        void ManageHedgedOrders(Order order)
            if (!tsitemEnableHedging.Checked)

            // See if this order's instrument is in our managed hedges list
            foreach (InstrumentKey key in managedHedges.Keys)
                InstrumentInfo info = managedHedges[key];
                if (order.InstrumentKey == info.InstrumentKey)
                    //listOrders.Items.Insert(0, OrderToString(order));
                    if (order.IsChild && !order.IsSynthetic)
                        Instrument   instrument = info.Instrument;
                        OrderProfile profile    = CreateOrderCopy(order, instrument);
                        // try to delete the order and re-insert it
                        if (order.Delete())
        /// <summary>
        /// Create an OrderProfile from this existing order
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>A TTAPI OrderProfile object</returns>
        /// <remarks>There is a problem with using the TTAPI method to create a copy of an order</remarks>
        public OrderProfile CloneProfile()
            ReadOnlyCollection <OrderFeed> feeds = Instrument.TTAPI_Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds();
            OrderFeed feed = feeds[1];

            OrderRoute.GetOrderRoute(Instrument, Market.Name);
            OrderProfile profile = new OrderProfile(feed, Instrument.TTAPI_Instrument);

            profile.AccountName         = TTAPI_Order.AccountName;
            profile.AccountType         = TTAPI_Order.AccountType;
            profile.BuySell             = TTAPI_Order.BuySell;
            profile.Destination         = TTAPI_Order.Destination;
            profile.FFT2                = TTAPI_Order.FFT2;
            profile.FFT3                = TTAPI_Order.FFT3;
            profile.GiveUp              = TTAPI_Order.GiveUp;
            profile.IsAutomated         = TTAPI_Order.IsAutomated;
            profile.LimitPrice          = TTAPI_Order.LimitPrice;
            profile.MinimumQuantity     = TTAPI_Order.MinimumQuantity;
            profile.Modifiers           = TTAPI_Order.Modifiers;
            profile.OpenClose           = TTAPI_Order.OpenClose;
            profile.OrderQuantity       = TTAPI_Order.OrderQuantity;
            profile.OrderTag            = TTAPI_Order.OrderTag;
            profile.OrderType           = TTAPI_Order.OrderType;
            profile.PriceCheck          = TTAPI_Order.PriceCheck;
            profile.Restriction         = TTAPI_Order.Restriction;
            profile.StopPrice           = TTAPI_Order.StopPrice;
            profile.StopTriggerQuantity = TTAPI_Order.StopTriggerQuantity;
            profile.SubUserId           = TTAPI_Order.SubUserId;
            profile.TimeInForce         = TTAPI_Order.TimeInForce;
            profile.UserName            = TTAPI_Order.UserName;
            profile.UserTag             = TTAPI_Order.UserTag;

        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for order added
        /// </summary>
        void m_ts_OrderAdded(object sender, OrderAddedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Order.SiteOrderKey == m_orderKey)
                // Our parent order has been added
                Console.WriteLine("Our parent order has been added: {0}", e.Message);
            else if (e.Order.SyntheticOrderKey == m_orderKey)
                // A child order of our parent order has been added
                Console.WriteLine("A child order of our parent order has been added: {0}", e.Message);

                // When half of the order quantity has been disclosed, reduce the price of all
                // subsequent child orders by 1 tick by reducing the parent order by 1 tick
                SseSyntheticOrder sseOrder = m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey] as SseSyntheticOrder;
                if (m_changed == false && sseOrder.UndisclosedQuantity <= (sseOrder.OrderQuantity / 2))
                    OrderProfile op = sseOrder.GetOrderProfile() as OrderProfile;
                    op.Action = OrderAction.Change;

                    if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                        Console.WriteLine("Send change order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("Send change order succeeded.");
                        m_changed = true;
        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell)
                OrderFeed            orderFeed = comboBoxOrderFeed.SelectedItem as OrderFeed;
                CustomerDefaultEntry customer  = cboCustomer.SelectedItem as CustomerDefaultEntry;

                OrderProfile orderProfile = new OrderProfile(orderFeed, m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, customer.Customer);

                // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.BuySell = buySell;

                // Set the quantity.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtQuantity.Text);

                // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                // Set the limit order price.
                orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);

                // Send the order.

                m_LastOrderSiteOrderKey = orderProfile.SiteOrderKey;
            catch (Exception err)
        void StartAlgo()
            while (!m_price.IsValid || m_algo == null)

            // To retrieve the list of parameters valid for the Algo you can call algo.AlgoParameters;
            // Construct a dictionary of the parameters and the values to send out
            Dictionary <string, object> algo_userparams = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "Ignore Market State", true },

            var lines = algo_userparams.Select(kvp => kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines));

