.Columns.Insert(4);                 // browse button
                gridProjects[0, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("", vmHeader, bmHeader);


                if (hshProjects == null)

                // add rows for projects
                int iRow = 0;
                foreach (ProjectInfo projInfo in hshProjects.Values)

                    // add row
                    if (!hshProjRows.Contains(projInfo.ProjID))
                        hshProjRows.Add(projInfo.ProjID, iRow);

                    // add each cell individually
                    // sync folder path
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_SyncFolderFull] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(projInfo.SyncFolder);
                    // checkbox for sync enabled
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_SyncEnabled] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(projInfo.SyncEnabled);
                    // project name
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_ProjName] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(projInfo.ProjectName);
                    // sync folder short
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_SyncFolder]             = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(projInfo.SyncFolderShort);
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_SyncFolder].VisualModel = vmEllipsePath;
                    // browse button
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_BrowseButton] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Button("...", new SourceGrid2.PositionEventHandler(BrowseOutlookFolders_Click));
                    FlatHeader vm = new FlatHeader();
                    vm.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(228, 229, 237);
                    gridProjects[iRow, col_BrowseButton].VisualModel = vm;

                    // TODO: NEXT VERSION ... add a hidden row for additional project settings that displays when
                    //       the main project row is selected
            catch (System.Exception ex)
                ErrorHandler.PublishError(ex, syncMgr.Logger);
        public void initgrid()
            ms = new string[20];

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                ms[0] = "内部";
                for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
                    ms[i] = "外部通道" + (i).ToString().Trim();

                ms1    = new string[2];
                ms1[0] = "通道1";
                ms1[1] = "通道2";
                ms[0] = "Inside";
                for (int i = 1; i <= 16; i++)
                    ms[i] = "External channel" + (i).ToString().Trim();

                ms1    = new string[2];
                ms1[0] = "Station 1";
                ms1[1] = "Station 2";

            grid1.RowsCount = 0;
            grid1.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

            grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;

            grid1.ColumnsCount     = 8;
            grid1.Columns[0].Width = grid1.Width / 8;

            grid1.Columns[1].Width = grid1.Width / 8;
            grid1.Columns[2].Width = grid1.Width / 8;
            grid1.Columns[3].Width = grid1.Width / 8;
            grid1.Columns[4].Width = grid1.Width / 8;
            grid1.Columns[5].Width = grid1.Width / 8;
            grid1.Columns[6].Width = grid1.Width / 8;

            grid1.Columns[7].Width = grid1.Width - grid1.Columns[0].Width - 1;

            grid1.Columns[7].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.EnableStretch;
            grid1.FixedRows = 1;

            string _temp = "";

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道名称]";
                _temp = "[hardware channel name]";

            SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader head = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;

            grid1[0, 0] = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道量纲]";
                _temp = "[hardware channel dimension]";
            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;

            grid1[0, 1] = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道单位]";
                _temp = "[Hardware channel unit]";

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;
            head.EnableEdit = false;
            grid1[0, 2]     = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道内部名称]";
                _temp = "[Hardware channel internal name]";
            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;
            head.EnableEdit = false;
            grid1[0, 3]     = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道量程]";
                _temp = "[Hardware channel range]";

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 4]     = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道闭环控制]";
                _temp = "[Hardware channel closed loop control]";

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 5]     = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件通道采集方式]";
                _temp = "[Hardware channel acquisition mode]";

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 6]     = head;

            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                _temp = "[硬件控制通道]";
                _temp = "[Hardware control channel]";

            head            = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(_temp);
            head.EnableSort = false;
            grid1[0, 7]     = head;

            bool mb = false;

            for (int i = 1; i <= ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals.Count; i++)
                if (GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControl[i - 1] == true)
                    mb = true;

            if (mb == false)
                GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControl[0] = true;

            for (int i = 1; i <= ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals.Count; i++)
                grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelName[i - 1], typeof(string));

                grid1[i, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(

                    //  ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.SignalsNames[ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnitKind], typeof(string),
                    // ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.SignalsNames, false);

