public SlidesResponse GetContentChannel(string id)
            var rockContext           = new RockContext();
            var contentChannelService = new ContentChannelService(rockContext);
            var response = new SlidesResponse();

            var contentChannel = contentChannelService.Get(id.AsInteger());

            if (contentChannel != null)
                response.Contents = GetContentChannelItems(new List <int>(), contentChannel, rockContext);


        public SlidesResponse GetSlides(string id)
            var rockContext           = new RockContext();
            var deviceService         = new DeviceService(rockContext);
            var scheduleService       = new ScheduleService(rockContext);
            var contentChannelService = new ContentChannelService(rockContext);
            var response = new SlidesResponse();

            Device device = deviceService.Get(id.AsInteger());

            if (device != null)
                var campuses = device.Locations.Select(l => l.CampusId).Where(c => c.HasValue && c.Value != 0).Select(c => c.Value).ToList();

                var definedValueGuids = device.GetAttributeValue("com_shepherdchurch_ContentSchedules").SplitDelimitedValues().AsGuidList();
                List <DefinedValueCache> definedValues = new List <DefinedValueCache>();

                // Build a list of the cached defined values so we can then sort by Order.
                foreach (var definedValueGuid in definedValueGuids)
                    var definedValue = DefinedValueCache.Get(definedValueGuid);

                    if (definedValue != null)

                // Check each defined value they have selected on this device and look for the
                // first one that is active.
                foreach (var definedValue in definedValues.OrderBy(d => d.Order))
                    var contentChannel = contentChannelService.Get(definedValue.GetAttributeValue("com_shepherdchurch_ContentChannel").AsGuid());

                    if (contentChannel != null)
                        var  schedules      = definedValue.GetAttributeValues("com_shepherdchurch_Schedules").AsGuidList();
                        bool scheduleActive = false;

                        // Check if either no schedules (match by default) or any single schedule
                        // is currently active.
                        if (!schedules.Any())
                            scheduleActive = true;
                            foreach (var guid in schedules)
                                var schedule = scheduleService.Get(guid);

                                if (schedule.WasScheduleActive(RockDateTime.Now))
                                    scheduleActive = true;

                        // If the schedule is active, then this is the content channel we are going
                        // to work with. Build our list of image URLs and audio URLs.
                        if (scheduleActive)
                            response.Contents = GetContentChannelItems(campuses, contentChannel, rockContext);