            OrderProfile algo_op = m_algo.GetOrderProfile(m_instrument);

            algo_op.LimitPrice     = m_price;
            algo_op.OrderQuantity  = Quantity.FromDecimal(m_instrument, 5);;
            algo_op.Side           = OrderSide.Buy;
            algo_op.OrderType      = OrderType.Limit;
            algo_op.Account        = m_accounts.ElementAt(0);
            algo_op.UserParameters = algo_userparams;
        OrderProfile CreateOrderCopy(Order order, Instrument instrument)
            ReadOnlyCollection <OrderFeed> feeds = instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds();
            OrderFeed    feed    = feeds[1];
            OrderProfile profile = new OrderProfile(feed, instrument);

            profile.AccountName         = order.AccountName;
            profile.AccountType         = order.AccountType;
            profile.BuySell             = order.BuySell;
            profile.Destination         = order.Destination;
            profile.FFT2                = order.FFT2;
            profile.FFT3                = order.FFT3;
            profile.GiveUp              = order.GiveUp;
            profile.IsAutomated         = order.IsAutomated;
            profile.LimitPrice          = order.LimitPrice;
            profile.MinimumQuantity     = order.MinimumQuantity;
            profile.Modifiers           = order.Modifiers;
            profile.OpenClose           = order.OpenClose;
            profile.OrderQuantity       = order.OrderQuantity;
            profile.OrderTag            = order.OrderTag;
            profile.OrderType           = order.OrderType;
            profile.PriceCheck          = order.PriceCheck;
            profile.Restriction         = order.Restriction;
            profile.StopPrice           = order.StopPrice;
            profile.StopTriggerQuantity = order.StopTriggerQuantity;
            profile.SubUserId           = order.SubUserId;
            profile.TimeInForce         = order.TimeInForce;
            profile.UserName            = order.UserName;
            profile.UserTag             = order.UserTag;

        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(TTOrder tto, ZOrder o)
            ZOrderSide   orderSide    = o.Side;
            string       qtyStr       = o.Qty.ToString();
            string       priceStr     = GetPriceString(o);
            ZOrderType   orderType    = o.Type;
            string       stopPriceStr = o.StopPrice.ToString();           // TODO: WE NEED TO DEAL WITH STOP ORDERS!!!
            TTInstrument ttinstr      = _instruments[o.Iid];

            cout("TengineTT::SendOrder: {0}", o.ToString());
                //OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(ttinstr.DefaultOrderFeed, ttinstr.Instrument, this.DefaultCustomer);
                OrderProfile op = tto.Profile;

                op.BuySell        = TranslateSide(orderSide);                        // Set for Buy or Sell.
                op.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, qtyStr); // Set the quantity.

                if (orderType == ZOrderType.Market)                                  // Market Order
                    op.OrderType = OrderType.Market;
                else if (orderType == ZOrderType.Limit)         // Limit Order
                    // Set the limit order price.
                    op.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, priceStr);
                else if (orderType == ZOrderType.StopMarket)                            // Stop Market Order
                    op.OrderType = OrderType.Market;                                    // Set the order type to "Market" for a market order.
                    op.Modifiers = OrderModifiers.Stop;                                 // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    op.StopPrice = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, stopPriceStr);  // Set the stop price.
                else if (orderType == ZOrderType.StopLimit)                             // Stop Limit Order
                    op.OrderType  = OrderType.Limit;                                    // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                    op.Modifiers  = OrderModifiers.Stop;                                // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    op.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, priceStr);     // Set the limit order price.
                    op.StopPrice  = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, stopPriceStr); // Set the stop price.

                m_dtrd[ttinstr.InstrumentKey].SendOrder(op);    // Send the order.

                cout("TengineTT::SendOrder: TT Order Send {0} {1}|{2}@{3}", op.SiteOrderKey, op.BuySell.ToString(), op.QuantityToWork.ToString(), LimitOrMarketPrice(op));

                /*// Update the GUI.
                 * txtOrderBook.Text += String.Format("Send {0} {1}|{2}@{3}{4}",
                 *  orderProfile.SiteOrderKey,
                 *  orderProfile.BuySell.ToString(),
                 *  orderProfile.QuantityToWork.ToString(),
                 *  orderProfile.OrderType == OrderType.Limit ? orderProfile.LimitPrice.ToString() : "Market Price",
                 *  System.Environment.NewLine);*/
            catch (Exception err)
        public static string SendLimitOrder(TradingTechnologies.TTAPI.Instrument instrument,
                                            TradingTechnologies.TTAPI.Price price, int qty, Subscription ttapisubs, string orderTag = "")

