        public override UnityEngine.Color GetColour(double x, double y)
            // Read H:
            float h = (float)HueModule.GetValue(x, y);

            // Read S:
            float s = (float)SaturationModule.GetValue(x, y);

            // Read V:
            float v = (float)BrightModule.GetValue(x, y);

            // Convert to RGB:
            HsvRgb.ToRgb(ref h, ref s, ref v);

            // Now RGB.
            return(new Color(h, s, v, 1f));
        public override UnityEngine.Color GetColour(double x, double y)
            // Read H:
            float h = (float)HueModule.GetValue(x, y);

            // Read S:
            float s = (float)SaturationModule.GetValue(x, y);

            // Read L:
            float l = (float)LumModule.GetValue(x, y);

            // Convert to RGB:
            HslRgb.ToRgb(ref h, ref s, ref l);

            // Now RGB.
            return(new Color(h, s, l, 1f));