public async Task FetchUsers() { if (this.loading) { return; } this.loading = true; Debug.WriteLine("fetch"); this.session = await this.repository.GetByKeyAsync(this.Key); Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => { try { this.UpdateItemCollection(this.session.Items); this.UpdateUserCollection(this.session.Users); } catch (Exception e) { e.ToString(); } }); this.loading = false; }
// GET api/price public PriceDTO Post([FromBody] SessionDTO SessionDTO, string id) { Cookie cookie = new Cookie("JSESSIONID", SessionDTO.sessionId); cookie.Domain = ""; return(BdzWebsiteUtilities.BDZWebsiteUtilities.ParcePrice(id, cookie)); }
public ActionResult PromotionBatch(StudentVM studView) { bool isSuccess = false; int loggedInUser; DateTime date; string status;// right now hard coded if (studView != null) { SessionDTO sessionRet = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession();//Get Data from User Seesion status = "Promotion Confirmed"; loggedInUser = sessionRet.UserMasterId; if (status != null && loggedInUser != 0) { isSuccess = _studSvc.UpdatePromotedStudents(loggedInUser, status); if (isSuccess) { date = DateTime.Now; studView.SuccessOrFailureMessage = "The students of all classes have been promoted for academic year" + (int)(date.Year - 1) + "/" + (date.Year); studView.MsgColor = "green"; } else { studView.SuccessOrFailureMessage = "All students have not been Promoted yet"; studView.MsgColor = "red"; } } } return(View(studView)); }
public JsonResult Visualize(GraphDTO graph) { ResultDTO result = new ResultDTO(); try { var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath(uploadFolder),; SessionDTO session = new SessionDTO { groundItem = (List <VariableItem>)Session["groundItem"], groundVariable = (Variable)Session["groundVariable"], resistivityItem = (List <VariableItem>)Session["resistivityItem"], resistivityVariable = (Variable)Session["resistivityVariable"], rule = (Rule)Session["rule"], ruleList = (List <RuleList>)Session["ruleList"], ruleListItem = (List <RuleListItem>)Session["ruleListItem"], rules = (List <RuleListText>)Session["rules"], variables = (List <Variable>)Session["variables"], variableItems = (List <VariableItem>)Session["variableItems"] }; Rule rule = (Rule)Session["rule"]; List <VariableItem> variableItems = (List <VariableItem>)Session["variableItems"]; result = _graphManager.VisualizeEDR(graph, path, session); //result = _graphManager.Visualize(graph, path, session); return(Json(new { Success = result.Success, Message = result.Message, ResultObject = result.ResultObject }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { return(Json(new { Success = result.Success, Message = ex.Message, ResultObject = result.ResultObject, Exception = ex.ToString() }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } }
public ActionResult PostLogin(User _User) { try { SessionDTO dto = new SessionDTO(); User obj = new UserBL().GetActiveUserList(db).Where(x => x.Email.ToLower() == _User.Email.ToLower() && x.Password == _User.Password).FirstOrDefault(); if (obj != null) { dto.Id = obj.Id; dto.Name = obj.FirstName + " " + obj.LastName; dto.Email = obj.Email; dto.Role = (int)obj.Role; Session["Session"] = dto; if (obj.Role == 1) { return(RedirectToAction("AdminDashBoard", "Admin")); } else { return(RedirectToAction("UserDashBoard", "User")); } } else { return(RedirectToAction("Login", new { msg = "Match not found", color = "Red" })); } } catch { return(RedirectToAction("Error", new { msg = "search for the page was not found", color = "Red" })); } }
public void AddSession(SessionDTO sessionDTO) { var session = MapperExtension.mapper.Map <SessionDTO, Session>(sessionDTO); _db.Sessions.Add(session); _db.SaveChanges(); }
public void EditSession(SessionDTO sessionDTO) { var session = MapperExtension.mapper.Map <SessionDTO, Session>(sessionDTO); _db.Entry(_db.Sessions.Find(sessionDTO.SessionId)).CurrentValues.SetValues(session); _db.SaveChanges(); }