            BuySell Direction   = BuySell.Buy;
            string  AccountName = "H1KOC";

            if (qty < 0)
                Direction = BuySell.Sell;
                qty       = -qty;

            string tickerDB = TA.TickerConverters.ConvertFromTTAPIFields2DB(instrument.Product.ToString(), instrument.Name.ToString());

            string[] TickerList = tickerDB.Split('-');

            string TickerHead   = ContractUtilities.ContractMetaInfo.GetContractSpecs(TickerList[0]).tickerHead;
            string ExchangeName = ContractUtilities.ContractMetaInfo.GetExchange4Tickerhead(TickerHead);

            AccountType AccType = AccountType.P2;

            OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], instrument);

            op.BuySell     = Direction;
            op.AccountName = AccountName;

            if (ExchangeName == "ICE")
                AccType   = AccountType.G2;
                op.GiveUp = "5283";

            op.AccountType   = AccType;
            op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(instrument, qty);
            op.OrderType     = OrderType.Limit;

            if (orderTag.Count() > 0)
                op.OrderTag = orderTag;

            op.LimitPrice = price;

            InstrumentTradeSubscription TS = ttapisubs.TsDictionary[instrument.Key];

            if (!TS.SendOrder(op))
                Console.WriteLine("Send new order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Send new order succeeded.");

        /// <summary>   Event notification for price update. </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">   Source of the event. </param>
        /// <param name="e">        Fields updated event information. </param>
        void m_priceSubscription_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                // Make sure that there is a valid bid
                if (e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value != null && m_isOrderBookDownloaded)
                    if (m_orderKey == "")
                        // If there is no order working, submit one .
                        OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument);
                        op.BuySell       = BuySell.Buy;
                        op.Account       = m_accounts.ElementAt(0);
                        op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromDecimal(e.Fields.Instrument, 10);
                        op.OrderType     = OrderType.Limit;
                        op.LimitPrice    = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value - 1;

                        if (!m_instrumentTradeSubscription.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order Failed.!!");
                            m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey;
                            Console.WriteLine("\nSent new order: " + e.Fields.Instrument.Name + " " + op.BuySell + " " + op.OrderQuantity.ToString() + "@" + op.LimitPrice.ToString() + " SOK=" + op.SiteOrderKey);
                    else if (m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Orders.ContainsKey(m_orderKey) &&
                             m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Orders[m_orderKey].LimitPrice != (e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value - 1))
                        // If there is a working order, reprice it
                        OrderProfile op = m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Orders[m_orderKey].GetOrderProfile();
                        op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value - 1;
                        op.Action     = OrderAction.Change;

                        Console.WriteLine("Change price from {0} to {1}", m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Orders[m_orderKey].LimitPrice, op.LimitPrice);

                        if (!m_instrumentTradeSubscription.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Sent order update: " + e.Fields.Instrument.Name + " " + op.OrderQuantity.ToString() + "@" + op.LimitPrice.ToString() + " SOK=" + op.SiteOrderKey);
                            Console.WriteLine("Send change order succeeded.");
                if (e.Error != null)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for price update
        /// </summary>
        void m_ps_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                // Make sure that there is a valid bid
                if (e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().HasValidValue)
                    if (m_orderKey == "")
                        // If there is no order working, submit one through the first valid order feed.
                        // You should use the order feed that is valid for your purposes.
                        OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], e.Fields.Instrument);
                        op.BuySell       = BuySell.Buy;
                        op.AccountName   = "12345678";
                        op.AccountType   = AccountType.A1;
                        op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 10);
                        op.OrderType     = OrderType.Limit;
                        op.LimitPrice    = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;

                        if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                            m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey;
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order succeeded.");
                    else if (m_ts.Orders.ContainsKey(m_orderKey) &&
                             m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey].LimitPrice != e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value)
                        // If there is a working order, reprice it if its price is not the same as the bid
                        OrderProfileBase op = m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey].GetOrderProfile();
                        op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;
                        op.Action     = OrderAction.Change;

                        if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send change order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                            Console.WriteLine("Send change order succeeded.");
                if (e.Error.IsRecoverableError == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(TTInstrument ttinstr, ZOrder o)
            var orderSide    = o.Side;
            var qtyStr       = o.Qty.ToString();
            var priceStr     = o.Price.ToString();
            var orderType    = o.Type;
            var stopPriceStr = o.StopPrice.ToString();                 // TODO: WE NEED TO DEAL WITH STOP ORDERS!!!

            cout("TeTTApi::SendOrder: {0}", o.ToString());
                CustomerDefaultEntry m_defaultCustomer = null;
                OrderProfile         orderProfile      = new OrderProfile(ttinstr.DefaultOrderFeed, ttinstr.Instrument, m_defaultCustomer.Customer);

                orderProfile.BuySell        = TranslateSide(orderSide);                        // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, qtyStr); // Set the quantity.

