         * Get an encrypted pseudonym for a user from the database.
         * @param user the User ID to get a encrypted pseudonym for.
         * @param sp the SP ID to get a encrypted pseudonym for.
         * @return The encrypted pseudonym for the specified user and SP, or null if no encrypted pseudonym was found in the database.
        public Pseudonym GetEncrypted(string user, string sp)
            var pseudonyms = from ep in db.EncryptedPseudonyms
                             where ep.user == user && ep.sp == sp
                             select Pseudonym.Decode(ep.pseudonym);

         * Get a polymorphic pseudonym for a user from the database.
         * @param user the User ID to get a polymorphic pseudonym for.
         * @return The polymorphic pseudonym for the specified user, or null if no polymorphic pseudonym was found in the database.
        public Pseudonym GetPolymorphic(string user)
            var pseudonyms = from p in db.PolymorphicPseudonyms
                             where p.user == user
                             select Pseudonym.Decode(p.pseudonym);

         * Get an encrypted pseudonym asynchronously.
         * @param pp The polymorphic pseudonym to get an encrypted pseudonym for.
         * @param sp The SP ID to get an encrypted pseudonym for.
         * @return A task that will result in the Encrypted Pseudonym.
        public async Task <Pseudonym> GetEPAsync(Pseudonym pp, string sp)
            HttpClient          client  = new HttpClient();
            HttpResponseMessage message = await client.GetAsync(string.Format(url,
                                                                              WebUtility.UrlEncode(pp.Encode()), WebUtility.UrlEncode(sp)));

            string epString = await message.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();

         * Execute the <code>randomize</code> query
         * @return 2D array <code>result</code> with <code>result[0][0]</code> being the encoded randomized pseudonym.
        public string[][] Randomize()
            string[] oneResult = new string[1];

            Pseudonym pseudonym = Pseudonym.Decode(parameters[0]);

            pseudonym    = pseudonym.Randomize();
            oneResult[0] = pseudonym.Encode();

            return(new string[][] { oneResult });