                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.SignalsNames[GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelDimension[i - 1]], typeof(string),
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.SignalsNames, false);

                grid1[i, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnits[
                        ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnitsel], typeof(string),
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].cUnits, false);

                grid1[i, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    ClsStaticStation.m_Global.mycls.chsignals[i - 1].SignName, typeof(string));

                grid1[i, 4] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelRange[i - 1], typeof(double));

                grid1[i, 5] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                    GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControl[i - 1], typeof(bool));

                grid1[i, 6] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(

                    ms[GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelSamplemode[i - 1]], typeof(string),
                    ms, false);

                grid1[i, 7] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ComboBox(

                    ms1[GlobeVal.mysys.ChannelControlChannel[i - 1]], typeof(string),
                    ms1, false);
        public void Init格式()
            if (GlobeVal.mysys.language == 0)
                toolStripCboElement.Items.Add("Title bar");
                toolStripCboElement.Items.Add("Fixed column");
            toolStripCboElement.SelectedIndex = 0;

            if (resulttab == 0)
                grid1.RowsCount = 0;

                grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
                grid1.AutoStretchRowsToFitHeight = true;
                grid1.ColumnsCount = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1.Count + 2;

                grid1.FixedRows    = 1;
                grid1.FixedColumns = 1;
                grid1.Rows[0].Height = 30;

                SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader boldHeader = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader();
                boldHeader.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderFont.FontFamily,
                boldHeader.EnableSort    = false;
                boldHeader.WordWrap      = true;
                boldHeader.Value         = "";
                boldHeader.TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderAlignment;
                boldHeader.BackColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderBackColor;
                boldHeader.ForeColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderForeColor;

                grid1[0, 0] = boldHeader;

                for (int i = 0; i < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1.Count; i++)
                    boldHeader      = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader();
                    boldHeader.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderFont.FontFamily,
                    boldHeader.EnableSort = false;
                    boldHeader.WordWrap   = true;
                    if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[i].apply == false)
                        boldHeader.Value = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[i].formulaname + "(" +
                            CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[i].myitemsignal.cUnitsel] + ")";
                        boldHeader.Value = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[i].formulaexplain + "(" +
                            CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[i].myitemsignal.cUnitsel] + ")";
                    boldHeader.TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderAlignment;
                    boldHeader.BackColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderBackColor;
                    boldHeader.ForeColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderForeColor;

                    grid1[0, 1 + i] = boldHeader;

                boldHeader      = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader();
                boldHeader.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderFont.FontFamily,
                boldHeader.EnableSort = false;
                boldHeader.WordWrap   = true;
                boldHeader.Value      = "";
                boldHeader.BackColor  = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderBackColor;
                boldHeader.ForeColor  = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderForeColor;

                grid1[0, CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1.Count + 1] = boldHeader;

                int mw = grid1.Width / grid1.ColumnsCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < grid1.ColumnsCount; i++)
                    grid1.Columns[i].Width = mw - 1;

                grid1.Columns[grid1.ColumnsCount - 1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.EnableStretch;

                grid1.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

                for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)

                    grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Button(
                    (grid1[i, 0] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Button).Value = i.ToString();

                    SourceGrid2.VisualModels.MultiImages view = new SourceGrid2.VisualModels.MultiImages();
                    view.BackColor = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableColPara.ColBackColor;
                    view.ForeColor = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableColPara.ColForeColor;

                    view.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableColPara.ColFont.FontFamily,

                    if ((i == 2) || (i == 3))
                        if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.showvalidspe == true)
                            view.Image = imageList1.Images[1];
                            view.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
                        view.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
                    view.TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableColPara.ColAlignment;

                    grid1[i, 0].VisualModel = view;

                    for (int j = 0; j < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1.Count; j++)
                        float  t = 0;
                        string s = t.ToString("F" + CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[j].myitemsignal.precise.ToString().Trim());

                        if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol1[j].myitemsignal.cUnitKind == 19)
                            s = "";