                if (orderType == ZOrderType.Market)                                            // Market Order
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Market;
                else if (orderType == ZOrderType.Limit)     // Limit Order
                    // Set the limit order price.
                    orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, priceStr);
                else if (orderType == ZOrderType.StopMarket)                                      // Stop Market Order
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Market;                                    // Set the order type to "Market" for a market order.
                    orderProfile.Modifiers = OrderModifiers.Stop;                                 // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    orderProfile.StopPrice = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, stopPriceStr);  // Set the stop price.
                else if (orderType == ZOrderType.StopLimit)                                       // Stop Limit Order
                    orderProfile.OrderType  = OrderType.Limit;                                    // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                    orderProfile.Modifiers  = OrderModifiers.Stop;                                // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, priceStr);     // Set the limit order price.
                    orderProfile.StopPrice  = Price.FromString(ttinstr.Instrument, stopPriceStr); // Set the stop price.

                //m_instrumentTradeSubscription.SendOrder(orderProfile);  // Send the order.

                cout("TT Order Send {0} {1}|{2}@{3}", orderProfile.SiteOrderKey, orderProfile.BuySell.ToString(), orderProfile.QuantityToWork.ToString(), LimitOrMarketPrice(orderProfile));

                /*// Update the GUI.
                 * txtOrderBook.Text += String.Format("Send {0} {1}|{2}@{3}{4}",
                 *  orderProfile.SiteOrderKey,
                 *  orderProfile.BuySell.ToString(),
                 *  orderProfile.QuantityToWork.ToString(),
                 *  orderProfile.OrderType == OrderType.Limit ? orderProfile.LimitPrice.ToString() : "Market Price",
                 *  System.Environment.NewLine);*/
            catch (Exception err)
        public static void SendLimitOrder(TradingTechnologies.TTAPI.Instrument instrument,
            TradingTechnologies.TTAPI.Price price, int qty, Subscription ttapisubs, string orderTag="")

            BuySell Direction = BuySell.Buy;
            string AccountName = "H1KOC";

            if (qty<0)
                Direction = BuySell.Sell;
                qty = -qty;

            string tickerDB = TA.TickerConverters.ConvertFromTTAPIFields2DB(instrument.Product.ToString(), instrument.Name.ToString());
            string[] TickerList = tickerDB.Split('-');

            string TickerHead = ContractUtilities.ContractMetaInfo.GetContractSpecs(TickerList[0]).tickerHead;
            string ExchangeName = ContractUtilities.ContractMetaInfo.GetExchange4Tickerhead(TickerHead);

            AccountType AccType = AccountType.P2;

            OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], instrument);
            op.BuySell = Direction;
            op.AccountName = AccountName;

            if (ExchangeName == "ICE")
                AccType = AccountType.G2;
                op.GiveUp = "5283";

            op.AccountType = AccType;
            op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(instrument, qty);
            op.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;

            if (orderTag.Count()>0)
                op.OrderTag = orderTag;

            op.LimitPrice = price;

            InstrumentTradeSubscription TS = ttapisubs.TsDictionary[instrument.Key];

            if (!TS.SendOrder(op))
                Console.WriteLine("Send new order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                Console.WriteLine("Send new order succeeded.");
        public void priceSub_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                if (orderKey == null)
                    // In this example, the order is routed to the first order feed in the list of valid order feeds.
                    // You should use the order feed that is appropriate for your purposes.
                    OrderProfile prof = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], e.Fields.Instrument);
                    prof.BuySell = BuySell.Buy;
                    prof.AccountType = AccountType.Agent1;
                    prof.AccountName = "fg006001";
                    prof.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 1);
                    prof.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                    prof.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;

                    if (!ts.SendOrder(prof))
                        Console.WriteLine("Send Order failed : {0}", prof.RoutingStatus.Message);
                        orderKey = prof.SiteOrderKey;
                        Console.WriteLine("Order sent with price = {0}", prof.LimitPrice);
                else if (ts.Orders.Keys.Contains(orderKey) &&
                         e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().HasValueChanged &&
                    OrderProfileBase prof = ts.Orders[orderKey].GetOrderProfile();
                    prof.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;
                    prof.Action = OrderAction.Change;

                    if (!ts.SendOrder(prof))
                        Console.WriteLine("Send Order failed : {0}", prof.RoutingStatus.Message);
                        Console.WriteLine("Order Re-priced to {0}", prof.LimitPrice);
                if (e.Error.IsRecoverableError == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: " + e.Error.Message);
        public TTOrder SendOrder(TTInstrument instrument, BuySell buySell, OrderType orderType, Quantity quantity, Price price)
            TTOrder tto = null;

            OrderRoute orderRoute = instrument.OrderRoute;

