protected override void EndOverlayImpl(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo)
            if (!
            float x =, y =;
            float sclx =, scly =;

            Quaternion rot      = Quaternion.Euler(MainLoad.rt.x, MainLoad.rt.y, MainLoad.rt.z);
            Vector3    center   = new Vector3(x, 0, y);
            Quad3      position = new Quad3(
                new Vector3(-sclx + x, 0, -scly + y),          //lefttop 1
                new Vector3(sclx + x, 0, -scly + y),           //righttop 2
                new Vector3(sclx + x, 0, scly + y),            //rightbottom 3
                new Vector3(-sclx + x, 0, scly + y)            //leftbottom 4

            position.a = rot * (position.a - center) + center;
            position.b = rot * (position.b - center) + center;
            position.c = rot * (position.c - center) + center;
            position.d = rot * (position.d - center) + center;

            RenderManager.instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, LoadingExtension.tex, Color.white, position, -1f, 1800f, false, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Renders a grid
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cameraInfo">A <see cref="RenderManager.CameraInfo"/> object</param>
        /// <param name="region">The region to draw the roads</param>
        /// <param name="rows">The number of rows</param>
        /// <param name="columns">The number of columns</param>
        /// <param name="selectionColor">The color of the roads</param>
        public static void RenderRoadGrid(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo, Quad3 region, int rows, int columns, Color selectionColor)
            // Gets road info
            var netPrefab = PrefabCollection <NetInfo> .FindLoaded("Basic Road");

            // Render rows
            RenderStraightRoad(cameraInfo, region.a, region.b, netPrefab, selectionColor);

            for (int row = 0; row <= rows; row++)
                // Interpolate positions
                var startPos = Vector3.Lerp(region.a, region.d, Convert.ToSingle(row) / Convert.ToSingle(rows));
                var endPos   = Vector3.Lerp(region.b, region.c, Convert.ToSingle(row) / Convert.ToSingle(rows));

                // Render road
                RenderStraightRoad(cameraInfo, startPos, endPos, netPrefab, selectionColor);

            RenderStraightRoad(cameraInfo, region.d, region.c, netPrefab, selectionColor);

            // Render columns
            RenderStraightRoad(cameraInfo, region.a, region.d, netPrefab, selectionColor);

            for (int col = 0; col <= columns; col++)
                // Interpolate positions
                var startPos = Vector3.Lerp(region.a, region.b, Convert.ToSingle(col) / Convert.ToSingle(columns));
                var endPos   = Vector3.Lerp(region.d, region.c, Convert.ToSingle(col) / Convert.ToSingle(columns));

                // Render road
                RenderStraightRoad(cameraInfo, startPos, endPos, netPrefab, selectionColor);

            RenderStraightRoad(cameraInfo, region.b, region.c, netPrefab, selectionColor);
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the proyection of a quad with the terrain
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="quad"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Quad3 Quad3ToTerrain(Quad3 quad)
            var raycast = new Ray(quad.a, Vector3.up);

            if (!IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out Vector3 a1))
                raycast = new Ray(quad.a, Vector3.down);
                IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out a1);

            raycast = new Ray(quad.b, Vector3.up);
            if (!IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out Vector3 b1))
                raycast = new Ray(quad.b, Vector3.down);
                IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out b1);

            raycast = new Ray(quad.c, Vector3.up);
            if (!IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out Vector3 c1))
                raycast = new Ray(quad.c, Vector3.down);
                IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out c1);

            raycast = new Ray(quad.d, Vector3.up);
            if (!IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out Vector3 d1))
                raycast = new Ray(quad.d, Vector3.down);
                IndustryTool.instance.GetColisingWithTerrain(raycast, out d1);

            return(new Quad3(a1, b1, c1, d1));
        public override void RenderOverlay(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo)

            if (!instance.enabled)

            for (int i = 0; i < m_bounds.Count; i++)
                Vector3 position         = m_bounds[i];
                Vector3 previousPosition = i == 0 ? m_bounds[m_bounds.Count - 1] : m_bounds[i - 1];
                    (Vector3.Magnitude(m_mouseIngamePosition - position) < ObjectArray.selectionRadius) ? kSelectedColor : kHoveredColor,
                    position, ObjectArray.selectionRadius, position.y - 1f, position.y + 1f, true, true
                Quad3 quad = new Quad3(position, position, previousPosition, previousPosition);
                RenderManager.instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, kHoveredColor, quad, Math.Min(position.y - 1f, previousPosition.y - 1f), Math.Max(position.y - 1f, previousPosition.y - 1f), true, true);

