        private FI.FIBITMAP _encode(Stream input, CodecData codecData)
            var ret = new FI.FIBITMAP();

            var imgData = codecData as ImageData;

            if (imgData != null)
                var data = new byte[(int)input.Length];
                input.Read(data, 0, data.Length);
                var dataPtr = BufferBase.Wrap(data);
                var src     = new PixelBox(imgData.width, imgData.height, imgData.depth, imgData.format, dataPtr);

                // The required format, which will adjust to the format
                // actually supported by FreeImage.
                var requiredFormat = imgData.format;

                // determine the settings
                var imageType         = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_UNKNOWN;
                var determiningFormat = imgData.format;

                switch (determiningFormat)
                case PixelFormat.R5G6B5:
                case PixelFormat.B5G6R5:
                case PixelFormat.R8G8B8:
                case PixelFormat.B8G8R8:
                case PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8:
                case PixelFormat.X8R8G8B8:
                case PixelFormat.A8B8G8R8:
                case PixelFormat.X8B8G8R8:
                case PixelFormat.B8G8R8A8:
                case PixelFormat.R8G8B8A8:
                case PixelFormat.A4L4:
                case PixelFormat.BYTE_LA:
                case PixelFormat.R3G3B2:
                case PixelFormat.A4R4G4B4:
                case PixelFormat.A1R5G5B5:
                case PixelFormat.A2R10G10B10:
                case PixelFormat.A2B10G10R10:
                    // I'd like to be able to use r/g/b masks to get FreeImage to load the data
                    // in it's existing format, but that doesn't work, FreeImage needs to have
                    // data in RGB[A] (big endian) and BGR[A] (little endian), always.
                    if (PixelUtil.HasAlpha(determiningFormat))
                        if (FI.FreeImageEngine.IsLittleEndian)
                            requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_BGRA;
                            requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGBA;
                        if (FI.FreeImageEngine.IsLittleEndian)
                            requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_BGR;
                            requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGB;
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP;

                case PixelFormat.L8:
                case PixelFormat.A8:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_BITMAP;

                case PixelFormat.L16:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_UINT16;

                case PixelFormat.SHORT_GR:
                    requiredFormat = PixelFormat.SHORT_RGB;

                case PixelFormat.SHORT_RGB:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGB16;

                case PixelFormat.SHORT_RGBA:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBA16;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT16_R:
                    requiredFormat = PixelFormat.FLOAT32_R;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT32_R:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_FLOAT;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT16_GR:
                case PixelFormat.FLOAT16_RGB:
                case PixelFormat.FLOAT32_GR:
                    requiredFormat = PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGB;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGB:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBF;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT16_RGBA:
                    requiredFormat = PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGBA;

                case PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGBA:
                    imageType = FI.FREE_IMAGE_TYPE.FIT_RGBAF;

                    throw new AxiomException("Not Supported image format :{0}", determiningFormat.ToString());
                } //end switch

                // Check support for this image type & bit depth
                if (!FI.FreeImage.FIFSupportsExportType((FI.FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) this._freeImageType, imageType) ||
                    !FI.FreeImage.FIFSupportsExportBPP((FI.FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) this._freeImageType,
                    // Ok, need to allocate a fallback
                    // Only deal with RGBA . RGB for now
                    switch (requiredFormat)
                    case PixelFormat.BYTE_RGBA:
                        requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGB;

                    case PixelFormat.BYTE_BGRA:
                        requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_BGR;


                var conversionRequired = false;
                input.Position = 0;
                var srcData = new byte[(int)input.Length];
                input.Read(srcData, 0, srcData.Length);
                var srcDataPtr = BufferBase.Wrap(srcData);

                // Check BPP
                var bpp = PixelUtil.GetNumElemBits(requiredFormat);
                if (!FI.FreeImage.FIFSupportsExportBPP((FI.FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) this._freeImageType, bpp))
                    if (bpp == 32 && PixelUtil.HasAlpha(imgData.format) &&
                        FI.FreeImage.FIFSupportsExportBPP((FI.FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) this._freeImageType, 24))
                        // drop to 24 bit (lose alpha)
                        if (FI.FreeImage.IsLittleEndian())
                            requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_BGR;
                            requiredFormat = PixelFormat.BYTE_RGB;