/// <summary> /// Create Claims based on User data. /// </summary> /// <param name="session">SessionDTO</param> /// <returns>Array of Claim</returns> private Claim[] SetClaims(SessionDTO session) { return(new[] { new Claim("Session", session.SessionId.ToString()) }); }
public ServiceResult SessionDelete(SessionDTO dto) { var session = _uow.GetRepository <Session>().Get(dto.Id); session.IsDeleted = true; session.IsActive = false; session.UserId = Guid.NewGuid(); ServiceResult result; _uow.BeginTran(); try { Session islemYapildiMi = _uow.GetRepository <Session>().Update(session); if (islemYapildiMi != null) { _lc.AddLog <Session>(session, ProcessTypeEnum.Delete, session.Id); _uow.Commit(); result = new ServiceResult("İşlem başarılı", ResultState.Success); } else { result = new ServiceResult("Yapılacak bir işlem kaydına rastlanmadı.", ResultState.Warning); } } catch (Exception ex) { _uow.Rollback(); result = new ServiceResult("Hata", ResultState.Error); } return(result); }
public async Task <bool> EditSessionAsync(SessionDTO session) { var path = Properties.Resources.editSessionPath; var result = await _apiHelper.Put(path, session); return(result != null && result.ResponseType == ResponseType.Success); }
private void FetchUsers_fetches_session_and_calls_UpdateItemCollection_and_updates_Items() { var client = new Mock <ISessionClient>(); var items = new List <ItemDTO> { new ItemDTO { Title = "Test", Description = "Test" } }; var session = new SessionDTO { Items = items, SessionKey = "1234567" }; client.Setup(s => s.GetByKeyAsync(session.SessionKey)).ReturnsAsync(session); var lobbyViewModel = new LobbyViewModel(client.Object); lobbyViewModel.UpdateItemCollection(session.Items); Assert.Equal(session.Items.Count, lobbyViewModel.Items.Count); }
private void dataGrid_Selection(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (executedFirstTime) { executedFirstTime = false; return; } try { //int selectedIndex = ; if (dataGridViewSessions.SelectedRows[0].Index != -1) { if (dataGridViewSessions.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value != null) { int id = int.Parse(dataGridViewSessions.SelectedRows[0].Cells[0].Value.ToString()); selectedSession = new SessionDTO(); selectedSession = sessionService.GetSession(id); Console.WriteLine(id); #region Set data to Fields #endregion btnUpdate.Enabled = true; btnDelete.Enabled = true; btnView.Enabled = true; } } } catch (ArgumentOutOfRangeException es) { Console.WriteLine(es.Message); } }
public async Task GetCurrentItem_given_not_started_session_returns_badrequest() { var cache = new MemoryCache(new MemoryCacheOptions()); var sessionRepo = new Mock <ISessionRepository>(); var token = CreateUserState(cache, 42, "ABC1234"); var mockSession = new SessionDTO { Id = 42, Items = new List <ItemDTO> { new ItemDTO { Rounds = new List <RoundDTO>() } }, SessionKey = "ABC1234", Users = new List <UserDTO>() }; sessionRepo.Setup(s => s.FindByKeyAsync(It.IsAny <string>())) .ReturnsAsync(mockSession); var controller = new SessionController(sessionRepo.Object, cache, null); var result = await controller.GetCurrentItem(token, "ABC1234"); Assert.IsType <BadRequestResult>(result.Result); }
// adds a Session public void Add(SessionDTO sessionDTO) { Session miSes = new Session(); miSes.Sessid = sessionDTO.sessid.ToString(); miSes.Sesstart = sessionDTO.sesstart; miSes.Sesstoken = sessionDTO.sesstoken; miSes.Sessuser = sessionDTO.sessuser; miSes.Sessend = sessionDTO.sessend; _context.Session.Add(miSes); // modifica firstSession y/o lastsession en usuario User miUser = new User(); miUser = _context.User.Single(u => u.Id == miSes.Sessuser); if (miUser.FirstLogin != null) { miUser.LastLogin = DateTime.Now; } else { miUser.FirstLogin = DateTime.Now; miUser.LastLogin = DateTime.Now; }; _context.Update(miUser); _context.SaveChanges(); }
