        //an initial create-map method
        public override void Generate(int seed, RDungeonFloor entry, List <FloorBorder> floorBorders, Dictionary <int, List <int> > borderLinks)
            //TODO: make sure that this algorithm follows floorBorders and borderLinks constraints

            this.seed    = seed;
            this.entry   = entry;
            FloorBorders = floorBorders;
            BorderLinks  = borderLinks;

            BorderPoints = new Loc2D[1];

            rand = new Random(seed);

            MapArray = new Tile[10, 10];

            MapLayer ground = new MapLayer(Width, Height);

            for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    MapArray[x, y] = new Tile(PMDToolkit.Enums.TileType.Walkable, 0, 0, 0);
                    GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);

            BorderPoints[0] = new Loc2D(0, 0);
        //an initial create-map method
        public override void Generate(int seed, RDungeonFloor entry, List <FloorBorder> floorBorders, Dictionary <int, List <int> > borderLinks)
            //TODO: make sure that this algorithm follows floorBorders and borderLinks constraints

            this.seed    = seed;
            this.entry   = entry;
            FloorBorders = floorBorders;
            BorderLinks  = borderLinks;

            BorderPoints = new Loc2D[2];

            AgeArray = new int[20, 20];
            TopLeft  = new Loc2D(-AgeArray.GetLength(0) / 2, -AgeArray.GetLength(1) / 2);

            rand = new Random(seed);

            maxDepth = 8;
            branches = 5;

            startLine = new BranchLine(new PointF(0, 0), new PointF(0, 0));

            CreatePath(startLine, 0);


            AddBlobs(3, 500, 3, 6, 1, 2, 0, 3);

            if (rand.Next() % 100 < 30)
                AddBlob(startLine, 100, 3, 6, 1, 4, 0, 3);

            BorderPoints[0] = TopLeft * -1;
            BorderPoints[1] = TopLeft * -1;

        public static RDungeon LoadRDungeon(int dungeonNum)
            RDungeon dungeon = new RDungeon(dungeonNum);
            string FilePath = IO.Paths.RDungeonsFolder + "rdungeon" + dungeonNum.ToString() + ".dat";
            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(FilePath)) {
                while (!(reader.EndOfStream)) {
                    string[] parse = reader.ReadLine().Split('|');
                    switch (parse[0].ToLower()) {
                        case "rdungeondata":
                            if (parse[1].ToLower() != "v2") {
                                return null;
                        case "data":
                            dungeon.DungeonName = parse[1];
                            dungeon.Direction = (Enums.Direction)parse[2].ToInt();
                            dungeon.MaxFloors = parse[3].ToInt();
                            dungeon.Recruitment = parse[4].ToBool();
                            dungeon.Exp = parse[5].ToBool();
                            dungeon.WindTimer = parse[6].ToInt();
                        case "floor": {
                                RDungeonFloor floor = new RDungeonFloor();
                                //floor.Options.TrapFrequency = parse[1].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.TrapMin = parse[2].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.TrapMax = parse[3].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.RoomWidthMin = parse[4].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.RoomWidthMax = parse[5].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.RoomLengthMin = parse[6].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.RoomLengthMax = parse[7].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.HallTurnMin = parse[8].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.HallTurnMax = parse[9].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.HallVarMin = parse[10].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.HallVarMax = parse[11].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.WaterFrequency = parse[12].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.Craters = parse[13].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.CraterMinLength = parse[14].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.CraterMaxLength = parse[15].ToInt();
                                floor.Options.CraterFuzzy = parse[16].ToBool();

                                floor.Darkness = parse[17].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalType = (Enums.RFloorGoalType)parse[18].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalMap = parse[19].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalX = parse[20].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalY = parse[21].ToInt();
                                floor.Music = parse[22];

                                #region terrain

                                #region wall
                                floor.StairsX = parse[23].ToInt();
                                floor.StairsSheet = parse[24].ToInt();