            // If the order route has not been set for this instrument, see if there is
            // an OrderRouteInfo for this market (user sets using SetOrderRouteInfo method)
            if (instrument.OrderRoute == null && orderRouteInfo.ContainsKey(instrument.Market.Name))
                OrderRouteInfo info          = orderRouteInfo[instrument.Market.Name];
                string         orderFeedName = info.OrderFeedName;
                AccountType    accountType   = (AccountType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AccountType), info.AccountTypeName);
                string         accountName   = info.AccountName;
                OrderFeed      feedToUse     = null;
                foreach (OrderFeed feed in instrument.EnabledOrderFeeds)
                    if (feed.Name.Equals(orderFeedName))
                        feedToUse = feed;
                orderRoute = new OrderRoute(feedToUse, accountType, accountName);

            OrderProfile prof = new OrderProfile(orderRoute.OrderFeed, instrument.TTAPI_Instrument);

            prof.BuySell       = buySell;
            prof.OrderType     = orderType;
            prof.OrderQuantity = quantity;
            prof.LimitPrice    = price;
            prof.AccountType   = orderRoute.AccountType;
            prof.AccountName   = orderRoute.AccountName;
            string tag = TTHelper.GetUniqueTag();

            prof.OrderTag = tag;

            // Loop here to wait for the order to be returned via the API callbacks
            const int TIMEOUT_COUNT = 300;

            for (int i = 0; i < TIMEOUT_COUNT; i++)
                if (sentOrders.ContainsKey(tag))
                    tto = sentOrders[tag];

        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell, OrderType orderType, int qty, double price)
            //OrderRoute.GetOrderRoute(this, this.Market.Name);
            OrderProfile prof = new OrderProfile(OrderRoute.OrderFeed, TTAPI_Instrument);

            prof.BuySell       = buySell;
            prof.OrderType     = orderType;
            prof.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(TTAPI_Instrument, qty);
            prof.LimitPrice    = Price.FromDouble(TTAPI_Instrument, price);
            prof.AccountType   = OrderRoute.AccountType;
            prof.AccountName   = OrderRoute.AccountName;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for price update
        /// </summary>
        void m_ps_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                // Make sure that there is a valid bid
                if (e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().HasValidValue)
                    if (m_orderKey == "")
                        // If there is no order working, submit one through the first valid order feed.
                        // You should use the order feed that is valid for your purposes.
                        OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], e.Fields.Instrument);
                        op.BuySell       = BuySell.Buy;
                        op.AccountName   = "12345678";
                        op.AccountType   = AccountType.A1;
                        op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 100);
                        op.OrderType     = OrderType.Limit;
                        op.LimitPrice    = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;

                        op.SlicerType               = SlicerType.TimeSliced;
                        op.DisclosedQuantity        = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 10);
                        op.DisclosedQuantityMode    = QuantityMode.Quantity;
                        op.InterSliceDelay          = 10;
                        op.InterSliceDelayTimeUnits = TimeUnits.Sec;
                        op.LeftoverAction           = LeftoverAction.Leave;
                        op.LeftoverActionTime       = LeftoverActionTime.AtEnd;
                        op.PriceMode = PriceMode.Absolute;

                        if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                            m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey;
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order succeeded.");
                if (e.Error.IsRecoverableError == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
        public override uint CreateOrder(uint iid, ZOrderSide side, int price, uint qty, ZOrderType type, ZOrderTimeInForce tif)
            uint oid = GenerateOrderId();
            var  o   = new ZOrder(oid, iid, side, price, qty, type, tif);

            orders[oid] = o;

            // Add this to the OrderMap which will allow us to convert to/from TTAPI orders
            var          ttinstr = _instruments[iid];
            OrderProfile op      = new OrderProfile(ttinstr.DefaultOrderFeed, ttinstr.Instrument, this.DefaultCustomer);
            var          tto     = new TTOrder(op);

            _orders.Add(tto.Key, tto, oid);

        public void priceSub_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                if (orderKey == null)
                    // This is a time-slicer order
                    // In this example, the order is routed to the first order feed in the list of valid order feeds.
                    // You should use the order feed that is appropriate for your purposes.
                    OrderProfile prof = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], e.Fields.Instrument);
                    prof.BuySell = BuySell.Buy;
                    prof.AccountType = AccountType.Agent1;
                    prof.AccountName = "123";
                    prof.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 100);
                    prof.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                    prof.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;

                    prof.SlicerType = SlicerType.TimeSliced;
                    prof.DisclosedQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 10);
                    prof.DisclosedQuantityMode = QuantityMode.Quantity;
                    prof.InterSliceDelay = 10;
                    prof.InterSliceDelayTimeUnits = TimeUnits.Sec;
                    prof.LeftoverAction = LeftoverAction.Leave;
                    prof.LeftoverActionTime = LeftoverActionTime.AtEnd;
                    prof.PriceMode = PriceMode.Absolute;