            if (m_centroid != null)
                Vector3 centroid = (Vector3)m_centroid;
                    (Vector3.Magnitude(m_mouseIngamePosition - centroid) < ObjectArray.selectionRadius * 0.7f) ? kSelectedColor : kHoveredColor,
                    centroid, ObjectArray.selectionRadius * 0.7f, centroid.y - 1f, centroid.y + 1f, true, true
        private static void DrawSearchConeQuad2(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo, float minOverlayY, float maxOverlayY, Quad2 searchConeQuad)
            Quad3 searchConeQuad3 = new Quad3 {
                a = VectorUtils.X_Y(searchConeQuad.a),
                b = VectorUtils.X_Y(searchConeQuad.b),
                c = VectorUtils.X_Y(searchConeQuad.c),
                d = VectorUtils.X_Y(searchConeQuad.d)

            Singleton <RenderManager> .instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, Color.yellow, searchConeQuad3, minOverlayY, maxOverlayY, renderLimits : false, alphaBlend : true);
        private static void DrawBuildingGridRange(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo, float minOverlayY, float maxOverlayY, int minX, int minZ, int maxX, int maxZ)
            Quad3 gridQuad = new Quad3 {
                a = new Vector3((float)(minX - 135) * 64f, 0f, (float)(minZ - 135) * 64f),
                b = new Vector3((float)(minX - 135) * 64f, 0f, (float)(maxZ - 135 + 1) * 64f),
                c = new Vector3((float)(maxX - 135 + 1) * 64f, 0f, (float)(maxZ - 135 + 1) * 64f),
                d = new Vector3((float)(maxX - 135 + 1) * 64f, 0f, (float)(minZ - 135) * 64f)

            Singleton <RenderManager> .instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, Color.yellow, gridQuad, minOverlayY, maxOverlayY, renderLimits : false, alphaBlend : true);
        /// <inheritdoc/>
        public void DoZoning(Quad3 selection, float angle)
            Selection      = selection;
            SelectionAngle = angle;

            if (m_distribution?.Type == DistributionType.GRID)
                var distributionThread = new GridDistribution();
                m_distribution = distributionThread.Generate(Selection.Value);
 public static bool CheckZoning(Building b, ItemClass.Zone zone)
     int width = b.Width;
     int length = b.Length;
     Vector3 vector3_1 = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(b.m_angle), 0.0f, Mathf.Sin(b.m_angle));
     Vector3 vector3_2 = new Vector3(vector3_1.z, 0.0f, -vector3_1.x);
     Vector3 vector3_3 = vector3_1 * ((float)width * 4f);
     Vector3 vector3_4 = vector3_2 * ((float)length * 4f);
     Quad3 quad3 = new Quad3();
     quad3.a = b.m_position - vector3_3 - vector3_4;
     quad3.b = b.m_position + vector3_3 - vector3_4;
     quad3.c = b.m_position + vector3_3 + vector3_4;
     quad3.d = b.m_position - vector3_3 + vector3_4;
     Vector3 vector3_5 = quad3.Min();
     Vector3 vector3_6 = quad3.Max();
     int num1= Mathf.Max((int)((vector3_5.x - 46f) / 64f + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), 0);
     int num2 = Mathf.Max((int)((vector3_5.z - 46f) / 64f + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), 0);
     int num3 = Mathf.Min((int)((vector3_6.x + 46f) / 64f + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), FakeZoneManager.GRIDSIZE - 1);
     int num4 = Mathf.Min((int)((vector3_6.z + 46f) / 64f + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), FakeZoneManager.GRIDSIZE - 1);
     uint validCells = 0U;
     ZoneManager instance = Singleton<ZoneManager>.instance;
     for (int index1 = num2; index1 <= num4; ++index1)
         for (int index2 = num1; index2 <= num3; ++index2)
             ushort num5 = FakeZoneManager.zoneGrid[index1 * FakeZoneManager.GRIDSIZE + index2];
             int num6 = 0;
             while ((int)num5 != 0)
                 Vector3 vector3_7 = instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[(int)num5].m_position;
                 if ((double)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(vector3_5.x - 46f - vector3_7.x, vector3_5.z - 46f - vector3_7.z), Mathf.Max((float)((double)vector3_7.x - (double)vector3_6.x - 46.0), (float)((double)vector3_7.z - (double)vector3_6.z - 46.0))) < 0.0)
                     CheckZoning(b,zone, ref validCells, ref instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[num5]);
                 num5 = instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[(int)num5].m_nextGridBlock;
                 if (++num6 >= 32768)
                     CODebugBase<LogChannel>.Error(LogChannel.Core, "Invalid list detected!\n" + System.Environment.StackTrace);
     for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length; ++index1)
         for (int index2 = 0; index2 < width; ++index2)
             if (((int)validCells & 1 << (index1 << 3) + index2) == 0)
                 return false;
     return true;
        public void RenderOverlay(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo, Color toolColor, ushort buildingId)
            if (buildingId == 0)
            BuildingBuffer[buildingId].GetTotalPosition(out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 size);
            var quad = new Quad3(
                (rot * new Vector3(-size.x, 0, size.z) / 2) + pos,
                (rot * new Vector3(-size.x, 0, -size.z) / 2) + pos,
                (rot * new Vector3(size.x, 0, -size.z) / 2) + pos,
                (rot * new Vector3(size.x, 0, size.z) / 2) + pos