                                floor.mGroundX = parse[25].ToInt();
                                floor.mGroundSheet = parse[26].ToInt();

                                floor.mTopLeftX = parse[27].ToInt();
                                floor.mTopLeftSheet = parse[28].ToInt();
                                floor.mTopCenterX = parse[29].ToInt();
                                floor.mTopCenterSheet = parse[30].ToInt();
                                floor.mTopRightX = parse[31].ToInt();
                                floor.mTopRightSheet = parse[32].ToInt();

                                floor.mCenterLeftX = parse[33].ToInt();
                                floor.mCenterLeftSheet = parse[34].ToInt();
                                floor.mCenterCenterX = parse[35].ToInt();
                                floor.mCenterCenterSheet = parse[36].ToInt();
                                floor.mCenterRightX = parse[37].ToInt();
                                floor.mCenterRightSheet = parse[38].ToInt();

                                floor.mBottomLeftX = parse[39].ToInt();
                                floor.mBottomLeftSheet = parse[40].ToInt();
                                floor.mBottomCenterX = parse[41].ToInt();
                                floor.mBottomCenterSheet = parse[42].ToInt();
                                floor.mBottomRightX = parse[43].ToInt();
                                floor.mBottomRightSheet = parse[44].ToInt();

                                floor.mInnerTopLeftX = parse[45].ToInt();
                                floor.mInnerTopLeftSheet = parse[46].ToInt();
                                floor.mInnerBottomLeftX = parse[47].ToInt();
                                floor.mInnerBottomLeftSheet = parse[48].ToInt();

                                floor.mInnerTopRightX = parse[49].ToInt();
                                floor.mInnerTopRightSheet = parse[50].ToInt();
                                floor.mInnerBottomRightX = parse[51].ToInt();
                                floor.mInnerBottomRightSheet = parse[52].ToInt();

                                floor.mColumnTopX = parse[53].ToInt();
                                floor.mColumnTopSheet = parse[54].ToInt();
                                floor.mColumnCenterX = parse[55].ToInt();
                                floor.mColumnCenterSheet = parse[56].ToInt();
                                floor.mColumnBottomX = parse[57].ToInt();
                                floor.mColumnBottomSheet = parse[58].ToInt();

                                floor.mRowLeftX = parse[59].ToInt();
                                floor.mRowLeftSheet = parse[60].ToInt();
                                floor.mRowCenterX = parse[61].ToInt();
                                floor.mRowCenterSheet = parse[62].ToInt();
                                floor.mRowRightX = parse[63].ToInt();
                                floor.mRowRightSheet = parse[64].ToInt();

                                floor.mIsolatedWallX = parse[65].ToInt();
                                floor.mIsolatedWallSheet = parse[66].ToInt();


                                #region water

                                floor.mWaterX = parse[67].ToInt();
                                floor.mWaterSheet = parse[68].ToInt();
                                floor.mWaterAnimX = parse[69].ToInt();
                                floor.mWaterAnimSheet = parse[70].ToInt();

                                floor.mShoreTopLeftX = parse[71].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreTopLeftSheet = parse[72].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreTopRightX = parse[73].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreTopRightSheet = parse[74].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreBottomRightX = parse[75].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreBottomRightSheet = parse[76].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreBottomLeftX = parse[77].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreBottomLeftSheet = parse[78].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreDiagonalForwardX = parse[79].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreDiagonalForwardSheet = parse[80].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreDiagonalBackX = parse[81].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreDiagonalBackSheet = parse[82].ToInt();

                                floor.mShoreTopX = parse[83].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreTopSheet = parse[84].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreRightX = parse[85].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreRightSheet = parse[86].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreBottomX = parse[87].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreBottomSheet = parse[88].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreLeftX = parse[89].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreLeftSheet = parse[90].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreVerticalX = parse[91].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreVerticalSheet = parse[92].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreHorizontalX = parse[93].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreHorizontalSheet = parse[94].ToInt();