                        grid1[i, 1 + j] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                            s, typeof(string));
                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableGridPara.GridAlignment;
                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).BackColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableGridPara.GridBackColor;
                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).ForeColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableGridPara.GridForeColor;

                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.mTableGridPara.GridFont.FontFamily,

                    grid1[i, grid1.ColumnsCount - 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                        "", typeof(string));

                chkspe.Checked = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.showvalidspe;
                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.statisticssel == 0)
                    this.radioButton1.Checked = true;
                    this.radioButton2.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton3.Checked = false;
                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.statisticssel == 1)
                    this.radioButton1.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton2.Checked = true;
                    this.radioButton3.Checked = false;

                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.statisticssel == 2)
                    this.radioButton1.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton2.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton3.Checked = true;

            if (resulttab == 1)
                grid1.RowsCount = 0;

                grid1.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
                grid1.AutoStretchRowsToFitHeight = true;
                grid1.ColumnsCount = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2.Count + 2;

                grid1.FixedRows    = 1;
                grid1.FixedColumns = 1;

                grid1.Rows[0].Height = 30;

                SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader boldHeader = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader();
                boldHeader.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderFont.FontFamily,
                boldHeader.EnableSort    = false;
                boldHeader.WordWrap      = true;
                boldHeader.Value         = "";
                boldHeader.TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderAlignment;
                boldHeader.BackColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderBackColor;
                boldHeader.ForeColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderForeColor;

                grid1[0, 0] = boldHeader;

                for (int i = 0; i < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2.Count; i++)
                    boldHeader      = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader();
                    boldHeader.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderFont.FontFamily,
                    boldHeader.EnableSort = false;
                    boldHeader.WordWrap   = true;

                    if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2[i].apply == false)
                        boldHeader.Value = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2[i].formulaname + "(" +
                            CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2[i].myitemsignal.cUnitsel] + ")";
                        boldHeader.Value = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2[i].formulaexplain + "(" +
                            CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2[i].myitemsignal.cUnitsel] + ")";
                    boldHeader.TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderAlignment;
                    boldHeader.BackColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderBackColor;
                    boldHeader.ForeColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderForeColor;

                    grid1[0, 1 + i] = boldHeader;

                boldHeader      = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader();
                boldHeader.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderFont.FontFamily,
                boldHeader.EnableSort = false;
                boldHeader.WordWrap   = true;
                boldHeader.Value      = "";
                boldHeader.BackColor  = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderBackColor;
                boldHeader.ForeColor  = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableHeaderPara.HeaderForeColor;

                grid1[0, CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2.Count + 1] = boldHeader;

                int mw = grid1.Width / grid1.ColumnsCount;

                for (int i = 0; i < grid1.ColumnsCount; i++)
                    grid1.Columns[i].Width = mw - 1;

                grid1.Columns[grid1.ColumnsCount - 1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.EnableStretch;

                grid1.AutoStretchColumnsToFitWidth = true;

                for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++)

                    grid1[i, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Button(
                    (grid1[i, 0] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Button).Value = i.ToString();

                    SourceGrid2.VisualModels.MultiImages view = new SourceGrid2.VisualModels.MultiImages();
                    view.BackColor = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableColPara.ColBackColor;
                    view.ForeColor = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableColPara.ColForeColor;

                    view.Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableColPara.ColFont.FontFamily,

                    if ((i == 2) || (i == 3))
                        if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable1para.showvalidspe == true)
                            view.Image = imageList1.Images[1];
                            view.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
                        view.Image = imageList1.Images[0];
                    view.TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableColPara.ColAlignment;

                    grid1[i, 0].VisualModel = view;

                    for (int j = 0; j < CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtablecol2.Count; j++)
                        grid1[i, 1 + j] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                            "0.000", typeof(string));
                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).TextAlignment = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableGridPara.GridAlignment;
                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).BackColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableGridPara.GridBackColor;
                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).ForeColor     = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableGridPara.GridForeColor;