            Singleton <RenderManager> .instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, toolColor, quad, -1f, 1280f, false, true);
        internal static void AddDebugBox(Bounds b, Color32?c = null)
            if (c == null)
                c = new Color32(255, 255, 255, 63);
            Quad3 q = default;

            q.a = new Vector3(b.min.x, b.min.y, b.min.z);
            q.b = new Vector3(b.min.x, b.min.y, b.max.z);
            q.c = new Vector3(b.max.x, b.min.y, b.max.z);
            q.d = new Vector3(b.max.x, b.min.y, b.min.z);
            DebugOverlay d = new DebugOverlay(q, (Color32)c);

    protected override void EndOverlayImpl(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo)

        if (!m_active)

        float         l_dimension   = m_defaultDimension + m_dimensionDelta;
        RenderManager renderManager = RenderManager.instance;

        Quad3 position = new Quad3(
            new Vector3(-l_dimension + m_translation.x, 0, -l_dimension + m_translation.y),
            new Vector3(l_dimension + m_translation.x, 0, -l_dimension + m_translation.y),
            new Vector3(l_dimension + m_translation.x, 0, l_dimension + m_translation.y),
            new Vector3(-l_dimension + m_translation.x, 0, l_dimension + m_translation.y)

        renderManager.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, m_lastTexture, Color.white, position, -1f, 1800f, false, true);
        private void RenderGrid(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo, Vector3 center, float size, float height)
            Vector3 sizeVec    = new Vector3(size, height, size);
            Bounds  gridBounds = new Bounds(center, sizeVec);

            if (cameraInfo.Intersect(gridBounds))
                Vector3 xVec = new Vector3(1f, 0f, 0f);
                Vector3 zVec = new Vector3(0f, 0f, 1f);

                // Currently only draws a square - but could easily change shape by changing size in each direction.
                int xLineCount = (int)Math.Floor(size / GRID_CELL_SIZE);
                int zLineCount = (int)Math.Floor(size / GRID_CELL_SIZE);

                for (int i = 0; i < xLineCount; i++)
                    Quad3 quad = default(Quad3);
                    quad.a = center - xVec * (size / 2) + zVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    quad.b = center - xVec * (size / 2) + zVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    quad.c = center + xVec * (size / 2) + zVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    quad.d = center + xVec * (size / 2) + zVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    Color color = (i % 5 == 0 ? : Color.white);
                    color.a = GRID_COLOR_ALPHA;
                    RenderManager.instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, color, quad, -1f, 1025f, false, true);

                for (int i = 0; i < zLineCount; i++)
                    Quad3 quad = default(Quad3);
                    quad.a = center - zVec * (size / 2) + xVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    quad.b = center - zVec * (size / 2) + xVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    quad.c = center + zVec * (size / 2) + xVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    quad.d = center + zVec * (size / 2) + xVec * (i * GRID_CELL_SIZE - (size / 2));
                    Color color = (i % 5 == 0 ? : Color.white);
                    color.a = GRID_COLOR_ALPHA;
                    RenderManager.instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, color, quad, -1f, 1025f, false, true);
        private static void HoverBuilding(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo, Color toolColor, ushort buildingId)
            BuildingBuffer[buildingId].GetTotalPosition(out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 size);
            var quad = new Quad3(
                (rot * new Vector3(-size.x, 0, size.z) / 2) + pos,
                (rot * new Vector3(-size.x, 0, -size.z) / 2) + pos,
                (rot * new Vector3(size.x, 0, -size.z) / 2) + pos,
                (rot * new Vector3(size.x, 0, size.z) / 2) + pos

