    IEnumerator TongueGrab(SCR_TongueTarget target)
        grabbedOnTarget = true;

        // Stop targeting
        currentTarget = null;
        ConfigurableJoint targetJoint = target.GetComponentInChildren <ConfigurableJoint>();

        // Temporarily turn player towards target to set up correct joint anchor position
        Quaternion playerStartingRotation = transform.rotation;
        Quaternion targetRotation         = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, tongueTargetAnchor.position.y, target.transform.position.z) - tongueTargetAnchor.position);

        transform.rotation             = targetRotation;
        targetJoint.transform.rotation = targetRotation;

        // Connect player to target joint
        targetJoint.connectedBody = rb;

        // Set player's rotation back to where it was
        transform.rotation = playerStartingRotation;

        // get distance to grabbed object (this is used to determine if player is pulling on it)
        float maxTargetDistance = Vector3.Distance(tongueTargetAnchor.position, targetJoint.transform.position);

        // Disable normal movement
        movement.overrideRotation = true;
        movement.overrideJump     = true;

        float timeObjectPulled = 0;

        while (holdingTongueButton && !grabTerminated && movement.touchingGround && target != null)
            // Turn player towards target
            targetRotation                 = Quaternion.LookRotation(new Vector3(target.transform.position.x, tongueTargetAnchor.position.y, target.transform.position.z) - tongueTargetAnchor.position);
            transform.rotation             = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, 20 * Time.deltaTime);
            targetJoint.transform.rotation = targetRotation;

            if (Vector3.Distance(tongueTargetAnchor.position, targetJoint.transform.position) <= maxTargetDistance + 0.2f)
                // Behavior when not pulling on target (player is closer than when it was grabbed)

                // Allow free movement by updating joint's target distance
                targetJoint.targetPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, maxTargetDistance - Vector3.Distance(tongueTargetAnchor.position, targetJoint.transform.position));

                // Tell target that it isn't being pulled
                target.isBeingPulled = false;
                timeObjectPulled     = 0;
                // Behavior when pulling on target (player is farther away than when it was grabbed)

                // restrict player from moving any farther away
                targetJoint.targetPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);

                target.isBeingPulled = true;

                // If pulling should trigger an event on target, trigger it
                timeObjectPulled += Time.deltaTime;
                if (timeObjectPulled >= target.timeToPull && target.eventOnPull)
                    target.eventTriggered = true;

            tongueCollider.position = target.transform.position;

            yield return(null);

        if (target != null)
            // Break connection to joint
            targetJoint.connectedBody = null;
            target.isBeingPulled      = false;

        grabbedOnTarget = false;

        // Start retracting tongue
        StartCoroutine(TongueRetract(tongueCollider.transform.position, 1));

        // If player was forced to release grab:
        if (grabTerminated)
            // Jerk player backwards
            rb.AddRelativeForce(0, 0, -6, ForceMode.Impulse);
            movement.overrideNormalMovement = true;

            // Delay enabling normal movement
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f));

        // Enable normal movement
        movement.overrideJump           = false;
        movement.overrideRotation       = false;
        movement.overrideNormalMovement = false;

        grabTerminated = false;
     * This region contains the various interactions that can be performed once tongue has hit a target.
     * The type of interaction performed is determined by checking the targetType of the target object.
     * Tongue Swing
     * Tongue Eat
     * Tongue Grab
     * Terminate Grab

    IEnumerator TongueSwing(SCR_TongueTarget target)
        // Stop targeting
        currentTarget = null;
        tongueState   = TongueState.Attached;

        ConfigurableJoint targetJoint   = target.GetComponentInChildren <ConfigurableJoint>();
        Rigidbody         targetJointRb = targetJoint.GetComponent <Rigidbody>();

        // Turn player towards target
        Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(target.transform.position - tongueTargetAnchor.position);

        transform.rotation             = targetRotation;
        targetJoint.transform.rotation = targetRotation;

        // Tell target that player is swinging on it
        target.isBeingSwung = true;

        // Connect player to target joint
        targetJoint.connectedBody = rb;

        // Set target distance while swinging (promote to variable later)
        targetJoint.targetPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, Vector3.Distance(tongueTargetAnchor.position, targetJoint.transform.position) - variables.swingDistance);

        // Set initial swing velocity. Change this in future to convert linear velocity to angular
        //rb.velocity = rb.velocity.normalized * 7;
        rb.velocity = new Vector3(rb.velocity.x, 0, rb.velocity.z);

        // Deactivate normal movement
        movement.overrideNormalMovement = true;
        movement.overrideJump           = true;
        movement.overrideRotation       = true;
        movement.canMidairJump          = false;
        rb.constraints &= ~RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationX;
        rb.constraints &= ~RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationY;
        rb.constraints &= ~RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotationZ;

        float swingTime = 0;

        while ((holdingTongueButton || swingTime < 0.2f) && target != null)
            swingTime += Time.deltaTime;

            // Add some forward rotation at the beginning of swing
            if (target.startWithVelocity && swingTime < 0.1f)
                targetJointRb.AddRelativeTorque(-400 * Time.deltaTime, 0, 0, ForceMode.Impulse);

            tongueCollider.position = target.transform.position;
            yield return(null);

        if (target != null)
            // Break connection to joint
            targetJoint.connectedBody = null;

            // Tell target that player stopped swinging on it
            target.isBeingSwung = false;

        // Set velocity on swing end. Change this in future to convert linear velocity to angular
        //rb.velocity = rb.velocity.normalized * targetJointRb.angularVelocity.magnitude * 2;
        movement.externalVelocity.velocity = rb.velocity;
        if (movement.externalVelocity.velocity.y < 1)
            movement.externalVelocity.velocity = new Vector3(movement.externalVelocity.velocity.x, 1, movement.externalVelocity.velocity.z);

        // Re-activate normal movement
        movement.overrideNormalMovement = false;
        movement.overrideJump           = false;
        movement.overrideRotation       = false;
        rb.constraints = RigidbodyConstraints.FreezeRotation;

        // Refresh midair jump after swinging
        movement.canMidairJump = true;

        StartCoroutine(TongueRetract(tongueCollider.transform.position, 1));