                                floor.mShoreInnerTopLeftX = parse[95].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerTopLeftSheet = parse[96].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerTopRightX = parse[97].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerTopRightSheet = parse[98].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerBottomRightX = parse[99].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerBottomRightSheet = parse[100].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerBottomLeftX = parse[101].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerBottomLeftSheet = parse[102].ToInt();

                                floor.mShoreInnerTopX = parse[103].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerTopSheet = parse[104].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerRightX = parse[105].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerRightSheet = parse[106].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerBottomX = parse[107].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerBottomSheet = parse[108].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerLeftX = parse[109].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreInnerLeftSheet = parse[110].ToInt();

                                floor.mShoreSurroundedX = parse[111].ToInt();
                                floor.mShoreSurroundedSheet = parse[112].ToInt();


                                floor.ItemSpawnRate = parse[113].ToInt();
                                int maxTraps = parse[114].ToInt();
                                int maxWeather = parse[115].ToInt();

                                int n = 116;

                                for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
                                    floor.Items[i] = parse[n].ToInt();

                                for (int i = 0; i < Constants.MAX_MAP_NPCS; i++) {
                                    floor.Npc[i].NpcNum = parse[n].ToInt();
                                    floor.Npc[i].MinLevel = parse[n + 1].ToInt();
                                    n+= 2;
                                for (int i = 0; i < maxTraps; i++) {
                                for (int i = 0; i < maxWeather; i++) {

            return dungeon;
        //an initial create-map method
        public override void Generate(int seed, RDungeonFloor entry, List <FloorBorder> floorBorders, Dictionary <int, List <int> > borderLinks)
            //TODO: make sure that this algorithm follows floorBorders and borderLinks constraints

            this.seed    = seed;
            this.entry   = entry;
            FloorBorders = floorBorders;
            BorderLinks  = borderLinks;

            BorderPoints = new Loc2D[floorBorders.Count];

            rand = new Random(seed);

            MapArray  = new Tile[entry.FloorSettings["CellX"] * entry.FloorSettings["CellWidth"] + 2, entry.FloorSettings["CellY"] * entry.FloorSettings["CellHeight"] + 2];
            GridArray = new GridType[entry.FloorSettings["CellX"] * entry.FloorSettings["CellWidth"] + 2, entry.FloorSettings["CellY"] * entry.FloorSettings["CellHeight"] + 2];

            Rooms     = new DungeonArrayRoom[entry.FloorSettings["CellX"], entry.FloorSettings["CellY"]];     //array of all rooms
            VHalls    = new DungeonArrayHall[entry.FloorSettings["CellX"], entry.FloorSettings["CellY"] - 1]; //vertical halls
            HHalls    = new DungeonArrayHall[entry.FloorSettings["CellX"] - 1, entry.FloorSettings["CellY"]]; //horizontal halls
            StartRoom = new Loc2D(-1, -1);                                                                    //marks spawn point

            bool isDone;                                                                                      // bool used for various purposes

            //initialize map array to empty
            for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    GridArray[x, y] = GridType.Blocked;

            //initialize all rooms+halls to closed by default
            for (int x = 0; x < entry.FloorSettings["CellX"]; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < entry.FloorSettings["CellY"]; y++)
                    Rooms[x, y] = new DungeonArrayRoom();

            for (int x = 0; x < entry.FloorSettings["CellX"]; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < entry.FloorSettings["CellY"] - 1; y++)
                    VHalls[x, y] = new DungeonArrayHall();

            for (int x = 0; x < entry.FloorSettings["CellX"] - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < entry.FloorSettings["CellY"]; y++)
                    HHalls[x, y] = new DungeonArrayHall();

