        public static string CreateAndUpdateShipment(string type, int customerID, int sellerStorageID, int receiveStorageID,
                                                     double pricePerG, string productIds)
            db = new Database();

            string shipment = ShipmentTable.CreateAndUpdateShipment(type, customerID, sellerStorageID, receiveStorageID,
                                                                    pricePerG, productIds, db);

        static void Main(string[] args)
            Database db = new Database();


            /***1.1 Vloženie užívateľa***/
            Address a1 = new Address("Bratislava", "Lomnická 9");

            a1.Id = AddressTable.SelectMaxId(db);

            Person p1 = new Person("Lukáš", "Náhodný", "1996-10-12", "+421" + RandomString("number", 9),
                                   RandomString("word", 5) + "@email.com", "muz", a1, a1.Id);

            p1.Id = PersonTable.SelectMaxId(db);

            User u1 = new User((p1.LastName.Substring(0, 3) + RandomString("number", 4)).ToLower(),
                               "courier", p1, p1.Id);

            u1.Id = UserTable.SelectMaxId(db);

            /***1.2 Aktualizácia užívateľa***/
            p1.LastName = "Aktualizovaný";
            u1.Login = (p1.LastName.Substring(0, 3) + RandomString("number", 4)).ToLower();

            /***1.3 Zrušenie užívateľa**/
            //int UserToDelete = 15;
            //Console.WriteLine("User with ID " + UserToDelete + " has been deleted." );
            //Console.WriteLine(" ");

            List <Shipment> Shipments2 = ShipmentTable.SelectAllShipments(db);

            foreach (var shipment in Shipments2)

            /*List<Shipment> ShipmentsD = ShipmentTable.SelectShipmentDetail(21,db);
             * foreach (var shipment in ShipmentsD)
             * {
             *  Console.WriteLine(shipment.Id.ToString() +  shipment.Type + " " + shipment.Price + " " + shipment.DeliveryPrice + " " +
             *      shipment.Weight + " " + shipment.OrderTime + " " + shipment.DeliveryTime);
             * }*/

            /**1.4 Zoznam užívateľov**/
            List <User> Users = UserTable.SelectUsers(db);

            Console.WriteLine("(1.4)User list");

            foreach (var user in Users)
                Console.WriteLine("  " + user.Id + "  " + user.Person.FullName + " " + user.Login + "   " +
                                  user.Type + " " + user.Person.Email + " " + user.Person.Address.City + "...");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***1.5 Detail užívateľa***/
            User UserDetail = UserTable.SelectUser(p1.Id, db);

            Console.WriteLine("(1.5)User detail with ID: " + p1.Id + " " + UserDetail.Person.FullName + " " +
                              UserDetail.Login + " " + UserDetail.Type + " " + UserDetail.Person.Address.City + "....");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***2.1 Zoznam neskoro doručených zásielok (podľa id kuriéra)***/
            int             CourierToCheckId = 3;
            List <Shipment> LateShipments    = ShipmentTable.SelectLateShipmentsByCourierId(CourierToCheckId, db);

            Console.WriteLine("(2.1)Late shipments by courier id");

            foreach (var shipment in LateShipments)
                Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id.ToString() + " with " + shipment.Delay.ToString() + " day(s) delay. " + "Delivered " +
                                  shipment.Delivered + " instead of " + shipment.DeliveryTime);
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***2.2 Ukončené zásielky***/
            string StateToCheck = "zrusena zakaznikom"; /*vyzdvihnuta, nevyzdvihnuta*/

            ;           List <Shipment> DoneShipments = ShipmentTable.SelectDoneShipmentsByState(StateToCheck, db);
            Console.WriteLine("(2.2)Done shipments by state");

            foreach (var shipment in DoneShipments)
                Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id + " done at " + shipment.DoneAt);
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***2.3 Nedoručené zásielky***/
            int             IdOfCourierChecking = 5;
            List <Shipment> NotDoneShipments    = ShipmentTable.SelectNotDoneShipmentsByCourierId(IdOfCourierChecking, db);

            Console.WriteLine("(2.3)My shipments to deliver");

            foreach (var shipment in NotDoneShipments)
                Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id + " should be delivered at " + shipment.DeliveryTime +
                                  " to " + shipment.Person.FullName);
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***2.4 Počet jednotlivých zásielok pre ich stavy (u každého kuriéra)***/
            List <User> ShipmentsByState = ShipmentTable.SelectShipmentsByState(db);

            Console.WriteLine("(2.4)Shipment count by its state with courierID");
            Console.WriteLine(" " + "Courier ID" + "   Picked   Not Picked   Canceled   On way");

            foreach (var user in ShipmentsByState)
                Console.WriteLine("      " + user.Id + "         " + user.CourPicked + "         " + user.CourNotPicked
                                  + "            " + user.CourCanceled + "         " + user.CourOnWay);
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***2.5 Aktuálne meškajúce zásielky (kuriéra)***/
            List <Shipment> CurrLateShipments = ShipmentTable.SelectCurrLateShipmentsByCourierId(7, db);

            Console.WriteLine("(2.5)My currently late shipments");

            foreach (var shipment in CurrLateShipments)
                Console.WriteLine(" " + shipment.Id + " should be delivered " + shipment.Delay + " day(s) ago.");
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***3.3 Vloženie novej zásielky a automatická aktualizácia cien a váhy***/
            Console.WriteLine("(3.3)Adding new shipment...");
            Person p2 = new Person("Neregistrovaný", "Užívateľ", "1996-10-12", "+421" + RandomString("number", 9),
                                   RandomString("word", 5) + "@email.com", "muz", a1, a1.Id);

            p2.Id = PersonTable.SelectMaxId(db);

            string productIds            = "4,5,6"; /* ID produtkov, ktoré si užívateľ vyberie v rozhraní*/;
            String CreateAndUpdateResult = ShipmentTable.CreateAndUpdateShipment("Test funkcie 3.3.", p2.Id, 1, 4, 2, productIds, db);

            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***3.4 Automatická aktualizácia ceny doručenia pri oneskorenom doručení a upozornenie zákazníka o tejto udalosti***/
            Console.WriteLine("(3.4)Updating shipment delivery prices and sending notifications...");
            Console.WriteLine(ShipmentTable.LateShipNotificationAndUpdate("Ospravedlňujeme sa za meškanie vašej zásielky.", db));
            Console.WriteLine(" ");

            /***3.5 História a pohyb zásielky***/
            String Updated = ShipmentTable.HistoryAndMovement(11122, "zrusena zakaznikom", 4, db);

            Console.WriteLine("(3.5) " + Updated);

