private void ExtractButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InProgress) { return; } if (!KeysLoaded) { MessageBox.Show("Please scan a GTA 5 exe dump for keys first, or include key files in this app's folder!"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(FolderTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Folder doesn't exist: " + FolderTextBox.Text); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolderTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Folder doesn't exist: " + OutputFolderTextBox.Text); return; } //if (Directory.GetFiles(OutputFolderTextBox.Text, "*.ysc", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length > 0) //{ // if (MessageBox.Show("Output folder already contains .ysc files. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Output folder already contains .ysc files", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) // { // return; // } //} InProgress = true; AbortOperation = false; string searchpath = FolderTextBox.Text; string outputpath = OutputFolderTextBox.Text; string replpath = searchpath + "\\"; bool bytd = YtdChecBox.Checked; bool bydr = YdrCheckBox.Checked; bool bydd = YddCheckBox.Checked; bool byft = YftCheckBox.Checked; Task.Run(() => { UpdateExtractStatus("Keys loaded."); RpfManager rpfman = new RpfManager(); rpfman.Init(searchpath, UpdateExtractStatus, UpdateExtractStatus); UpdateExtractStatus("Beginning texture extraction..."); StringBuilder errsb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (RpfFile rpf in rpfman.AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in rpf.AllEntries) { if (AbortOperation) { UpdateExtractStatus("Operation aborted"); InProgress = false; return; } try { if (bytd && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ytd")) { UpdateExtractStatus(entry.Path); YtdFile ytd = rpfman.GetFile <YtdFile>(entry); if (ytd == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load file."); } if (ytd.TextureDict == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load texture dictionary."); } if (ytd.TextureDict.Textures == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load texture dictionary texture array."); } if (ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items == null) { throw new Exception("Texture dictionary had no entries..."); } foreach (var tex in ytd.TextureDict.Textures.data_items) { SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath); } } else if (bydr && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydr")) { UpdateExtractStatus(entry.Path); YdrFile ydr = rpfman.GetFile <YdrFile>(entry); if (ydr == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load file."); } if (ydr.Drawable == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load drawable."); } if (ydr.Drawable.ShaderGroup != null) { var ydrtd = ydr.Drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary; if ((ydrtd != null) && (ydrtd.Textures != null) && (ydrtd.Textures.data_items != null)) { foreach (var tex in ydrtd.Textures.data_items) { SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath); } } } } else if (bydd && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".ydd")) { UpdateExtractStatus(entry.Path); YddFile ydd = rpfman.GetFile <YddFile>(entry); if (ydd == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load file."); } //if (ydd.DrawableDict == null) throw new Exception("Couldn't load drawable dictionary."); //if (ydd.DrawableDict.Drawables == null) throw new Exception("Drawable dictionary had no items..."); //if (ydd.DrawableDict.Drawables.data_items == null) throw new Exception("Drawable dictionary had no items..."); if ((ydd.Dict == null) || (ydd.Dict.Count == 0)) { throw new Exception("Drawable dictionary had no items..."); } foreach (var drawable in ydd.Dict.Values) { if (drawable.ShaderGroup != null) { var ydrtd = drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary; if ((ydrtd != null) && (ydrtd.Textures != null) && (ydrtd.Textures.data_items != null)) { foreach (var tex in ydrtd.Textures.data_items) { SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath); } } } } } else if (byft && entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".yft")) { UpdateExtractStatus(entry.Path); YftFile yft = rpfman.GetFile <YftFile>(entry); if (yft == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load file."); } if (yft.Fragment == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load fragment."); } if (yft.Fragment.Drawable != null) { if (yft.Fragment.Drawable.ShaderGroup != null) { var ydrtd = yft.Fragment.Drawable.ShaderGroup.TextureDictionary; if ((ydrtd != null) && (ydrtd.Textures != null) && (ydrtd.Textures.data_items != null)) { foreach (var tex in ydrtd.Textures.data_items) { SaveTexture(tex, entry, outputpath); } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { string err = entry.Name + ": " + ex.Message; UpdateExtractStatus(err); errsb.AppendLine(err); } } } File.WriteAllText(outputpath + "\\_errors.txt", errsb.ToString()); UpdateExtractStatus("Complete."); InProgress = false; }); }
private void ExtractButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (InProgress) { return; } if (!KeysLoaded) { MessageBox.Show("Please scan a GTA 5 exe dump for keys first, or include key files in this app's folder!"); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(FolderTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Folder doesn't exist: " + FolderTextBox.Text); return; } if (!Directory.Exists(OutputFolderTextBox.Text)) { MessageBox.Show("Folder doesn't exist: " + OutputFolderTextBox.Text); return; } //if (Directory.GetFiles(OutputFolderTextBox.Text, "*.ysc", SearchOption.AllDirectories).Length > 0) //{ // if (MessageBox.Show("Output folder already contains .ysc files. Are you sure you want to continue?", "Output folder already contains .ysc files", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) != DialogResult.OK) // { // return; // } //} InProgress = true; AbortOperation = false; string searchpath = FolderTextBox.Text; string outputpath = OutputFolderTextBox.Text; string replpath = searchpath + "\\"; bool cso = CsoCheckBox.Checked; bool asm = AsmCheckBox.Checked; bool meta = MetaCheckBox.Checked; Task.Run(() => { UpdateExtractStatus("Keys loaded."); RpfManager rpfman = new RpfManager(); rpfman.Init(searchpath, UpdateExtractStatus, UpdateExtractStatus); UpdateExtractStatus("Beginning shader extraction..."); StringBuilder errsb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (RpfFile rpf in rpfman.AllRpfs) { foreach (RpfEntry entry in rpf.AllEntries) { if (AbortOperation) { UpdateExtractStatus("Operation aborted"); InProgress = false; return; } try { if (entry.NameLower.EndsWith(".fxc")) { UpdateExtractStatus(entry.Path); FxcFile fxc = rpfman.GetFile <FxcFile>(entry); if (fxc == null) { throw new Exception("Couldn't load file."); } string basepath = outputpath + "\\" + rpf.Name.Replace(".rpf", ""); if (!Directory.Exists(basepath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(basepath); } string pleft = entry.Path.Substring(0, entry.Path.Length - (entry.Name.Length + 1)); string ppart = pleft.Substring(pleft.LastIndexOf('\\')); string opath = basepath + ppart; if (!Directory.Exists(opath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(opath); } string obase = opath + "\\" + entry.Name; foreach (var shader in fxc.Shaders) { string filebase = obase + "_" + shader.Name; if (cso) { string csofile = filebase + ".cso"; File.WriteAllBytes(csofile, shader.ByteCode); } if (asm) { string asmfile = filebase + ".hlsl"; FxcParser.ParseShader(shader); File.WriteAllText(asmfile, shader.Disassembly); } } if (meta) { string metafile = obase + ".meta.txt"; string metastr = fxc.GetMetaString(); File.WriteAllText(metafile, metastr); } } } catch (Exception ex) { string err = entry.Name + ": " + ex.Message; UpdateExtractStatus(err); errsb.AppendLine(err); } } } File.WriteAllText(outputpath + "\\_errors.txt", errsb.ToString()); UpdateExtractStatus("Complete."); InProgress = false; }); }