            // path generation algorithm
            StartRoom = new Loc2D(rand.Next(0, entry.FloorSettings["CellX"]), rand.Next(0, entry.FloorSettings["CellY"])); // randomly determine start room
            Loc2D wanderer = StartRoom;

            int        pathsMade   = 0;
            int        pathsNeeded = rand.Next(0, 6) + 5; // magic numbers, determine what the dungeon looks like (in general, paths)
            Direction4 prevDir     = Direction4.None;     // direction of movement

                if (rand.Next(0, (2 + pathsMade)) == 0) //will end the current path and start a new one from the start
                    if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)           //determine if the room should be open or a hall
                        Rooms[wanderer.X, wanderer.Y].Opened = DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Open;
                        Rooms[wanderer.X, wanderer.Y].Opened = DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Hall;
                    wanderer = StartRoom;
                    prevDir  = Direction4.None;
                    bool working = true;
                        Loc2D      sample  = wanderer;
                        Direction4 nextDir = (Direction4)rand.Next(0, 4);
                        if (nextDir != prevDir)  //makes sure there is no backtracking
                            Operations.MoveInDirection4(ref sample, nextDir, 1);
                            prevDir = Operations.ReverseDir(nextDir);
                            if (sample.X >= 0 && sample.X < entry.FloorSettings["CellX"] && sample.Y >= 0 && sample.Y < entry.FloorSettings["CellY"])  // a is the room to be checked after making a move between rooms
                                openHallBetween(wanderer, sample);
                                wanderer = sample;
                                working  = false;
                            prevDir = Direction4.None;
                    } while (working);

                    if (rand.Next(0, 2) == 0)  //determine if the room should be open or a hall
                        Rooms[wanderer.X, wanderer.Y].Opened = DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Open;
                        Rooms[wanderer.X, wanderer.Y].Opened = DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Hall;
            } while (pathsMade < pathsNeeded);

            Rooms[StartRoom.X, StartRoom.Y].Opened = DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Open;

            //Determine key rooms
            isDone = false;
            do   //determine ending room randomly
                int x = rand.Next(0, Rooms.GetLength(0));
                int y = rand.Next(0, Rooms.GetLength(1));
                if (Rooms[x, y].Opened == DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Open)
                    EndRoom = new Loc2D(x, y);
                    isDone  = true;
            } while (!isDone);

            StartRoom = new Loc2D(-1, -1);

            isDone = false;
            do   //determine starting room randomly
                int x = rand.Next(0, Rooms.GetLength(0));
                int y = rand.Next(0, Rooms.GetLength(1));
                if (Rooms[x, y].Opened == DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Open)
                    StartRoom = new Loc2D(x, y);
                    isDone    = true;
            } while (!isDone);

            // begin part 2, creating ASCII map
            //create rooms

            for (int i = 0; i < Rooms.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Rooms.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (Rooms[i, j].Opened != DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Closed)
                        createRoom(i, j);

            for (int i = 0; i < Rooms.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Rooms.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (Rooms[i, j].Opened != DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Closed)
                        drawRoom(i, j);

            for (int i = 0; i < Rooms.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < Rooms.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (Rooms[i, j].Opened != DungeonArrayRoom.RoomState.Closed)
                        padSingleRoom(i, j);

            for (int i = 0; i < VHalls.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < VHalls.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (VHalls[i, j].Open)
                        createVHall(i, j);

            for (int i = 0; i < HHalls.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < HHalls.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (HHalls[i, j].Open)
                        createHHall(i, j);

            for (int i = 0; i < VHalls.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < VHalls.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (VHalls[i, j].Open)
                        DrawHalls(VHalls[i, j]);

            for (int i = 0; i < HHalls.GetLength(0); i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < HHalls.GetLength(1); j++)
                    if (HHalls[i, j].Open)
                        DrawHalls(HHalls[i, j]);

            addSEpos(StartRoom, true);
            addSEpos(EndRoom, false);

            MapLayer ground = new MapLayer(Width, Height);

            for (int y = 0; y < Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    if (GridArray[x, y] == GridType.End)
                        MapArray[x, y] = new Tile(PMDToolkit.Enums.TileType.ChangeFloor, 1, 0, 0);
                        GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(47, 0), 0);
                    else if (GridArray[x, y] == GridType.Blocked)
                        MapArray[x, y] = new Tile(PMDToolkit.Enums.TileType.Blocked, 0, 0, 0);