                        (grid1[i, 1 + j] as SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell).Font = new Font(CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.mTableGridPara.GridFont.FontFamily,

                    grid1[i, grid1.ColumnsCount - 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(
                        "", typeof(string));

                chkspe.Checked = CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.showvalidspe;
                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.statisticssel == 0)
                    this.radioButton1.Checked = true;
                    this.radioButton2.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton3.Checked = false;
                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.statisticssel == 1)
                    this.radioButton1.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton2.Checked = true;
                    this.radioButton3.Checked = false;

                if (CComLibrary.GlobeVal.filesave.mtable2para.statisticssel == 2)
                    this.radioButton1.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton2.Checked = false;
                    this.radioButton3.Checked = true;
		public void Reset(FunctionItem item) {
			this.item = item;

			grid.ColumnsCount = 2;
			grid.RowsCount = item.p.Length + 1;
			grid[0,0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Header("n");
			grid[0,1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
			for (int r = 0; r < item.p.Length; r++) {
				grid[r+1,0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(r);
				grid[r+1,1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(item.p[r], typeof(double));

			grid.Columns[0].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.MinimumSize;
			grid.Columns[1].AutoSizeMode = SourceGrid2.AutoSizeMode.MinimumSize;
		public void Reset(float[,] covar) {
			int x, y, n = covar.GetLength(0), m = covar.GetLength(1);
			grid.RowsCount = m+1;
			grid.ColumnsCount = n+1;
			grid[0, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Header();
			for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
				grid[0, x+1] = new  SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader(x+1);
			for (y = 0; y < m; y++) {
				grid[y+1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(y+1);
			for (x = 0; x < n; x++) {
				for (y = 0; y < m; y++) {
					grid[x+1, y+1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(covar[x, y], typeof(double));
					grid[x+1, y+1].DataModel.EnableEdit = false;
        public void ResetPar()
            bool fitpok = true;

            lock (this) {
                GraphModel model = graph.Model;
                string     name;
                int        i;
                name = (string)function.Text;
                f    = null;
                for (i = 0; i < model.Items.Count; i++)
                    if ((model.Items[i].name == name) && (model.Items[i] is Function1D) &&
                        f = (Function1D)model.Items[i];
                name     = (string)data.Text;
                dataItem = null;
                for (i = 0; i < model.Items.Count; i++)
                    if ((model.Items[i].name == name) && (model.Items[i] is DataItem))
                        dataItem = (DataItem)model.Items[i];
                if (f != null)
                    if (f != oldf || f.Modified)
                        if (f != oldf)
                            fitp = new bool[f.p.Length];
                            for (i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++)
                                fitp[i] = true;
                        grid.ColumnsCount = 4;
                        grid.RowsCount    = f.p.Length + 1;
                        grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
                        grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
                        grid[0, 2]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
                        grid[0, 3]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
                        for (i = 0; i < f.p.Length; i++)
                            grid[i + 1, 0] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.RowHeader(i.ToString());
                            grid[i + 1, 1] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.CheckBox(fitp[i]);
                            grid[i + 1, 2] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(f.p[i], typeof(double));
                            if (covar == null)
                                grid[i + 1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell("", typeof(string));
                                grid[i + 1, 3] = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.Cell(Math.Sqrt(covar[i, i]), typeof(double));
                            grid[i + 1, 3].DataModel.EnableEdit = false;
                        covar = null;

                    plength = f.p.Length;
                if (f == null)
                    grid.RowsCount    = 4;
                    grid.ColumnsCount = 1;
                    grid[0, 0]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("n");
                    grid[0, 1]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("fit");
                    grid[0, 2]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("p[n]");
                    grid[0, 3]        = new SourceGrid2.Cells.Real.ColumnHeader("±Δp[n]");
                oldf               = f;
                Q.Text             = "";
                chisq.Text         = "";
                covariance.Enabled = covar != null;
                fitpok             = false;
                for (i = 0; i < fitp.Length; i++)
                    if (fitp[i])
                        fitpok = true;
                start.Enabled = (f != null && data != null && fitpok);
                neval.Text    = "";