                    if (!ts.SendOrder(prof))
                        Console.WriteLine("Send Order failed : " + prof.RoutingStatus.Message);
                        orderKey = prof.SiteOrderKey;
                        Console.WriteLine("Order sent with price = " + prof.LimitPrice);
                if (e.Error.IsRecoverableError == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: " + e.Error.Message);
        public async Task GetOrdersReturnsAllOrders()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OrdersDbContext>()
                          .UseSqlServer("Data Source=LAPTOP-U3V1724K;Initial Catalog=Microservices.Orders.Database;Integrated Security=True")
            var dbContext = new OrdersDbContext(options);

            var orderProfile  = new OrderProfile();
            var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(orderProfile));
            var mapper        = new Mapper(configuration);

            var ordersProvider = new OrdersProvider(dbContext, null, mapper, configuration, null);

            var order = await ordersProvider.GetAllOrdersAsync();

        public async Task GetAllOrdersAsyncTest()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OrdersDbContext>()
            var dbContext = new OrdersDbContext(options);


            var orderProfile  = new OrderProfile();
            var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(config => config.AddProfile(orderProfile));
            var mapper        = new Mapper(configuration);

            var ordersProvider = new OrdersProvider(dbContext, null, mapper);
            var orders         = await ordersProvider.GetOrdersAsync(1);

        public async Task GetAllOrdersWdInvalidId()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OrdersDbContext>()
            var dbContext = new OrdersDbContext(options);


            var ordersProfile = new OrderProfile();
            var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(ordersProfile));
            var mapper        = new Mapper(configuration);

            var ordersProvider = new OrdersProvider(dbContext, null, mapper);
            var results        = await ordersProvider.GetOrdersAsync(-1);

        public async Task GetOrdersReturnsAllOrdersByCustomerId()
            var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OrderDbContext>()
            var dbContext = new OrderDbContext(options);

            //Mock Object for the mapper
            var orderProfile  = new OrderProfile();
            var configuration = new MapperConfiguration(cfg => cfg.AddProfile(orderProfile));
            var mapper        = new Mapper(configuration);

            var ordersProvider = new OrdersProvider(dbContext, null, mapper);

            var order = await ordersProvider.GetOrdersAsync(1);

        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell)
            // make sure the user has dragged a contract before we continue
            if (m_instrumentTradeSubscription == null)

                OrderFeed            orderFeed = this.cboOrderFeed.SelectedItem as OrderFeed;
                CustomerDefaultEntry customer  = this.cboCustomer.SelectedItem as CustomerDefaultEntry;

                OrderProfile orderProfile = new OrderProfile(orderFeed, m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, customer.Customer);

                // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.BuySell = buySell;

                // Set the quantity.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtQuantity.Text);

                // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;

                // Set the limit order price.
                orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);

                // Send the order.
                if (m_instrumentTradeSubscription.SendOrder(orderProfile))
                    // log the order send
                    Console.WriteLine("Order Sent");
            catch (Exception err)
 public TTOrder(OrderProfile op)
     //m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey;
     m_orderProfile = op;
     m_order        = null;
        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for price update
        /// </summary>
        void m_ps_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                // Make sure that there is a valid bid
                if (e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().HasValidValue)
                    if (m_orderKey == "")
                        // If there is no order working, submit one through the first valid order feed.
                        // You should use the order feed that is valid for your purposes.
                        OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], e.Fields.Instrument);
                        op.BuySell = BuySell.Buy;
                        op.AccountName = "12345678";
                        op.AccountType = AccountType.A1;
                        op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 100);
                        op.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                        op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;

                        op.SlicerType = SlicerType.TimeSliced;
                        op.DisclosedQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 10);
                        op.DisclosedQuantityMode = QuantityMode.Quantity;
                        op.InterSliceDelay = 10;
                        op.InterSliceDelayTimeUnits = TimeUnits.Sec;
                        op.LeftoverAction = LeftoverAction.Leave;
                        op.LeftoverActionTime = LeftoverActionTime.AtEnd;
                        op.PriceMode = PriceMode.Absolute;

                        if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                            m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey;
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order succeeded.");
                if (e.Error.IsRecoverableError == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
        /// <summary>   Event notification for order book download complete. </summary>
        void m_algoTradeSubscription_OrderBookDownload(object sender, OrderBookDownloadEventArgs e)
            Console.WriteLine("Orderbook downloaded...");

            //To retrieve the list of parameters valid for the Algo you can call

            //For an Iceberg Synthetic order here is the list of parameters you can set.