                        bool[] blockedDirs = new bool[8];
                        for (int n = 0; n < 8; n++)
                            blockedDirs[n] = IsBlocked(x, y, (Direction8)n);
                        if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 0;
                            if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownLeft])
                                layer += 8 * 2;

                            if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpLeft])
                                layer += 1;

                            if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpRight])
                                layer += 8;

                            if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownRight])
                                layer += 2;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 6;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpRight])
                                layer += 1 * 8;

                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpLeft])
                                layer += 2 * 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 7;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownRight])
                                layer += 1 * 8;

                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpRight])
                                layer += 2 * 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 4;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownLeft])
                                layer += 1 * 8;

                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownRight])
                                layer += 2 * 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 5;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpLeft])
                                layer += 1 * 8;

                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownLeft])
                                layer += 2 * 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 34;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpRight])
                                layer += 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 35;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownRight])
                                layer += 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 32;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.DownLeft])
                                layer += 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            int layer = 33;
                            if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.UpLeft])
                                layer += 8;

                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(36, 0), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(37, 0), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(38, 0), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(39, 0), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(44, 0), 0);
                        else if (blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(45, 0), 0);
                        else if (!blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Down] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Left] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Up] && !blockedDirs[(int)Direction8.Right])
                            GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(46, 0), 0);
                        MapArray[x, y] = new Tile(PMDToolkit.Enums.TileType.Walkable, 0, 0, 0);
                        GroundLayers[0].Tiles[x, y] = new TileAnim(new Loc2D(47, 0), 0);

        public static RDungeon LoadRDungeon(int dungeonNum)
            RDungeon dungeon = new RDungeon(dungeonNum);
            string FilePath = IO.Paths.RDungeonsFolder + "rdungeon" + dungeonNum.ToString() + ".dat";
            using (System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(FilePath)) {
                while (!(reader.EndOfStream)) {
                    string[] parse = reader.ReadLine().Split('|');
                    switch (parse[0].ToLower()) {
                        case "rdungeondata":
                            if (parse[1].ToLower() != "v1") {
                                return null;
                        case "data":
                            dungeon.DungeonName = parse[1];
                            dungeon.Direction = (Enums.Direction)parse[2].ToInt();
                            dungeon.MaxFloors = parse[3].ToInt();
                            dungeon.Recruitment = parse[4].ToBool();
                            dungeon.Exp = parse[5].ToBool();
                        case "terrain": {
                                #region Terrain
                                dungeon.StairsX = parse[1].ToInt();
                                dungeon.StairsSheet = parse[2].ToInt();

                                dungeon.mGroundX = parse[3].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mGroundSheet = parse[4].ToInt();

                                dungeon.mTopLeftX = parse[5].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mTopLeftSheet = parse[6].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mTopCenterX = parse[7].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mTopCenterSheet = parse[8].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mTopRightX = parse[9].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mTopRightSheet = parse[10].ToInt();

                                dungeon.mCenterLeftX = parse[11].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mCenterLeftSheet = parse[12].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mCenterCenterX = parse[13].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mCenterCenterSheet = parse[14].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mCenterRightX = parse[15].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mCenterRightSheet = parse[16].ToInt();

                                dungeon.mBottomLeftX = parse[17].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mBottomLeftSheet = parse[18].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mBottomCenterX = parse[19].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mBottomCenterSheet = parse[20].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mBottomRightX = parse[21].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mBottomRightSheet = parse[22].ToInt();

                                dungeon.mInnerTopLeftX = parse[23].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mInnerTopLeftSheet = parse[24].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mInnerBottomLeftX = parse[25].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mInnerBottomLeftSheet = parse[26].ToInt();

                                dungeon.mInnerTopRightX = parse[27].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mInnerTopRightSheet = parse[28].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mInnerBottomRightX = parse[29].ToInt();
                                dungeon.mInnerBottomRightSheet = parse[30].ToInt();