            Singleton <RenderManager> .instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, toolColor, quad, -1f, 1280f, false, true);

            var nets               = BuildingBuffer[buildingId].m_netNode;
            var drawnSegments      = new HashSet <ushort>();
            var netManagerInstance = NetManager.instance;

            while (nets > 0)
                ref NetNode currNode = ref netManagerInstance.m_nodes.m_buffer[nets];
                for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                    var segmentId = currNode.GetSegment(i);
                    if (segmentId == 0)
                    if (drawnSegments.Contains(segmentId))
                    ref NetSegment nextSegment = ref netManagerInstance.m_segments.m_buffer[segmentId];
                    if (netManagerInstance.m_nodes.m_buffer[nextSegment.GetOtherNode(nets)].m_building != buildingId)
                    RenderOverlayUtils.RenderNetSegmentOverlay(cameraInfo, toolColor, segmentId);
 /// <summary>
 /// Generates a building distribution inside a selection
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="selection">A <see cref="Quad3"/> object</param>
 /// <returns>A <see cref="DistributionInfo"/> object</returns>
 public abstract DistributionInfo Generate(Quad3 selection);
        public override void RenderOverlay(RenderManager.CameraInfo cameraInfo)
            while (!Monitor.TryEnter(this.m_dataLock, SimulationManager.SYNCHRONIZE_TIMEOUT))
            Vector3 startPosition;
            Vector3 mousePosition;
            Vector3 startDirection;
            Vector3 mouseDirection;
            bool    active;

                active = this.m_active;

                startPosition  = this.m_startPosition;
                mousePosition  = this.m_mousePosition;
                startDirection = this.m_startDirection;
                mouseDirection = this.m_mouseDirection;

            var color =;

            if (!active)

            Vector3 a      = (!active) ? mousePosition : startPosition;
            Vector3 vector = mousePosition;
            Vector3 a2     = (!active) ? mouseDirection : startDirection;
            Vector3 a3     = new Vector3(a2.z, 0f, -a2.x);

            float num  = Mathf.Round(((vector.x - a.x) * a2.x + (vector.z - a.z) * a2.z) * 0.125f) * 8f;
            float num2 = Mathf.Round(((vector.x - a.x) * a3.x + (vector.z - a.z) * a3.z) * 0.125f) * 8f;

            float num3 = (num < 0f) ? -4f : 4f;
            float num4 = (num2 < 0f) ? -4f : 4f;

            Quad3 quad = default(Quad3);

            quad.a = a - a2 * num3 - a3 * num4;
            quad.b = a - a2 * num3 + a3 * (num2 + num4);
            quad.c = a + a2 * (num + num3) + a3 * (num2 + num4);
            quad.d = a + a2 * (num + num3) - a3 * num4;

            if (num3 != num4)
                Vector3 b = quad.b;
                quad.b = quad.d;
                quad.d = b;
            ToolManager toolManager = ToolManager.instance;

            RenderManager.instance.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(cameraInfo, color, quad, -1f, 1025f, false, true);
 private bool PointInRectangle(Quad3 rectangle, Vector3 p)
     return(isLeft(rectangle.a, rectangle.b, p) && isLeft(rectangle.b, rectangle.c, p) && isLeft(rectangle.c, rectangle.d, p) && isLeft(rectangle.d, rectangle.a, p));
        public static bool CheckZoning(ref Building b, ItemClass.Zone zone1, ItemClass.Zone zone2, bool allowCollapsed)
            int     width     = b.Width;
            int     length    = b.Length;
            Vector3 vector3_1 = new Vector3(Mathf.Cos(b.m_angle), 0.0f, Mathf.Sin(b.m_angle));
            Vector3 vector3_2 = new Vector3(vector3_1.z, 0.0f, -vector3_1.x);
            Vector3 vector3_3 = vector3_1 * ((float)width * 4f);
            Vector3 vector3_4 = vector3_2 * ((float)length * 4f);
            Quad3   quad3     = new Quad3();