             *  Strategy: TT_Iceberg
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * Name Type                                       Required                Updateable
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * OrderInstrumentID                                 true                     false
             * OrderQty                                          true                     true
             * OrderSide                                         true                     false
             * OrderAccount                                      true                     false
             * OrderType                                         true                     false
             * LimitPrice                                        true                     true
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * Name                        Type                Required         Updateable   Algo Specific Enum
             * -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
             * ChildTIF                    Int_t               true            false
             * ParentTIF                   Int_t               true            false         tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.ParentTIF
             * DiscVal                     Qty_t               true            true
             * DiscValType                 Int_t               true            true          tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.DiscValType
             * Variance                    Int_t               false           false
             * LimitTicksAway              Int_t               false           true
             * LimitPriceType              Int_t               false           false         tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.LimitPriceType
             * TriggerType                 Int_t               false           false         tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.TriggerType
             * TriggerPriceType            Int_t               false           false         tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.TriggerPriceType
             * IsTrlTrg                    Boolean_t           false           false
             * TriggerTicksAway            Int_t               false           true
             * WithATickType               Int_t               false           false         tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.WithATickType
             * WithATick                   Qty_t               false           true
             * STime                       UTCTimestamp_t      false           true
             * ETime                       UTCTimestamp_t      false           true
             * ETimeAct                    Int_t               false           false         tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.ETimeAct
             * AutoResubExpiredGTD         Boolean_t           false           false
             * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            // Get the accounts
            m_accounts = m_api.Accounts;

            //Construct a dictionary of the parameters and the values to send out
            Dictionary <string, object> iceberg_userparams = new Dictionary <string, object>
                { "DiscVal", 5 },
                { "DiscValType", tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.DiscValType.Qty },
                { "ChildTIF", tt_net_sdk.TimeInForce.Day },
                { "ParentTIF", tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.ParentTIF.Day },
                { "ETimeAct", tt_net_sdk.tt_iceberg.ETimeAct.Cancel },
                { "STime", EpochTimeUtc(30) },
                { "ETime", EpochTimeUtc(60) },

            var lines = iceberg_userparams.Select(kvp => kvp.Key + ": " + kvp.Value.ToString());

            Console.WriteLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, lines));

            OrderProfile iceberg_op = m_algo.GetOrderProfile(m_instrument);

            iceberg_op.LimitPrice = m_price;
            if (m_accounts.Count > 0)
                iceberg_op.Account = m_accounts.ElementAt(0);
            iceberg_op.Side          = OrderSide.Buy;
            iceberg_op.OrderType     = OrderType.Limit;
            iceberg_op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromDecimal(m_instrument, 10);
            iceberg_op.TimeInForce   = TimeInForce.Day;

            iceberg_op.UserParameters = iceberg_userparams;
            iceberg_op.UserTag        = "IcebergAlgoUsertag";
            iceberg_op.OrderTag       = "IcebergAlgoOrderTag";
        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell)
                OrderFeed            orderFeed = comboBoxOrderFeed.SelectedItem as OrderFeed;
                CustomerDefaultEntry customer  = cboCustomer.SelectedItem as CustomerDefaultEntry;

                OrderProfile orderProfile = new OrderProfile(orderFeed, m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, customer.Customer);

                // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.BuySell = buySell;

                // Set the quantity.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtQuantity.Text);

                // Determine which Order Type is selected.
                if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 0)  // Market Order
                    // Set the order type to "Market" for a market order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Market;
                else if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 1)  // Limit Order
                    // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                    // Set the limit order price.
                    orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);
                else if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 2)  // Stop Market Order
                    // Set the order type to "Market" for a market order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Market;
                    // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    orderProfile.Modifiers = OrderModifiers.Stop;
                    // Set the stop price.
                    orderProfile.StopPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtStopPrice.Text);
                else if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 3)  // Stop Limit Order
                    // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                    // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    orderProfile.Modifiers = OrderModifiers.Stop;
                    // Set the limit order price.
                    orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);
                    // Set the stop price.
                    orderProfile.StopPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtStopPrice.Text);

                // Send the order.

                // Update the GUI.
                txtOrderBook.Text += String.Format("Send {0} {1}|{2}@{3}{4}",
                                                   orderProfile.OrderType == OrderType.Limit ? orderProfile.LimitPrice.ToString() : "Market Price",
            catch (Exception err)
        /// <summary>
        /// Event notification for price update
        /// </summary>
        void m_ps_FieldsUpdated(object sender, FieldsUpdatedEventArgs e)
            if (e.Error == null)
                // Make sure that there is a valid bid
                if (e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().HasValidValue)
                    if (m_orderKey == "")
                        // If there is no order working, submit one through the first valid order feed.
                        // You should use the order feed that is valid for your purposes.
                        OrderProfile op = new OrderProfile(e.Fields.Instrument.GetValidOrderFeeds()[0], e.Fields.Instrument);
                        op.BuySell = BuySell.Buy;
                        op.AccountName = "12345678";
                        op.AccountType = AccountType.A1;
                        op.OrderQuantity = Quantity.FromInt(e.Fields.Instrument, 10);
                        op.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                        op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;