                                if (parse.Length > 32) {
                                    dungeon.mWaterX = parse[31].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mWaterSheet = parse[32].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mWaterAnimX = parse[33].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mWaterAnimSheet = parse[34].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mIsolatedWallX = parse[35].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mIsolatedWallSheet = parse[36].ToInt();

                                    dungeon.mColumnTopX = parse[37].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mColumnTopSheet = parse[38].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mColumnCenterX = parse[39].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mColumnCenterSheet = parse[40].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mColumnBottomX = parse[41].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mColumnBottomSheet = parse[42].ToInt();

                                    dungeon.mRowLeftX = parse[43].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mRowLeftSheet = parse[44].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mRowCenterX = parse[45].ToInt();
                                    dungeon.mRowCenterSheet = parse[46].ToInt();
                                    if (parse.Length > 48) {
                                        dungeon.mRowRightX = parse[47].ToInt();
                                        dungeon.mRowRightSheet = parse[48].ToInt();
                                        if (parse.Length > 50) {
                                            dungeon.mShoreTopLeftX = parse[49].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreTopLeftSheet = parse[50].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreTopRightX = parse[51].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreTopRightSheet = parse[52].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreBottomRightX = parse[53].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreBottomRightSheet = parse[54].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreBottomLeftX = parse[55].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreBottomLeftSheet = parse[56].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreDiagonalForwardX = parse[57].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreDiagonalForwardSheet = parse[58].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreDiagonalBackX = parse[59].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreDiagonalBackSheet = parse[60].ToInt();

                                            dungeon.mShoreTopX = parse[61].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreTopSheet = parse[62].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreRightX = parse[63].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreRightSheet = parse[64].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreBottomX = parse[65].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreBottomSheet = parse[66].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreLeftX = parse[67].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreLeftSheet = parse[68].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreVerticalX = parse[69].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreVerticalSheet = parse[70].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreHorizontalX = parse[71].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreHorizontalSheet = parse[72].ToInt();

                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerTopLeftX = parse[73].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerTopLeftSheet = parse[74].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerTopRightX = parse[75].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerTopRightSheet = parse[76].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerBottomRightX = parse[77].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerBottomRightSheet = parse[78].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerBottomLeftX = parse[79].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerBottomLeftSheet = parse[80].ToInt();

                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerTopX = parse[81].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerTopSheet = parse[82].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerRightX = parse[83].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerRightSheet = parse[84].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerBottomX = parse[85].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerBottomSheet = parse[86].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerLeftX = parse[87].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreInnerLeftSheet = parse[88].ToInt();

                                            dungeon.mShoreSurroundedX = parse[89].ToInt();
                                            dungeon.mShoreSurroundedSheet = parse[90].ToInt();
                        case "floor": {
                                RDungeonFloor floor = new RDungeonFloor();
                                floor.WeatherIntensity = parse[1].ToInt();
                                floor.Weather = (Enums.Weather)parse[2].ToInt();
                                floor.Music = parse[3];
                                floor.GoalType = (Enums.RFloorGoalType)parse[4].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalMap = parse[5].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalX = parse[6].ToInt();
                                floor.GoalY = parse[7].ToInt();
                                floor.ItemSpawnRate = parse[8].ToInt();
                                int maxTraps = parse[9].ToInt();

                                int n = 10;
                                for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {
                                    floor.Npc[i] = parse[n].ToInt();
                                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
                                    floor.Items[i] = parse[n].ToInt();
                                for (int i = 0; i < maxTraps; i++) {
                        case "cratersettings": {
                                dungeon.Options.Craters = parse[1].ToInt();
                                dungeon.Options.CraterMinLength = parse[2].ToInt();
                                dungeon.Options.CraterMaxLength = parse[3].ToInt();
                                dungeon.Options.CraterFuzzy = parse[4].ToBool();
            return dungeon;