/// <summary>Displays information about the given race</summary>
    /// <param name="raceRef_">The RaceSelectorButton that contains the info to display</param>
    public void DisplayRaceInfo(RaceSelectorButton raceRef_)
        this.raceNameText.text = raceRef_.race.ToString();

        //The string that will be displayed in the raceInfoText
        string textToDisplay = raceRef_.raceDescription + "\n\n";

        textToDisplay += "    - Stats -" +
                         "\nHit Points: " + raceRef_.startingHP +
                         "\nMovement Speed: " + raceRef_.movementSpeed + " Tiles" +
                         "\nStarting Group Size: " + raceRef_.startingGroupSize;

        //Displaying any racial abilities if they exist
        if (raceRef_.racialAbility != null)
            textToDisplay += "\n\n    - Ability -\n" + raceRef_.racialAbility.actionName;

        //Displaying any racial perks if they exist
        if (raceRef_.racialPerks.Count > 0)
            textToDisplay += "\n\n    - Perks -";
            for (int p = 0; p < raceRef_.racialPerks.Count; p++)
                textToDisplay += "\n" + raceRef_.racialPerks[p].perkNameID;

        this.raceInfoText.text = textToDisplay;
    /// <summary>Sets the stats for the starting race using a RaceSelectorButton component</summary>
    /// <param name="startingRace_"></param>
    public void SetStartingRaceStats(RaceSelectorButton startingRace_)
        //Deleting any previously created characters
        for (int d = 0; d < this.newPartyCharacters.Count; d++)
            if (this.newPartyCharacters[d] != null)

        this.selectedRaceStats = startingRace_;

        //Creating new instances of the character prefabs for the party
        this.newPartyCharacters = new List <Character>();
        for (int c = 0; c < this.selectedRaceStats.startingGroupSize; c++)
            //If there's a valid character prefab for this index, we create a new instance of the prefab
            if (this.selectedRaceStats.characterPrefabList[c] != null)
                GameObject newCharObj = GameObject.Instantiate(this.defaultCharacterRef.gameObject);
                this.newPartyCharacters.Add(newCharObj.GetComponent <Character>());
                this.newPartyCharacters[c].charModels.charModel = this.selectedRaceStats.characterPrefabList[c].prefab;
                this.newPartyCharacters[c].charName             = this.selectedRaceStats.characterPrefabList[c].charName;

                //Storing the index of the model for this character
                if (c == 0)
                    char0ModelIndex = c;
                if (c == 1)
                    char1ModelIndex = c;
                if (c == 2)
                    char2ModelIndex = c;
                if (c == 3)
                    char3ModelIndex = c;
            //If this index isn't valid, we use a copy of the one at index 0
                GameObject newCharObj = GameObject.Instantiate(this.defaultCharacterRef.gameObject);
                this.newPartyCharacters.Add(newCharObj.GetComponent <Character>());
                this.newPartyCharacters[c].charModels.charModel = this.selectedRaceStats.characterPrefabList[0].prefab;
                this.newPartyCharacters[c].charName             = this.selectedRaceStats.characterPrefabList[0].charName;

                if (c == 0)
                    char0ModelIndex = 0;
                if (c == 1)
                    char1ModelIndex = 0;
                if (c == 2)
                    char2ModelIndex = 0;
                if (c == 3)
                    char3ModelIndex = 0;

            //Updating the character model displayed for this character

        //Hiding the character panels for empty character slots
        this.char0Panel.SetActive(this.newPartyCharacters.Count > 0);
        this.char1Panel.SetActive(this.newPartyCharacters.Count > 1);
        this.char2Panel.SetActive(this.newPartyCharacters.Count > 2);
        this.char3Panel.SetActive(this.newPartyCharacters.Count > 3);

        //Updating the name fields