private IList <MenuDTO> GetMenu() { grdMenu.BlockUI(false); IList <MenuDTO> lLstObjResult = null; try { SecurityServicesFactory mObjSecurityServiceFactory = new SecurityServicesFactory(); SessionDTO lObjSession = StaticSessionUtility.GetCurrentSession() as SessionDTO; if (IsActiveSecurity() || !IsTestMode()) { lLstObjResult = mObjSecurityServiceFactory.GetPermissionService().GetSystemMenu(lObjSession.Id); } else { lLstObjResult = mObjSecurityServiceFactory.GetPermissionService().GetTestSystemMenu(); } } catch (Exception lObjException) { this.Dispatcher.Invoke(() => { CustomMessageBox.Show("Error", lObjException.Message); }); } finally { grdMenu.UnblockUI(); } return(lLstObjResult); }
public async Task <SessionDTO> Create(SessionDTO dto) { var session = new Session() { DeviceID = dto.DeviceID, SessionStart = DateTime.Now, UserID = dto.UserID, }; var user = await _context.Users.FindAsync(dto.UserID); user.IsInSession = true; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); var device = await _context.Devices.FindAsync(dto.DeviceID); device.Available = false; await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); await _context.Sessions.AddAsync(session); await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); return(dto); }
public ActionResult MyTransactions(Models.TransactionViewModel trVM) { SessionDTO session = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); trVM.User = new UserMasterDTO(); trVM.User.UserMasterId = session.UserMasterId; StatusDTO <List <TransactionLogDTO> > status = _transactionLog.Select(trVM); if (status.IsSuccess) { trVM.SearchResult = new List <Models.TransactionViewModel>(); if (status.ReturnObj != null && status.ReturnObj.Count > 0) { Models.TransactionViewModel trSR = null; for (int i = 0; i < status.ReturnObj.Count; i++) { trSR = new Models.TransactionViewModel(); trSR.User = new UserMasterDTO(); trSR.User.FName = status.ReturnObj[i].User.FName; trSR.User.MName = status.ReturnObj[i].User.MName; trSR.User.LName = status.ReturnObj[i].User.LName; trSR.TransactionLogId = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionLogId; trSR.TransactionDate = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionDate; trSR.TransactionDueDate = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionDueDate; trSR.ParentTransactionLogId = status.ReturnObj[i].ParentTransactionLogId; trSR.IsCompleted = status.ReturnObj[i].IsCompleted; trSR.CompletedOn = status.ReturnObj[i].CompletedOn; trSR.AmountImposed = status.ReturnObj[i].AmountImposed; trSR.AmountGiven = status.ReturnObj[i].AmountGiven; trSR.DueAmount = status.ReturnObj[i].DueAmount; trSR.TransferMode = status.ReturnObj[i].TransferMode; trSR.Location = status.ReturnObj[i].Location; trSR.TransactionType = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionType; trSR.HasPenalty = status.ReturnObj[i].HasPenalty; trSR.OriginalTransLog = status.ReturnObj[i].OriginalTransLog; trSR.TransactionRule = status.ReturnObj[i].TransactionRule; trVM.SearchResult.Add(trSR); } } else { trVM.Message = new MvcHtmlString("No related transaction record found."); } } else { trVM.SearchResult = null; trVM.Message = new MvcHtmlString("Query returned with error."); } Helpers.UIDropDownRepo uiDDLRepo = new Helpers.UIDropDownRepo(_ddlRepo); trVM.StandardSectionList = uiDDLRepo.getStandardSectionDropDown(); trVM.TransactionTypeList = uiDDLRepo.getTransactionTypes(); return(View(trVM)); }
public async Task <SessionResponse> PostSession(SessionDTO session, string username) { var response = await _httpClient.PostAsJsonAsync($"/api/sessions/players/{username}", session); response.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); return(await response.Content.ReadAsAsync <SessionResponse>()); }
public SessionVM GetSession(int id) { SessionDTO sessionDTO = TMSService.GetSession(id); var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <SessionDTO, SessionVM>()).CreateMapper(); var session = mapper.Map <SessionDTO, SessionVM>(sessionDTO); return(session); }