            quad3.a = b.m_position - vector3_3 - vector3_4;
            quad3.b = b.m_position + vector3_3 - vector3_4;
            quad3.c = b.m_position + vector3_3 + vector3_4;
            quad3.d = b.m_position - vector3_3 + vector3_4;
            Vector3 vector3_5 = quad3.Min();
            Vector3 vector3_6 = quad3.Max();
            //begin mod
            int num1 = Mathf.Max((int)(((double)vector3_5.x - 46.0) / 64.0 + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), 0);
            int num2 = Mathf.Max((int)(((double)vector3_5.z - 46.0) / 64.0 + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), 0);
            int num3 = Mathf.Min((int)(((double)vector3_6.x + 46.0) / 64.0 + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), FakeZoneManager.GRIDSIZE - 1);
            int num4 = Mathf.Min((int)(((double)vector3_6.z + 46.0) / 64.0 + FakeZoneManager.HALFGRID), FakeZoneManager.GRIDSIZE - 1);
            //end mod
            bool        secondary  = false;
            uint        validCells = 0;
            ZoneManager instance   = Singleton <ZoneManager> .instance;

            for (int index1 = num2; index1 <= num4; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = num1; index2 <= num3; ++index2)
                    //begin mod
                    ushort num5 = instance.m_zoneGrid[index1 * FakeZoneManager.GRIDSIZE + index2];
                    //end mod
                    int num6 = 0;
                    while ((int)num5 != 0)
                        if (allowCollapsed || ((int)instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[(int)num5].m_flags & 4) == 0)
                            Vector3 vector3_7 = instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[(int)num5].m_position;
                            if ((double)Mathf.Max(Mathf.Max(vector3_5.x - 46f - vector3_7.x, vector3_5.z - 46f - vector3_7.z), Mathf.Max((float)((double)vector3_7.x - (double)vector3_6.x - 46.0), (float)((double)vector3_7.z - (double)vector3_6.z - 46.0))) < 0.0)
                                CheckZoning(ref b, zone1, zone2, ref validCells, ref secondary, ref instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[(int)num5]);
                        num5 = instance.m_blocks.m_buffer[(int)num5].m_nextGridBlock;
                        if (++num6 >= 49152)
                            CODebugBase <LogChannel> .Error(LogChannel.Core, "Invalid list detected!\n" + System.Environment.StackTrace);

            for (int index1 = 0; index1 < length; ++index1)
                for (int index2 = 0; index2 < width; ++index2)
                    if (((int)validCells & 1 << (index1 << 3) + index2) == 0)
            if (!secondary ? zone1 == ItemClass.Zone.CommercialHigh || zone1 == ItemClass.Zone.ResidentialHigh : zone2 == ItemClass.Zone.CommercialHigh || zone2 == ItemClass.Zone.ResidentialHigh)
                b.m_flags |= Building.Flags.HighDensity;
                b.m_flags &= ~Building.Flags.HighDensity;
 public static void RenderQuad(this Quad3 quad, OverlayData data) => RenderManager.OverlayEffect.DrawQuad(data.CameraInfo, data.Color ?? Colors.White, quad, -1f, 1280f, false, data.AlphaBlend ?? DefaultBlend);
 public DebugOverlay(Quad3 q, Color32 c)
     quad  = q;
     color = c;
        private static void TestLine(NetInfo netInfo, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, Vector3 l1, Vector3 l2,
                                     IList <GuideLine> lines, ushort segmentId = 0, ushort nodeId = 0)
            var p = Util.LineIntersectionPoint(startPoint.xz(), endPoint.xz(), l1.xz(), l2.xz());

            // Lines never meet, discard
            if (!p.HasValue)

            var intersect = new Vector3(p.Value.x, 0, p.Value.y);

            var intersectDistanceSqr = Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(intersect, endPoint.Flatten());

            // Discard if intersect is silly distance away
            if (intersectDistanceSqr > Settings.MaxGuideLineQueryDistanceSqr)

            var guideDirection     = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(l2.Flatten());
            var intersectDirection = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(intersect);

            // Ignore guides in the wrong direction
            if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(guideDirection, intersectDirection, Vector3.up)) > 90f)

            intersect.y = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(intersect);

            var intersectDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(intersectDistanceSqr);

            var line = new GuideLine(l1, intersect, netInfo.m_halfWidth * 2f, intersectDistance, segmentId);

            int index;

            if (IsDuplicate(lines, line, out index))
                var d = lines[index];

                // If a duplicate, check if it is closer than the duplicate
                if (Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(d.Origin, endPoint) >
                    Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(l1, endPoint))
                    lines[index] = line;