                        bpp = 24;
                    else if (bpp == 128 && PixelUtil.HasAlpha(imgData.format) &&
                             FI.FreeImage.FIFSupportsExportBPP((FI.FREE_IMAGE_FORMAT) this._freeImageType, 96))
                        // drop to 96-bit floating point
                        requiredFormat = PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGB;

                var convBox = new PixelBox(imgData.width, imgData.height, 1, requiredFormat);
                if (requiredFormat != imgData.format)
                    conversionRequired = true;
                    // Allocate memory
                    var convData = new byte[convBox.ConsecutiveSize];
                    convBox.Data = BufferBase.Wrap(convData);
                    // perform conversion and reassign source
                    var newSrc = new PixelBox(imgData.width, imgData.height, 1, imgData.format, dataPtr);
                    PixelConverter.BulkPixelConversion(newSrc, convBox);
                    srcDataPtr = convBox.Data;

                ret = FI.FreeImage.AllocateT(imageType, imgData.width, imgData.height, bpp);
                if (ret.IsNull)
                    if (conversionRequired)
                        convBox = null;

                    throw new AxiomException("FreeImage.AllocateT failed - possibly out of memory. ");

                if (requiredFormat == PixelFormat.L8 || requiredFormat == PixelFormat.A8)
                    // Must explicitly tell FreeImage that this is greyscale by setting
                    // a "grey" palette (otherwise it will save as a normal RGB
                    // palettized image).
                    var tmp = FI.FreeImage.ConvertToGreyscale(ret);
                    ret = tmp;

                var dstPitch = (int)FI.FreeImage.GetPitch(ret);
                var srcPitch = imgData.width * PixelUtil.GetNumElemBytes(requiredFormat);

                // Copy data, invert scanlines and respect FreeImage pitch
                var pSrc = srcDataPtr;
                using (var pDest = BufferBase.Wrap(FI.FreeImage.GetBits(ret), imgData.height * srcPitch))
                    var byteSrcData = pSrc;
                    var byteDstData = pDest;
                    for (var y = 0; y < imgData.height; ++y)
                        byteSrcData += (imgData.height - y - 1) * srcPitch;
                        Memory.Copy(pSrc, pDest, srcPitch);
                        byteDstData += dstPitch;

                if (conversionRequired)
                    // delete temporary conversion area
                    convBox = null;
文件: ILUtil.cs 项目: suntabu/axiom
        public static void ConvertToIL(PixelBox src)
            // ilTexImage http://openil.sourceforge.net/docs/il/f00059.htm
            var ifmt = Convert(src.Format);

            if (src.IsConsecutive && ifmt.IsValid)
                // The easy case, the buffer is laid out in memory just like
                // we want it to be and is in a format DevIL can understand directly
                // We could even save the copy if DevIL would let us
                Il.ilTexImage(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, (byte)ifmt.Channels, ifmt.Format, ifmt.Type, src.Data.Pin());
            else if (ifmt.IsValid)
                // The format can be understood directly by DevIL. The only
                // problem is that ilTexImage expects our image data consecutively
                // so we cannot use that directly.

                // Let DevIL allocate the memory for us, and copy the data consecutively
                // to its memory
                Il.ilTexImage(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, (byte)ifmt.Channels, ifmt.Format, ifmt.Type, IntPtr.Zero);
                using (var dstbuf = BufferBase.Wrap(Il.ilGetData(), Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_SIZE_OF_DATA)))
                    var dst = new PixelBox(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, src.Format, dstbuf);
                    PixelConverter.BulkPixelConversion(src, dst);
                // Here it gets ugly. We're stuck with a pixel format that DevIL
                // can't do anything with. We will do a bulk pixel conversion and
                // then feed it to DevIL anyway. The problem is finding the best
                // format to convert to.

                // most general format supported by Axiom and DevIL
                var fmt = PixelUtil.HasAlpha(src.Format) ? PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGBA : PixelFormat.FLOAT32_RGB;

                // Make up a pixel format
                // We don't have to consider luminance formats as they have
                // straight conversions to DevIL, just weird permutations of RGBA an LA
                var depths = PixelUtil.GetBitDepths(src.Format);

                // Native endian format with all bit depths<8 can safely and quickly be
                // converted to 24/32 bit
                if (PixelUtil.IsNativeEndian(src.Format) && depths[0] <= 8 && depths[1] <= 8 && depths[2] <= 8 &&
                    depths[3] <= 8)
                    if (PixelUtil.HasAlpha(src.Format))
                        fmt = PixelFormat.A8R8G8B8;
                        fmt = PixelFormat.R8G8B8;

                // Let DevIL allocate the memory for us, then do the conversion ourselves
                ifmt = Convert(fmt);
                Il.ilTexImage(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, (byte)ifmt.Channels, ifmt.Format, ifmt.Type, IntPtr.Zero);
                // TAO 2.0
                //Il.ilTexImage( src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, (byte)ifmt.Channels, ifmt.Format, ifmt.Type, null );
                using (var dstbuf = BufferBase.Wrap(Il.ilGetData(), Il.ilGetInteger(Il.IL_IMAGE_SIZE_OF_DATA)))
                    var dst = new PixelBox(src.Width, src.Height, src.Depth, fmt, dstbuf);
                    PixelConverter.BulkPixelConversion(src, dst);