public override void OnInspectorGUI() { // Update the serializedProperty - always do this in the beginning of OnInspectorGUI. serializedObject.Update(); // Show the custom GUI controls. //EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Name_Prop, new GUIContent("Name")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Type_Prop, new GUIContent("Type")); Quest.QuestType type = (Quest.QuestType)Type_Prop.enumValueIndex; switch (type) { case Quest.QuestType.Talk: //EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(FromCharacter_Prop, new GUIContent("From Character")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(ToCharacter_Prop, new GUIContent("To Character")); break; case Quest.QuestType.Collect: //EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(FromCharacter_Prop, new GUIContent("From Character")); EditorGUILayout.PropertyField(Item_Prop, new GUIContent("Item")); EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(Num_Prop, 1, 10, new GUIContent("Num")); break; } EditorGUILayout.IntSlider(Reqard_Prop, 1, 100, new GUIContent("Reward")); serializedObject.ApplyModifiedProperties(); }
public QuestInfo(Quest.QuestType type, string param, int goal, int progress, int rewardCoins) { this.type = type; parameter = param; this.goal = goal; this.progress = progress; this.rewardCoins = rewardCoins; }
public void ActualizarQuest(int quest_ID, Quest.QuestType type, int?cantItems = null) { var val = activeQuests.Find(x => == quest_ID); if (type == Quest.QuestType.Matar) { if (val.currentAmount <= val.totalAmount) { Debug.LogWarning("Quest: " + db.misions[].name + " completadas!"); val.complete = true; } else { print("Aun no has completado la quest: " + db.misions[].name); } } if (type == Quest.QuestType.Entrega) { if (val.destino.GetComponent <Destino_Script>().reached) { Debug.LogWarning("Quest: " + db.misions[].name + " completada!"); val.complete = true; } else { print("Aun te falta para completar tu objetivo Adalid!"); } } if (type == Quest.QuestType.Recoleccion) { foreach (var item in val.itemsARecogers)//mejor ,pa que ejecute pa cada uno . { if (cantItems != null) { if (cantItems == item.cantidad) { Debug.LogWarning("Quest: " + db.misions[].name + "completada!"); val.complete = true; } else { print("Que fue loco ? Tovia te falta recolectar item ps papi .Te faltan: " + (item.cantidad - cantItems)); } } } } }
public void ParseQuestInfo() { QuestList = new List <Quest>(); TextAsset QuestText = Resources.Load <TextAsset>("Json/QuestsInfo"); string questsJson = QuestText.text; JSONObject j = new JSONObject(questsJson); foreach (JSONObject temp in j.list) { int id = (int)temp["id"].n; string name = temp["name"].str; string des = temp["des"].str; int npcid = (int)temp["npcid"].n; JSONObject j2 = temp["reward"]; int coin = (int)j2["coin"].n; int exp = (int)j2["exp"].n; QuestReward questReward = new QuestReward(coin, exp); Quest.QuestType type = (Quest.QuestType)System.Enum.Parse(typeof(Quest.QuestType), temp["type"].str); Quest quest = null; switch (type) { case Quest.QuestType.Combat: int enemyid = (int)temp["enemyid"].n; int killcount = (int)temp["killcount"].n; quest = new Quest(id, name, des, type, npcid, enemyid, killcount, questReward); break; case Quest.QuestType.Talk: int endnpcid = (int)temp["startnpcid"].n; quest = new Quest(id, name, des, type, npcid, questReward, endnpcid); break; case Quest.QuestType.GetItem: int itemid = (int)temp["itemid"].n; int count = (int)temp["count"].n; quest = new Quest(id, name, des, type, npcid, questReward, itemid, count); break; case Quest.QuestType.Work: quest = new Quest(id, name, des, type, npcid, questReward); break; } QuestList.Add(quest); } }
// make a Quest private Quest MakeQuest(string Instructions, string RewardDialogue, Item RequiredItem, Item RewardItem, Quest.QuestType type, bool ActiveQuest) { // the instructions for the quest // store the info for the quest Output = new Quest(Instructions, RewardDialogue, RequiredItem, RewardItem, type, ActiveQuest); return(Output); }
public void DisplayDialog() { if (!npc.dialogBox.activeSelf) { Quest.QuestProgress statusTest = questToGive.questProgress; Time.timeScale = 0f;; switch (statusTest) { case Quest.QuestProgress.AVAILABLE: npc.dialogText.text = questToGive.questDesc; GiveQuest(); break; case Quest.QuestProgress.CURRENT: case Quest.QuestProgress.ACCEPTED: npc.dialogText.text = questToGive.questDesc; break; case Quest.QuestProgress.COMPLETED: npc.dialogText.text = questToGive.questCompleteText; if (questType == Quest.QuestType.FIND_ITEM) { FindItem quest = (FindItem)questToGive; quest.RemoveItem(); } if (questType == Quest.QuestType.KILL) { KillQuest quest = (KillQuest)questToGive; } if (questType == Quest.QuestType.LOCATION) { LocateQuest quest = (LocateQuest)questToGive; } if (questType == Quest.QuestType.AWAKEN) { AwakenQuest quest = (AwakenQuest)questToGive; } QuestManager.questManager.SetQuestStatus(questToGive.questID, Quest.QuestProgress.DONE); break; case Quest.QuestProgress.DONE: npc.dialogText.text = questToGive.questDoneText; questToGive.GiveRewards(); if (questToGive.nextQuest == -1) { this.gameObject.GetComponent <NonPlayerCharacter>().questToken.SetActive(false); npc.isQuestGiver = false; break; } questToGive = QuestManager.questManager.GetQuestById(questToGive.nextQuest); QuestManager.questManager.SetQuestStatus(questToGive.questID, Quest.QuestProgress.AVAILABLE); QuestManager.questManager.AcceptQuest(questToGive); questType = questToGive.questType; break; default: break; } Button button = Instantiate(npc.buttonPrefab, npc.displayBoard.transform) as Button; button.GetComponentInChildren <TextMeshProUGUI>().text = "Click to dismiss"; button.onClick.AddListener(delegate { npc.CloseDialog(); }); npc.dialogBox.SetActive(true); } else { Time.timeScale = 1f; npc.dialogBox.SetActive(false);; } NPCManager.npcManager.UpdateNPCList(npc.ID, questToGive, npc.talkNotifier.activeSelf, npc.questToken.activeSelf); }
public void UpdateQuest(ActorPC pc, Quest.QuestType type, Quest.Quest quest) { }
public void NewQuest(ActorPC pc, Quest.QuestType type, Quest.Quest quest) { }