                        if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                            m_orderKey = op.SiteOrderKey;
                            Console.WriteLine("Send new order succeeded.");
                    else if(m_ts.Orders.ContainsKey(m_orderKey) && 
                        m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey].LimitPrice != e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value)
                        // If there is a working order, reprice it if its price is not the same as the bid
                        OrderProfileBase op = m_ts.Orders[m_orderKey].GetOrderProfile();
                        op.LimitPrice = e.Fields.GetBestBidPriceField().Value;
                        op.Action = OrderAction.Change;

                        if (!m_ts.SendOrder(op))
                            Console.WriteLine("Send change order failed.  {0}", op.RoutingStatus.Message);
                            Console.WriteLine("Send change order succeeded.");
                if (e.Error.IsRecoverableError == false)
                    Console.WriteLine("Unrecoverable price subscription error: {0}", e.Error.Message);
        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell)
                OrderFeed orderFeed = comboBoxOrderFeed.SelectedItem as OrderFeed;
                CustomerDefaultEntry customer = cboCustomer.SelectedItem as CustomerDefaultEntry;

                OrderProfile orderProfile = new OrderProfile(orderFeed, m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, customer.Customer);

                // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.BuySell = buySell;

                // Set the quantity.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtQuantity.Text);

                // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                // Set the limit order price.
                orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);

                // Send the order.

                m_LastOrderSiteOrderKey = orderProfile.SiteOrderKey;
            catch (Exception err)
 private string LimitOrMarketPrice(OrderProfile orderProfile)
     return(orderProfile.OrderType == OrderType.Limit ? orderProfile.LimitPrice.ToString() : "Market Price");
        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell)
                OrderFeed orderFeed = comboBoxOrderFeed.SelectedItem as OrderFeed;
                CustomerDefaultEntry customer = cboCustomer.SelectedItem as CustomerDefaultEntry;

                OrderProfile orderProfile = new OrderProfile(orderFeed, m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, customer.Customer);

                // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.BuySell = buySell;

                // Set the quantity.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtQuantity.Text);

                // Determine which Order Type is selected.
                if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 0)  // Market Order
                    // Set the order type to "Market" for a market order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Market;
                else if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 1)  // Limit Order
                    // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                    // Set the limit order price.
                    orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);
                else if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 2)  // Stop Market Order
                    // Set the order type to "Market" for a market order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Market;
                    // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    orderProfile.Modifiers = OrderModifiers.Stop;
                    // Set the stop price.
                    orderProfile.StopPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtStopPrice.Text);
                else if (cboOrderType.SelectedIndex == 3)  // Stop Limit Order
                    // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                    orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;
                    // Set the order modifiers to "Stop" for a stop order.
                    orderProfile.Modifiers = OrderModifiers.Stop;
                    // Set the limit order price.
                    orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);
                    // Set the stop price.
                    orderProfile.StopPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtStopPrice.Text);

                // Send the order.

                // Update the GUI.
                txtOrderBook.Text += String.Format("Send {0} {1}|{2}@{3}{4}",
                    orderProfile.OrderType == OrderType.Limit ? orderProfile.LimitPrice.ToString() : "Market Price",
            catch (Exception err)
        /// <summary>
        /// This function sets up the OrderProfile and submits
        /// the order using the InstrumentTradeSubscription SendOrder method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="buySell">The side of the market to place the order on.</param>
        private void SendOrder(BuySell buySell)
            // make sure the user has dragged a contract before we continue
            if (m_instrumentTradeSubscription == null)

                OrderFeed orderFeed = this.cboOrderFeed.SelectedItem as OrderFeed;
                CustomerDefaultEntry customer = this.cboCustomer.SelectedItem as CustomerDefaultEntry;

                OrderProfile orderProfile = new OrderProfile(orderFeed, m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, customer.Customer);

                // Set for Buy or Sell.
                orderProfile.BuySell = buySell;

                // Set the quantity.
                orderProfile.QuantityToWork = Quantity.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtQuantity.Text);

                // Set the order type to "Limit" for a limit order.
                orderProfile.OrderType = OrderType.Limit;

                // Set the limit order price.
                orderProfile.LimitPrice = Price.FromString(m_instrumentTradeSubscription.Instrument, txtPrice.Text);

                // Send the order.
                if (m_instrumentTradeSubscription.SendOrder(orderProfile))
                    // log the order send
                    Console.WriteLine("Order Sent");
            catch (Exception err)