private void btnRefresh_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { populateData(); selectedSession = new SessionDTO(); btnDelete.Enabled = false; btnView.Enabled = false; btnUpdate.Enabled = false; }
public void UpdateSession(SessionDTO session) { var mapper = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.CreateMap <SessionDTO, Session>()).CreateMapper(); var item = mapper.Map <SessionDTO, Session>(session); Database.Sessions.Update(item); Database.Save(); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor for the EditorModel /// </summary> /// <param name="sess">Session to load</param> public EditorModel(SessionDTO sess) { _clientChannelHandler = ClientChannelHandler.getInstance(); _map = new Map(); curSession = sess; AddListener(); Width = 1920; _texture = cleanBrush; }
private void DtoToSession(SessionDTO dto, Session session) { session.Id = dto.Id; session.MovieId = dto.MovieId; session.SeanceId = dto.SeanceId; session.TheaterId = dto.TheaterId; session.ShowDate = dto.ShowDate; session.IsActive = dto.IsActive; }
public PresentationSession(SessionDTO session) { InitializeComponent(); WindowHelper.SmallWindowSettings(this); this.session = session; core = new PresentationCore(); FillSessionBoxes(); LoadUnassinged(); }
public async Task <SummaryDTO> BuildSummary(SessionDTO session) { var summary = new SummaryCreateUpdateDTO { SessionId = session.Id, ItemEstimates = this.BuildItemEstimates(session).ToList() }; return(await this.CreateAsync(summary)); }
public static SessionCreateUpdateDTO ToSessionCreateUpdateDto(SessionDTO session) { return(new SessionCreateUpdateDTO { Id = session.Id, SessionKey = session.SessionKey, Items = ToItemCreateUpdateDtos(session.Items), Users = ToUserCreateDtos(session.Users) }); }
public void StartSession() { SessionDTO newSession = new SessionDTO() { StartDate = DateTime.Now, EndDate = DateTime.Now.AddDays(7) }; _sessionRepository.Add(newSession); }
public ActionResult Login(UserMasterDTO data) { List <EntitlementDTO> lstEntitleMent = new List <EntitlementDTO>(); List <ActionDTO> lstAction = new List <ActionDTO>(); string unencryptedPass = data.Password; string pass = encrypt.encryption(data.Password); data.Password = pass; StatusDTO <UserMasterDTO> status = _userSvc.Login(data, out lstEntitleMent, out lstAction); if (status.IsSuccess) { if (data.RememberMe) { HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("userDetails"); cookie["uid"] = data.UserName; cookie["pwd"] = unencryptedPass; cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(1, 0, 0, 0); if (Request.Cookies["userDetails"] != null) { Response.Cookies.Set(cookie); } else { Response.Cookies.Add(cookie); } } else { Response.Cookies.Remove("userDetails"); } SessionDTO session = new SessionDTO(); session.UserMasterId = status.ReturnObj.UserMasterId; session.UserName = status.ReturnObj.UserName; session.FName = status.ReturnObj.FName; session.MName = status.ReturnObj.MName; session.LName = status.ReturnObj.LName; session.ActionList = lstAction; session.EntitleMentList = lstEntitleMent; _sessionSvc.SetUserSession(session); SessionDTO sessionRet = _sessionSvc.GetUserSession(); } else { data.LoginFailedMsg = status.FailureReason; return(View(data)); } return(RedirectToAction("Landing", "Login", new { area = "Login" }));; }
/// <summary> /// Generates a Token with Session information. /// When Success a SessionTokenDTO will be produced /// </summary> /// <param name="session">SessionDTO</param> /// <returns>SessionTokenDTO</returns> private SessionTokenDTO BuildToken(SessionDTO session) { this.SetDates(); var jwtToken = this.PrepareJwtToken(session); return(new SessionTokenDTO { Token = jwtToken }); }
public async Task <ActionResult> StartSession() { SessionDTO result = await _sessionService.CreateSessionAsync(); if (result != null) { return(Ok(result)); } return(BadRequest("There's already active session.")); }