         * Draw label with potential dropshadow
        public override void Draw()
            SmartUI.Color = Color;

            if (EnableBackground)
                SmartUI.Draw(Bounds, Style);

            SmartUI.Color = Color.white;

            if (FauxEdge)
                // SmartUI has quite slow shadowing as it has to go in an modify all the color codes.  So I use my own cached one here.
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds.Translated(new Vector2(ShadowDistance, ShadowDistance)), shadowCaption, Style);
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds.Translated(new Vector2(-ShadowDistance, ShadowDistance)), shadowCaption, Style);
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds.Translated(new Vector2(-ShadowDistance, -ShadowDistance)), shadowCaption, Style);
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds.Translated(new Vector2(ShadowDistance, -ShadowDistance)), shadowCaption, Style);
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds, colorisedCaption, Style);
            else if (DropShadow)
                // SmartUI has quite slow shadowing as it has to go in an modify all the color codes.  So I use my own cached one here.
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds.Translated(new Vector2(ShadowDistance, ShadowDistance)), shadowCaption, Style);
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds, colorisedCaption, Style);
                SmartUI.Text(ContentsBounds, colorisedCaption, Style);

            SmartUI.Color = Color.white;