            // Check for intersection with existing nodes
            var ra   = Vector3.Cross(guideDirection, Vector3.up);
            var quad = new Quad3(l1 + ra, l1 - ra, intersect + ra, intersect - ra);

            if (NetManager.instance.OverlapQuad(Quad2.XZ(quad), 0, 1280f, ItemClass.CollisionType.Undefined, netInfo.m_class.m_layer, nodeId, 0, segmentId))

        public override DistributionInfo Generate(Quad3 selection)
            // Create info value
            var info = new GridDistributionInfo
                Cells = new List <ParcelWrapper>(),
                Road  = new List <Bezier3>(),

            var down  = (selection.d - selection.a).normalized;
            var right = (selection.b - selection.a).normalized;

            // Create roundabout
            var midPointAB       = Vector3.Lerp(selection.a, selection.b, 0.5f);
            var centerRoundabout = midPointAB + down * 40f;
            var roundabout       = GenerateRoundabout(centerRoundabout, down, right);


            // Generate distribution roads
            var leftPos  = selection.a + down * 40f;
            var leftRoad = GenerateRoad(leftPos, roundabout[0].a);


            var rightPos  = selection.b + down * 40f;
            var rightRoad = GenerateRoad(roundabout[2].a, rightPos);


            var upPos  = Vector3.Lerp(selection.c, selection.d, 0.5f);
            var upRoad = GenerateRoad(roundabout[3].a, upPos);


            var left = (selection.a - selection.b).normalized;

            // Generate secondary roads
            List <Bezier3> lastLeftRoadBranch = null, lastRightRoadBranch = null;

            foreach (var position in upRoad)
                var roadLength = Vector3.Distance(selection.a, selection.b) / 2;

                var leftRoadBranch = GenerateRoad(position.d, position.d + left * roadLength);

                if (lastLeftRoadBranch != null)
                    for (int pos = 1; pos < leftRoadBranch.Count; pos++)
                        var startPos = lastLeftRoadBranch[pos].a;
                        var endPos   = leftRoadBranch[pos].a;
                        var startDir = (endPos - startPos).normalized;
                        var endDir   = (startPos - endPos).normalized;

                        info.Road.Add(GenerateSegment(startPos, startDir, endPos, endDir));

                lastLeftRoadBranch = leftRoadBranch;

                var rightRoadBranch = GenerateRoad(position.d, position.d + right * roadLength);

                if (lastRightRoadBranch != null)
                    for (int pos = 1; pos < rightRoadBranch.Count; pos++)
                        var startPos = lastRightRoadBranch[pos].a;
                        var endPos   = rightRoadBranch[pos].a;
                        var startDir = (endPos - startPos).normalized;
                        var endDir   = (startPos - endPos).normalized;

                        info.Road.Add(GenerateSegment(startPos, startDir, endPos, endDir));

                lastRightRoadBranch = rightRoadBranch;

        private static void TestLine(NetInfo netInfo, Vector3 startPoint, Vector3 endPoint, Vector3 l1, Vector3 l2,
			IList<GuideLine> lines, ushort segmentId = 0, ushort nodeId = 0)
            var p = Util.LineIntersectionPoint(startPoint.xz(), endPoint.xz(), l1.xz(), l2.xz());

            // Lines never meet, discard
            if (!p.HasValue)

            var intersect = new Vector3(p.Value.x, 0, p.Value.y);

            var intersectDistanceSqr = Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(intersect, endPoint.Flatten());

            // Discard if intersect is silly distance away
            if (intersectDistanceSqr > Settings.MaxGuideLineQueryDistanceSqr)

            var guideDirection = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(l2.Flatten());
            var intersectDirection = l1.Flatten().DirectionTo(intersect);

            // Ignore guides in the wrong direction
            if (Mathf.Abs(Vector3Extensions.GetSignedAngleBetween(guideDirection, intersectDirection, Vector3.up)) > 90f)

            intersect.y = TerrainManager.instance.SampleRawHeightSmooth(intersect);

            var intersectDistance = Mathf.Sqrt(intersectDistanceSqr);

            var line = new GuideLine(l1, intersect, netInfo.m_halfWidth*2f, intersectDistance, segmentId);

            int index;

            if (IsDuplicate(lines, line, out index)) {

                var d = lines[index];

                // If a duplicate, check if it is closer than the duplicate
                if (Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(d.Origin, endPoint) > Vector3Extensions.DistanceSquared(l1, endPoint)) {
                    lines[index] = line;



            // Check for intersection with existing nodes
            var ra = Vector3.Cross(guideDirection, Vector3.up);
            var quad = new Quad3(l1 + ra, l1 - ra, intersect + ra, intersect - ra);

            if (NetManager.instance.OverlapQuad(Quad2.XZ(quad), 0, 1280f, netInfo.m_class.m_layer, nodeId, 0, segmentId)) {
